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Nintendo: 35 million Wiis in US by 2012

Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Great answer. Economically this is the best choice.
That's what he says, but the reality has to be that the people who developed the N64 and the GCN and the Wii all have to be thinking about the next gen, just a little. They pretty much have to be thinking, "what can we fit into the Wii's physical and electrical and cost footprint come 2012". At some point, probably in 2010 or so, Iwata will go to these people and say "go forth and design the successor to the Wii" and at that point he will tell them what he wants the Wii's successor to be, and they will go forth and design it.

I think Harrison is right in that the actual design of the next nintendo console is not yet underway, but even he has to know that there are engineers at Nintendo and ATI and IBM all thinking about it a little bit at a time.

tired now.

go sleep.

Eteric Rice

HyperionX said:
That's 1 game. Would you tolerate every single game looking like Pokemon in 1997?

They do look like Pokemon in 1997. The only difference is the new ones have color, and the pixels aren't as huge.

Oh, and rather pointless 3D in the DS version. :lol


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
TJ Spyke said:
The last (licensed) NES game came out in 1994 (Wario's Woods, for those wondering). The last PlayStation game came out in 2005. Hell, even the Commodore 64 had games coming out 12 years after it launched. The point is, I guess it's that the age of the tech doesn't matter.

Besides, the DS showed that games will drastically improve graphically when developers actually try (go back and look at the difference between most early DS games and current DS games).
Erm.. Fire Emblem Thracia 776 came out in September 1999 for the SNES


Eteric Rice said:
They do look like Pokemon in 1997. The only difference is the new ones have color, and the pixels aren't as huge.

Oh, and rather pointless 3D in the DS version. :lol

The N64, PSX, and Saturn were all out by '97, so I hope this was a joke.
zallaaa said:
I's a good 8 millions consoles sold every year for 4 years. It could be possible but not so likely in my opinion, to many factors needed to keep the current rate of sales. also, I don't know why but I have a bit of a doubt about the long-term capability of the console.

Consoles don't just stop selling...


The Wii's impressive start has made Nintendo confident--cocky, even--about the console's long-term viability. Today in an interview with the Bloomberg news service, Nintendo of America Senior Vice President of Marketing George Harrison predicted that there would be an installed base of 35 million Wiis in the US by 2012. For comparison purposes, the PlayStation 2 has sold 38.5 million units in the US since its release in October 2000. "Demand is much greater than we anticipated,'' he told Bloomberg. "A year ago no one thought we would be in this position.''

I just noticed this. Such great insight from gamespot's Tor Thorsen. Editorializing in a news piece, and the suckage of game journalism continues.


they need to start manufacturing wiis the way sony manufactured ps2s

ie: work for one year, then break down, forcing people to repurchase a new one OR send it in to nintendo and get a refurbished unit which they can then add to their total # of systems shipped.

If they do that, they'll easily hit 80 million wiis


i'm not a big fan of waggle or nintendo games, but one thing i will enjoy if wii keeps selling this well is the bitter tears of graphics whores across the internet.

come on, wii. get to 200 million.

Eteric Rice

My only problem with waggle is that some companies are reaaaaly over using it.

Like for instance, flicking the wii-mote shouldn't make you jump... Cripes...


If Nintendo wasn't so incompetent when it came to hardware supply, they could reach 35 million in the US by 2010. Problem is, for the next few years, you'll probably have trouble finding Wii's in general availability since Nintendo will probably prefer to make just enough rather than too many.


I am pretty sure in a few years Nintendo will be able to sell the Wii at $49 without any losses. It might not be a real contender in the video game market by then but a cheap toy that adds some nice fun to serious video gaming.

But I guess at least the 3rd party games will look like that. We'll see a flood of games coming and all have to compete against each other and against Nintendo's stuff. That will keep production values low, because until Wii really sells those 35M sometime it is neither a Gameboy or NDS in sales #s.

