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"PC is decimating console, just through price" - Romero


ITT PC master race people throwing pennies at console gamers from their ivory towers and refusing to acknowledge the massive prices involved in buying a PC and keeping it updated.

They both have their place.
ITT PC master race people throwing pennies at console gamers from their ivory towers and refusing to acknowledge the massive prices involved in buying a PC and keeping it updated.

They both have their place.

Upfront cost is really the only issue but it pays for itself later on. Also a PC does a more than console, let's be honest here.


thanks for the laugh
Cloud gaming for costs might alleviate some of that cost but let's not mistake the cost of a PC of 500+ vs a set top box like PS3 for half the price. The potency is there due to other factors so it's very difficult to make your statement given PS4's rock solid start which basically shun the point.

if people want cheap, happy go lucky gaming, they'll use one of their numerous devices that already have a far larger library than the PS4 will ever accrue. if they want specialist hardware, they can buy specialist hardware. consoles sit in an awkward and ever eroding middle ground which offers spectacularly terrible value when combined functionality and access to ecosystems are taken in to account.

the consoles got off to a good start thanks to a big inventory and eight years of blue balled dyed in the wool console gamers (sony's figures that 50% of PS4 early adopters owned a PS vita should tell you something about the sort of person who is responsible for the early glut of sales), and have since tapered off to fairly average numbers, backed by a mix of typical and outright bad software numbers.

what they do do, is cater to their established audiences in a safe and familiar way that won't scare their tired old bones away. that's the GAF demographic. you still represent a decent amount of purchase power and i'm sure over time enough of you will trade out your PS3/360s for their younger brothers that the respective platform holders can pretend they are seeing some kind of rapid growth, even though the vast majority of their sales come from their same old gradually diminishing core audience.

maybe i'm wrong, and we'll see some huge resurgence for proprietary consoles in the public mindspace, but i can't imagine what factor could cause this beyond a second coming of the wii with an entirely new and equally captivating gimmick.


As someone who is facing the need to invest a few hundred bucks in a new CPU in order to get the performance that I want in the games I play on PC forgive me if this isn't exactly convincing...

(And what sucks is when you're mobo doesn't support newer chips you need to replace the mobo as well. And changed mobo's? Hey look, your ram isn't compatible anymore so need to replace that too.

PC gaming is many things. Fun, easy, gorgeous, customizable. But cheap isn't one of them to me. The initial hardware buy in is costly. Sure it'll even out over the lifetime via steamsales and indie titles on the cheap. But that initial buy in is a bitch, lol.

This seems like a bit of a stretch. If your PC is outdated enough that you need a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM, chances are it's old enough you're far past upgrading. You're getting a new computer, as your rig is probably ancient. I can't think of the last time I've had to worry about RAM compatibility.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm definitely excited as I'm selling my current x79 rig for Haswell E early next year so PC investment and future longevity secured. Gotta have a good rig for Oculus.

if people want cheap, happy go lucky gaming, they'll use one of their numerous devices that already have a far larger library than the PS4 will ever accrue. if they want specialist hardware, they can buy specialist hardware. consoles sit in an awkward and ever eroding middle ground which offers spectacularly terrible value when combined functionality and access to ecosystems are taken in to account.

the consoles got off to a good start thanks to a big inventory and eight years of blue balled dyed in the wool console gamers (sony's figures that 50% of PS4 early adopters owned a PS vita should tell you something about the sort of person who is responsible for the early glut of sales), and have since tapered off to fairly average numbers, backed by a mix of typical and outright bad software numbers.

what they do do, is cater to their established audiences in a safe and familiar way that won't scare their tired old bones away. that's the GAF demographic. you still represent a decent amount of purchase power and i'm sure over time enough of you will trade out your PS3/360s for their younger brothers that the respective platform holders can pretend they are seeing some kind of rapid growth, even though the vast majority of their sales come from their same old gradually diminishing core audience.

maybe i'm wrong, and we'll see some huge resurgence for proprietary consoles in the public mindspace, but i can't imagine what factor could cause this beyond a second coming of the wii with an entirely new and equally captivating gimmick.

This is well said. I can agree with the sentiments compared to the last post.


ITT PC master race people throwing pennies at console gamers from their ivory towers and refusing to acknowledge the massive prices involved in buying a PC and keeping it updated.

