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The official Mack-age thread of STD's, pregnancy scares, and THE DEATH OF VIRGIN-AGE!

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After so many girl-age threads (specifically this one) of seeing gaffers being angry, upset, pissed off, and/or embarrassed about not getting any girls, being 30+ and a virgin, and not knowing what to say to women even when they're throwing the panties at them I figured the gaf playas can give some advice on how to pick women, as well as give stories on what we did to get the girl. What was the opener, how'd you get them to be cooperative, how much chloroform was used, did you sweep the leg etc. Besides I've see the post your gf thread, and some gaffers have some beautiful women on their arms.

Friday I went out with a friend at some little bullshit ass party that we paid too much money to get into, but we figured fuck it since we're here might as well make the best of it. There were some cute women there
I'm a ass man and trust me there was ass on top of ass there!!
. One in particular....man, I might have to rub one out when I think about her tonight.

Anyway I did something that my friend that was with me didn't understand. Instead of talking to any girls, I talked to a dude. He walked in with two pretty females and immediately was dancing, smiling, and just having a motherfuckin ball. So I came up to him and used him as a gateway to all the other women there. By the end of the night he introduced me to probably 6 of the most attractive women there, which was the whole purpose of me kickin it with him and gettin to know him. The easiest way to meet women in that kind of environment is to pick out the guy who's already surrounded himself with pretty women and allow him to play pimp and bring the women to you. He'd tell me if they gotta good job, what my chances were, and I'd see him biggin me up to them to make my chances easier.

During the night when I was speaking with the ladies there, I did something else I've always done that most people don't understand. I never gave out a compliment. At night clubs where girls expect to get picked up and complimented I never wanna be their ego booster. They know they're attractive, they know they're sexy, and they know the reason I'm talking to them is because I'm tryin to get my swerve on, but they don't need me being "that guy" saying "wow you're pretty. you smell good. you're so sexy." They hear the same song and dance from 99% of guys so I have to differentiate myself.

Also I never ever ever do the "job interview" questionnaire. That's the "what's your name, what's your sign, where you from what you do." It's too formal and really doesn't lead anywhere. Besides you'll be like every other guy there asking her those same questions, and it gets old after a while. What you have to do is get them to open up and get comfortable enough that they start telling you about themselves. She told me about her being in the navy, she told me about her sons father being from the islands like me, she told me about her friends from the same part of nyc as I am, and told me everything I could ever want to know about her.

Instead of asking them their name, I usually apologize for being rude (i never remember to give my name to people) and introduce myself with either a handshake, hug or something. And they'll automatically give their name back. And if they don't I'll usually make fun of them for being raised by wolves and not introducing themselves (you have to do it in a joking way so they know you're just playing and not really being rude). Or I'll tell them Ill get my inspector gadget on and start investigating and find her name out (again make sure it's funny or she'll think you're a creepy stalker). Also if you want give her a nickname that represents her or the opposite of her. If she's short call her gigantor. If she's tall call her mini-me. If she's really skinny or fat DON'T MAKE FUN OF HER WEIGHT EVER!!!!!!!! That shit has blown up in my face before lol. Instead of asking her what she does ask her what she's passionate about or what's something she's really into. Those types of questions are really open ended and can lead to anywhere. For example if she says she's into fashion then ask if that's her job. Or sometimes she says she loves it so much she wishes that was her job. Then you can ask her why she doesn't do it, and that can lead to a convo about you following your dreams or you not following your dreams. And then you can take that into role playing where if she wants to be a hair dresser you can make her pretend to give you a new hairdo which could lead to her massaging your scalp which can only lead to FHUTA!!!!!!!! :lol

So gaf come in ask advice, give tips, let's put an end to virgin-age
I learnt this trick from how i met your mother. You just have to somehow get into their house or get them into your house and then when they leave to go to the toilet or whatever you take off all your clothes. When they come in you just have to lay there naked on the couch and they will usually fuck you.

The naked man trick works surprisingly well.

If everything fails there is also rohypnol, this works great at clubs. You just have to be sure to give them enough.


I'll be 21 in 3.5 weeks and I am still a virgin :eek:

But hopefully my fortunes will change soon, now that I'll be able to club and such. Hopefully I can find a chick to stick my penis into :p
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
salva said:
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts

I stopped reading after the first step. So hah.


testicles on a cold fall morning
do people read long threads after the second sentence?

i'm sorry that you have STDs, preggo scares and that your virgin died. it'll get better.
Hahaha the naked man is hilarious! I never had the guts to try it though. I should one of these days.

