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Dark Souls II PC |OT| Give us smooth, Give us silky

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The good news (or bad) is that co-op seems fairly less common on NG+. Don't see a fourth as many summon signs.

I didn't see one in front of the giant in Forrest of Giants, I assumed the servers were down or something
I didn't see one in front of the giant in Forrest of Giants, I assumed the servers were down or something

Soul Memory is the main culprit. Plenty of folks are in NG+ now, I would bet more than half of the active player base is in NG+, but you'll never see many of their signs due to this silly artificial impediment.


Yesterday I killed Pursuer in NG+ when he swoops in instead of later, but I heard NG+ had
dual pursuers
as a boss, will I not get that now?

Just keep playing, they will track you down.

How demanding is the ENB? I'm interested in trying it on my new character once I wrap up my NG+ playthrough, but it'd be a shame to have to let go of 3200x1800@60fps :C

Downsampling suffers from massive diminishing returns. Dialing down the resolution a bit won't be too big of an issue.


Soul Memory is the main culprit. Plenty of folks are in NG+ now, I would bet more than half of the active player base is in NG+, but you'll never see many of their signs due to this silly artificial impediment.

Speaking of which, if I remain in NG+ but I keep using Ascetics, will I still be able to summon those who are still in NG+, or does the bonfire intensity determine the outcome?
Speaking of which, if I remain in NG+ but I keep using Ascetics, will I still be able to summon those who are still in NG+, or does the bonfire intensity determine the outcome?

I think NG is the only playthrough that is walled off from other NG's. In NG+ and beyond, I think it is Soul Memory only. Soul Level and bonfire level wether by NG+ or Ascetic is irrelevant.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Soul Memory is the main culprit. Plenty of folks are in NG+ now, I would bet more than half of the active player base is in NG+, but you'll never see many of their signs due to this silly artificial impediment.

this IS in NG+


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
"I guess i'm close to the end" spoilers:
Five Sentinels?! :|
Who comes up with this stuff? Beat them and it felt good, but still.
Wow, so PvP is Peer to peer. That explains a whole lot.

I still hate it. Lagstabs and Lagdeaths.

So was Dark Souls 1 and I think Demon's Souls as well. The amount of lag, phantom hits and other craziness seems unique to DS2. I never had consistent lag in either of the other games but in this one just about every single online interaction I have is plagued by wonky bullshit.
the real dark souls begins here



Man I don't think I could handle Ruin Sentinels dual wielding. I tried with rolling only, no blocking, but I just found it too difficult, so I decided to put on a shield and the fight was then absolute cake.

Sentinels were not that bad, on my current dual wielding run (NG++ on
Company of Champions
) I had the most problem with the
It happens soooo much in DS2 though.

Yep, it's crazy. Compare these two PVP videos of mine, the first one from Dark Souls:


None of that "phantom range" bullshit that you see in DS2! If that fight were to take place in DS2 it would have ended much sooner I'm sure. Also, I'm in Australia with crummy internet, playing with people from all over the world and the latency almost always seemed fine in DS1. I've even seen myself on streamers' streams who are in the US and I was never teleporting around or pulling anything crazy out of nowhere.

Now look at this one from Dark Souls 2:


Just a bunch of crap, honestly. I saw my fair share of laggy fights in DS1, but it was pretty much only lagstabs and teleporting, but even that was rare. I never experienced extra range on weapons, which is absolutely infuriating in DS2 and really ruins a lot of encounters.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't make torches useful without creating some actual darkness!

Have you checked with Asmodean's post.fx file for GeDoSaTo?

Where dark areas are actually darker as everyone wants, with a subtle increase in visuals while maintaining the integrity of the base game. [edit]

I prefer this over the much fancy ENB wrapper with any presets, which tend to spam the screen with so much visuals that it doesn't seem like Dark Souls 2 at all. (it starts to look like Skyrim with ENB) [edit]


At work today I was thinking to myself 'when I get home, I must make a local backup of my save game, like the guys on GAF were saying, since DS still doesn't have any kind redundancy built into it'. I got home and forgot about it...

Was enjoying some PvP at Iron Keep, testing out Curved Dragon Greatsword, Great Lance and Parrying Dagger builds, when we had a circuit breaker go off while cooking dinner, taking my 130hrs of DS with it, lol.

Ah well, I'd been saying I need to start a new character anyway.



Have you checked with Asmodean's post.fx file for GeDoSaTo?

I prefer this over the much fancy ENB wrapper with any presets.
I haven't messed with GeDoSaTo yet because I need the alt-tab functionality, but I'll bookmark this for when that is fixed. Looks nice, though I'd need to see some dark areas to compare. It's where the most differences emerge, gameplay-wise. Thanks for the recommendation. :)


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't messed with GeDoSaTo yet because I need the alt-tab functionality, but I'll bookmark this for when that is fixed. Looks nice, though I'd need to see some dark areas to compare. It's where the most differences emerge, gameplay-wise. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

From Asmodean's comparison link (which I think are between Vannila and his post.fx)
Without post.fx

With post.fx

Notice the dark/shadow area after the archway.


just encounter a hacker in the area of bell tower
i hit him multiple time and he didn't even blocked , and he didn't lose any HP
after a while , he start losing health , but he killed me


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
Nope still barely midway.
Seriously?! It feels so "endey", with the big castle and everything. Even plotwise.
After 65 Hours I wasn't expecting to be halfway through. :p

Just defeated the two
Pretty cool fight. The castle is becoming a bit irritating, though. All those 3(or even 6)Vs1 battles...
Dark Souls had some of those as well, but there are so many in DSII, and in contrary to the original there aren't alway's escape routes or way's to lure enemies out one for one.

