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Assassin's Creed Unity Info from Game Informer

I think this has gone from a 'maybe for my wife' to a must purchase from what I'm seeing here thus far.

I wouldn't even mind there being a modern-day/future segment if it isn't some restricted, bland bullshit like AC1-3 (skipped IV).


oh I agree. Paris is actually a great city for this purpose. That's why I'm more interested in Unity than I have been for some time for an AC game. But I always have to be cautious around AC games, because some of them have some really terrible design decisions that ruin everything. Gotta be a skeptic until I play the thing :p
I don't blame you. I've hated how hemmed in things have felt since 1 as far as how you can accomplish missions. Despite 2 being pretty great, overall to me. The insta fails, the future storyline crap, the no challenge combat, and so much more.

A lot of what I'm reading here about Unity is what I imagined happening in the first AC years ago when looking at GI. More freedom.


I never played the multiplayer but it seemed rather well received. I wonder if they'll spin it off, maybe make it a free to play thing? Skins and outfits seem like a great way to monetize that sort of thing.
In development since 2010 and they couldn't animate a woman?!
Is this going to be in EVERY AC Unity thread?
Were you ticked off when AC 1,2,B,R,3 and IV didn't have playable female leads (excluding MP)? Why do people forget about Liberation? Either way you're going to play as Arno in SP and MP.

Anyways.I am loving all the changes they're making to the AC formula. This is the most hyped I have ever been for an AC game. Day freaking one. I love the return to tall cities.


Funny how GAF hivemind opinion about the sailing in AC went from "the best thing in the game" to "thank god it is not in there".

To be honest though, I am glad we are getting a 'pure' Assassins Creed game again. Black Flag was a lot of fun and one of the better sequels, but the franchise started losing its focus with Revelations, got screwed up in AC3 and just didn't know what the flying fuck it wanted to be anymore in AC4. Now that they have splitted it up with Rogue and Unity both can focus on their best aspects, which is what the series really needed; focus. Co-op being this years 'gimmick' shouldn't even be a problem since as long as everything can be completed alone it probably won't ruin the core of the gameplay like sailing for example did (even though it was fantastic).

But I remember great-sounding changes like this being listed in a similair fashion when AC3 was still being hyped, including the fact that it had been in development for years, and we all know how that turned out. So for now I will try to remain but cautiously optimistic.
The AI team lead on the ign video said that 30,000 people are loaded onto the map, but 5000 are on screen at one time.

In other words 30,000 are NOT visible on screen at one time, clearing up so as to prevent any disappointments.
As someone who jumped from Brotherhood to AC4 I really didn't notice a differnce in the combat, It was still easy and I did that same thing I always did, "mash x and counter"
I am going to remain skeptical until I see how this is executed. it SOUNDs good, but in my experience everything in the Assassin's Creed games tend to sound good before you play it and realize all the caveats there are
This has me interested above everything else. Wonder how exactly this will be handled.

Very excited for Unity. (Wish I could be for Rogue - surely there will be a PC version sometime down the road?)

They've talked about this before actually. Here's an example scenario:

  • Your mission is to find a guy in the city that needs to be assassinated.
  • To find out where he is, you tail a person who is going to meet up with him.
  • The guy notices you. This is normally where you desynchronize in previous games, but instead he runs and it becomes like a chase mission.
  • When you catch him you end up killing him but by looting his body you find a map that has the meet up location so now you know where the guy is.
The obvious concern there would be "Why don't I just kill him from the get go if I can get the info that way?" and the answer is that there will be consequences for killing the guy. So since the guy was killed, word gets back to your target who now knows you're coming and beefs up security and the fight becomes much harder. Or that might also happen if he gets away during the chase. I'm curious to see if they'll actually be able to balance out that kind of stuff. I imagine the way you spec Arno might be a way to influence which way you might approach those opportunities.
I'm interested to see where the modern day stuff's going. Always have liked the meta. (Yes, even the silly stuff.)