Anyway, one of the things that I have learned over the years is to never reveal too much about one self. Guys are too eager to share the awesomness that we are but once the mystery is gone, it's gone!

I'm not saying answer questions with questions, that's just stupid.

Girl - "So what do you do?"
Bad Answer - "I play the clarinet at the local orchestra!"
Good Answer - "I am an engineer turned musician"

Why the difference? With the first one you can either go "OMG That's awesome" or "Uh ok" and unless the girl is forthcoming with info, the conversation ends there. With the second one you can draw some extra info from the girl like "Really? I love guitar players" or "I love myself some classical" or whateveeeeeer, the point is, you get more than what you put in. Then you turn the question on her.

"What? Do you really like guitar? do you play something, everybody used to take classes of some instrument at some point in their lives"
bla bla bla

And off you go
How about picking up girls outside the club? I've gone to a couple and didn't really have a good time; once some dude hit on me.

I spend a lot of time at the school library and there's plenty of babes there. But if they aren't in my class it's hard to walk up and come up with some excuse to say what's up.


PhoenixDark said:
How about picking up girls outside the club? I've gone to a couple and didn't really have a good time; once some dude hit on me.

I spend a lot of time at the school library and there's plenty of babes there. But if they aren't in my class it's hard to walk up and come up with some excuse to say what's up.
Just look at whatever they are doing. Maybe she's reading a book you like, or researching something you know about. Don't just say what's up and then have nothing to follow up with. Just try and engage in a natural conversation and you'll be fine.
salva said:
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
i hate and respect you so much :lol


salva said:
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
this really tripped me out


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Will she think that I'm lazy if I only write one sonnet? She's really kawaii so I don't want to mess it up ^__^*


salva said:
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
o_O wtf salva


DMeisterJ said:
I'll be 21 in 3.5 weeks and I am still a virgin :eek:

But hopefully my fortunes will change soon, now that I'll be able to club and such. Hopefully I can find a chick to stick my penis into :p

Fortune has nothing to do with it

unless you mean money.


Q: I'm too ugly for girls to like me.

A: You're wrong. First off, looks are not a huge deal to most girls. They like confidence, humour, charisma, more than looks. To solve this issue:

-Hygiene. Brush and floss teeth every day, morning and evening. Wear deodorant, unscented (Mitchum works). Get a haircut, generally the shorter the better unless you are good at taking care of it (assuming you aren't).

-Acne. If you have acne, you can get rid of it quickly by going out in the sun regularly (tans dry out oils in the skin and the sun kills the bacteria), laying off of greasy food (increases skin oil) and harsh cleansers (increases skin oil), washing your bedsheets weekly (sleeping on own filth makes for dirty pores) and only wearing clean clothes (same thing).

-Overweight. To lose weight is a doable thing. What you need is patience, willpower and a changing of habits. Patience because it takes a while, willpower because it starts off hard, and a change of habits to make it stick. You need to cut all refined foods from your diet. No sugar, no processed foods. Eat lots of protein, like beef jerky and chicken breasts. After about three weeks, your body will no longer crave junk and you'll start losing weight steadily. Be a little hungry every day, and don't eat until you're full at a meal, only until you are no longer hungry. Don't stop for at least three months. Consider the gym.

-Unfit. Lots of people get girls without being in shape, but being in shape helps because it makes you more confident and energetic, you do look better and girls like fit guys. I recommend a program like Starting Strength, StrongLifts, P90X or an Ian King routine. Don't do it half-assedly.

-Poorly Dressed. If you know any women (family maybe?) then go to a store with them and buy what they like, within reason. I say within reason because left unfettered they'll dress you up to effeminately. Just make sure that they know what fits you, what clothes match, and don't worry about clothes being a little tight if you're going to be losing weight.

Q: I'm not confident enough to talk to girls.

A: You just haven't discovered your inner badass yet. Here's the program, which gets very fun as you progress.

-Follow the hygiene steps.

-Look around for activities that you like that are social. It can be a debating club, a volleyball team, an engineering club, whatever. What you want is for it to be something you like with other people there, particularly women.

-Do these activities all the time. I mean every day. By being around people a lot, you'll become more comfortable with them.