For me it will be a nice 2nd console for the bunch of quality must-haves like Mario, MP, Zelda etc. But this gen hundret million of gamers were able to live without the Mario or Zelda, will the Wiimote really change that and make the Wii that more interesting for hardcore gamers and the millionth of former PS2/xbox owners?


Deku said:
I just noticed this. Such great insight from gamespot's Tor Thorsen. Editorializing in a news piece, and the suckage of game journalism continues.
Gamespot, urg. I hope sites like this suffer as the market moves in a direction (or company) they have been biased against for years.

"Demand is much greater than we anticipated,'' - yeah sounds arrogant and cocky to me.

Here's the original story:



Odysseus said:
... but one thing i will enjoy if wii keeps selling this well is the bitter tears of graphics whores across the internet.
Unfortunately you are so right, thinking of how the next Wave Race could have looked on 360/PS3 hardware and what the Retro graphics team could have done with that power I already cried the one or other bucket full

and actually I dont believe talented programmers or designers are really happy to see what they could do if not being tied to Nintendo.


My sister who has never really been that interested in video games, and has never bought any console before, bought a Wii two weeks ago. Nothing seems impossible with this system, Nintendo knows their stuff.


Odysseus said:
i'm not a big fan of waggle or nintendo games, but one thing i will enjoy if wii keeps selling this well is the bitter tears of graphics whores across the internet.

come on, wii. get to 200 million.


Just like democracy, even retards can vote. Replace retards with consumers.


quetz67 said:
It looks like fun (though much too easy).

But R&C ToD looks like fun and it looks great, while this look more meh the more time passes

Do you happen to do Famitsu's reviews?

Eteric Rice

quetz67 said:
It looks like fun (though much too easy).

But R&C ToD looks like fun and it looks great, while this look more meh the more time passes

Well it is a simple game. I was trying to demonstate graphical capability more than the gameplay. :p

My point was that the wii can make some nice games. :|


Eteric Rice said:
Well it is a simple game. I was trying to demonstate graphical capability more than the gameplay. :p

My point was that the wii can make some nice games. :|
The graphical capabilities are as expected, a little above the GC. Using the right style games can look nice, but I doubt we will see any impressive games with our viewing habits changing with all the next gen media. Just watched the new Assassins Creed Trailer and that simply a different league

Eteric Rice

Eh, I played GC and PS2 while having a high end PC with high end graphics. I think I, and most people can live without HD, etc. :p
quetz67 said:
The graphical capabilities are as expected, a little above the GC. Using the right style games can look nice, but I doubt we will see any impressive games with our viewing habits changing with all the next gen media. Just watched the new Assassins Creed Trailer and that simply a different league

Depends on your definition of impressive. I imagine I will find Wind Waker to be one of the most beautiful games of all time until the day I die.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
quetz67 said:
But this gen hundret million of gamers were able to live without the Mario or Zelda, will the Wiimote really change that and make the Wii that more interesting for hardcore gamers and the millionth of former PS2/xbox owners?
DS owners are likely to have a wii. Each time you see a DS ad, it somehow benefits the Wii. And the Wii will soon share the same mass market games and non games that made the DS successful. This time Nintendo will have online titles. Mario Galaxy made a tremendous impression at E3. Mii games are new system sellers GC never had. Third party support is much stronger than the GC. Wii is a sexy tiny device. It has some channels already, with more coming. I could go on like this, but I'm sure this is enough for anyone to admit Wii's potential should not be compared to the GC.
quetz67 said:
The graphical capabilities are as expected, a little above the GC. Using the right style games can look nice, but I doubt we will see any impressive games with our viewing habits changing with all the next gen media. Just watched the new Assassins Creed Trailer and that simply a different league
We get it, you're a graphics whore.


Its possible, but i wonder why they make so much news about these predictions. Everyone can predict, but its impossible to say what the future brings for sure.


test_account said:
Its possible, but i wonder why they make so much news about these predictions. Everyone can predict, but its impossible to say what the future brings for sure.

