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No Man's Sky Gameplay Trailer (TGAs)

If I'd lead that team, I'd make sure every single person in the team now is fully focused on prototyping what can actually be done within this world. Most often, the 'fun' in a game is defined through how you interact with the world that's there. And if this doesn't have anything yet, you can be sure as shit that it will not ship 2015 - and if it does, the gameplay will probably end up being really goddamn shallow.

As far as "stuff you can do" or, as you put it, "how you interact with the world that's there", flashes of that have been in nearly every trailer released for NMS to date; including the reveal trailer last December.

But in all honesty it sounds like you'd probably be more satisfied by watching an LP of the game and I think that's a great idea and would encourage you and every other person who is skeptical to hold off and see how the game is played in the wild post-release. I know there's always this feeling of wanting to get in on the ground floor or not wanting to get left behind your friends that are playing, but the great thing is that the galaxy that NMS is creating can accommodate your hesitation. Take your time and evaluate after it launches, if it's something you want to spend time with. Definitely no need to preorder this if you're on the fence. You'll still be exploring planets none of us has ever seen. I


There's nothing awesome or beautiful about making out you're somehow better than others because they choose to be sceptical about the game and the lofty claims the developer makes or prefer something more focused with set goals and a story from their games.

It's quite the opposite from awesome and beautiful.
It's fine to prefer more direction. This game will hopefully never give a lot of direction. There are so many games providing that, and almost no games allowing you to explore a world with few limits. Having too many set goals in this kind of game takes away from that in my opinion.


So whats the actual objective of this game then, it looks just like a tech demo just fly from one procedural generated Solar system to the next?.....if so would probably get boring fast if there's no goal at all in the game


The personal goals in this game are generally to acquire resources to buy better equipment so that you can travel further to the center of the galaxy. As it's been said, I don't believe there's going to be building, and they've also pretty much ruled out any multiplayer type of stuff, except for Journey/Souls type interactions.
Well by personal goals, I mean stuff you can do outside the games main objective which in this case would be getting to the center of the galaxy. I recall one of the guys talking about having a more "traditional" multiplayer experience they're working on so I'm interested to see what that is.


Junior Member
WOW!!!, That was incredible, the scale, the colours, the exploration... simply amazing. It always remind me of MirrorMoon EP.


So whats the actual objective of this game then, it looks just like a tech demo just fly from one procedural generated Solar system to the next?.....if so would probably get boring fast if there's no goal at all in the game
Guys at least read some on the game? Every single thread gets filled with people who haven't even put the effort into researching what this game is about.

The main objective of the game is for you to get to the center of the universe. As for what is actually in this place, we do not know. You'll have to upgrade your suit, weapons and ship in order to be able to get there. It will take you 100 hours approx.


Still hugely cautious. Everything they've shown so far had no gameplay, the 30m video they showed had no gameplay and this video, again, shows no gameplay.

If they'd have some gameplay figured out, I'm sure by now they'd have shown it. It makes no sense not to, if just to silence the mass of people who claim that this is not more than a tech demo.

What concerns me is that if there's no gameplay until this point and they developed it with the idea in mind that they'll first build the tech and the worlds and then try to come up with something that'll make it fun... hooooo, boy, they're in for a nasty surprise.

If I'd lead that team, I'd make sure every single person in the team now is fully focused on prototyping what can actually be done within this world. Most often, the 'fun' in a game is defined through how you interact with the world that's there. And if this doesn't have anything yet, you can be sure as shit that it will not ship 2015 - and if it does, the gameplay will probably end up being really goddamn shallow.
What is gameplay though? Moving around a 3D space would by most definitions be considered as gameplay. Just because you want something else does not mean the game has no gameplay.
This is a game for people with imagination and intellectual curiosity, who have looked up at the stars and dreamed of going there. For people who despise modern game design and its rigid sets of rules and tasks, collectables and lowest common denominator themes. Whose ideal for gaming was of exploring unknown worlds, being surprised at each turn by something not seen before, recreating a sense of wonder and escape.

It is developed by a talented group of individuals who read science fiction and dreamt of a virtual recreation that would bring some of the possibilities of the unknown, the tantalising thought of something else, to the medium.

