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Destiny |OT2| The Last Guardians

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I don't understand warlock bonds. I can get one called "Computable secrets" but what do I get for wearing it? It says "Radiolaria". Wtf is that?
Lvl 8 now and trying to complete the first strike... every single game 1 or both of the people I join with leaves.. fun fun.. tried that strike 8 times now withous success.


I don't understand warlock bonds. I can get one called "Computable secrets" but what do I get for wearing it? It says "Radiolaria". Wtf is that?

It's the Warlock class (vanity) item. Most of them are utter shit and look like a part of the body or gloves. They are just arm bands. Some Rare ones have like, neon glowy bits or slightly hologram looking things and the legendary ones have effects like flames or blue plasma or fancy holograms like cubes or eagles or planets orbiting somehting.


I don't understand warlock bonds. I can get one called "Computable secrets" but what do I get for wearing it? It says "Radiolaria". Wtf is that?

The Radiolaria is the missionr eward you got from the mission you just did. You are trading it in for that class item. A class item has no stats,it is purely cosmetic.
Is my game stuck in a loop?

spoiler this I guess

I am on the 2nd mission only, level 2. I have to recon this Steppes area, well I think I went another way than game wanted (through that Room review guy area). Then I backtracked and near the window/lege area took out a bunch of enemies. Then a ship came and dropped enemies including a yellow Vanguard Reaver? Took them out from ledge then enemies kept coming from this cave like area.

After 6-7 waves, I tried to go forward and then ship came and fired on me. I went back to window area, took out the Reaver. Then enemies kept spawning from cave area again.

Again after a few waves I decide to go forward and ship comes.

Rinse and repeat.

What do I do?





Is my game stuck in a loop?

spoiler this I guess

I am on the 2nd mission only, level 2. I have to recon this Steppes area, well I think I went another way than game wanted (through that Room review guy area). Then I backtracked and near the window/lege area took out a bunch of enemies. Then a ship came and dropped enemies including a yellow Vanguard Reaver? Took them out from ledge then enemies kept coming from this cave like area.

After 6-7 waves, I tried to go forward and then ship came and fired on me. I went back to window area, took out the Reaver. Then enemies kept spawning from cave area again.

Again after a few waves I decide to go forward and ship comes.

Rinse and repeat.

What do I do?

You follow your waypoint and go to the actual mission area. You are currently in the open world fighting respawning enemies.


I came in raging about how disappointed I am about this game after a few days of playing through it. The story and the story-based missions are pretty horrible. But I hit level 20 last night and I decided to grab a cape for my Hunter to earn Future War points since they carry armor that boosts both intellect and disipline. I like being able to gain my special power quicker. Grenade would be nice, too. BladeDancer is a really fun class. You can be beaten by it, but if you get the drop on people, you can clean house. I've gotten the drop on people who are crowding around a flag or relic and I just kill 3 or 4 guys just jamming on the melee button. I love how it will even help guide you to other people if they're in the air and stuff.

Playing crucible matches can suck with randoms, but I played today with my friend and a few of his friends so we had a full team of 6 and it was just much better having a full team that would communicate and coordinate plans as we went along. The only thing that annoyed me is my friend still really is disappointed with the game so much he constantly reminds me of how much he hates the game while we play it and it's pretty annoying. And they were hoping for people who were less skilled to be matched against us. But they weren't nearly as negative as my friend.

I own it digitally, so I can't take it back and I'm just trying to enjoy it the best I can. I love how my class plays and I love the fusion rifle. It can usually do a one hit kill but it takes timing and a fairly close distance, so it's not always an easy win. I've managed to get my level to 21 for now and I'm gonna try to get more strange coins and stuff so I can get something from the vendor next weekend and hopefully some faction armor to prepare for the Raid. I'm basically hoping that Bungie adds more fun stuff to do and that the expansions are different than the campaign and it evolves into a better game over time.


Been playing the game in co-op with a friend and have been constantly joining GAF groups for PvE and PvP.