-There will be women there. Talk to them, even if it starts off slowly. You have something to talk about, which is your shared activity. Since you are also doing other activities, you have lots to talk about because you are now an interesting person. this makes it a lot easier. I know a guy who had serious social anxiety, I told him to look around for the hottest girl he could find and go up to her and ask her for directions. After doing this a few times, he could progress further outside of his old comfort zone.

-Smile a lot. People like people who smile. Look at them when you talk, but don't stare.

-Practice daily at doing something outside your social comfort zone. Go up and talk to a stranger one day, the next day ask a girl for directions the next day pick up a girl's jacket after she drops it. Just push it a little bit every day, like exercise.

-Psych yourself up in the miror every morning before you leave your house. Tell yourself what a badass you are and how many girls want you. It works surprisingly well.

-This will get fun as you get better at it.

Q: I can't make a move with a girl I like, who doesn't know me.

A: Yes you can. First off, go up to her and introduce yourself. YOu have three seconds after you make eye contact to walk over and say hi. Tell her that this party/event/whatever reminds you of another party/event/whatever you were at doing something interesting. Ask her open questions, that can't be answered with a yes or a no. You'll get rejected 90% or the time, and that's fine. Just do it with lots of girls, rejection doesn't matter.

Q: I can't make a move with a girl I'm friends with.

A: Yes you can. When you are in the friend zone, you need an aggressive move to get out of it. When talking to her, start flirting heavily. When joking with her, make sexually suggestive jokes. You have to take an aggressive enough line that she thinks of you as a man instead of a girlfriend with a penis. Girls DO NOT want someone who acts like them, they want someone who is a man who also likes some things they like. Don't think that by agreeing with them all the time and doing other stuff you do to become friends will ever make her like you.

That'll start people off for now, I think? I've dated a lot of girls and hooked up with more, and I'm dating a girl now. I used to have issues with getting girls, and solved them by doing these things. You can too.
You have to think in terms of Averages, probability and risk taking.

Let's say you have a 30% chance at bagging a 6/10 girl bases on your Gift-of-gab, income and physical appearance. and let's say you have the keen ability to only talk to girls rated at 6/10. The more and more girls you talk to the more and more you will be successful at getting a connection with a girl... eventually you end up being successful with 30% of all the 6/10 girls you've ever talked to.

The problem is that you would have been rejected 70% of the time. that's the hardest part. Many guys are extremely afraid of being rejected or they get discouraged too early. Many gamers are introverts, and its my belief that these strong personality traits are a product of nature rather than nurture. As an introvert myself, i'm usually uncomfortable around large crowds. Resisting your own natural tendencies is the definitely the hardest part of the game.
Find a reason to value yourself. Fuck fake confidence. Reap the benefits of actually KNOWING your worth. Rejection will become a non issue.

if you're wondering what the hell you're doing trying to talk to this chick, shes wondering the same thimg.

Girl-age gaf will only cease to exist when guys stop realizing it's not girl-age they're having problems with, it's LIFE-AGE.
I'm in a long term relationship now, but a lot of what the OP says makes sense.

I'll add this gem: learn to dance. not "grind your junk over anything that moves" dancing, but actual dancing. learn to be comfortable with and without a partner.

Women will literally throw themselves at you when they see you out, having fun, displaying your confidence on the dance floor.

Once you have them? make them work for it. don't cling to them like a lost puppy. smile, make eye contact, move on to someone else. go get a drink. come back. take a breather. smile at other women. make small talk.

you'll be drowning in numbers before you know what hit you
threads like this reinforce everything i've ever thought. i don't have the patience or interest in all this crap. "the game" bullshit. it's not worth the hassle.


salva said:
Here are ten facts
1.You're reading my comment
2.Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4.You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5.You're checking it now.
6.You're smiling.
7.You're still reading my comment.
8.You know all you have read is true.
10.You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11.You're checking it.
12.You didn't notice there are only 10 facts

I can't read the rest of the thread now. My mind is blown.


fistfulofmetal said:
threads like this reinforce everything i've ever thought. i don't have the patience or interest in all this crap. "the game" bullshit. it's not worth the hassle.

90% of "The Game" is common sense.
fistfulofmetal said:
threads like this reinforce everything i've ever thought. i don't have the patience or interest in all this crap. "the game" bullshit. it's not worth the hassle.

Ehh when I was 16 or so I thought the same thing. "The Game" is really what a man should do vs. what he shouldn't do. It's really not that hard. Let nature guide you, grasshopper.

T Dawg

Manmademan said:
I'm in a long term relationship now, but a lot of what the OP says makes sense.