They both have their place.

it's kind of a shame that stuff like this is bannable when used to deride console gamers but apparently not in the other direction

edit: i stand corrected


That list is a top 10 list, there are other games below that 10 that people would play....

How would that change the fact the 360 version outsold the PC one... And how is that relevant at all? MS had a policy where if DLC was too big they forced the dev/pub to charge $ or pay $


They could've orangeboxed it and released it free. Who gives a fuck what MSFT wanted? PC players are not easily parted with their money, especially when the mod community can do anything devs can do. You're comparing a console starved for interesting exclusives in comparison to the PC which houes anything and everything you could want, even things not counted by the NPD. Console players are legit holding up a box remastered old games as some kind of exclusive for this fall, that's ridiculous.


Free to play is something consoles are already doing, so his point there isn't that strong, and only likely to get weaker as those models expand further to consoles. As far as insane sales go, yes, Steam is beating everybody, they're untouchable, thank you Gaben.


if people want cheap, happy go lucky gaming, they'll use one of their numerous devices that already have a far larger library than the PS4 will ever accrue. if they want specialist hardware, they can buy specialist hardware. consoles sit in an awkward and ever eroding middle ground which offers spectacularly terrible value when combined functionality and access to ecosystems are taken in to account.

the consoles got off to a good start thanks to a big inventory and eight years of blue balled dyed in the wool console gamers (sony's figures that 50% of PS4 early adopters owned a PS vita should tell you something about the sort of person who is responsible for the early glut of sales), and have since tapered off to fairly average numbers, backed by a mix of typical and outright bad software numbers.

what they do do, is cater to their established audiences in a safe and familiar way that won't scare their tired old bones away. that's the GAF demographic. you still represent a decent amount of purchase power and i'm sure over time enough of you will trade out your PS3/360s for their younger brothers that the respective platform holders can pretend they are seeing some kind of rapid growth, even though the vast majority of their sales come from their same old gradually diminishing core audience.

maybe i'm wrong, and we'll see some huge resurgence for proprietary consoles in the public mindspace, but i can't imagine what factor could cause this beyond a second coming of the wii with an entirely new and equally captivating gimmick.
What do they do if they want to play video games on the TV lol? Can you explain why these consoles are selling better then the last ones, or you want to infer some more bullshitt. What world do you live in where the only option's for most are Mobiles or PC. Why wouldn't consoles exist and thrive. Please inform us.


ITT PC master race people throwing pennies at console gamers from their ivory towers and refusing to acknowledge the massive prices involved in buying a PC and keeping it updated.

They both have their place.

Anecdotal, but I see the term "PC master race" being perpetuated by mostly console gamers nowadays.

I spent a bit over $900 Canadian on my PC in late 2009 and I haven't upgraded since outside of a new cooling fan. It still runs games better than a PS4 would and I do not need to consider upgrading my PC every 6 months like you implied in your last post. You pay more to get more out of the hardware but only the most OCD of PC gamers actually upgrade as often as you claim.

Edit: lol banned


They could've orangeboxed it and released it free. Who gives a fuck what MSFT wanted? PC players are not easily parted with their money, especially when the mod community can do anything devs can do. You're comparing a console starved for interesting exclusives in comparison to the PC which houes anything and everything you could want, even things not counted by the NPD. Console players are legit holding up a box remastered old games as some kind of exclusive for this fall, that's ridiculous.

All I said was the L4D2 360 version outsold the PC one, straight from valve, not the NPD. If you want to reply to that go ahead, but why the fuck are you talking about the DLC costing $. I was comparing the 360 to PC, the 360 in 2009 was not starved for exclusives, hell the PC indie scene wasn't even that big then


You mean how quick 'you guys' are to throw a temper tantrum? L4D got loads of free updates, maps and The Sacrifice...

Where's Team Fortress 3 then, if this was the natural order of things?

All I said was the L4D2 360 version outsold the PC one, straight from valve, not the NPD. If you want to reply to that go ahead, but why the fuck are you talking about the DLC costing $

I'm telling you why they sold less. Just because a game is out, doesn't mean people are going to buy it, especially when the consumers feel betrayed. When Ubisoft complains about poor sales on the PC, it may be because people don't want the game, or it could be ubi hates PC users and shows this with uplay.