Playing with people in voice chat turns the game completely awesome.
Been playing the game in co-op with a friend and have been constantly joining GAF groups for PvE and PvP.

Playing with people in voice chat turns the game completely awesome.

How can I connect with GAF groups? I'm finally buying a headset today to communicate properly..


Am I just unlucky or do encrypted items almost always decrypt into lower rarity gear than the unknown item? For example, I've decrypted probably close to 10 legendary unknown items, and never actually got a legendary item from them, always blues. My cryptarch is up to rank 6, if that even matters.


Anyone on GAF wanna do lvl 24 strikes? Or maybe the heroic? Im lvl 24 on 360.

GT ShogunOfPain

Also, I am East Coast US if it matters.
Wake up in the morning, come to GAF, see another hundred anti-Destiny threads. Blimey.

Yeah, as much as I don't like stuff about the game, I still have been playing it non stop since it came out. It is getting an awful lot of hate for a game that can hold my attention like that.


Anyone want to try the weekly heroic strike? I just turned level 20 and my one friend who has the game is nowhere close. :/

psn: Sylar996

Foxix Von

Dear Bungie,

How in the blazing hell am I supposed to get the materials necessary to upgrade all this shit? I officially have more exotic gear than I have legendary equipment.

All I wanted was a freaking purple helmet o_o







Okay, I finally got an Exotic Weapon bounty (How? I have no idea. Just showed up at the mailbot).

So the first part of the bounty tells me I need to finish five strikes without dying. Okay, that is fucking annoying as hell, but fine, I can just do it on low level strikes; it's a waste of my time, but alright. So I did that. I go back, and then they give me the second part of the bounty.

They want me to earn a fucking K/D spread of 25 in crucible. Are you fucking kidding me!? And from what I understand, this is only the second part of like five parts, just for this one fucking exotic weapon. This is so utterly stupid and defeating. How in the fuck does Bungie think this is fun? For that matter, for almost all of their customers, this isn't even an accomplishable feat. How do they think this is good design?

This reminds me of SoE back in the day when they came out with their bullshit of wanting it to be almost impossible for anyone to be a Jedi in their Star Wars MMO, so that way for the fraction of a percentage of the people who actually get to be it, they get a feeling of accomplishment. This is a product that is meant to and has sold to millions and millions of people. Eight tenths of one percentage point of people on PSN currently have obtained even *one* exotic. Does Bungie genuinely think this is a fun reward structure? So 99.2% of their entire user base of millions are able to actually enjoy a piece of content that they produced? Ugh.

I've actually not been super critical on a lot of the game's faults, but almost my entire frustration with the game comes down to one simple thing; Bungie does not value my time. I am perfectly capable of handling challenging gameplay, but don't give me goals that are either nearly impossible to accomplish, or requiring ridiculous RNG luck, or requiring me to invest countless hours for completely disproportionate rewards. I think that's going to be it for me, I had a lot of fun and put a good bit of time in, but every goal left is just too frustrating now. Maybe I'll pick it up again in 6 months when there are patches/updates/DLC. Ugh, sorry, just had to vent.


what in the holy hell, how the dicks do you have so much legendary stuff

They want me to earn a fucking K/D spread of 25 in crucible. Are you fucking kidding me!? And from what I understand, this is only the second part of like five parts, just for this one fucking exotic weapon. This is so utterly stupid and defeating. How in the fuck does Bungie think this is fun? For that matter, for almost all of their customers, this isn't even an accomplishable feat. How do they think this is good design?



Has anyone used pulse rifles in PVP? I really want to try them out but their burst fire makes them rather underpowered against auto rifles. Bungie really needs to fix auto rifles by the way, they are are extremely overpowered in the game.


Okay, I finally got an Exotic Weapon bounty (How? I have no idea. Just showed up at the mailbot).

So the first part of the bounty tells me I need to finish five strikes without dying. Okay, that is fucking annoying as hell, but fine, I can just do it on low level strikes; it's a waste of my time, but alright. So I did that. I go back, and then they give me the second part of the bounty.

