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Lets discuss the box office phenomenon that is Michael Bay's Transformers

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"It doesn't matter if it's shit, you're all going to watch it anyways and they're gonna make billions of dollars either way."

You'll often see this line of thinking just before the release of a highly anticipated film, whether it's on social media, GAF or speaking to your friends in real life. Reviews are shitting all over the film, but it doesn't matter, right? Marketing is all over the place. The IPs are well known and beloved. It doesn't matter if the critics hate the film, it's still going to make a killing.

Well, as we've seen recently with Batman v Superman, and many other similar films, this is not always the case. Social media is a massive force, and now more than ever, negative word of mouth can make or break a film. Whether you read it yourself, or simply heard it, you knew the buzz going into Batman v Superman's opening weekend: the critical response was the absolute shits. While such negativity usually isn't enough to slow down a massive opening weekend, these films usually get hit the hardest in the second weekend and beyond, with massive, 50%+ drops.

Now, a film that was virtually guaranteed to gross a billion dollars worldwide looks like it will struggle to get passed $850 million. Batman v Superman, a critical flop starring the two of the most recognizable and beloved pop culture icons in the world, will not pass Deadpool, an R-rated, low budget, C-tier superhero movie at the domestic box office.

Today, word of mouth is everything. Critical response to a film spreads faster then ever. The word WILL get out there: If your movie is shit, the audience is going to know, and they aren't going to watch it.

Lets take a look at the top 15 highest grossing films of all time:


With the exception of 4 films on this list, all of them are certified fresh by Rotten Tomatoes, meaning a score of 75% or more after a certain amount of time. Jurassic World comes close, with a 71%.

To me, two films stand out on this list like a sore thumb: The two Transformers films.

Look at my quote at the beginning of this post. It's usually followed by "Just look at the Transformers films!" Michael Bay's Transformers have all been absolute monsters at the box office, despite EXTREMELY negative critical reception. This series, now at four films, with another three already confirmed, seems to be the only consistently bulletproof "rotten" franchise at the box office.

Lets quickly take a look at the four films.


I remember the conversations going into the first Transformers film basically being summed up as "How the fuck are they going to do a live action Transformers?"

In the end, with the help of ILM, they made it work. Transformers was the huge summer blockbuster of 2007, and gave birth to the film franchise we now lovingly refer to as "Bayformers".

Somehow, this film just made a killing at the box office. While it seems so obvious now, at the time, we didn't know how well an 80s cartoon would translate to box office success. It certainly wasn't a homerun guarantee to make over $500 million.

In the end, while Transformers 1 wasn't a masterpiece by any means, I do think it exceeded expectations and people generally liked the film. A 57% isn't great at RT, but as you can see by the audience score, people certainly LIKED the film, and I remember word of mouth being very positive that Summer.

With the sequel confirmed, surely it's onward and upward from here.



They followed the decent Transformers 1 with this fucking turd. Racist charicatures that would make Jar Jar Binks blush. Just a terrible movie.

As you can see... the RT and audience score reflected that. The box office went UP, but I chalked that up to the overall awareness and popularity of Transformers being WAY higher since 2007 thanks to the first movie. Social media wasn't as big as it is today, and people wanted to check out the big summer blockbuster movie with robots and explosions.

Well, they did. And they saw the shits.

Transformers 3 is going to feel that pain.



And now we reach the reason why I made this thread. Transformers fucking 3. I should have known better after watching the absolute shit that was 2, but I did watch 3 in theatres, hoping 2 was just some sick misstep and that this new film would go back to what I liked about the first film. Maybe even improve it?

No. 3 was just as bad as 2, maybe worse. I seem to remember losing consciousness with my eyes still open while watching it. What a piece of shit.

The most baffling piece of this puzzle is the box office. TF3 grossed nearly $300 million more than TF2, making it the first Transformers film to hit a billion dollars. While most of that money came from overseas business, and the domestic take was actually down from TF2, THAT'S STILL A LOT OF MONEY FOR A HUGE PIECE OF SHIT.

The fact that TF3 managed to do this kind of business after the absolutely terrible TF2 is nothing short of remarkable. Not even fucking STAR WARS could follow a horrible entry with a huge box office performance like this. How was Transformers so immune to such criticism and negative word of mouth?

At this point, I think most people accepted that these films were just bulletproof when it came to the box office. And then TF4 rolled out...



After what was literally the worst film I've ever seen in theatres in Transformers 2, they crank out two more pieces of garbage that manage to gross over a billion at the box office worldwide and land in the top 15 highest grossing films of all time, mostly in the company of films that are actually well made and beloved.

Amazingly, Transformers 4 lost a solid $100 million at the domestic box office... which was made up entirely by the overseas market.