I disagree.

The fact you can do more with a PC isn't the point. Most consumers (none of which would read this forum), don't know or don't care you could do more with a PC. The cost of entry and learning curve behind a PC is really the limiting factor here (albeit shrinking, but still present).

For example, why would anybody want to buy a Blu-ray player when they could just use a PC? You can do so much more with a PC than a Blu-ray player afterall.. It's because the majority of consumers don't want to deal with the bullshit that goes along with a PC just for watching movies, they just want to watch the movie. The same argument can be applied to games.

Flame On



You mean how quick 'you guys' are to throw a temper tantrum? L4D got loads of free updates, maps and The Sacrifice...

l4d2 was a far superior game released one year later that killed off the first game's multiplayer community entirely and had all of l4d1's content eventually ported over to it. if anyone had known what valve was planning ahead of time it would have made no sense at all to buy l4d1.

the way l4d2 was handled was a mistake that valve has directly acknowledged
Anecdotal, but I see the term "PC master race" being perpetuated by mostly console gamers nowadays.

I spent a bit over $900 Canadian on my PC in late 2009 and I haven't upgraded since outside of a new cooling fan. It still runs games better than a PS4 would and I do not need consider upgrading my PC every 6 months like you implied in your last post. You pay more to get more out of the hardware but only the most OCD of PC gamers actually upgrade as often as you claim.

Edit: lol banned

his username tho


Anecdotal, but I see the term "PC master race" being perpetuated by mostly console gamers nowadays.

Edit: lol banned

The origin of the "PC master race" meme stems from Yahtzee's review of the first Witcher game, and was originally used to mock and demean PC gamers.

Then some people didn't understand that and embraced the title. Now some people are just taking back to its original context.

In any case, it's appropriately banned from GAF.


hide your water-based mammals
ITT PC master race people throwing pennies at console gamers from their ivory towers and refusing to acknowledge the massive prices involved in buying a PC and keeping it updated.

They both have their place.

The wrong way.

if people want cheap, happy go lucky gaming, they'll use one of their numerous devices that already have a far larger library than the PS4 will ever accrue. if they want specialist hardware, they can buy specialist hardware. consoles sit in an awkward and ever eroding middle ground which offers spectacularly terrible value when combined functionality and access to ecosystems are taken in to account.

the consoles got off to a good start thanks to a big inventory and eight years of blue balled dyed in the wool console gamers (sony's figures that 50% of PS4 early adopters owned a PS vita should tell you something about the sort of person who is responsible for the early glut of sales), and have since tapered off to fairly average numbers, backed by a mix of typical and outright bad software numbers.

what they do do, is cater to their established audiences in a safe and familiar way that won't scare their tired old bones away. that's the GAF demographic. you still represent a decent amount of purchase power and i'm sure over time enough of you will trade out your PS3/360s for their younger brothers that the respective platform holders can pretend they are seeing some kind of rapid growth, even though the vast majority of their sales come from their same old gradually diminishing core audience.

maybe i'm wrong, and we'll see some huge resurgence for proprietary consoles in the public mindspace, but i can't imagine what factor could cause this beyond a second coming of the wii with an entirely new and equally captivating gimmick.

The right way although the last post left something to be desired so the clarification was nice.


Bish loves my games!
F2P is the PC industries simple response to uncontrollable piracy. We get the games we deserve.

Never again we will see Unreal, Crysis or any PC exclusive title push graphical or technological boundaries. Keep begging for those console ports guys!


Ok but good PCs are waaay more than consoles over their lifetime as PCs need upgrades more often and new releases are no better priced. Often, stores off gift cards and deals only on the console versions.


in any case the argument about multiplatform titles selling better or worse on PC compared to all consoles or specific consoles is stupid and irrelevant. besides the fact that the PC has a different kind of audience with different kinds of taste (obviously with overlap) what it comes down to is that there are a ludicrously higher number of titles on PC competing for mindshare and sales.

it doesn't surprise me at all that battlefield games sell worse compared to console SKUs, they're competing with call of duty on console and about a million other active competitive multiplayer games on PC. console gamers get one or two big titles a month with some indies sprinkled in, steam sees basically the same games and dozens more, and the rate is only increasing as steam opens up more.


tagged by Blackace
Free-to-play has killed a hundred AAA studios


The origin of the "PC master race" meme stems from Yahtzee's review of the first Witcher game, and was originally used to mock and demean PC gamers.