I am sure the myriad of meaningless tasks you complete in various existing games will give you the validation you need.... Personally I will dream a little richer thanks to no mans sky.
Lol, dat high horse attitude.


Guys at least read some on the game? Every single thread gets filled with people who haven't even put the effort into researching what this game is about.

The main objective of the game is for you to get to the center of the universe. As for what is actually in this place, we do not know. You'll have to upgrade your suit, weapons and ship in order to be able to get there. It will take you 100 hours approx.

Ah nice, colour me interested then. This is coming to PC right?


Dreams in Digital
I know what's at the centre of this universe. After travelling and battling your way to the centre, you discover that everything is an equation (symbolised by a mathematical shape with a nucleus inside), including you, and nothing exists until it is seen by you.

Essentially, you are looking for the number 42.


Well by personal goals, I mean stuff you can do outside the games main objective which in this case would be getting to the center of the galaxy. I recall one of the guys talking about having a more "traditional" multiplayer experience they're working on so I'm interested to see what that is.

They have given no indication that any kind of traditional multiplayer is going to be in the initial release game as far as I know. I think that Sean said they bandied the idea around, and maybe would look into it again for expansion or sequel or whatever, but it's not really part of the base game as far as we've been told. They've been pretty adamant that in the stock game you'll be lucky to ever encounter another person you know. The last time anything was said was that you may see another player, but there will be nothing to distinguish them from an NPC and no real way to communicate.

Outside the main objective they've said you can basically do whatever you want that the mechanics will allow. Which essentially is walking around, exploring, gathering resources, cataloging life, buying stuff to upgrade your equipment, shooting stuff both on planets and in space, and then NOT going to the center of the galaxy.

Basically it's like asking what the goal of COD is aside from trying to win matches. You can shoot people, get shot, run around, camp... and then not capture the flag. :)

They've said there's no "leveling up" or anything outside improving your suit and ship. If that's what you mean.


For you.
Still don't know what makes this interesting beyond the procedurally generated stuff. I mean it sounds awesome, and look beautiful, but they have yet to explain what the actual game is.


Holy shit at all the condescending posts in here.

Are you surprised by the condescending posts when most people make the exact same post as you did without bothering to do a 10 second research first?They already explained what the actual game is.


This is a game for people with imagination and intellectual curiosity, who have looked up at the stars and dreamed of going there. For people who despise modern game design and its rigid sets of rules and tasks, collectables and lowest common denominator themes. Whose ideal for gaming was of exploring unknown worlds, being surprised at each turn by something not seen before, recreating a sense of wonder and escape.

It is developed by a talented group of individuals who read science fiction and dreamt of a virtual recreation that would bring some of the possibilities of the unknown, the tantalising thought of something else, to the medium.

I am sure the myriad of meaningless tasks you complete in various existing games will give you the validation you need.... Personally I will dream a little richer thanks to no mans sky.

Wonderful. Too bad that people looking for repetitive unimaginative missions over and over again will be disappointed but there like a billion games out there for them to enjoy.


Dreams in Digital
I'm just going to post this here because at least ONE of my points has now been verified. I'm also posting it because I believe I'm spot on. Pardon the writing; it was a silly blog and rather rushed:


I've been following this game closely since it was first announced, and I've also been following the reactions of interested gamers who were attracted to the notion of the 'infinite'. I too was interested but also had concerns regarding the idea of a randomly generated universe. Could it end up being chaotic? Could it lead to uninteresting gameplay? What's the point of an endless universe and planets the size of real planets if there was no real underlying narrative? But the one question that always returns is the question that makes every other question feel redundant: What the hell is the game all about?

We know now that it's NOT random as such but rather 'procedural' -- something the developers are keen on stressing at every opportunity. There are algorithms, mathematical equations designed specifically to avoid the pitfalls of randomness. If a planet is close enough to a sun then it could have an ocean, and if it has an ocean then it has an atmosphere, and the colour of the sky is effected by the density of the atmosphere. Everything in this world is generated using similar algorithms such as plants, trees, wildlife, minerals etc.

