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Outlast PS4 |OT|


Finished it today. Great game but the scary atmosphere that kept me afraid to play when I first started out waned IMO, and I was able to play with it in the dark and sound up with no problems. It is funny how I went from terrified to jaded through the course of the game.

Man, PS Plus is awesome and worth every damn cent.


@5:40...I just can't stop laughing right now. We've all been there in survival horror games.

lol I'm glad you were entertained by my screw up. And I haven't done that since the first Resident Evil after the dogs bust through the window the first time (though that game's tank controls took more getting used to. These are pretty smooth). After screwing up at 5:40 I was over the initial shock of being startled and was able to dodge and go through doors without a problem.

This game with headphones is something else. I didn't realize all this time I could put sound through my DS4 and used stereo headphones 'til last night =l. Made a world of difference. They use so many random sounds even if it's not coming from the enemies just to constantly make you think of creepy stuff.

When I got to the 3rd floor I think it was, I heard ghost sounds and was like "really?" But it was pretty spooky the way it was done. The sound is great.

Also, I wish I recorded it, but the first time I rand into that
spectral ghost guy (I was literally running so he showed up fast in my face), I jerked back in my chair. If this was 3D I'd probably die. lol

This is probably one of the scariest games I've played when getting immersed in it. At first I was like "This'll probably be like Condemned. Not really that scary. They'll say boo and I'll just laugh and punch them. But you can't fight back in this. That just makes it scarier. I don't think they could get away with the scares they pull off if it wasn't first person. I usually hate that perspective, but it works so well in the horror genre. And you actually have a freak'n body. He actually crouches and moves his hand across the floor when he's creeping.

I want a sequel or something similar done by these guys.


I'm at
the area where you are trying to escape the guy with the huge scissors, who kidnaps you in the wheelchair and chops your fingers off

The game started settling down into the more predictable and less scary pattern others have mentioned prior to this section, but something about this area has dialled it all the way back up to 11 for me. Just such an oppressive, chilling and nasty area of the game.
Perhaps because unlike with Chris Walker, this guy appears more human and conscious of his actions. He talks, acts and reacts like a human - albeit a twisted and psychotic one - rather than just an aimlessly wandering monster. Something about that and being stalked by this particular character is absolutely terrifying. For the first time in the game I also feel like not even the hiding places are that safe. My only real option is to hide under the beds, and I've already been dragged out from under them twice.


I'm at
the area where you are trying to escape the guy with the huge scissors, who kidnaps you in the wheelchair and chops your fingers off

The game started settling down into the more predictable and less scary pattern others have mentioned prior to this section, but something about this area has dialled it all the way back up to 11 for me. Just such an oppressive, chilling and nasty area of the game.
Perhaps because unlike with Chris Walker, this guy appears more human and conscious of his actions. He talks, acts and reacts like a human - albeit a twisted and psychotic one - rather than just an aimlessly wandering monster. Something about that and being stalked by this particular character is absolutely terrifying. For the first time in the game I also feel like not even the hiding places are that safe. My only real option is to hide under the beds, and I've already been dragged out from under them twice.

Yeah it seemed like it was gonna be simple and not many scares before then. But from the point that you're at on, it just gets worse IMO. And by worse, I mean more freakouts. lol
I was telling all my friends at work yesterday about Outlast and that they should all download it. They are the typical Dudebro COD/FIFA kind of people and they laughed at me when I told them how it was pretty scary and that on my first attempt at playing it I had to switch to the Vita and remote play it from the safety of my bed next to the missus.

Anyway I got a text a few hours ago from one of them saying and I quote "This game is fucking terrifying" That made me laugh, I asked him how far he got and he had only got to
the room with the impaled guy telling you to get out
right at the beginning. I told him to wait until he exits that room, he said he opened the door and heard a noise so shut the door then decided to go back to playing FIFA.

Can't wait to get to work tomorrow and give him some stick about it lol.


I think I'm getting close to beating it. It's pretty freakin tense. Only a select few games have ever made me feel that way,
Ok, I'm stuck super early in the game. The last thing I did was pull 3 switches in the basement and restarted the power. I have no idea where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.


Gold Member
Just finished the game. Pretty good game overall but the many trial & error passages later in the game really pull it down. I can't imagine playing this game on Insane because if you survive a lot of the encounters seems to be based on luck more than anything.

Also didn't like the repeating game design but aside from that I had a good time. Can't remember when I was so scared while playing a game.
Holy shit this game is scary. Its 3 in the morning here in Spain and I decided to start playing this tonight...

It freaked me out like I think no game has before, I screamed in fear in the firts 2 jump scares and my wife just got out of bed just to check out WTF was going on, lol.