They want me to earn a fucking K/D spread of 25 in crucible. Are you fucking kidding me!? And from what I understand, this is only the second part of like five parts, just for this one fucking exotic weapon. This is so utterly stupid and defeating. How in the fuck does Bungie think this is fun? For that matter, for almost all of their customers, this isn't even an accomplishable feat. How do they think this is good design?

This reminds me of SoE back in the day when they came out with their bullshit of wanting it to be almost impossible for anyone to be a Jedi in their Star Wars MMO, so that way for the fraction of a percentage of the people who actually get to be it, they get a feeling of accomplishment. This is a product that is meant to and has sold to millions and millions of people. Eight tenths of one percentage point of people on PSN currently have obtained even *one* exotic. Does Bungie genuinely think this is a fun reward structure? So 99.2% of their entire user base of millions are able to actually enjoy a piece of content that they produced? Ugh.

I've actually not been super critical on a lot of the game's faults, but almost my entire frustration with the game comes down to one simple thing; Bungie does not value my time. I am perfectly capable of handling challenging gameplay, but don't give me goals that are either nearly impossible to accomplish, or requiring ridiculous RNG luck, or requiring me to invest countless hours for completely disproportionate rewards. I think that's going to be it for me, I had a lot of fun and put a good bit of time in, but every goal left is just too frustrating now. Maybe I'll pick it up again in 6 months when there are patches/updates/DLC. Ugh, sorry, just had to vent.

this is the easiest part of the bounty, I don't know hiow they count this. I just played some crucible matches and got it, and I really suck at pvp


I play...

A lot.


I might have a problem. I haven't even done the nightfall strike yet, either... Want to?

Its 4am on the west coast and I should probably sleep, maybe another time.

this is the easiest part of the bounty, I don't know hiow they count this. I just played some crucible matches and got it, and I really suck at pvp

My best KDR has barely been over 11. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Okay, I finally got an Exotic Weapon bounty (How? I have no idea. Just showed up at the mailbot).

So the first part of the bounty tells me I need to finish five strikes without dying. Okay, that is fucking annoying as hell, but fine, I can just do it on low level strikes; it's a waste of my time, but alright. So I did that. I go back, and then they give me the second part of the bounty.

They want me to earn a fucking K/D spread of 25 in crucible. Are you fucking kidding me!? And from what I understand, this is only the second part of like five parts, just for this one fucking exotic weapon. This is so utterly stupid and defeating. How in the fuck does Bungie think this is fun? For that matter, for almost all of their customers, this isn't even an accomplishable feat. How do they think this is good design?

This reminds me of SoE back in the day when they came out with their bullshit of wanting it to be almost impossible for anyone to be a Jedi in their Star Wars MMO, so that way for the fraction of a percentage of the people who actually get to be it, they get a feeling of accomplishment. This is a product that is meant to and has sold to millions and millions of people. Eight tenths of one percentage point of people on PSN currently have obtained even *one* exotic. Does Bungie genuinely think this is a fun reward structure? So 99.2% of their entire user base of millions are able to actually enjoy a piece of content that they produced? Ugh.

I've actually not been super critical on a lot of the game's faults, but almost my entire frustration with the game comes down to one simple thing; Bungie does not value my time. I am perfectly capable of handling challenging gameplay, but don't give me goals that are either nearly impossible to accomplish, or requiring ridiculous RNG luck, or requiring me to invest countless hours for completely disproportionate rewards. I think that's going to be it for me, I had a lot of fun and put a good bit of time in, but every goal left is just too frustrating now. Maybe I'll pick it up again in 6 months when there are patches/updates/DLC. Ugh, sorry, just had to vent.

I got the same bounty..

It's just plain dumb.

The endgame is turribad right now. I don't think that a single raid without MM can save it.


How can I connect with GAF groups? I'm finally buying a headset today to communicate properly..

basically, add as many GAF players as you can to yur friends list. You can then see them in the ingame friendslist and can see if their fireteams are set to friends jon/public. You can then just ump in their game and say hi :D
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