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Trump rep's DEFENSE of Muslim ban: "No different than when we put Japanese in camps."

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Three weeks later, Donald Trump called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” New Hampshire state Rep. Al Baldasaro (R), the co-chair of Trump’s state veterans coalition, defended the presidential candidate’s position last night, telling WMUR, “What he’s saying is no different than the situation during World War II, when we put the Japanese in camps.”

On MSNBC this morning, Trump himself drew the same WWII comparison. Asked if his proposal goes against long-held American values, the Republican frontrunner responded: “No, because FDR did it!”
It led to this exchange between Trump and Mark Halperin:

HALPERIN: Did the Japanese internment camps go against American values?

TRUMP: We have to be smart, Mark, and we have to be vigilant. And if we’re not going to be smart and vigilant, and honestly we also have to be tough. And if we’re not going to be those three things, we’re not going to have a country left.

HALPERIN: Did the internment of the Japanese violate American values?

TRUMP: We’re not talking about internment; this is a whole different thing.

Pressed on whether he believes internment camps were at odds with American values, Trump refused to say, telling Halperin, “Mark, what about Franklin Roosevelt’s presidential proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527? Take a look at it, Mark.”

Just so we’re clear, asked about his anti-Muslim plan, Trump initally pointed to FDR and internment. Pressed further, he insisted, “We’re not talking about internment.” And when pressed further still, Trump pointed for FDR’s executive actions on – you guessed it – internment.

In other words, when the Republican presidential hopeful says his anti-Muslim policy is “a whole different thing” from internment, he appears to mean the opposite.


The more time passes, the more obvious it becomes he is a racist fascist.

He might win the nomination but there is zero chance he wins the election - republicans will be set back a decade and will have no choice but to look forward to 2024.


I guess some people don't see the internment of the Japanese as a bad thing? I guess I thought it was pretty universally frowned upon...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The same shit the mayor of my town got raked over the coals for---though for Trump I imagine it won't be the same when it comes to the reactions.


Wow... I have to say, I am truly impressed by how blatantly and unapologetically ignorant that statement is.


In the statement, the Trump campaign said polling has shown “there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.”

"Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said. “Where this hatred comes from and why, we will have to determine.

I'll save you guys some trouble.

It's your own campaign.


Holy shit.

That's the DEFENSE!?


Oh god. If he wins the nomination, I think I'll cry a little inside.


So after thinking about it, now I'm SURE he has to be some sort of liberal plant to sabotage the right. This has to be the answer...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hahaha, Hillary is going to eat these guys for lunch. That's really going to be your historical justification for a ban on Muslims entering the country? When we put American citizens into internment camps?

The irony of this whole thing is that I would bet a good chunk of rabid Trump supporters are the people who think President Obama is building secret FEMA camps to put Americans in if they don't give up their guns. But the way Trump speaks, I'd say he would be the type of President who would attempt to put citizens in camps.

This campaign is beyond the joke phase at this point.
I'm no history professor...

...but I'm pretty sure some people had justified issues when we put the Japanese in those camps...

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

its officially an Art Performance

yeah that's what it is, its one of those public whatchamacallit Art performances to prove some deep point about society and shit

good stuff Trump, I get it.


They really doubling down?

No way he's serious with all this #fuckery. He's bringing down the GOP from the inside, surely. Everything burns

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
At this point I am no longer sure if he's speaking from the heart or if we are witnessing the strongest case of Poe's Law in history.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Wow, a modern US politician defending Japanese internment camps? That's batshit insane, even for Trump supporters.
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