I think I'm done for tonight. I didn't play much I'm in the basement trying to get the power back on, holy shit this game is very intense.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I genuinely jumped and went HOLY SHIT!!!! a few times in the beginning of the game (I'm a couple of hours in now), but the gameplay itself seems somewhat frustrating to me. This is the first encounter, so I don't think this counts as a spoiler, but whatever. When you're in the security room, you see the guy busting in so I hid. He found me anyway. Grabbed me. I ran into the hallway. It was so dark that I ran and ran and ran into a wall. He grabbed me again. Then I ran back the other way. He grabbed me again. Then I ran back the other way again and this time tried the door. Locked. Dead. Restart. Then I ran down the correct path.

It seems to me like the gameplay is almost too rigid to really complement the horror design, which is genuinely brilliant for jump scares. Those two
naked dudes
are just really disturbing.

But it seems to happen often that you're in an encounter or a scenario and it's just not clear at all what you have to do or what the enemy is capable of doing.


I genuinely jumped and went HOLY SHIT!!!! a few times in the beginning of the game (I'm a couple of hours in now), but the gameplay itself seems somewhat frustrating to me. This is the first encounter, so I don't think this counts as a spoiler, but whatever. When you're in the security room, you see the guy busting in so I hid. He found me anyway. Grabbed me. I ran into the hallway. It was so dark that I ran and ran and ran into a wall. He grabbed me again. Then I ran back the other way. He grabbed me again. Then I ran back the other way again and this time tried the door. Locked. Dead. Restart. Then I ran down the correct path.

It seems to me like the gameplay is almost too rigid to really complement the horror design, which is genuinely brilliant for jump scares. Those two
naked dudes
are just really disturbing.

But it seems to happen often that you're in an encounter or a scenario and it's just not clear at all what you have to do or what the enemy is capable of doing.
Next time try hiding in the locker furthest from the entrance:D
Worked for me every time.


when is my burrito
Have to say I'm really enjoying this game. First time I plugged headphones into the ds4 and was pleasantly surprised of the audio quality.

Very polished presentation, genuinely scary moments with the two guys
like when I was getting out of the prison and saw the one dude coming down the hall towards me, i saw the open window but didn't think I could make it, started backing up slowly contemplating what I could do and suddenly i'm shanked through the gut
A really great gaming experience I won't forget


Have to say I'm really enjoying this game. First time I plugged headphones into the ds4 and was pleasantly surprised of the audio quality.

Very polished presentation, genuinely scary moments with the two guys
like when I was getting out of the prison and saw the one dude coming down the hall towards me, i saw the open window but didn't think I could make it, started backing up slowly contemplating what I could do and suddenly i'm shanked through the gut
A really great gaming experience I won't forget

LOL! That happened to me the first time, too.
So, after my initial sitting, where I got to the first major scare
thrown over with the seeming freedom to go wherever
, I decided to continue my second sitting tonight.


I couldn't do it.

I sat down, turned the lights off, plugged in the headphones, and I decided to skip the creepy hallways and go downstairs... when I got down, I just could not open the door. I was too terrified. So I went back up the stairs, and decided to go down one of the hallways,
and then got scared at one of the things entering a room. I audibly screamed, and just quit the game.

I'll try again like next week.

I'm probably making a bigger deal than it needs to be, and just being a wimp, but I am very much enjoying the fact that I'm into it as seriously as I am... I see some people doing streams, and it seems so stupid to me that people would talk and engage with their followers...takes you right out of the mood.


So, after my initial sitting, where I got to the first major scare
thrown over with the seeming freedom to go wherever
, I decided to continue my second sitting tonight.


I couldn't do it.

I sat down, turned the lights off, plugged in the headphones, and I decided to skip the creepy hallways and go downstairs... when I got down, I just could not open the door. I was too terrified. So I went back up the stairs, and decided to go down one of the hallways,
and then got scared at one of the things entering a room. I audibly screamed, and just quit the game.

I'll try again like next week.

I'm probably making a bigger deal than it needs to be, and just being a wimp, but I am very much enjoying the fact that I'm into it as seriously as I am... I see some people doing streams, and it seems so stupid to me that people would talk and engage with their followers...takes you right out of the mood.

Yeah horror games are not something I want to play while talking to other people. It takes you out of it because it's like "Hey, I got people talking to me. They got my back." Or something. lol. There are some people who over exaggerate their reactions while doing lets plays of horror games, though. Like this. Just watch from that point for a minute and see his reaction after that. He definitely is putting on a show. The game scared me when I played it, but I did not flip out like that.


Oh god, playing this game with Pulse Elite headphones at night with the lights out. The jump scares are getting me. Even the ones I can see coming from a mile away
walking past wheelchair guy again

I need a break.