By the description, it looks like we're returning to AC4's Sleuthy Detetcive First person Walking simulator again. I hope we get some form of the first person puzzling that was in Revelations as well, though. That was the best pert of the game, IMO.


They've talked about this before actually. Here's an example scenario:

  • Your mission is to find a guy in the city that needs to be assassinated.
  • To find out where he is, you tail a person who is going to meet up with him.
  • The guy notices you. This is normally where you desynchronize in previous games, but instead he runs and it becomes like a chase mission.
  • When you catch him you end up killing him but by looting his body you find a map that has the meet up location so now you know where they guy is.
The obvious concern there would be "Why don't I just kill him from the get go if I can get the info that way?" and the answer is that there will be consequences for killing the guy. So since the guy was killed, word gets back to your target who now knows you're coming and beefs up security and the fight becomes much harder. Or that might also happen if he gets away during the chase. I'm curious to see if they'll actually be able to balance out that kind of stuff. I imagine the way you spec Arno might be a way to influence which way you might approach those opportunities.

I'm not saying it's not decent on the surface (what happens if the guy gets away, btw), I'm just saying that given my past history with AC games, there is always a caveat to how these systems actually work. Generally it's either really shallow or there's some catch
I'm not saying it's not decent on the surface (what happens if the guy gets away, btw), I'm just saying that given my past history with AC games, there is always a caveat to how these systems actually work. Generally it's either really shallow or there's some catch

I imagine if he gets away, you're given another procedural mission to find the info (with the penalty of the beefed up security). I'm very curious if they can actually pull it off as well since they've promised this type of stuff before and haven't delivered. I think a lot of it will also ride on whether or not the combat actually is way too difficult to Rambo hordes of dudes since that's been the path of least resistance for a while now.
This will be the first Assassin's Creed since the first that I won't get on release. I'll wait and see, as much as I loved Black Flag, the tailing missions were painful and the game was often repetitive and a collectathon.

I'd also like to play Rogue on the PS4 first that way I don't get spoiled by Unity's improved gameplay mechanics.


Gold Member
Is it just me? but I don't feel slightly hyped for AC games now days. I feel like they just come and go. They really shouldn't do a yearly release of an open world games. Gets boring real soon. This one does look good based on the impression and all the info released so far, but still. I am not feeling it.

Kind of. I trust them to deliver.

Whether I am hyped enough to buy it day one or not is another story.


I will actual count of ALL "FOLLOW" missions.

If its more than 5 I am passing on this game so hard... how hard?? .. sooo hard!


We already knew some of these informations, but thanks!

I think they really thought about what the players wanted to see changed in the overall game design. The best thing they added is in fact the new mission system. If everything said is true, this is going to be a more accurate view of what an Assassin's Creed game in 2014 should be. With an amazing setting (but not very well known by the audience I think)

I replayed AC3 just a few hours ago and damn, I didn't remember the way it was heavily scripted and not so fun in a player perspective.

For the present time, I bet we are part of the "Initiates" program, taking side with the Assassins, like barely announced on the beta-website before it closed few months ago.


We already knew some of these informations, but thanks!

I think they really thought about what the players wanted to see changed in the overall game design. The best thing they added is in fact the new mission system. If everything said is true, this is going to be a more accurate view of what an Assassin's Creed game in 2014 should be. With an amazing setting (but not very well known by the audience I think)

To be fair, though, I don't know anybody who actually knows the history or historical events in any of these games. =\

I think Unity is a step in the right direction, but I can't see Assassin's Creed ever being something on the same tier as, say, GTAV or RDR. Major changes should happen and at least they're making some sort of effort on it.


This will be the first Assassin's Creed since the first that I won't get on release. I'll wait and see, as much as I loved Black Flag, the tailing missions were painful and the game was often repetitive and a collectathon.

I'd also like to play Rogue on the PS4 first that way I don't get spoiled by Unity's improved gameplay mechanics.
Rogue isn't coming to PS4, though. That we know of anyway. If you're tired of the bullshit AC formula, why wouldn't you just watch the story segments of Rogue somewhere and play the game that's making some decent changes?


