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Is expecting a woman to be able to cook misogynistic?

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disclaimer: (I don't believe anyone should be assigned to be in the cooking role, and as a man I enjoy cooking. )

However what bothers me is seeing all these (single) mothers taking their children to McDonald's and feeding their kids unhealthy crap. In my book it borders on child abuse seeing the way this effects these kids.

These aren't exactly high standards to expect from people. I got into an argument about this with a female friend and she claims its sexist to expect women to be competent cooks.

Is it misogynistic to expect women to take care of their children on a basic level?


I think it's sexist to expect EVERY woman to be a competent cook.

It is defeintely not sexist to expect a single mother to know how to prepare a meal for her child.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not really. Although your stance can be easily misinterpreted to be misogynistic.

I think cooking is an important skill for everyone. You don't have to be a trained chef to make a decent meal. And cooking is especially important if you're going to raise a family.
nope, not in your case.

if cooking and cleaning was "women's work" and something you didn't do, then yeah.
There was an interesting discussion about exactly this in the politics thread yesterday btw. (re: poor people feeding their kids fast food etc)


ultron87 said:
It is only misogynistic if you see fathers taking their children and don't think the same thing.
I rarely/never almost see single fathers. But man or woman, anyone who is more than a decent cook would make a better husband/wife.


ultron87 said:
It is only misogynistic if you see fathers taking their children and don't think the same thing.
This. Not only are you singling out women as required to be skilled at cooking, you're also labeling them as requisite in child rearing.


Sexist not misogynistic.

I, however, expect parents to be able to provide a decent meal to their kids.
Misogyny (play /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred or dislike of women. Misogyny comes from Greek misogunia (μισογυνία) from misos (μῖσος, hatred) and gynē (γυνή, woman). A person who hates women is called a misogynist.

A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.

Not misogynistic. It's stereotyping.


I have to ask though, are these women taking their kids to McDonalds because they can't cook, or because cooking a meal at home is too expensive and time-consuming for them? I can't imagine many single parents have money or time to spare.


Different than what I was expecting from the topic title.

I don't think it's offensive to consider that anyone who needs to provide healthy food for a child or anyone else that needs to be cared for to be able to cook (at least on a basic level), whether that person is a woman or a man.


People who claim they can't cook are from my experience lazy ass people, people who don't find work or people who often turn in sick etc. Jeez, make an attempt to function.


Zophar said:
This. Not only are you singling out women as required to be skilled at cooking, you're also labeling them as requisite in child rearing.

Is that necessarily women-hating though? Let's say it might be a preference in female mates rather than considered a requisite or an absolute.

EDIT: Is sexism and misogyny the same thing?


Hail to the Chef
being able to cook a handful of basic dishes is a sign of proper education, hence a person who cannot cook or refuses to learn it is lacking in the education department.


vordhosbn said:
disclaimer: (I don't believe anyone should be assigned to be in the cooking role, and as a man I enjoy cooking. )

However what bothers me is seeing all these (single) mothers taking their children to McDonald's and feeding their kids unhealthy crap. In my book it borders on child abuse seeing the way this effects these kids.

These aren't exactly high standards to expect from people. I got into an argument about this with a female friend and she claims its sexist to expect women to be competent cooks.

Is it misogynistic to expect women to take care of their children on a basic level?
It's not. But I also don't think you should worry/care what other people do/feed their children. I mean, who honestly gives a fuck about shit like that?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I expect everybody to be able to cook. I have friends who couldn't survive without a microwave and it pisses me off.


vordhosbn said:
disclaimer: (I don't believe anyone should be assigned to be in the cooking role, and as a man I enjoy cooking. )

However what bothers me is seeing all these (single) mothers taking their children to McDonald's and feeding their kids unhealthy crap. In my book it borders on child abuse seeing the way this effects these kids.

Or maybe they can cook, but being single mothers they don't have the time?

Seriously, don't get angry at these people unless you yourself are a single parent.


It's a time and money thing. I don't think it's an ignorance or competence issue (most of the time). You are singling out women, but whatever.

If seeing the effects of McDonalds bothers you so much, why are you going to McDonalds? Or are you just assuming people go there?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
vordhosbn said:
disclaimer: (I don't believe anyone should be assigned to be in the cooking role, and as a man I enjoy cooking. )

However what bothers me is seeing all these (single) mothers taking their children to McDonald's and feeding their kids unhealthy crap. In my book it borders on child abuse seeing the way this effects these kids.

These aren't exactly high standards to expect from people. I got into an argument about this with a female friend and she claims its sexist to expect women to be competent cooks.

Is it misogynistic to expect women to take care of their children on a basic level?