I think the overseas market is another good discussion point for this thread. While the domestic market cools on these shitty films, overseas Transformers seems bigger than ever. Does the overseas market just not care much about critical reception? Does word of mouth not effect them?

Of course, that's ridiculous. There are plenty of shitty, big budget films out there, Batman v Superman included, that certainly bet on big business from overseas markets... and they were having none of that.

So GAF, lets open this up. Why are the Transformers movies so successful, despite toxic critical response and word of mouth? Well, on the surface it seems pretty simple:

-recognizable IP
-sick cars
-sexy ladies
-impressive CGI action

But is it that simple? Many have tried to replicate the success of Transformers with that general blueprint, and none have even managed a fraction of its success.

So what is it, GAF? How can Transformers withstand such negativity and manage two, billion dollar films in a row while a Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman cross over film can't even come close? Do I just live in a weird bubble where the internet/critics/all my friends and family hate the Transformers films, but in reality everyone actually loves them? Is Michael Bay just a genius? Does China, in fact, not care? Will Transformers 5 continue the trend of $1 billion+ garbage Transformers films? I know we have some box office experts on GAF, I'd love to hear your take on it!


I believe Transformers is a household name in China because of some mobile game. I wonder what they call Optimus Prime in China.


Am I the only one that didn't realise the two annoying robots in 2 were supposed to be black?

I assumed they were rednecks, what with the teeth and accents.

But then, I am British,
Michael Bay knows how to direct action and has the perfect franchise to go buck wild

So people put up with all the other dumb shit

I'd also have no problem arguing that Transformers 1 is a legit good movie, and Transformers 3 is just absolute CARNAGE when Chicago gets wiped the fuck out
Am I the only one that didn't realise the two annoying robots in 2 were supposed to be black?

I assumed they were rednecks, what with the teeth and accents.

But then, I am British,

What I always find funny is that Jazz in the '07 film wasn't much better but doesn't catch nearly the amount of shit.


You don't understand. Optimus rode a dinosaur in one of them.

Also how the hell is Minions the 11th highest grossing movie of all time? 80% of the movie is gibberish.


People like to see stuff blown up by an auteur of blowing stuff up. For as bad as the story and characters may be, those explosions and building destructions sure are purty.


I think fans wear neg reviews like a badge of honor. Bay hits that sweet spot of big, dumb, entertainment. It's robots wrecking shit and everyone knows what Transformers are.

Why this does huge business and Pac Rim didn't? I have no fucking idea?


Also how the hell is Minions the 11th highest grossing movie of all time? 80% of the movie is gibberish.

Kids love Minions?

It also wasn't nearly as bad as the Bayformers films. Those films get vehement, BvS-esque hate from critics and fans alike. Minions was... an ok film for kids with funny, silly cartoon characters.
People that give the movie money clearly like the movie? I dont like the way you phrase "China doesnt care about reviews". Since when did movie criticism become some sort of noble barrier that protects the audience from 'bad' movies? The way you paint it, international audiences are acting irrationally or against their own interest by not listening to critics. Let the audience decide what they want.


Deep into his 30th decade
I am part of the problem. I have seen every transformer movie in the theater since 2.

I never watched the transformer cartoon or the animated movie.

I think they are terrible awful movies, and amazingly they have been getting worse, but seeing them has become a joke and a tradition between me and my friends.

Last time we went my friend and I kept a scorecard, everytime there was an obvious ad or product placement we had to call it out. Every time there was a US flag we had to call it out. Call it out first, you get the point, most points by the end wins.

We watch it, we make fun of it, and have a great time. Good thing we always seem to go when there is no one else in the theater.


Michael Bay knows how to direct action and has the perfect franchise to go buck wild

So people put up with all the other dumb shit

I'd also have no problem arguing that Transformers 1 is a legit good movie, and Transformers 3 is just absolute CARNAGE when Chicago gets wiped the fuck out

Yup. Despite all the hate, Bay actually has some genuine talent in this regard and in the action space he does what few other directors can do and what many wish they could do.


Also, Transformers in China:

Transformers 1: $37,218,823
Transformers 2: $65,837,290
Transformers 3: $165,100,000
Transformers 4: $320,000,000

FUCK ME what happened between the third and fourth one?



I saw the first three. I only saw the 3rd one because of Chicago and it was Bay's first 3D movie, which was pretty impressive. Esp the last 40 min.


Also, Transformers in China:

Transformers 1: $37,218,823
Transformers 2: $65,837,290
Transformers 3: $165,100,000
Transformers 4: $320,000,000

FUCK ME what happened between the third and fourth one?


4th was partly filmed in China.


One thing to note is that in America they've been doing worse and worse since the second.

