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2014 Microsoft E3 Conference


I don't think you know what first party means.

First party are studios owned by the console maker.


I know full well what it means. I don't see a point in the distinction when it's exclusive and published by Microsoft. This is the same kind of nonsense people tried to use on the Wonderful 101 and it got old a long time ago.


Who the hell decided that using Twitch for the post-show Q&A was a good idea?



Sony taking shots is pretty gross in the face of Phil Spencer opening the Xbox event with a show of respect for them.

If Microsoft did anything like this, they'd be crucified to the end of time on here.

Housemarque is an independent developer. So...

They were acting like a 1st party studio with that tweet(that 'other' conference). Pretty obvious and you really think anybody would really care about that distinction?


Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
The 2014 lineup looks solid but not enough for me to buy one yet. I'll almost certainly be getting one in 2015 though.


Gold Member
I really don't get the hate towards CG trailers.

E3 2005 changed everything.

Everyone wants to see things that they will. Actually get to play. CG trailers have a time and a place... And that's on TV adverts.


I am by no means a fan of Microsoft nor its visión for the industry... but this conference was solid gold:

- A couple of legitimate megatons (Platinum! Crackdown!)
- Innovative games and original franchises rather than sequelitis galore
- Variety of genres? In my Xbox? Woa!
- No sales talk, no sports, no social media, no non-gaming bullshit. A conference for gamers at the E3, yay!

The only minus is the CGI overdose. Other than that, good job, Microsoft! :)


In reality? It's as niche as it gets. A good IP to have, don't get me wrong, but if you're going to dig in the crates for old Xbox favourites to bring back, it wouldn't be in my top 5. The tepid applause afterwards from the crowd pretty much sums it up.

Killer Instinct was a megaton. Perfect Dark would be a megaton. Crackdown? We knew it was coming but still - a pretty big deal. Phantom Dust? Not in the same league.

The whole conference felt safe. Which is fine, but safe isn't going to capture the imagination...or the market.


I don't own a Xbox One, I'd be comfortable owning one. But that could be said about most consoles.


Really like the conference. I think the 2014 exclusive lineup is strong with FH2, Sunset Overdrive and Halo Collections.

I have faith in anything Kamiya does.


The fact that Seavor actually voiced that Conker bit is the biggest surprise to me.

Still the most cruel thing I've endured in a long long time though.


Junior Member
Sorry guys but I thought it was awful.

No megatons, lots of CGI, lots of bullshit timed (moneyhatted) exclusive DLC that makes no difference in the grand scheme of things.

For xbox diehards I can see why they may have seen it as good since there's a lot of nostalgia announced but for everyone else... What are the selling points? Where is that new IP console exclusive to draw people in and define a generation in the way that Gears of War did?

I cannot believe they blew their load before e3 for that. If they had announced the kinnectless version and Forza horizon 2 at this with some gameplay I would have been hyped but they decided to drip feed that to us prior to the conference for some unknown reason.

Not to mention the fact that they are sitting on Rare and wasting all of their IP's and their talent/creativity.

Easy conference for Sony to beat, all they have to do is show some gameplay and some new innovative hardware/ideas (VR, PS Now).

Yup. Major disappointment. Only game that looked awesome was SO. Nothing shown made me say holy shit I need to buy an xbox one. If Sony cant beat this conf it would have to be pretty mediocre.
I dont see scalebound coming out before 2016, meaning the one thing they showed that I have any interest in (that wasn't indie games I can probably get on PC) is like 2 years away

and phantom dust but literally no gameplay shown for either


They showed nothing I'm dying to play this year and gave me no reasons to buy an Xbox One.

2016 Xbox Slim, here I come!
So MS has doubled down on cartoony graphics, coop games and CGI trailers. Well, it's better than what they've done before, but it's still a mess.


Junior Member
Watch sony spend a bunch of time on sales and charts and then show a CG megaton and then everyone gets excited and says their conference was amazing

Sony conferences are deathly boring. They're so dire.

Despite the CGfest, I was pretty impressed by Microsoft's presser. Lots of games, no charts, no sales, no movies, no TV, just the games.

If there is one thing Sony could learn from Microsoft, it's the format and delivery of their press conferences.

Microsoft actually make E3... watchable!


Actively hates charity
Yes, did not learn anything about platinum or crackdown other than the genre.

