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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: Today, we are all Mewtwos

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Yeah, it's time for us to make a huge leap from Smash 3DS to Smash HD!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm getting out of work almost 3 hours early. My GS is selling them at 11PM to match the east coast. Then all Smash fuck yeah! FUCK YEAH!
You bet! Haha, I just work retail so Black Friday/Christmas time sucks. :p

Ouch, and looking back to where you told me your worked, it's going to be packed. Good luck bro.

Y'know, I never really thought about how I came across to other GAFfers in terms of, uh, gender, so I'll just say



but I will say that my mii is not actually me

Awwwww you're killing me here Moonlight! Well, you're a fellow FEGAF member so i'll let it slide. I guess.

You're totally a reptile. I knew it.

I'll see you again once the inevitable Awakening 2 or SMT x FE thread pops up next year.

I'm down! Work has just been kicking my ass lately, but I want to meet up again soon!

Definitely! I still have some unfinished business with you and your megaman.


Maturity, bitches.
I'd stay in this thread, but I kind of want to let the little things I don't know much about like trophies remain a surprise. I mean unless theres a balance and stuff like that goes in the OT (since we now don't have the same problem as with the 3DS release with info being split between threads) and this thread becomes literally just a PotD discussion thread, though that would likely kill it since there's not much to talk about in regards to the PotDs these days. Just a "neat" or already knew that" here and there.

I'll try to be more active in the OT this time round since I'm hoping free for all online isn't a mess on the U like it was on the 3DS. And hey, taking HD images is a lot more appetising than 3DS ones.

Now if you excuse me, I have a dream roster for the next Smash Bros to make.
I wonder if we could host an event at a theatre actually... hm...

I'd stay in this thread, but I kind of want to let the little things I don't know much about like trophies remain a surprise. I mean unless theres a balance and stuff like that goes in the OT (since we now don't have the same problem as with the 3DS release with info being split between threads) and this thread becomes literally just a PotD discussion thread, though that would likely kill it since there's not much to talk about in regards to the PotDs these days. Just a "neat" or already knew that" here and there.

I'll try to be more active in the OT this time round since I'm hoping free for all online isn't a mess on the U like it was on the 3DS. And hey, taking HD images is a lot more appetising than 3DS ones.

Now if you excuse me, I have a dream roster for the next Smash Bros to make.

Make sure Evilore's in it. Or Bish. Or Miyamoto.
Or me.
I'm in LA and have a 100" projector. Perfect for 8-player smash :D

I'd totally be down to host myself, a couple friends, and 3-4 gaffers for a night of Smash Bros (and perhaps booze & pizza?)
Oh man, that sounds amazing. O_O

We've got an email list that I'll definitely give you. We've only gotten a chance to meet all together once, but it was really great!
Oh man, that sounds amazing. O_O

We've got an email list that I'll definitely give you. We've only gotten a chance to meet all together once, but it was really great!

Sounds like a plan! We could run this!

Awesome. This weekend would probably be too soon (I have plans already anyway), but maybe the first weekend of December would be good for everyone? The 5th or 6th depending on what's most convenient?
Awesome. This weekend would probably be too soon (I have plans already anyway), but maybe the first weekend of December would be good for everyone? The 5th or 6th depending on what's most convenient?

I'll leave it up to you and Oric since he's been handling all the dates thus far. I should be free though.

Hey Ash, are there any unlockables besides music that we'll be seeing that you have been embargoed to not talk about pubicly yet?


i will probably return to here once i actually find a cheap WiiU deal

if you're looking to spend under the refurbished $200 deal, craigslist might have your back.


if you're looking to spend under the refurbished $200 deal, craigslist might have your back.
That'll be my last resort, I think. Craigslist is, eh, iffy to me. I'm mostly just hoping for a decent deal on Black Friday/Boxing Day (probably the latter since Canadia doesn't really have great Black Friday stuff). I do want to finally get to play the game with a real damn controller one day, though.

Unfortunately I am not a adorable little anime girl, I am just a black guy with a beard

Whose true form is a adorable anime girl
aren't we all.
Unfortunately I am not a adorable little anime girl, I am just a black guy with a beard

Whose true form is a adorable anime girl

...with a beard.

That'll be my last resort, I think. Craigslist is, eh, iffy to me. I'm mostly just hoping for a decent deal on Black Friday/Boxing Day (probably the latter since Canadia doesn't really have great Black Friday stuff). I do want to finally get to play the game with a real damn controller one day, though.

Eh. It is craigslist. I don't blame you. Good luck though! Let us know so you can join in on the smash sessions on wii u!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Calm down, theres still a entire day left, unless you are lucky and they break street date because its soon enough that nintendo wouldnt care


So we've come to the end of the POTD hype threads, what a ride from reveal trailer till now. Enjoy your game NA, i'll be joining you all in one week.
Maybe! I'm not sure how my schedule is looking, but I'll PM you with more info soon.

I look forward to setting a record for most knees of justice in one night >:)

Edit- also, it's been a fun ride with these threads, everyone! I don't participate quite as often as some, but I've checked in on these threads pretty much daily. I can't believe we made it through more than 18 and a half threads. Some quick mental math puts that at about 370,000 posts. :0
Two more songs unlocked: the Super Mario World Title/Ending remix from Brawl (plays on Yoshi's Island [Melee]) and an all-new Wii Fit Plus Medley (plays on Wii Fit Studio, obviously).

What songs play on Flat Zone X if you can answer?

I don't think I can answer that yet.

How many songs have you unlocked so far?

Well, I have 376 right now, and don't you start with around 330? So I'd say around 45... but the vast majority of those are just the songs you automatically get from unlocking additional stages.
whelp, I hope you USers have a good time with it. We won't be far behind you and if you're too absorbed in the smashing to hang out in the GAF then... well... let me say now it's been fun :3


*checks Amazon at 2:32AM the day before launch... sees his 2-day shipping order hasn't shipped yet, notes there will be hell to pay is game isn't at his door by the Guaranteed delivery date of... tomorrow.*
When the OT goes up, will this thread be closed? Will the PotD's be posted in the OT instead?
I think Heath said the thread dies when POTD dies.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Today is going to be the longest day of work. Will be going to Best Buy right when they open.

*checks Amazon at 2:32AM the day before launch... sees his 2-day shipping order hasn't shipped yet, notes there will be hell to pay is game isn't at his door by the Guaranteed delivery date of... tomorrow.*
Yeah, do NOT depend on Amazon for first party Nintendo games because they do not get shipments in quick enough. I would cancel of it is the regular edition and go digital or Best Buy/Gamestop.
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