China and other emerging markets are the places still pushing the franchise to a bill.


I believe Transformers is a household name in China because of some mobile game. I wonder what they call Optimus Prime in China.

According to TFWiki the movie version of Prime has multiple names:

Cantonese: O Baak Man (Hong Kong, 柯柏文)
Mandarin: Khē Pó Wén (Taiwan, 柯博文), Qíng Tīan Zhù (China, 擎天柱, "Pillar that Supports the Sky")

Anyway, the movies keep succeeding because they don't promise to be anything more than explosions, hot girls, and big robots doing big robot things. That's it. They're an embarrassment to the franchise in terms of storytelling (which is already quite a statement in itself) but they make a ton of money so Hasbro will keep pumping them out.

TF1 an TF3 are legitimately fun movies though.


I'll never forget the beginning of the first Transformer's movie when the first decepticon transformed (the helicopter). Felt like I was in the future. Good times.


The first Transformers is pretty decent all around. I was 13 when it first came out so I loved it back then. The second Transformers is terrible except for the forest fight. The last 30 minutes of the third one is pretty good.

There is nothing redeemable about Age of Extinction. They somehow managed to make Optimus Prime wielding a sword and riding a giant dinosaur robot be boring as hell.


I'm always a bit baffled when people say TF3 was worse than TF2. It really wasn't, even if we're using the TF film quality scale. It was better in every single way. TF2 is one of the worst films I've seen in a fucking long ass time.

What's interesting after reading this thread is the realization that I actually find TF1 and TF3 more entertaining films than BvS.
Also, Transformers in China:

Transformers 1: $37,218,823
Transformers 2: $65,837,290
Transformers 3: $165,100,000
Transformers 4: $320,000,000

FUCK ME what happened between the third and fourth one?


China to start producing their own 30 feet tall massive destruction transforming robots


I like the Transformers movies. I think Michael Bay is a very talented director at staging the sort of action he does, even though the characters and plot suffer a lot when he doesn't care and works with crappy writers over and over. To this day there are no live action big budget robot action films as exciting as the Transformers movies. I don't think Pacific Rim compares, although I admire Del Toro's passion.

I like the first Transformers is a legitimately fun movie introducing audiences to the world and having a workable narrative arc. It's just a bit too long. Transformers 2 was the worst by far and most of it didn't even make logical sense. Transformers 3 was dark, bleak, and by the end a little too violent for my liking. It was also way too long. Transformer 4 I actually felt was a huge rebound in terms of being the sort of Transformers movie I want to see. Good villains, lots of team based set pieces, great robot action, excellent use of Hong Kong as a setting. But man, it was long as fuck. Being way too long seems to be a running theme. All the films could probably lose a few subplots and knock 30-40 minutes off the runtime and be better for it.

I've watched every single Transformers movie at least 2-3 times in the cinema, and I watched all the later ones in IMAX 3D. Love it. Not surprised it makes so much money really. Until someone steps it up and brings the same sort of experience with better quality, there just isn't competition.


I'm always a bit baffled when people say TF3 was worse than TF2. It really wasn't, even if we're using the TF film quality scale. It was better in every single way. TF2 is one of the worst films I've seen in a fucking long ass time.

What's interesting after reading this thread is the realization that I actually find TF1 and TF3 more entertaining films than BvS.

Yeah, I don't get it. TF2 is just completely mishandled all around due to the writers' strike. Bay was literally just coming up with ideas, told Orci and Kurtzman to whip up a script before the strike, and then filmed it. Everything is nonsense, Skids and Mudflap are racist caricatures, The Fallen's plan and (lack of a) background make no sense, geography is non-existent, the CGI is partially unfinished (seriously look at how video gamey it looks like Optimus fights The Fallen), and on and on and on. TF2 is a big mess *airhorn*.

TF3 has much better action, the plot is more sensible, the dumb jokes are scaled back immensely (even if there's some stupid stuff like Ken Jeong and the boss character who goes nowhere), everything is just better.
It's because Transformers is dumb, entertaining spectacle, whereas Pacific Rim is boring, dreadful, inconsistent shit.


Pacific Rim is eons above the Transformers movies. Plus it has GAF darling and patron saint, Idris Elba.

I did enjoy TF1 and some parts of TF3 as well though, just preferred Pacific Rim more.



which brings me to my next question

Why isn't every blockbuster partly filmed in China?

Why the mother fuck didn't they partly film BvS in China? Get it together WB!

