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Uncharted 2 world premiere at Spike VGAs


SamBishop said:
If the pics are from the trailer that I watched today, then it will all make sense, and it's one of the most coordinated teases of information I've seen Sony pull off in a long while. The screens (and, if it's actually what's going to be shown Sunday, the video) that I've had an early look at are absolutely fantastic. Soooo pumped for this game...

Tell me more stuff about stuff.
theBishop said:

:lol at the pic


FFObsessed said:
Tell me more stuff about stuff.

Main Entry: stuff
Pronunciation: \ˈstəf\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estuffes goods, from estuffer to fill in (with rubble), furnish, equip, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German stopfōn to stop up, from Vulgar Latin *stuppare
Date: 14th century
:special knowledge or capability <showing their stuff>

Sorry, that's all I've got...


I'd be in the dick
Saw the scan and from what I can see it looks awesome. Will have to wait for better quality though. It looks like Uncharted again, which is all I want.


Felium Defensor
EschatonDX said:
I have some bullet points from the Game Informer. Is it okay to post those?
I think so. People do that for the EGM threads all the time so I don't see a problem doing the same for GI. Uncharted 2 bullet points please. :D


Has no PEINS
FFObsessed said:

Did you ever write a KZ2 preview? I'd like to know what you think.
Listen to last week's Podcast Beyond from IGN, homeboy was jizzing in his pants before it was popular


FFObsessed said:

Did you ever write a KZ2 preview? I'd like to know what you think.

My build never actually worked on my debug (and only mine, oddly enough; all the other outlets had it up and running fine), so I'm still waiting for one to come down (probably early next year) that may actually work. Otherwise, Killzone 2 is so powerful that it actually brokeded my debug!!

I figured there would be more than enough luv out there for general impressions, and when a review-ish build finally comes out and I can play through things from start to finish, then I doubt there'll be a force on this planet that can keep me from gushing about it.

[edit] ^^^^^^^^^ Or what he said, heh. Plus, it's worth it to just hear Greg's call from the future.


there looks like Drake is in a shanty town type of area, that and/or a construction site. It day and no snow around


TheExodu5 said:
Kittonwy got banned again? Man, some mod really hates him. :lol

Or his gimmick and propensity for perhaps getting a bit too involved in things with said gimmick. So long as he's still able to read this stuff, I doubt you can count on his ethereal presence moving far from this thread. He's here in spirit, yo!


- The biggest thing in the article IMO is that there's a new girl named Chloe Frazer. GI asked about Elena and Sully's return but they had no comment.
- The story is about looking for the ships that Marco Polo "lost" while returning home to Italy.
- Melee combat is more dynamic now.
- They mentioned they were using only 30% of the PS3's power with Drake's Fortune and are planning to use nearly 100% with Among Thieves.
- A demo was shown to GI with Drake going through a city (I believe in Nepal), and he's stealthily taking out guards and escaping the city.
- Nolan North returns to be Drake and Chloe Frazer is played by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1, Fargate).
- The Sixaxis mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.
- One of the weapons revealed is a rocket launcher that Chloe uses (might only be for the cinematic).
- There are no load screens.
- The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy from the first one).
- Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
- You can now move while aiming behind cover.


- I'm not sure how to explain this one so this is what it says:
"In Uncharted 2, every character fully interacts with the dynamic geometry moving around them, and environments in the background are real parts of the game world"
"If Drake's on top of a train, he's going to be shaking with the train as it moves around"
"As he gets inside, his moveset is going to change, and he's going to be a lot more secure because the wind's not blowing."

- The graphics look better than Uncharted 1.
- Button sequence cinematics such as the final boss have changed so now Drake is now fully controllable in these parts...I think (This one's also hard to describe).
- Climbing seems improved upon. You can climb lamp posts now among other new things.
- If there is an enemy patrolling a rooftop you're climbing a wall to, you can pull him off the roof while hanging on the wall.


Felium Defensor
Awesome stuff guys/gals. Thanks for posting bullet points for the rest of us.
This game will be sex. Absolute hot passionate sex.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
FFObsessed said:

Did you ever write a KZ2 preview? I'd like to know what you think.

I remember he did a blog post a while ago appreciating Killzone's concept art... pretty sure he's a fan.


anyway, it looks like there is a playable demo that GI saw, so I guess saying it be out in 2009 is a good bet. That and the graphics look really awesome
Guled said:
- The Sixaxis mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.

Fuck. This was the only instance of Sixaxis that I enjoyed in ANY game. I really liked how I didn't have pull the camera upwards just to arc the grenade.


Jack Scofield said:
Fuck. This was the only instance of Sixaxis that I enjoyed in ANY game. I really liked how I didn't have pull the camera upwards just to arc the grenade.