There's nothing wrong with feeding your kids McDonald's occasionally as long as you don't make a habit of it. Why are you judging these women's parenting skills simply because you saw them with their kids at McDonald's once?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Being able to feed yourself is as basic a human necessity as you can get, so not it's not mysogynistic.

Expecting a woman to cook *for you* however absolutely would be.


vordhosbn said:
I rarely/never almost see single fathers. But man or woman, anyone who is more than a decent cook would make a better husband/wife.

Well this mostly has to do with the fact that court battles for custody almost always heavily favor the mother, unless the circumstances are very horrible. A family member of mine got custody of his daughter but he had to rigorously document how poorly she was being treated by her mother and it was still a tough case.


My mom sometimes took me to McDonald's as a kid. I loved those fucking chicken mcnuggets and fries. AND THE GODDAMN TOYS! I was never fat/sluggish/out of shape. Always involved in sports, activities, etc. I also played a lot of video games. I wouldn't classify taking your kid to McDonald's as child abuse.

That being said, no you shouldn't expect a female to be able to cook. Also shouldn't be surprised to see a male that can cook well.

edit: my mom is also an amazing cook. I love her food.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The correct title to this thread is: "Is it unethical to feed children McDonalds food?" to which the answer is "Yes!" and you could add: "It should be punishable by [whatever GAF decides in an over-the-top discussion]."

And the answer to wether women should be able to cook... uhm... I'd reason that men have more to prove in that question.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I wouldn't marry a woman who couldn't cook and clean, essentially take care of a household. That's what I look for in a partner.

There are plenty of women who won't marry a guy who takes care of the home and the kids, and works PT at Best Buy.


xxracerxx said:
I just don't understand why this is pointed at women and not parents in general.

I think it's because he's pointing towards single mothers which, as previously explained, are much more abundant than single fathers.


Hail to the Chef
kinoki said:
The correct title to this thread is: "Is it unethical to feed children McDonalds food?" to which the answer is "Yes!" and you could add: "It should be punishable by [whatever GAF decides in an over-the-top discussion]."

And the answer to wether women should be able to cook... uhm... I'd reason that men have more to prove in that question.
occasional visits to McD is not a bad thing.


I am Korean.
vordhosbn said:
However what bothers me is seeing all these (single) mothers taking their children to McDonald's and feeding their kids unhealthy crap. In my book it borders on child abuse seeing the way this effects these kids.
Oh noes they're eating McDonald's there's no way to ever recover from that!


I wanted to point out that there is nothing wrong with taking your kids to McDonald's once in awhile. When I was a kid (20 years ago at this point), we would go to McDonald's once every 1-2 months. It was a treat. We weren't allowed to go all the time, and my parents cooked well over 90% of my meals.

When I have children, I am sure we will make the occasional stop out to fast food. Kids like going to McDonald's, Burger King, etc. Sure you don't want them going there very often, but eating a greasy burger once every month or two is not going to kill you.


Kabouter said:
I have to ask though, are these women taking their kids to McDonalds because they can't cook, or because cooking a meal at home is too expensive and time-consuming for them? I can't imagine many single parents have money or time to spare.
Yeah, I don't think seeing a single mom at McDelicous' necessarily means she can not cook. I'm sure there are compentant cooks who feed there kids junk food, but don't cook for a number of other reasons. If it is a single working parent, I imagine time and exhaustion is a bigger factor in not cooking rather than being unable to. Just about anybody can make spaghetti or open a can of vegetables.
Taking care of your child by feeding them healthy food, and being able to do so independently (from restaurants, etc.) could be seen as just simple good parenting/child-rearing. Being a good parent has nothing to do with being a man or woman.
It bears mention that even if you're not a good cook, kids don't know any better. You can make the blandest food in the world, and they'll still nostalgically long for it in thirty years. So lack of skill is a poor excuse for going to McDonald's all the time.

And this fact is completely unrelated to the parent's gender.


mre said:
There's nothing wrong with feeding your kids McDonald's occasionally as long as you don't make a habit of it. Why are you judging these women's parenting skills simply because you saw them with their kids at McDonald's once?
If you saw how some of these kids looked you would worry too. You must not have heard about the obesity epidemic?

InsertNameHere said:
Well this mostly has to do with the fact that court battles for custody almost always heavily favor the mother, unless the circumstances are very horrible. A family member of mine got custody of his daughter but he had to rigorously document how poorly she was being treated by her mother and it was still a tough case.
Family courts are indeed very unfair to fathers. and it's not getting any better.


xxracerxx said:
I just don't understand why this is pointed at women and not parents in general.

Yup. I expect pretty much every adult to be able to cook simple basic stuff and not be reliant on eating out when they have time to prepare a meal.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
xxracerxx said:
I just don't understand why this is pointed at women and not parents in general.
There's probably an unseemly larger number of single moms than single fathers, if that's what his example was specifically about.
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