It's not just about being filmed in a country or having known actors. TF4 went above and beyond that. No matter what people might think about the actual movie's story or whatever, Bay really filmed the shit out of Hong Kong and China in the final act of the movie. Not only was there amazing robot action in amazing detail set in the middle of Hong Kong's financial district, but they also had extended action sequences showcasing other parts of Hong Kong with human action, an on foot chase scene on rooftops, and there's a big action scene near the end shot in the beautiful Wulong Valley. This is the sort of resonance you can't just lazily fit into a film. TF4 was fucking dedicated.


You still get fanboys that will argue that box office success justifies their positive opinion. Action popcorn flicks do well, but as shown there's no guarantee of critical acclaim.

I don't think the Transformer movies have done the franchise any harm. People pretty much expect cheesy movies full of special effects. Transformers will move on doing the same and continue to have success.

I was incredibly disappointed in Batman vs Superman. That movie has done a lot of harm to the franchise IMO that now needs fixing. People don't get to sluff that off just because it had box office success. Moving on doing the same would be even more disappointing and a much higher chance of bombing at the box office.


I like the Transformers movies. I think Michael Bay is a very talented director at staging the sort of action he does, even though the characters and plot suffer a lot when he doesn't care and works with crappy writers over and over. To this day there are no live action big budget robot action films as exciting as the Transformers movies. I don't think Pacific Rim compares, although I admire Del Toro's passion.

I like the first Transformers is a legitimately fun movie introducing audiences to the world and having a workable narrative arc. It's just a bit too long. Transformers 2 was the worst by far and most of it didn't even make logical sense. Transformers 3 was dark, bleak, and by the end a little too violent for my liking. It was also way too long. Transformer 4 I actually felt was a huge rebound in terms of being the sort of Transformers movie I want to see. Good villains, lots of team based set pieces, great robot action, excellent use of Hong Kong as a setting. But man, it was long as fuck. Being way too long seems to be a running theme. All the films could probably lose a few subplots and knock 30-40 minutes off the runtime and be better for it.

I've watched every single Transformers movie at least 2-3 times in the cinema, and I watched all the later ones in IMAX 3D. Love it. Not surprised it makes so much money really. Until someone steps it up and brings the same sort of experience with better quality, there just isn't competition.

I've been saying this for years. He's really good technically. Esp when he shot in 3D on the 3rd one. He slowed down his chaos and those actions scenes are really great.


I liked TF4 (though subsequent viewings didn't hold up as well as the first or third films) and "starting from scratch" with new characters for the most part but found the man-made transformation process to be dumber than anything found in TF2. A real letdown.

The standard transformations are some of the most exciting parts of the CGI despite it looking messy in parts. Seeing every gear and panel shift and change blew my fucking mind when the first film came out.

Now, we've got floating Duplo block swarms zooming around in the wind melding in to knock-offs (though said knock-offs were for a reason). It's a shame seeing Galvatron being reduced to that - hopefully they fix that in the future as I quite liked his role and origins in TF4 (even though I believe they used it from the Animated series).


I've been saying this for years. He's really good technically. Esp when he shot in 3D on the 3rd one. He slowed down his chaos and those actions scenes are really great.

Yeah, he doesn't just throw the camera at stuff willy nilly. Think of the airdrop sequence from TF3 or Prime cutting through hordes of Decepticons like butter after swooping in with his jetpack.


Yeah, he doesn't just throw the camera at stuff willy nilly. Think of the airdrop sequence from TF3 or Prime cutting through hordes of Decepticons like butter after swooping in with his jetpack.

I watched him film in Chicago and it looked like unorganized craziness. Bombs going off everywhere and I thought how the fuck is this going to make sense? and then I saw the movie and was blown away.


I don't recall which Transformers film the scene is from, but the scene on the freeway/highway/over/underpass where the robots are fighting and flipping and going from cars to robots, cars to robots, cars to robots is so epic, fluid and memorable to me - even if I don't recall what movie it's from. LOL


Transformers 3 was dark, bleak, and by the end a little too violent for my liking. It was also way too long.

Man, it was like they noticed how people were saying Prime got a little too savage in 2 and rather than fix it took it to the extreme. I hate his movie rendition.
It's not just about being filmed in a country or having known actors. TF4 went above and beyond that. No matter what people might think about the actual movie's story or whatever, Bay really filmed the shit out of Hong Kong and China in the final act of the movie. Not only was there amazing robot action in amazing detail set in the middle of Hong Kong's financial district, but they also had extended action sequences showcasing other parts of Hong Kong with human action, an on foot chase scene on rooftops, and there's a big action scene near the end shot in the beautiful Wulong Valley. This is the sort of resonance you can't just lazily fit into a film. TF4 was fucking dedicated.

He even had a Chinese pop star named Han Geng in the movie


I had no idea who that dude was but to a Chinese audience that probably got a decent reaction. Bay earned that China gross.
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