I'll add this gem: learn to dance. not "grind your junk over anything that moves" dancing, but actual dancing. learn to be comfortable with and without a partner.

Women will literally throw themselves at you when they see you out, having fun, displaying your confidence on the dance floor.

Once you have them? make them work for it. don't cling to them like a lost puppy. smile, make eye contact, move on to someone else. go get a drink. come back. take a breather. smile at other women. make small talk.

you'll be drowning in numbers before you know what hit you

What rubbish.

You can't just learn to dance and wait for the women to be 'all over you'. You have to actively pursue women, and there's only two things you need to know:

1. You will be rejected 4 times out of 5.
2. The fifth girl will let you cum in her mouth whilst you play with her tits.
T Dawg said:
What rubbish.

You can't just learn to dance and wait for the women to be 'all over you'. You have to actively pursue women, and there's only two things you need to know:

1. You will be rejected 4 times out of 5.
2. The fifth girl will let you cum in her mouth whilst you play with her tits.

Depends on who you are, but if dude thinks I'm about to be in the club doing the Kid N' Play, he's got another thing coming. Fuck dancing by yourself, those guys never get ass
Nah, the biggest hang up most virgin-age members have is putting all their eggs in one basket.

It warps their general perception (ie, she is a lot less attainable, she is pure and angelic, etc.) and leaves it purely up to her, who has a life of her own. So guys often find some of the sneakiest (or snake-like) way to get into her life. They are friends with her, hoping that one day she will touch their peepee. Maybe she has other plans. This crushes the virgins who swing from extremes. I love it when these guys call these girls bitches because she had the gall to think this /)(\ much for herself. Cue several creepy moments and they ruin the friendship as well.

By the time they get over it, they spent months into years on this pursuit that never had a fleeting chance.

Guys should always be talking to at least three girls at once that they have sexual interest in. Some virgins recoil and are either intimidated or think it misogynistic, which in reality, is a roundabout way of the former point. How would it be misogynistic? Girls play the field as well. If you think you're the only guy she talks to, you're wrong. Very wrong. Women, like what men should be, continually weigh out options.

Talking to a few girls at a time keeps your perception of women healthy. The eggs in a basket theory will either generate bitter misogyny or a general role of the supplicant who feels they need to throw their dignity under the bus to keep a woman. I feel sorry for the women that have to deal with these guys.

Furthermore, if you have sexual interest in a woman, let it be known to her. I think trying to be friends first is kind of a greasy way of going about it. It is different that you are friends first and more later than it is thinking the friend route is the way to go. If she is interested, great. If not, move on. Don't start calling her a bitch or some other dumb, bitter act of fuckwittery.

Also, have some women friends. The more you see women as people, the better off you will be. It is a cliche to say that but it is true. Sitting at home or hanging out with your other asocial friends is only going to keep you back. Then you'll be in your early 20s, trying desperately to climb out of the hole you dug for yourself by letting your social intelligence stagnate at the 7th grade level.


The Experiment said:
Nah, the biggest hang up most virgin-age members have is putting all their eggs in one basket.

Also, have some women friends. The more you see women as people, the better off you will be. It is a cliche to say that but it is true. Sitting at home or hanging out with your other asocial friends is only going to keep you back. Then you'll be in your early 20s, trying desperately to climb out of the hole you dug for yourself by letting your social intelligence stagnate at the 7th grade level.

So much truth in this post. This works on a lot of levels...it eases the desperation and the "too available" that comes with just one girl in the sights. Being able to just talk with women as friends also is extremely valuable, you start to see they are just people too :) with a bit of a different spin on things usually.

Don't put so much pressure on yourself, just go out, have fun, meet people, and keep giving it a shot. A major thing that helps is just projecting the attitude that you have been there before, that talking to a few girls is no big deal, them deciding to be with you or not is no big deal. The only way to get there is to start at it.


Tip: Please stop it with the sharp knees bullshit. Nine times out of ten you won't ever get the chick that's rocking Beyonce's body, which every other guy on the dance floor wants a piece of. Lower your standards and you're almost guaranteed to get some action.

There are plenty (and I mean plenty) of good looking girls (single or not) that just want some dick that night. You see that pair or group of women at the bar/table/floor? Yeah, they just want to have a good time--and not just with other people that have vaginas.

You don't even need 1/4 the looks of George Clooney to get around. Groom yourself and make yourself look respectable. Please please stop by the Men's Fashion Thread.