But what does that tell us about how the game plays and what the game 'is'? I think it tells us quite a lot actually. If I discover a planet, the equation for generating that planet is unique to me and only me, but even if I left that planet or someone visited the planet I'd discovered, everything would be exactly as it was the first time I visited because the maths are set for that planet. In effect, I am playing as God.

The only real piece of information we have is that your aim is to journey to the centre of the universe; although that isn't necessarily what a player will do. We also know that there is something at the centre of the universe but the developers will not say what that is.

So, onto the speculation and possible structure: If we are tasked with travelling to the centre of the universe then it follows we'll begin on the very outskirts of the universe. Imagine ever decreasing circles until we reach the centre, we being on the outer most circle to begin with.

I believe we will begin on a planet well into it's evolutionary stages with typically earthly like creatures and fauna, albeit a stylised view of 'earthly'. After we've gathered the materials to upgrade our ship, we'll then travel to the next ring of evolution. At each jump towards the centre of the universe, the creatures and atmosphere will get ever more prehistoric and the battle to get to the centre will become much harder. Instead of us hunting wildlife for food we'll become the hunted.

But what's at the centre of the universe? I believe we've seen a picture of it. It's the picture I've used for this article.

What is it ... or what do I think it is? Is the answer 42? That joke wasn't entirely meaningless because genetics, just like maths follows general rules and as such can generate predictable outcomes. If there was a God and he could code a universe then perhaps WE would be the result of millions of years of evolving code. What I believe is at the centre of the universe is THE algorithm, THE mathematical equation that lead to us existing.

The irony would be beautiful. Here we are as players (humans) travelling a procedurally generated universe and at the very centre of the universe we discover it is US who are procedurally generated.


Looks very neat as a concept, although I'm not totally sold on the gameplay (well, we haven't really seen much of that). So if every planet is generated as you explore it, does the game actually record that information?

For example, if I want to visit the planet again at some point in the future, will it look exactly as I found it the first time?


For what it's worth, I have never finished or cared about the story in any GTA game ever. I just like playing in the sandbox.

This game looks like it has a huge sandbox.


If you're interested in the game and seen at least 1 dev interview or read one article about the game you'd know what it was about.

People are like duurrrr what i do in dis game can i shoot them guns?
So what do you do?

1. Explore planets
2. Upgrade your armor/ship
3. Travel to new planets
4. Try to get to the center of the galaxy/universe

What else? Serious question.

OK, so what would you like to do in a game like NMS?
It would be nice to have in depth quests like many of the ones in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.

No fetch quest nonsense. I want a reason to explore other than loot. I want to see a sign in a village about a creepy planet where no one comes out alive. I want to visit that planet and see what's going on.

By doing that however, the game can't be 100% procedural. I would rather have a well crafted story over lots of empty procedural planets though.


Looks very neat as a concept, although I'm not totally sold on the gameplay (well, we haven't really seen much of that). So if every planet is generated as you explore it, does the game actually record that information?

For example, if I want to visit the planet again at some point in the future, will it look exactly as I found it the first time?


It would be nice to have in depth quests like many of the ones in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.

No fetch quest nonsense. I want a reason to explore other than loot. I want to see a sign in a village about a creepy planet where no one comes out alive. I want to visit that planet and see what's going on.

By doing that however, the game can't be 100% procedural. I would rather have a well crafted story over lots of empty procedural planets though.

Well you're not really answering the question.
I mean the premise of the game you can't ask to be removed is that it's a procedural galaxy. Quests are out of the question, because they're scripted.

edit: and the planet's aren't empty. I don't see where you got that from. They just don't have defined sets of rules such as NPCs asking you to do this or that.


So what do you do?

1. Explore planets
2. Upgrade your armor/ship
3. Travel to new planets
4. Try to get to the center of the galaxy/universe

What else? Serious question.

Thats the game.

It would be nice to have in depth quests like many of the ones in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.

No fetch quest nonsense. I want a reason to explore other than loot. I want to see a sign in a village about a creepy planet where no one comes out alive. I want to visit that planet and see what's going on.

