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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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Neo Member
I was a little bit underwhelmed by the first gameplay video that came out a little while ago, but it's looking a lot better now.

I'm not too worried that it doesn't appear to be doing anything new. I would be perfectly happy with a TPS that plays well.

Also on another positive note there was no mention of a slip to next year.
Graphically it was beautiful. Gameplay, I need to see more but I'm intrigued by what I just saw. I'm not going to judge it based on a 2 minute shooting section. I'd like to see something a little more cinematic on stage at E3, something that really makes your jaw drop. I hope they bring it. Looking forward to this one.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Are people really trying to get a feel for the frame rate from a lagged out Twitch stream?

Apparently. They really need to put the video somewhere else, because that was a horrible way to show it. Youtube's terrible compression would have been better.


Not bad at all. Really wished it had co op. This game begs to be played with three of my buddies. It's a shame really.


Just a question for the guys who are saying its generic. What did you guys expected the gameplay to l be like in a realistic TPS game ?


Anyone know how to search for channels in the twitch app? Mine won't find the PlayStation channel for some reason.
god knows. I hate twitch reveal stuff because I'm mostly on my iPad.

iPad browser doesn't play anything. It prompts to open the twitch app, and you can search for playstation under 'people' but then it says it isn't broadcasting (tried constantly since 8:55)

So tried the PS4. Not under 'what's new', not under 'live from playstation', doesn't show up if you search for playstation in 'live from playstation'

Tried the PS4 browser which eventually played a juddering blocky mess for about 5 seconds and then froze, and when I refreshed it I guess it must have finished.

Presumably they'll upload the footage to YouTube or it'll be archived somewhere, but twitch is a fucking awful way to show new footage


love on your sleeve
yea the PR for this game has been a disaster just like driveclub. They need to show something more substantial and diverse. showing 10 seconds of the intro level isn't cutting it

Perhaps if there were a big media event where video game developers show and discuss more details of what they're working on. I wish we had something like that.


Holy shit that was beautiful! Characters are cool too.

Buncha negative nancies in this thread lol.

Yeah really. And doesn't this game have some supernatural type stuff in it or something? I'm sure there's a lot of stuff they aren't showing us yet. The graphics alone look jaw-dropping. The gameplay doesn't look that bad really. Just hope we see more destructible stuff and crazy weapons (and monsters?).


My thoughts exactly. :D Although he did do it in a very clandestine fashion, and the wounded soldier might not be one of the folks that need the potion.

Looks really good graphically. There's all sorts of shit going on in there, exciting what more we'll see in the following years.

The "Knights" have that ability. It's some type of curse thing. Info on it was in the Game Informer spread a long time ago.



They need to rethink how they're showing this game off. Looks amazing, but people want to see how it's going to differentiate itself from the standard TPS already. I love TPS and have no problem if it is a standard TPS (the BS call for 'innovation' with tried-and-true gameplay is nonsense; refinement before innovation anyday. And a fully refined game with zero innovation is likely to be a 10/10, fuck that noise), but they have already advertised these other features, and the game is likely to release early next year. They have got to detail this shit by E3.

Well said.

Destructability looks great hopefully it is more than crates and set pieces.

Gunplay looks excellent. That feedback

Now I don't want this to sound like hyperbole but watching those visuals reminded me of the Killzone 2 CG trailer where your brain is just thinking - "No way, No way, Can't be happening. Is this happening?"

Best visuals of any game by far.
Whole other level

Yes, the visuals are superb. People try and trash talk the game as just another "Gears clone", but it's going to fun when people figure out that The Order: 1886 looks better than the next Gears of War from Microsoft. :p


Bad way to show it off, a crappy, lagging twitch stream.

Otherwise it looks like a more atmospheric, character driven gears of war with more original weaponry and visuals that melt your eyes...i'm sold.


It's replaying on a loop.

Looks amazing to me, I hate when people say aiming is off and that gameplay looks sucky when they haven't even played it. Guess the Xbots are feeling jealous of this exclusive.

God, you're literally the worst.

And you're paid to write about games? Christ.


Anyone find it amusing your buddies are like "We are sitting ducks out here", as they say that, the enemy stands completely still on a balcony waiting to be shot.
I don't get the gameplay complaints, what are people expecting from a TPS ?

It looks fun to me , I loved GeoW and Uncharted and can't wait for this.

The developers goal of this game is about story telling with better TPS mechanics along with some new elements (which they haven't showcased yet not even full gameplay) just they provided tease so far, but so many complaining that its just TPS nothing special by looking at tease they think like they've seen full gameplay and all the elements of the game to comment. I hate to see those comments and these are the people who create hype themselves around their ideas instead of not following developers intentions/goals/ideas so early to bash the games and make them fail with their words/comments.


Ugh.... It looks like The Order will squeeze in with Killzone and Infamous as very pretty games with shallow-as-fuck gameplay. Sony's first party needs to get it together.


We still haven't seen:

- Galahad using different weapons
- "Investigation" segments
- Battle with werewolves/half-breeds

Hopefully they show all this at E3.


As many other people are saying...Graphics look fucking amazing. Best I've ever seen probably...but they're doing a terrible job of actually making the gameplay seem exciting.

I know we haven't seen much but if you're going to show a teaser at least show something besides sitting behind cover and shooting. This is the kind of teaser I'd expect to have seen months ago at like the VGX, not in June of the year this game is supposedly coming out (probably not happening :'( )


Looking good, especially for the continuity between gameplay part and "cut-scenes" one.

Seeing this gameplay put on me a lot hype and curiosity for U4 lol


Dreams in Digital
I don't like the dialogue. Have a word ND

"We're sitting ducks out here."
"Only a few feet to go."

I hate that stuff, it infects all second rate writing in games.
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