Every company predicts and plans.

If you're a third party studio boss and you read that, if you acknowledge that it is most likely to happen, you jump in.

TJ Spyke

Because they know we love these predictions. Who will ever forget Sony's claim that they could sell the first 5 million PS3's even without any games? How is that working out for them?


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Deku said:
I just noticed this. Such great insight from gamespot's Tor Thorsen. Editorializing in a news piece, and the suckage of game journalism continues.
Totally expected. After the wii arrival video it is clear they completely hate the wii and everything it is trying to do.

It seems to me that the big sites (gamespot, 1up etc) are trying their best to reduce the wii hype as they will probably lose out this gen on site hits and advertisment money if nintendo has the largest market share and sony/microsoft is much lower than before.


Odysseus said:
they also said they would sell 50 million gamecubes at one point

although this is certainly a more believable guestimate, given the current climate

12.81 Million GameCubes + 22.19 Million Wii's
= 35 Million Wii!


Wait, just kidding. :lol


The Translator
Nintendo of America Senior Vice President of Marketing George Harrison predicted that there would be an installed base of 35 million Wiis in the US by 2012.

let's just wait and see. Nothing is impossible, but statements like this often come back to bite you in the arse.


I don't see why Nintendo could not sell more then this forecast...

For me this "Nintendo" has a plan and knows where it wants to be in X amount of years...something which you always thought they never had during and pre GCN era.

Sony and MS really don't seem too inclined to actually drive the industry...atleast gaming wise....they are pushing area's that are less mass-market and more niche...

When I read a presentation or listen to a presentation by Nintendo whether it be by Iwata or Reggie...you really start to see and observe that they are looking at a bigger picture as opposed to MS and Sony.

To put it ery simply...I think Nintendo knows where it wants to be...just like Kutaragi has/had plans for the Playstation 3 to onwards...


Furoba said:
12.81 Million GameCubes + 22.19 Million Wii's
= 35 Million Wii!l

You have to divide the GameCube numbers in order to make this bad joke. [2 GameCubes -> 1 Wii]

I see the problem not with demand, but with supply.


35m is an aggressive estimate, but not at all unlikely or unachieveable. I wouldn't be surprised if Wii went on to become Nintendo's best selling console, DS is already looking to outdo the Game Boy legacy, and that's even with a PlayStation against it...


Junior Member
hadareud said:
let's just wait and see. Nothing is impossible, but statements like this often come back to bite you in the arse.
It rarely comes back to bite them in the ass. They just keep plugging on. He probably did it to take a stand on whether the Wii would stop selling.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
bumpkin said:
I think that's conservative. The system has sold 7 million in just under six months, so that's 14 a year... There's 5 years until 2012...

5 * 14 = 70

Gamespot am fail at Math.
I'll let someone else take this one....


Shiggy said:
You have to divide the GameCube numbers in order to make this bad joke. [2 GameCubes -> 1 Wii]

I see the problem not with demand, but with supply.

Isn't it 1,5 GameCubes -> 1 Wii? I couldn't calculate it with that logic. :lol
But I'll stop the bad joke here.

35 million Wii's is quite the number, more than the 50 million GameCube's worldwide number they once claimed. If they can really emulate the same succes as the DS in the long run, they really earn the brand name Revolution IMO.


Junior Member
bumpkin said:
I think that's conservative. The system has sold 7 million in just under six months, so that's 14 a year... There's 5 years until 2012...

5 * 14 = 70

Gamespot am fail at Math.
Um, you are using Worldwide numbers, they are specifically talking about NA numbers.


bumpkin said:
I think that's conservative. The system has sold 7 million in just under six months, so that's 14 a year... There's 5 years until 2012...

5 * 14 = 70

Gamespot am fail at Math.

I have my doubts that the selling rate will be the same as it is now all they way to 2012. We'll see tho.
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