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*Spoilers* LOST S6 Opening Scene discussion thread of seeing the future *Spoilers*

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BenjaminBirdie said:
I can't think of a better transition I've seen on the show. Totally breathtaking!

I'd say, Radzinsky re-starting the drill at the swan site in S5 finale and the camera panning down into the shaft with a fantastic Giachinno piece ramping up in intensity as the screen goes to black, with '30 years ago' and boom! Flocke leading everyone with Hollywood & vines in the background, very easily tops this.
In all honesty, I personally don't consider this video a spoiler. Spoilers are reading a DarkUFO post that's like:

And then a car drives up and IT'S KATE!


Jack argues with her and yells "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" and WHAMMO! END OF SEASON!

Heh. Just writing that out reminds me how goddamned awesome that was.


Will Eat Your Children

At first I was like HOLY SHIT, but then it was mehh
Oh man, I am looking forward to riding the Meh Wave this season.

It's Dark Tower all over again. I expect another big win for my Team. THE AWESOME TEAM.


To be fair, I'll say again, I think there's a little more to the scene than what they showed, it's only meant just to be a taste, if you will. But I loved it. I loved the transition from 1977 to 200X. I loved how Jack seemed disoriented & confused the entire time--his demeanor was a combination of he's in a strange yet familiar place and he knew something fucked up was going to at any minute. Very tense indeed. Jack even seemed surprised & confused that the turbulence faded. The little differences were cool.

Where's Charlie!? Where's Locke!?(remember he's supposed to be a few rows ahead of Jack). Will this have any affect on Sun?

Hyyyyype overload.
I Push Fat Kids said:
I have this weird feeling that I'm going to be totally letdown by this season...


I have the same feeling that you're going to be totally let down by this season.

Man, the Polar Boro really got it so right. Why can't people just let themselves get blindly excited for stuff? Why do people feel the need to preemptively doubt the feasibility of something being fucking awesome?

If you got hit by a truck tomorrow, you would die thinking LOST probably sucks as opposed to LOST being something that's awesome.

Why are people so averse to having one other nice thing in their lives?

As somebody reading The Dark Tower, I would like to request no casual Dark Tower spoilers, just in case they're on their way. Thanks guys!

I don't see how this season can't be awesome, but it's inevitable some people will go in expecting the worst. It's kinda make or break in many ways now.
In other words:

Damon Lindelof said:
And what’s the matter with saying I want Season 6 of “Lost” to be the greatest season ever? But people won’t say it because it’s easier for them to approach it as, "It’s going to let me down, it’s going to disappoint me, it’s going to prove that they were making it up as they went along, they’re not going to answer the questions that I really care about." So if we do those things, they’ll be like, “Oh, I’m pleasantly surprised.”

But if we don’t do those things, then they’ll be like, "It’s exactly what I’ve been saying all along." It’s like, "Is that what you were saying all along? Because then you’re a moron for watching the show for five seasons." You know? Why would you ever let us set you up for such a grand disappointment?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I have the same feeling that you're going to be totally let down by this season.

Man, the Polar Boro really got it so right. Why can't people just let themselves get blindly excited for stuff? Why do people feel the need to preemptively doubt the feasibility of something being fucking awesome?

If you got hit by a truck tomorrow, you would die thinking LOST probably sucks as opposed to LOST being something that's awesome.

Why are people so averse to having one other nice thing in their lives?


It's not that don't LOVE to HYPE myself, I'm just skeptical that this season will really provide a capper to the show. Trust me when I say I hope for the best, but until it gets going, who knows.


Subconscious Brolonging
The second half of that scene was found hidden on the USB flash drive. Super top secret spoilers within:

*The camera pans around to reveal more of the Losties, it then cuts to the cabin of the plane.*

Co-Pilot: "My instruments are acting weird. Are you seeing this?"

Pilot: "Yeah, my readings say we're in the northern Atlantic, there is no way that's right."

Co-Pilot: "Maybe the turbulence threw them off?"

Pilot: "Could be, I'll ra-"

*The plane shudders violently, alarms begin to sound in the cabin and then everything shuts down.*

Pilot: "Everything is dead! What the hell!?"

Co-Pilot: "We've lost all power!"

*The plane falls out of the sky, streaking towards to the ocean and just as it hits the scene changes to the interior of a small dark office in the FBI's basement.*

*The camera pans around from an open file with pictures of the 815 passengers to a beautiful, red-headed FBI agent sitting in front of the desk*

Scully: "Mulder, that is the dumbest theory I have ever heard come out of your mouth."

Mulder: "Okay Scully, then how do you explain Oceanic 815 traveling from the pacific ocean to just off the coast of Greenland in less than a minute? I'd love to hear your theory."

Scully: "I don't know, but it certainly has nothing to do with magic numbers, a zany band of time-traveling people, Egyptian gods, or secret scientific communities."

Mulder: "Or polar bears."

Scully: "Or polar bears. Look Mulder, I'm sure there is a perfectly sound scientific explanation for the crash of Flight 815. We just need to dig a little deeper than the tabloid headlines to find it."

Mulder: "That sounds like a fantastic idea."

*Mulder holds up two plane tickets.*

Mulder: "Pack your bags Scully, we leave for Nuuk, Greenland tomorrow morning."