If you're a socially inept, then that's the main thing you should be working on first. No one wants to hang out with a Keanu Reeves. Follow the tips above about smiling/laughing/joking and actively talking to women. (unless you are robertsan, women aren't going to pursue you, they want you to do it. it's part of the game) It works wonders.
the idea of having another person -in my life- is such an unwanted burden for me. always having to worry about what they're doing, what they think of me, what they want to do, whats on her mind, etc etc. fuck it. with my friends I can ignore them for awhile and it really won't be an issue. can't really just ignore your girlfriend for periods of time. i very much enjoy being away from people for awhile and a -partner- is a complete contradictory to that idea.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Some of us are just meant to be virgins; we aren't all "wired" properly to handle physical interaction, the emotions, the whatever. Deal with it.
Cosmic Bus said:
Some of us are just meant to be virgins; we aren't all "wired" properly to handle physical interaction, the emotions, the whatever. Deal with it.

the only advice that is needed in life......


giga said:
(unless you are robertsan, women aren't going to pursue you, they want you to do it. it's part of the game)

Is that really true? I can think back several times when women have shown interest in me, but my social inexperience and anxiety (I was going through some REALLY horrible shit at the time which I touched on in the other thread) put a stop to anything happening. But even if I had been 'normal' and asked them out or whatever, I wouldn't really considering this pursuing in this context.


MoxManiac said:
Is that really true? I can think back several times when women have shown interest in me, but my social inexperience and anxiety (I was going through some REALLY horrible shit at the time which I touched on in the other thread) put a stop to anything happening. But even if I had been 'normal' and asked them out or whatever, I wouldn't really considering this pursuing in this context.
Sometimes they will, but the advice is meant to gather some confidence and do it yourself. Much higher success rate than just lingering and feigning lack of interest, which is probably why there are so many men that haven't hit home run.


fistfulofmetal said:
the idea of having another person -in my life- is such an unwanted burden for me. always having to worry about what they're doing, what they think of me, what they want to do, whats on her mind, etc etc. fuck it. with my friends I can ignore them for awhile and it really won't be an issue. can't really just ignore your girlfriend for periods of time. i very much enjoy being away from people for awhile and a -partner- is a complete contradictory to that idea.

Umm...yeah you can.

Good God man, casual dating isn't like being locked in at Riker's Island with someone. Not every girl is superclingy. You can find a girl that will give you your space.
grumble said:
Q: I'm too ugly for girls to like me.

A: You're wrong. First off, looks are not a huge deal to most girls. They like confidence, humour, charisma, more than looks. To solve this issue:

-Hygiene. Brush and floss teeth every day, morning and evening. Wear deodorant, unscented (Mitchum works). Get a haircut, generally the shorter the better unless you are good at taking care of it (assuming you aren't).

-Acne. If you have acne, you can get rid of it quickly by going out in the sun regularly (tans dry out oils in the skin and the sun kills the bacteria), laying off of greasy food (increases skin oil) and harsh cleansers (increases skin oil), washing your bedsheets weekly (sleeping on own filth makes for dirty pores) and only wearing clean clothes (same thing).

-Overweight. To lose weight is a doable thing. What you need is patience, willpower and a changing of habits. Patience because it takes a while, willpower because it starts off hard, and a change of habits to make it stick. You need to cut all refined foods from your diet. No sugar, no processed foods. Eat lots of protein, like beef jerky and chicken breasts. After about three weeks, your body will no longer crave junk and you'll start losing weight steadily. Be a little hungry every day, and don't eat until you're full at a meal, only until you are no longer hungry. Don't stop for at least three months. Consider the gym.

-Unfit. Lots of people get girls without being in shape, but being in shape helps because it makes you more confident and energetic, you do look better and girls like fit guys. I recommend a program like Starting Strength, StrongLifts, P90X or an Ian King routine. Don't do it half-assedly.

-Poorly Dressed. If you know any women (family maybe?) then go to a store with them and buy what they like, within reason. I say within reason because left unfettered they'll dress you up to effeminately. Just make sure that they know what fits you, what clothes match, and don't worry about clothes being a little tight if you're going to be losing weight.

Q: I'm not confident enough to talk to girls.

A: You just haven't discovered your inner badass yet. Here's the program, which gets very fun as you progress.

-Follow the hygiene steps.

-Look around for activities that you like that are social. It can be a debating club, a volleyball team, an engineering club, whatever. What you want is for it to be something you like with other people there, particularly women.