A bit sad that multiplayer as gone as it was an absolute blast in Brotherhood.

Only one mode was fun, but man I sunk dozens of hours in it. The mode where you were on a team, 4v4, and one round you were the assassin and the other you were the hunted.

Everything else sounds awesome.
Sounds like they are making some gameplay improvements. I am a bit assassined out though, for some reason I have just played all the games in sequence!


I still remember the 1 vs what was it? 20 people? In the first game that is. Near the end.

What a pain in the ass I remember that being. I thoroughly used the combat system that day.

Fuck you Richard the Lionheart and yo damn higher power nonsense. Just believe me. I totally haven't offed people on both sides of the conflict.


30,000 folks. Damn, that's a lot of shoving to do.

We revamped our shoving system. Now you can shove while walking or even in mid run. The shoving is very lifelike and dynamic. If you shove someone over really well they might try to chase you down and sue you. Being sued has dire consequences in the game. If you get sued to much you will be forced to sell your assassins attire to make ends meet. Your stealth abilities are raised at this point because you don't look super suspicious anymore. You don't have any gear left to fight though. So you have to steal weapons from shops and guards to fight.


Stealth all the way , right?!

I thought I was done with AC after AC3 , but after AC4 and now this ...
I guess I'm back on the


To be fair, though, I don't know anybody who actually knows the history or historical events in any of these games. =\

French Revolution, especially the "Terror" periode is much more complicated and much more disputed in historical areas than the previous AC historical settings. The way Ubisoft sells the game and people see the period doesn't depict it as it should be, even as a playground, and will be heavily modified to fit the meta-story and how they see the French Revolution. I think it will be very interesting to analyse though.
Rogue isn't coming to PS4, though. That we know of anyway. If you're tired of the bullshit AC formula, why wouldn't you just watch the story segments of Rogue somewhere and play the game that's making some decent changes?

Chances are it will get a port within 6 months. Also, I want to play as a Templar.


A bit sad that multiplayer as gone as it was an absolute blast in Brotherhood.

Only one mode was fun, but man I sunk dozens of hours in it. The mode where you were on a team, 4v4, and one round you were the assassin and the other you were the hunted.

Everything else sounds awesome.

The multiplayer has never been as good post brotherhood.

Brotherhood is easily one of my favorite mp's from the last generation, but the other AC games have not come close to being as good.

Personally I am looking forward to see what they do with co op.


After being betrayed somewhat by AC3 and 4, I'm still feeling hyped for this.

Any info on the return of the super-obscure optional puzzles that made AC2 so amazing? I loved solving the "Truth" video puzzles and then seeing the deeply-hidden stuff there so much that I reserved Brotherhood on Day One just so I could have a shot at being first to find whatever that game offered. Come on, Ubi, give us an incentive to pre-order!

French speakers, what did the language sound like in the late 1700s? Had the change to that hideous sound you have replaced [r] with already happened in Paris? It bothered me a little that they weren't really attempting to recreate the sounds of the eras we go back to visit; AC1 has people speaking modern French and German. Then again, the hammy Italian of AC2 made up in entertainment value for what it was missing in historical value. (A real-life Animus would be a historical linguist's dream come true.)

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I think we'll be part of the Initiates. A YouTube channel called Assassin's Creed Universe talked about the possibility of playing (or following, at least) in modern day as a female, but I can't find the video about it. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

With an amazing setting (but not very well known by the audience I think)

To be fair, though, I don't know anybody who actually knows the history or historical events in any of these games. =\

If people don't know about the French Revolution then we seriously are in a bad place. I've been asking for this setting ever since AC2.

You guys just depressed me with this.
Been in development since 2010. After Brotherhood a team broke off and started on Unity.

They were seriously working on 5-6 games and DLC at the same time?

ACRevelations, AC3, AC Liberation, AC4, and AC Rouge?
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