I don't know how people say it gets worse after half an hour.

I just passed (spoilers about two hours in):

the extremely creepy sewers, which ended in an amazingly tense chase

Which immediately led to:

being caught by the incredibly creepy doctor that cut off my damn fingers and chased me with HUGE FUCKING SCISSORS that make a soulcrushing CLING noise

Which I then proceeded to:

escape from by hiding in a bathroom stall for five minutes, turn on the elevator, and finally crush the bastard.

Game is great!
DL'ed and played for an hour on Nightmare. Creepy. Reminds me of an old game I can't think of the name of.

Wife left the room multiple times.

Do lower difficulty levels increase battery life? That is about all I care about. Would consider restarting on a lower difficulty of this is the case.
i'm pretty sure battery capacity varies by difficulty, i haven't tried all the modes though. normal gives you ten while insane is only two.


The game definitely is best in its first hour or 2, not because the beginning is "better" but because as you go along you figure out the game developers and their ways of scaring you. Kinda like Doom 3 really, granted this game is scarier than Doom 3 could ever be. But the same numbness sets in


I have become such a wimp, I was played with the lights off, late night, and by myself as per usual with horror games, but I had to turn it off after about 20 minutes. I am really loving it so far and glad to have that tense feeling back.


The game definitely is best in its first hour or 2, not because the beginning is "better" but because as you go along you figure out the game developers and their ways of scaring you. Kinda like Doom 3 really, granted this game is scarier than Doom 3 could ever be. But the same numbness sets in
I feel like a lot of games are actually like this. It's still new, you're still figuring things out, but once you've got a few hours under your belt you start to get a better feel for how everything ticks and the novelty's gone. But I can see that hitting doubly hard with an indie horror game than, say, an RPG (then again Bethesda games sure do plummet in appeal once you've spent enough time with them.)
(before trager)
not really scary but I fucking loved the chase sequence when you have to escape the two dicks by barricading doors and jumping over shit, just before you end up in psycho doctor's arms. So intense.


Finished this tonight, really really loved it. I was totally getting used to things after an hour or two, and then the game just brought the atmosphere and tension back. I also actually really enjoyed the final act also.
That ending oh man haha so grim


could never
I can't take it anymore,
the flooded cellar where you have to flip the switches to get the power back on with a dude trying to find you is too much.
I thought I was brave, clearly not. Lights out and headphones on make this a horrible experience heh.


I see some people doing streams, and it seems so stupid to me that people would talk and engage with their followers...takes you right out of the mood.
They do that because it removes a lot of the tension. Which is completely silly, because the entire point of playing a game like this is to fully immerse yourself in it.
The absolute minimum requirement for a game like this is to play it alone. Followed by playing in the dark. Actually, I think both of these are requirements.


i'm pretty sure battery capacity varies by difficulty, i haven't tried all the modes though. normal gives you ten while insane is only two.
Two is too few. Hard gives you 5, and you find about half as many batteries as on Normal. So for the first playthrough, Hard is perfect (also, opponents require less than half as many hits to kill you).


I'm really annoyed that the game doesn't let me go and collect the TWO collectibles that I missed on my playthrough - through loading a chapter.

I want to do another play through on Insane but there is absolutely no way I'm trying to collectibles again. I just can't be bothered.

Hopefully this is somehow patched out. >_>


They do that because it removes a lot of the tension. Which is completely silly, because the entire point of playing a game like this is to fully immerse yourself in it.
The absolute minimum requirement for a game like this is to play it alone. Followed by playing in the dark. Actually, I think both of these are requirements.
This game could have done with one of those Silent Hill opening screens

"This game should be played in the dark, alone and with headphones on for maximum effect"


Have you seen the gameplay vids for that game? I would lose my shit if I ran out of bullets.

Uh, Last Light isn't a horror game. It's got a few sections that could be considered scary but it's through-and-through an action game. And you won't run out of bullets considering you don't actually have to kill most things.

Outlast is a horror game.


Finished it today. Great game but the scary atmosphere that kept me afraid to play when I first started out waned IMO, and I was able to play with it in the dark and sound up with no problems. It is funny how I went from terrified to jaded through the course of the game.

Man, PS Plus is awesome and worth every damn cent.

That happens with most horror games though to be fair, just compare the second half of Amnesia to its first half.
I actually think thats one thing developers have to overcome with horror games, how to keep it scary right up to the end.


After playing this for a while, I don't think I'm scared of it anymore. I don't think I was scared of the game for most of it either. I think once I rationalized how most of these nutcases are just psychotic/mental patients gone bananas, I just don't find them scary anymore. Most of them also either have hearing or visual deficiencies so if I crouch around while they're chasing me, half of the time they can't figure out where I am. Half of the time when I got spotted I just get this "Oh FFS, just let me finish this puzzle first!" feeling from it.