Currently using an electric +8 Halberd which does a lot of damge, but it's moveset feels so clunky. Especially compared to the last games. And those hitboxes are becoming rather frustrating. But even with all that, I think this is becoming my favorite Souls game. There's just something about the atmosphere and pacing that i'm absolutely in love with.


Yet to find a weapon with an animation set I like..Closest is Drangleic Sword, REALLY disliking great weapons attacking in whatever direction I'm trying to move, used to being able to back away and attack when I see openings, moving forward before attacking feels foreign..


This is ridiculous its like crushed blacks the mod.

Have you checked with Asmodean's post.fx file for GeDoSaTo?

Where dark areas are actually darker as everyone wants, with a subtle increase in visuals while maintaining the integrity of the base game. [edit]

I prefer this over the much fancy ENB wrapper with any presets, which tend to spam the screen with so much visuals that it doesn't seem like Dark Souls 2 at all. (it starts to look like Skyrim with ENB) [edit]

Everyone is entitled to a preference, but sweetfx is a post process effect and not the same as an ENB.

SweetFX is like watching a TV show and playing with your contrast and brightness settings on your TV, while an ENB is like contacting the TV studio and getting them to turn a light off on the set.

The ENB removed or dimmed ambient light levels and adjusted the fire light sources. It didn't crush blacks, if anything you're crushing blacks playing with sweetfx contrast settings.



From Asmodean's comparison link (which I think are between Vannila and his post.fx)
Without post.fx

With post.fx

Notice the dark/shadow area after the archway.
I tried this out and some of the features of GeDoSaTo are fantastic (downsampling, hiding the mouse cursor, borderless fullscreen), but I think I do prefer the look of Wickfut's dark ENB. Colours pop more, the whites aren't as blinding (as it was with Asmodean's post.fx in Majula) and it's really fucking dark when it should be. I didn't like many of the earlier attempts, but I think he nailed it with that one. I'm also using the "lite" version which doesn't have some of the more glaring effects like the crazy DoF. :D

Generally speaking, it probably just comes down to preference for a certain look.


I'm going to break down all the areas of the game very quickly.

Things Betwixt: Good tutorial area with actually quite a few secrets.
Majula: A great hub, I just wish more people moved into it.
Forest of Fallen Giants: A great "level one" that was expansive and challenging. I really liked how you had to come back here near the end of the game, it showcased how strong your character has become.
Heide's Tower of Flame/Cathedral of Blue: A mini Anor Londo. No BS here, just fight a bunch of giant knights. It also gave some great early game items and cooping the two bosses here was a great early way to get levels.
Lost Bastille: The Royal Swordsman were quite challenging even though they seemed deceptively weak. There's a lot to explore and find in this area as well.
Earthen Peak: This area had a good variety of enemies and a myriad of alternate paths and secrets to uncover. I wish they had more things like burning the windmill in the game.
Iron Keep: Maybe my favorite area in the game. The enemies were intimidating yet a lot of fun to fight, there were a lot of hazards to overcome, and Smelter Demon is easily the most difficult boss in the entire game if you're into that sort of thing. Not a fan of the items you have to basically kill yourself to get though.
Belfrys: I loved fighting in here, but damn it was so annoying when you just wanted to switch to the Bell Covenant and you are instantly invaded.
Drangleic Castle: A very atmospheric level. I enjoyed both boss fights and while many chide the game for having so many "knight" enemies, they are certainly my favorite.
Dragon Aerie/Dragon Shrine: Definitely one of the most visually impressive areas, and finally we got to fight some dragons. The electric mage sniper needs to take a break.

No Man's Wharf: I'd put this in good if it wasn't for those damn long armed things. Those were such annoying enemies, especially since there were so many of them in such a small area.
Huntsman's Copse/Undead Purgatory: Nothing really special here, though it did have some good enemies. The Chariot Boss was a unique challenge, it reminded me of something you'd see in a Zelda game. Let's not speak of the Skeleton Lords.
Doors of Pharros/Grave of Saints: Rat Covenant was creative if annoying, but I loved fighting those dwarves. Not really a whole lot to see in either though.
Brightstone Cove Tseldora: The aesthetic here is very different from everything else in the game, but ew spiders. Not to mention the layout is very confusing.
Undead Crypt: Hey it's zombies. Velstadt was a fun fight though and seeing Vendrick was one of the game's best moments.
Aldia's Keep: MONSTER MASH. It was very unnerving to see all those beasts in cages, especially at the end when that stupid ogre started to break everything. I thought Ogres were not fun to fight whatsoever.