Then some people didn't understand that and embraced the title.
Actually, a lot of the "early adopters" understood perfectly well it was meant as a mockery, they simply didn't care and embraced it anyway, because they thought it was funny.

Then the latecomers arrived, on both sides, those who actually flaunted about being part of a "mast race" and on the other front guys crying all over it and claiming that PC gamers were nazi, racists and I'm sure at some point someone must also have blamed them of being "literally worse than Hitler" or something.


The origin of the "PC master race" meme stems from Yahtzee's review of the first Witcher game, and was originally used to mock and demean PC gamers.

Then some people didn't understand that and embraced the title. Now some people are just taking back to its original context.

In any case, it's appropriately banned from GAF.

Could care lesee about the phrase, but please don't attribute it to Yahtzee. There were people far more clever than him using it, before he even got noticed on Something Awful.


"The PC is decimating console, just through price"

And we havent even started talking bout the visuals yet you sons of bitches sony and microsoft, Im talking to you Shu and Larry, you bastards!

You need the sense kicked into you


Ok but good PCs are waaay more than consoles over their lifetime as PCs need upgrades more often and new releases are no better priced. Often, stores off gift cards and deals only on the console versions.

That's not true at all. Any gaming PC you buy today will always and forever run games better than the ps4/One. On top of that my 6 year old PC already had an i7 and plenty of ram which made it cheaper to upgrade than actually buying a console. I'm not even sure you're serious about the game price statement.
The reality is that the only choice is between scumbag pay to win free to play, and actual balanced design and a non compromised experience.

Guess which one makes more money if you aren't making dota?

The one with "energy" that's on a cell phone.


Could care lesee about the phrase, but please don't attribute it to Yahtzee. There were people far more clever than him using it, before he even got noticed on Something Awful.
I have genuinely no idea of what you are talking about, since the slogan "GLORIOUS PC GAMING MASTER RACE" was literally created by one of his gag on a video review:


A terrible one, on a side note. I have no idea of how anyone could actually find TW1 an overwhelmingly complex game. But let's ignore that now...


Also open platform with lots of innovation going on, plus the good old mouse-keyboard combo allows for deeper experiences (divnity, starcraft, dota).... yeah PC is good stuff.


Well by that logic mobile will decimate PC and consoles. I for one welcome our touch based gaming platform of the future. You can all be stuck in the past with your keyboards and controllers.


Can't wait to play Destiny on PC seeing how it is apparently decimating the competition.

Actually, yes I will enjoy it when it pops up on PC. That seems to be the way things go at the moment and I can't really complain since that's my preferred platform to game on


Ok but good PCs are waaay more than consoles over their lifetime as PCs need upgrades more often and new releases are no better priced. Often, stores off gift cards and deals only on the console versions.

Dude this was true like back in 1998... my brother is rocking a sandy bridge core i5 he bought 5 years ago. He has not put a single penny into that computer ever since and he is playing BF4 right now. Hardware is not scalating nearly as fast as it used to be, from sandy bridge to haswell there is like a 10-15% raw power increase, same can be say about video cards.

This is a core audience board, I honestly have no idea why I keep reading so much miss information. No one is forced to know about PC builds, but if you clearly know nothing about it... maybe don't assume.


Actually, yes I will enjoy it when it pops up on PC. That seems to be the way things go at the moment and I can't really complain since that's my preferred platform to game on

While the PC is my platform of choice, I think we can all agree that Bungie doesn't give a shit about the platform. It's been what? 10 years since they made a game for it?


Ok but good PCs are waaay more than consoles over their lifetime as PCs need upgrades more often and new releases are no better priced. Often, stores off gift cards and deals only on the console versions.
Any given week there is always a 20% or 25% off coupon on GMG, Gamefly, Gamersgate, etc for practically every new release. These are a dime a dozen and will be running nearly every week up until the game actually comes out. I can't remember the last time I paid more than $48 for a new PC release. GMG also has a rewards system for earning store credit to use towards new releases in return for getting achievements in games. Consoles don't have that.
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