Yeah I actually love the sixaxis use :(


hide your water-based mammals
Guled said:
- I'm not sure how to explain this one so this is what it says:
"In Uncharted 2, every character fully interacts with the dynamic geometry moving around them, and environments in the background are real parts of the game world"
"If Drake's on top of a train, he's going to be shaking with the train as it moves around"
"As he gets inside, his moveset is going to change, and he's going to be a lot more secure because the wind's not blowing."

- The graphics look better than Uncharted 1.
- Button sequence cinematics such as the final boss have changed so now Drake is now fully controllable in these parts...I think (This one's also hard to describe).
- Climbing seems improved upon. You can climb lamp posts now among other new things.
- If there is an enemy patrolling a rooftop you're climbing a wall to, you can pull him off the roof while hanging on the wall.
:D :D

Guled said:
- The biggest thing in the article IMO is that there's a new girl named Chloe Frazer. GI asked about Elena and Sully's return but they had no comment.
- The story is about looking for the ships that Marco Polo "lost" while returning home to Italy.
- Melee combat is more dynamic now.
- They mentioned they were using only 30% of the PS3's power with Drake's Fortune and are planning to use nearly 100% with Among Thieves.
- A demo was shown to GI with Drake going through a city (I believe in Nepal), and he's stealthily taking out guards and escaping the city.
- Nolan North returns to be Drake and Chloe Frazer is played by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1, Fargate).
- The Sixaxis mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.
- One of the weapons revealed is a rocket launcher that Chloe uses (might only be for the cinematic).
- There are no load screens.
- The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy from the first one).
- Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
- You can now move while aiming behind cover.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Jack Scofield said:
Fuck. This was the only instance of Sixaxis that I enjoyed in ANY game. I really liked how I didn't have pull the camera upwards just to arc the grenade.
Agreed, well not the only one for me, but I thought the grenades were fun. I hope they have an option to turn it on.


SamBishop said:
My build never actually worked on my debug (and only mine, oddly enough; all the other outlets had it up and running fine), so I'm still waiting for one to come down (probably early next year) that may actually work. Otherwise, Killzone 2 is so powerful that it actually brokeded my debug!!

I figured there would be more than enough luv out there for general impressions, and when a review-ish build finally comes out and I can play through things from start to finish, then I doubt there'll be a force on this planet that can keep me from gushing about it.

[edit] ^^^^^^^^^ Or what he said, heh. Plus, it's worth it to just hear Greg's call from the future.

Awesome, heh.

And I'll have you know I've listened to every Podcast Beyond! Greg's call was indeed hilarious, tho it interrupted Jeff's KZ2 talk, who seems quite hot on the game! :D

Don't forget to talk about the online portion when you do your preview, if you get a chance to play it.

And back to Uncharted 2....

Those details are pretty much what I'd hoped for. New woman eh? I hope Elena kills her! hmpf

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm actually glad they're getting rid of the Sixaxis control. They could keep it in as an option, but it did nothing for me, and made me avoid using grenades.
- The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy from the first one).
- Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
- You can now move while aiming behind cover.
From the bullet points it sounds like they've focused on layering more dynamic interaction on pretty much all the main mechanics of the first game (climbing, jumping, shooting, cover, melee, cinematics et al). Likes what I'm hearin. Now about them puzzles...


An blind dancing ho
Guled said:
- The biggest thing in the article IMO is that there's a new girl named Chloe Frazer. GI asked about Elena and Sully's return but they had no comment.
- The story is about looking for the ships that Marco Polo "lost" while returning home to Italy.
- Melee combat is more dynamic now.
- They mentioned they were using only 30% of the PS3's power with Drake's Fortune and are planning to use nearly 100% with Among Thieves.
- A demo was shown to GI with Drake going through a city (I believe in Nepal), and he's stealthily taking out guards and escaping the city.
- Nolan North returns to be Drake and Chloe Frazer is played by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1, Fargate).
- The Sixaxis mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.
- One of the weapons revealed is a rocket launcher that Chloe uses (might only be for the cinematic).
- There are no load screens.
- The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy from the first one).
- Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
- You can now move while aiming behind cover.

It's raining men! Hallelujah :D :D


- If there is an enemy patrolling a rooftop you're climbing a wall to, you can pull him off the roof while hanging on the wall.
I'm liking the stealth stuff so far, if ND is listening make it like MGS4 where you choice if you go all stealthy or guns blazing


Guled said:
I'm liking the stealth stuff so far, if ND is listening make it like MGS4 where you choice if you go all stealthy or guns blazing

I bet you get a trophy for doing that a certain amount of times.
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