By the time
I met the infamous naked twin, I was actually giggling because hearing their plan to kill me while their dong are hanging out
was kind of amusing.....in a twisted kind of way. The rest of the inmates seem to operate on a "don't do anything that annoys them" and you should be okay. The other psychos, well, just be fast on your feet and run ASAP and hide if they spot you. And never hide in the same spot twice because that's how they'll find you even if they didn't see you entering the locker/area.

I can't take it anymore,
the flooded cellar where you have to flip the switches to get the power back on with a dude trying to find you is too much.
I thought I was brave, clearly not. Lights out and headphones on make this a horrible experience heh.

That guy is just territorial.
All you have to do is just flip the switches and then hide. Should he catch you and he's too fast for you to hide in any locker, just run to the area where there's a broken wall. He won't chase you if you go past that wall. Like I said, he's just territorial of the area and once you steer clear of the place, he won't chase you


Tried it last night. Shat myself at the first jump scare. I knew the second one
wheelchair guy
was coming, just didn't know when... and it made me scream, again >.<

Got as far as the
padded cell
and nope :p



god...and i wanted to play this with 3D on, i only played the first 30 min using the HMZ-T1
and fuck me for trying this after midnight, and i used to rent all the fucked up horror movies in the past but this is something else, and holy fuck on the sound it's slowly eating my soul, and i regret reading GAF here since every 10 second I'm waiting for someone to jump on me lol.



i loved the atmosphere outside, the sound work is fantastic, when you start and get out of the jeep i waited like 2min because i was testing the HMZ-T1 by looking around
then i turned around and the fucking door closed by itself ya it's old shit but god that was super effective to set the mode
the sound in this game is like half the game,
and when you enter the second room? i saw some books on the table, i thought i could pick one but fuck the screen on the wall, it made sound that killed me for a second
and when you start moving and suddenly someone close the bathroom door,hmm ok this is nothing and i start moving again when
i reached the library door, fuck me man this is not cool hahah i don't know what i did there but fuck i was thinking to quit and continue later in a better time than 1AM but fuck i need to reach the wheelchair guy it's the only spoiler i know about this game, then i start moving again and reached the fucking guy who throw you from the second floor,this was less scary for some reason maybe because he talked before attacking me, now i see the fucking wheelchair but there's no guy haha it's empty, anyway later i saw the wheelchair guy ,god this is maybe the longest corridor i took combined with the fucking dude that didn't do anything when i passed him then i entered the next room and there i know it's time to quit for the night lol, bunch of guys watching broken TV with blood on it, nope sorry not going to enter maybe later haha

i love the game,sure I'm not gonna rush this, i made this i thought it's cool :D
i loved the atmosphere outside, the sound work is fantastic, when you start and get out of the jeep i waited like 2min because i was testing the HMZ-T1 by looking around
then i turned around and the fucking door closed by itself ya it's old shit but god that was super effective to set the mode
the sound in this game is like half the game,
and when you enter the second room? i saw some books on the table, i thought i could pick one but fuck the screen on the wall, it made sound that killed me for a second
and when you start moving and suddenly someone close the bathroom door,hmm ok this is nothing and i start moving again when
i reached the library door, fuck me man this is not cool hahah i don't know what i did there but fuck i was thinking to quit and continue later in a better time than 1AM but fuck i need to reach the wheelchair guy it's the only spoiler i know about this game, then i start moving again and reached the fucking guy who throw you from the second floor,this was less scary for some reason maybe because he talked before attacking me, now i see the fucking wheelchair but there's no guy haha it's empty, anyway later i saw the wheelchair guy ,god this is maybe the longest corridor i took combined with the fucking dude that didn't do anything when i passed him then i entered the next room and there i know it's time to quit for the night lol, bunch of guys watching broken TV with blood on it, nope sorry not going to enter maybe later haha

i love the game,sure I'm not gonna rush this, i made this i thought it's cool :D

Yeah, you pretty much summed up my opinion on the game/atmosphere at the moment. I was completely paranoid when it came to the
wheelchair corridor
and ended up taking a good minute or two to go down it as I was positive something was going to happen. And then of course I had a heart attack when it did.

area was pretty good as well. Being careful to stay out of site/out of the way of the psycho while I try and figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. I had a really close encounter down there when he saw me and I ended up hiding behind a desk hoping that the guy didn't see me!

The games lack of combat, focus on stealth and the way your light source works kind of makes the game feel like Amnesia set in the modern day (with your night vision camera replacing the oil lamp). Not quite as scary as I found Amnesia though I still really like it.
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