-Do these activities all the time. I mean every day. By being around people a lot, you'll become more comfortable with them.

-There will be women there. Talk to them, even if it starts off slowly. You have something to talk about, which is your shared activity. Since you are also doing other activities, you have lots to talk about because you are now an interesting person. this makes it a lot easier. I know a guy who had serious social anxiety, I told him to look around for the hottest girl he could find and go up to her and ask her for directions. After doing this a few times, he could progress further outside of his old comfort zone.

-Smile a lot. People like people who smile. Look at them when you talk, but don't stare.

-Practice daily at doing something outside your social comfort zone. Go up and talk to a stranger one day, the next day ask a girl for directions the next day pick up a girl's jacket after she drops it. Just push it a little bit every day, like exercise.

-Psych yourself up in the miror every morning before you leave your house. Tell yourself what a badass you are and how many girls want you. It works surprisingly well.

-This will get fun as you get better at it.

Q: I can't make a move with a girl I like, who doesn't know me.

A: Yes you can. First off, go up to her and introduce yourself. YOu have three seconds after you make eye contact to walk over and say hi. Tell her that this party/event/whatever reminds you of another party/event/whatever you were at doing something interesting. Ask her open questions, that can't be answered with a yes or a no. You'll get rejected 90% or the time, and that's fine. Just do it with lots of girls, rejection doesn't matter.

Q: I can't make a move with a girl I'm friends with.

A: Yes you can. When you are in the friend zone, you need an aggressive move to get out of it. When talking to her, start flirting heavily. When joking with her, make sexually suggestive jokes. You have to take an aggressive enough line that she thinks of you as a man instead of a girlfriend with a penis. Girls DO NOT want someone who acts like them, they want someone who is a man who also likes some things they like. Don't think that by agreeing with them all the time and doing other stuff you do to become friends will ever make her like you.

That'll start people off for now, I think? I've dated a lot of girls and hooked up with more, and I'm dating a girl now. I used to have issues with getting girls, and solved them by doing these things. You can too.

Quoting this for emphasis. awesome advice
giga said:
Tip: Please stop it with the sharp knees bullshit.

I really always thought that was a joke. If people actually act like that, well, enjoy being alone. :lol

fistfulofmetal said:
the idea of having another person -in my life- is such an unwanted burden for me. always having to worry about what they're doing, what they think of me, what they want to do, whats on her mind, etc etc. fuck it. with my friends I can ignore them for awhile and it really won't be an issue. can't really just ignore your girlfriend for periods of time. i very much enjoy being away from people for awhile and a -partner- is a complete contradictory to that idea.

I think you've read / seen to much of extreme examples. Most relationships aren't like that.
VGChampion said:
I think you've read / seen to much of extreme examples. Most relationships aren't like that.

That's been every relationship I've seen my friends in. They're joined by the hip and in the rare occurrence they're not, they're on the phone with them every hour or two.

(I'm exaggerating with the "every hour or two" comment, but they are on the phone with them for quite a while.)
I think a lot of us need to get it out of our heads that, despite the name, The Game isn't really much of a game than it is for us to live better lives for ourselves. It helps us be more confident in our own shoes and with who we are. If you can be friendly with random strangers, be it male or female or young or old, you will become a well-rounded and sociable person. This will build up your confidence, and talking to girls will just become natural. "The Game" is not about deceiving women or getting laid. It's about learning how to interact with people and sharing what you enjoy about life with others.

A lot of you guys scoff at the idea of going out to pick up women, and you should because that should never be your priority. Your main priority when going out, whether it's to a bar or a lounge or a club, is to have fun. Just be comfortable with yourself, and enjoy the company that you have. Like I said in the other thread, as long as you're having a great time, people (especially women) will notice you and they would want to know what it is about what you're doing or who you are that is so awesome.

So how do you become more confident? Just be positive about who you are. Take stock of what it is about you that makes you unique and awesome. You don't need to have all the money in the world or the best job to meet amazing women. You don't even have to be the most attractive guy in the room to attract women. If you do feel that there are things about yourself that need to be changed, just do it. Be proactive and stop making excuses. Need to lose weight? Start eating healthier and work out (visit the Fitness thread). Need to dress better? Visit the Fashion-age thread.

There are a lot of guys here on GAF that know what they are talking about. Listen to them because I do, and I have learned a lot. Find things that work for you and apply them to your life.

Lastly, never ever sell yourself short. Once you realize how awesome you are, there will be no obstacles you can't overcome.
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