Division looked like a PC version.

Fable looked awful - not sure what the appeal is there....?

Sunset looked good.

I thought witcher 3 looked worse than I would expect - was it actually running on XB1 ?

Halo collection looks fun, although the gameplay Halo 2 is showing its age a little. It looked like an old game running on a PC...




The whole conference felt safe. Which is fine, but safe isn't going to capture the imagination...or the market.

Yeah. It neither impressed or disappointed me, but it won't be something I remember. Not one game has me ready to fire up my Xbox this fall/winter and that's a shame.

Sony and Nintendo shouldn't have too much of a hard time topping that and I'm sure they will.
Good conference. Not great, but good. My pros and cons pretty much line up with everyone else, so I won't make a list. I will say this though: With all the CG shown, this conference could have just as well been done last year, if they weren't so focused on Kinect/TV/UI. They are heading in the right direction now, but they are about a year behind. Its going to be a long, cold, dark wait to see this platform hit its stride.
They were acting like a 1st party studio with that tweet(that 'other' conference). Pretty obvious and you really think anybody would really care about that distinction?

Do you have any examples of an indie developer getting crucified for making a joke about Sony?

Navy Bean

9/10 for me. Show was tight with no BS. I actually like the lineup for this fall with Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive being highlights. The Halo pack seems pretty cool too with a ton of content. Plus, Crackdown was one of my favorite games last gen so good to see it back with the original director. The two main indie games, Ori and Inside, looked sweet as well.

Only thing missing is the disappointing lack of a new first party AAA IP. Looking forward to Sony tonight.
Disclaimer; I own both current gen Microsoft and Sony consoles. No Wii for me.

Damn Microsoft! A big old meh..

I really expected way more seeing as their back is against the wall. I felt like it was do or die for them. They probably only did enough to stem the bleeding.

I was so ready to give them another shot. I thought maybe they had changed. The big takeaway for me is that Microsoft just can't get their shit together enough to create their own good new and original games. More moneyhats, more moneyhats, more moneyhats. So typical. It appears to be the only way they can compete is to attempt to buy short term exclusivity. It honestly makes me disgusted.

I've come to the conclusion that I won't buy anything else for the one unless its a first party exclusive, and even then it better be great. Sunset Overdrive looks to be my only 2014 purchase now.

I just can't feel good about giving my money to Microsoft anymore, it makes me feel sick and dirty. They abuse and shit on their existing early adopters while simultaneously giving anyone who desires to buy content on another system a good hard ass fucking.

I think the straw that broke the camel's back was someone talking about the rumble triggers feature as a selling point of the one. Really? You don't believe in that anymore than you believe in Kinect. As far as I know 2 games utilize them. Liars. You make me sick.
I thought it was pretty bad personally. Only a couple of games that we didn't already know about, and nothing that really looked interesting to me.


I really don't get the hate towards CG trailers.

CGI trailers are cool but we've been so much deceived by them. Like for DA 2, the CGI trailer was cool but not the game...
So yeah, I'would prefer a mix of CGI and gameplay trailer like they did for Witcher 3.

I know full well what it means. I don't see a point in the distinction when it's exclusive and published by Microsoft. This is the same kind of nonsense people tried to use on the Wonderful 101 and it got old a long time ago.

Because there is a big distinction between a third party exclusive and a first party game.

A very big difference.


Anyone have a link to a download of the whole conference? Need a copy to take to my friends (he has no internet)!


People expect pristine gameplay footage from games that will come out in 2015 or 2016. Nothing else will do!

To be fair, slices are used to pitch a game or update those that need to know about it's progress. Unless these are brand new projects, they will all have some form of playable section that already exists. It is not a great ask to see *something* of that, although understandable all the same if they would rather wait for it to be more shiny.


Watch sony spend a bunch of time on sales and charts and then show a CG megaton and then everyone gets excited and says their conference was amazing

I expect 1 or 2 megatons. Honestly, the fans are already on their side so they don't have to do much to "win". Showing Uncharted gameplay and the mere mention of TLG will win them favor. Everything else is icing. It was MS that needed to prove themselves.


I liked their stage design. Usually when you're going for a really bombastic design, you place the presenter far away from the audience, and as a result they feel detached. But here, Phil was standing in the middle of the audience, right in front of their chairs. It's smart if nothing else.
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