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Moco Moco Friends |OT| Cute but Violent


If they really want to help the children they might wanna consider donating unsold copies of Moco Moco Friends instead.


Just got reminded that this just came out. I really like the art, but I'll probably wait for a sale, considering the current time of year.

Fun fact. A girl I almost had a one night stand with designed the monsters for this game.
Did she have any noticeable Moco Moco Friends?
Okay, so some things I've liked so far, having opened up all the stuff in town:

-Auto battle is really nice. It'll serve you well until you get to the more difficult bosses that require skills that take up more of your magic per turn.
-Daily rewards are really nice. Complete 5 quests per day to get prizes! Also rewards for just playing each day.
-The garden is okay. Another way to get more materials.
-Every monster I've seen has been really really cute. Haven't figured out how to feed them to make them more likely to join yet though.
-The game actually has an instruction manual in the box! It's like 4 B&W pages but it's something.
It's almost like a mobile title.
A garden to farm items that have timers on them, grinding materials to evolve and unlock certain powerful skills, getting rewards each day for playing, and having special dungeons that rotate every hour or so that give you specific materials.
I wonder if this was originally conceived as a mobile title?
I could definitely see buying yarn with real money being a thing.


It's almost like a mobile title.
A garden to farm items that have timers on them, grinding materials to evolve and unlock certain powerful skills, getting rewards each day for playing, and having special dungeons that rotate every hour or so that give you specific materials.
I wonder if this was originally conceived as a mobile title?
I could definitely see buying yarn with real money being a thing.
I'm pretty interested in picking this game up, I love monster collecting games and the art style is great. I know its a silly question, but do think it's worth picking up at $40, or should I wait for an inevitable price drop?
I'm pretty interested in picking this game up, I love monster collecting games and the art style is great. I know its a silly question, but do think it's worth picking up at $40, or should I wait for an inevitable price drop?
If I'm being completely honest it'd probably be best to wait for a drop on this one. Yes, it's fun and I'm enjoying it and I don't regret buying it full price at all, but at the same time I feel like it would sit much better at $30.
That said, if you like the designs of the monsters and think the game looks cute just know that it is WAY cuter than you could imagine and the monsters are all impeccably adorable.


That said, if you like the designs of the monsters and think the game looks cute just know that it is WAY cuter than you could imagine and the monsters are all impeccably adorable.
This is good to hear, the cuter the better! I am definitely going to pick it up, but I guess I'll wait until next month and see if the price goes down a bit first. Thanks a lot for the advice and the impressions you've been posting!
18 chapters in and I'm ready for this to end already. I'm at something like 17 hours of gameplay?
Dungeons are wearing thin and becoming repetitive. Farming is a chore.
Plushkins are still really cute, and their first evolutions moreso, but I'm finally seeing the third evolutions of some of these things and they're definitely more hit or miss. The names are pretty bad still.
Smilegon (Smile + Dragon) -> Smilevern (Smile + Wyvern) -> Smilehamut (Smile + Bahamut). It goes cute -> really cute -> What the hell did you do this for?
There's a Plushkin called something like Jestfishlady that just...feels really awkward.
Then they go and have a pig named Lard that evolves into an adorable chef pig named BBQ and I really, really like it. There's a big disparity in the creativity of Plushkins.
Wondering how much longer this game will take. There are lots of Plushkins left to see.

Dialogue has become bland, predictable, and repetitive. I tend to just skip through it now.
Plot twist in Chapter 21 and now I'm approaching what I believe will be a major shift in the game.

Also this line happened.



Lol that's awesome. I'm curious what sort of plot twist could revitalize your interest so much. Do you feel like you're approaching the end of the game at this point?
Isint this game going on sale at gamestop on black friday? 30$ I think.

And I admit I came in here to mention the obvious booger comment......
Lol that's awesome. I'm curious what sort of plot twist could revitalize your interest so much. Do you feel like you're approaching the end of the game at this point?

Okay, just got the credits at 27:38 of game time. That should be about average, as I didn't do too many side quests or grinding to get more Plushkins.
Now, there are 29 Plushkin "families" available before the final dungeon. Each family consist of three Plushkins and you evolve one to the second then third stage. Like Pokémon.
In the final dungeon and the newly unlocked bonus dungeon there are 16 NEW Plushkin families to recruit. That's 48 Plushkins unavailable until now.
The final battle was actually pretty difficult so I'm worried about the post game content. I'm no stranger to rpg combat and in the beginning it was possible to auto battle and win easily. Now even normal battles take legitimate effort. The enemy will liberally heal and use status effects. Their attacks will miss, yours will miss. It's all equal.
There is still a marker for a "main" quest to check out so I'm gonna do that then head into the bonus dungeon.

If anybody wants to be spoiled on the plot point that made me interested again (major spoilers obviously. Like... The entire plot),
at the beginning of the game, we see a girl who looks exactly like Moco but with a palette swap. As the game progresses, we see her more and more after characters leave dungeons.
Eventually, she begins to speak and the characters start interacting with her. Why does she look like Moco? Why does she use dark energy?
Moco's master, Michiru knows about her. After another encounter with the Nega-Moco named Neva, Michiru reveals that Neva was her master and the Grand Poobah of Plushkin Masters. Basically what everybody aspires to be. One day they were attacked by the dark energy and Neva's conscience was stuck in Neko AKA the wand that Moco has been using the WHOLE GAME and Neva's body has become a vessel for dark energy. She travels around trying to save the dark world from having too much light energy in it, in a Tales of Symphonia twist. Gotta balance between the two worlds so one doesn't have more of the energy.

So basically orphan Moco uses her mom as a wand and has no clue and her master and mom keep her in the dark about it.


Before buying this game: "Eh... this kinda looks crap. But it is really cute... Mmn, on the fence about it. I may get it."

After buying this game: "Well, I went and fucking did it now... Let's see how long I can stand it before tossing it out the window."

After 4 hours of playing it:


*insert a 'squee' like sound here*

So yeah, joke's on me. I fucking love this game.
I'm done with this game. The remaining quest marker I saw after seeing the credits was just to replay the final boss again.

All that's left to do now is recruit all the Plushkins and honestly? With random, affection-based recruitment similar to SMT or Yokai Watch I really don't feel like doing that. Not to mention how long it takes to grind a Plushkin to evolving level. The things are cute, but not another 20 hours worth of cute.
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