*Scully's displeasure is read plainly on her face. She reluctantly grabs a plane ticket and turns to walk out the door. Mulder smiles.*

My theory is that all this reset stuff is not actually a reset but a simple "what if they hadn't crashed..." , you would see Pathetilocke rottin away in the box company, Jack succumbing away to alcohol, Kate getting in jail, Rose dying of cancer, Jin and Sun breaking up and many other shitty situations I can't remember. The whole episode is going to be about this and will convince you that they NEEDED to crash because it's actually been beneficial for them. The whole episode is going to be this "what-if" and they're going to tell us what happened with the bomb in either the 2nd episode or the 3rd episode (I would fucking commit suicide if they made me wait a week to know what the bomb actually did...)

Best bailout gif ever :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:

Now THIS I don't think I'll read.


Yea. I dint consider SEEING what's going to happen for myself early a spoiler, but reading someone elses summary is certainly spoilery.

As a matter of fact, Spier, please edit those out. If you happen to find a video post it and add it to the OP. But text based spoilers are out of place here.


BenjaminBirdie said:
In all honesty, I personally don't consider this video a spoiler. Spoilers are reading a DarkUFO post that's like:

Heh. Just writing that out reminds me how goddamned awesome that was.


I don't consider this a spoiler. It's a preview. Anything officially released by ABC does not count as a spoiler in my book.
Blader5489 said:

I don't consider this a spoiler. It's a preview. Anything officially released by ABC does not count as a spoiler in my book.

I consider preview videos to be spoilers, in that things are shown out of context and I'm seeing stuff before it happens. This, I'm seeing a few days earlier, but it's the same content I'd see later in the same order.

I try and avoid previews altogether, but I've failed before.
I just read a slightly spoiler going to DarkUFO because I trusted that guy that another video had leaked. Essentially, he should probably be killed.


Spire said:
The second half of that scene was found hidden on the USB flash drive. Super top secret spoilers within:

From the OP:

ONLY Discuss what's shown in the sneak peak video. All other spoilers are banished!!

edit edit edit your post. Again. Find us a video and it will be added to the OP


It took all my willpower not to look at those spoilers. I highlighted the first 3 lines and said "fuck this"


Junior Member
Didn't watch. Hopefully I'll hold until Tuesday.
dabig2 said:
It took all my willpower not to look at those spoilers. I highlighted the first 3 lines and said "fuck this"
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh man, I am looking forward to riding the Meh Wave this season.

It's Dark Tower all over again. I expect another big win for my Team. THE AWESOME TEAM.

I like your attitude!

edit: I hope you don't mind me stealing it

Flocke will also be on the plane with them, and he'll know that he's been 'beaten'. We'll see Locke very, very angry on the plane.

big ander

BigFwoosh said:
The island may have cured the cancer permanently though. I don't think we ever knew that she would get the cancer back if she left the island.
But she hasn't just left the island. She's entered an alternate timeline. One where she never went to the island.
I felt bad for watching it at first, but now I'm fine. I think it's going to twist more. :D


well not really...yet
Just atched it...

Was expecting that when they flashed to the alternate reality, they would somehow still remember everything that happened on the Island. Guess that won't be happening...
Dead said:
Just atched it...

Was expecting that when they flashed to the alternate reality, they would somehow still remember everything that happened on the Island. Guess that won't be happening...

Jack obviously remembers SOMETHING.
Exclamation-One said:
Jack obviously remembers SOMETHING.

Maybe. Or maybe he just has a feeling. I really doubt he's gonna be all "WE SHOULDA LANDED ON AN ISLAND, KATE!"

Possible exception being Locke, just to keep all those crazy Locke fans special and make him special after all :(
TheGreatDave said:
Maybe. Or maybe he just has a feeling. I really doubt he's gonna be all "WE SHOULDA LANDED ON AN ISLAND, KATE!"

Possible exception being Locke, just to keep all those crazy Locke fans special and make him special after all :(

Locke is still my favorite character. Probably the only other characters that come close are Sawyer and Ben. Jack is just too damn boring. Same with Kate. Let them have each other and disappear.


TheGreatDave said:
Maybe. Or maybe he just has a feeling. I really doubt he's gonna be all "WE SHOULDA LANDED ON AN ISLAND, KATE!"

Possible exception being Locke, just to keep all those crazy Locke fans special and make him special after all :(

If it is following the Flashes Before Your Eyes model, Jack remembers but not quite clearly. Also, I'm not sure all of the Losties will be aware of what happened in the timeline with the crash. It could only be the people that were at the Swan site when Jughead detonated, just like Desmond was the only person to start flashing when the Swan station imploded.
wtf is going to happen to juliet?! Is she going to be in ben's camp? Will the alternate timeline where jacob is dead be destroyed?
Yaweee said:
If it is following the Flashes Before Your Eyes model, Jack remembers but not quite clearly. Also, I'm not sure all of the Losties will be aware of what happened in the timeline with the crash. It could only be the people that were at the Swan site when Jughead detonated, just like Desmond was the only person to start flashing when the Swan station imploded.
Or only the people that Jacob touched.
PhoncipleBone said:
Locke is still my favorite character. Probably the only other characters that come close are Sawyer and Ben. Jack is just too damn boring. Same with Kate. Let them have each other and disappear.

I like Locke. I just enjoy the idea of him being a failure and a walking disaster more than him being magical.
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