Sinner's Rise: Exploding enemies are awful considering you never know when they are going to jump and you can completely whiff your attack. Trudging through water here while fighting giant monsters AND sneaky bomb zombies (bombies) was annoying even if the area was super short.
Harvest Valley: Waste your lives or health regen items to go fishing for something that may or may not be useful.
Shaded Woods: The game really amped up the unfairness here. Tons of poison horde ambushes, an N64 draw distance forest with invisible enemies, curse pots, breakable floors, vats of liquid that could break your equipment, basilisks... none of this was fun.
The Gutter: Why. Not only did you have to fight super boring enemies, you had to zig zag left and right, up and down just to get anywhere. I had no idea how I even got through this area, I just magically appeared next to the fog door.
Black Gulch: Why x2. No one wants to waste time breaking those stupid, stupid statues. WHO BUILT THESE THINGS?
Shrine of Amana: Whether you randomly drown or get magic sniped, trudging through here is the antithesis of fun.

So yeah, I certainly think the game took a bad turn after Iron Keep. If I ever decide to do NG+, I will probably stop when I get past there.


Another thing about the ENB: Can you completely disable the chromatic aberration I've seen in some pics? I really don't like it.

Really liked the Velstadt fight. Felt like a DS1 boss.

Yup, great fight, I felt like he was exactly what
the Old Dragonslayer
should've been.


Shrine of Amana is my most hated area of probably any game ever.

So much rage.

Yeah, you need a bow if you're going all melee. I tried to avoid using 'cheap' tactics like this throughout the game but eventually said f*ck it. Those homing sorcerers deserve it.

be sure to be un-hollowed before the fog gate by the masses of casters/knights. There's an NPC summon that makes things so much easier
Any place to farm torches? Noticed after The Gutter that I'm really low on torch time. Also, I have 4 of those Pharros Lockstones and haven't used one yet. Do you get enough to open all the doors in the game or do I have to be choosy and hope I get something worth value?


I'm going to break down all the areas of the game very quickly.

Belfrys: I loved fighting in here, but damn it was so annoying when you just wanted to switch to the Bell Covenant and you are instantly invaded.

No Man's Wharf: I'd put this in good if it wasn't for those damn long armed things. Those were such annoying enemies, especially since there were so many of them in such a small area.

Harvest Valley: Waste your lives or health regen items to go fishing for something that may or may not be useful.
The Gutter: Why. Not only did you have to fight super boring enemies, you had to zig zag left and right, up and down just to get anywhere. I had no idea how I even got through this area, I just magically appeared next to the fog door.
Chiming up with my biggest disagreements:

Belfry belongs into the BAD category. I don't know how anyone could like this forced PvP shit. Though the Bellkeeper is a fun character . The areas are small and not very interesting. Both feel more like a PvP deathmatch arena jammed in there instead of a proper Souls area (which is exactly what it is, I guess).

No Man's Wharf is GOOD. Maybe even my favourite area in the game. Did you activate the Pharros' Lockstone contraption in the middle area? Genius gameplay mechanic affecting the spider monkeys you hated to fight and just a great moment (it was the first Pharros Lockstone I ever used, so I didn't know what to expect at all).

Harvest Valley totally works, thematically. The textures are nice, the poisonous fog looks good. You might've found it annoying to play, but it's a GOOD area in terms of atmosphere, effects and place in the world. (The whole Harvest Valley -> Earthen Peak -> Iron Keep branch of the world is great and very logical, if only that last elevator in Earthen Peak would go down...)

The Gutter is OK, because it's almost the only area in the vanilla game that actually forces you to use to torch mechanic. Which I love. I do concede that the environmental design itself isn't particularly interesting, though.

Overall, I think the game has more great areas than stinkers, and its stinkers aren't on Blighttown/Lost Izalith levels of suck. But if you look at the whole world map as a whole, DS1 clearly wins out, its interconnectedness lending a fantastic sense of place to Lordran, which ends up being much more cohesive and logical as an actual place compared to Drangleic.


Any place to farm torches? Noticed after The Gutter that I'm really low on torch time. Also, I have 4 of those Pharros Lockstones and haven't used one yet. Do you get enough to open all the doors in the game or do I have to be choosy and hope I get something worth value?
They really should've had a merchant that sells torches later in the game, imo.

You can farm them from any torch-wielding enemy in the game. There's one near the first bonfire in
The Gutter
, also one near the second bonfire in
Huntsman's Copse.

There are many places where you can put Pharros' Lockstones and if you don't farm them via a certain covenant, you won't have enough to use half of the contraptions in the game. Which is fine, because they're all optional... with some being much more useful than others.
If I use that item that respawns all mobs in an area except harder by 1 game+ does it reset loot from already dead corpses/chests as well?

I need a second bandit axe from the chest in no mans wharf.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
It only took me 80+ hours and being summoned to someone elses world to realise there's a destructible wall beside the
cardinal tower bonfire
. Wonder if anyone else failed to notice this as well.
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