That's some other game that isn't this one. Mass Effect 4 maybe.
It would be nice to have in depth quests like many of the ones in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.

No fetch quest nonsense. I want a reason to explore other than loot. I want to see a sign in a village about a creepy planet where no one comes out alive. I want to visit that planet and see what's going on.

By doing that however, the game can't be 100% procedural. I would rather have a well crafted story over lots of empty procedural planets though.

That is not NMS. Sorry, fellow GAFer. That's about as plain as I can put it. The motivation for exploring a galaxy-- the size of a galaxy-- and whatever it may hold is going to have to be self-motivated and not come from a quest marker other than an overarching push to "get to the center". If you are looking for more structure you'll need to look elsewhere (which is totally fine, btw.).


They have given no indication that any kind of traditional multiplayer is going to be in the release game as far as I know. I think that Sean said they bandied the idea around, and maybe would look into it again for expansion or sequel or whatever, but it's not really part of the base game as far as we've been told. They've been pretty adamant that you'll be lucky to ever encounter another person. The last time anything was said was that you may see another player, but there will be nothing to distinguish them from an NPC and no real way to communicate.

Outside the main objective they've said you can basically do whatever you want that the mechanics will allow. Which essentially is walking around, exploring, gathering resources, cataloging life, buying stuff to upgrade your equipment, shooting stuff both on planets and in space, and then NOT going to the center of the galaxy.

Basically it's like asking what the goal of COD is aside from trying to win matches. You can shoot people, get shot, run around, camp... and then not capture the flag. :)

They've said there's no "leveling up" or anything outside improving your suit and ship. If that's what you mean.
Go to 7:20. He starts talking about the multiplayer.

Or watch the whole thing if you haven't. It's pretty cool :)

I guess the thing is, those are mostly just passive goals. With stuff like CoD and Halo or whatever other multiplayer game, you've got that competitive game aspect to it where you're striving to beat the other players. I'd say most of the fun of those games comes from the people you're playing with.

With most single player games there's a story to it that you're following. I have no doubt that the journey to the center of the galaxy will be an interesting and amazing adventure. But what's after that?

What about after you've upgraded all of your stuff? When you've got a cool ship you are happy with? There's exploring planets and categorizing things. Naturally there's more to it than that as they have talked about wanting the game to have multiple things for you to do like being a space pirate if you want. I don't think exploring new vistas and space fighting will ever get boring but I hope there's more to do than that.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm being a wall or something. I'm just trying to think of ways the game might have more to it. Or things that might compliment its gameplay.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Some nice things in there. The planet with the 'loop' like structures reminds me a bit of a recent shadertoy...wonder if there was any inspiration there. The pop-in is a bit distracting, hopefully they can polish that out.



Well you're not really answering the question.
I mean the premise of the game you can't ask to be removed is that it's a procedural galaxy. Quests are out of the question, because they're scripted.
You asked me what I would like to see in a game like NMS and I answered.

I don't want the premise removed. I just want some detailed quests. I'm sure they can find a way to add something like that.

Without quests the game is solely based on exploration. And people are commenting on those saying that and telling them they don't understand.

edit: It's fair that the game doesn't have quests. Exploration games can be fun. I don't understand those who call out people who say that there's not much more to the game than that
No man's sky is easily my most anticipated game, the more I see the more I just want to go exploring through space.

On a side note, part of me feels that it should become a banable offence to come into a nms thread and ask 'but what's the game about?', they and many here have repeatedly told you what you can do yet we constantly have people who can't/won't put any effort into reading or watching what's already been talked about which would answer their questions.

Seriously, what do you people want, a video with a step by step guide of every minute detail, beating you over the head with the possible actions before it gets into your head?


No man's sky is easily my most anticipated game, the more I see the more I just want to go exploring through space.

On a side note, part of me feels that it should become a banable offence to come into a nms thread and ask 'but what's the game about?', they and many here have repeatedly told you what you can do yet we constantly have people who can't/won't put any effort into reading or watching what's already been talked about which would answer their questions.

Seriously, what do you people want, a video with a step by step guide of every minute detail, beating you over the head with the possible actions before it gets into your head?
Well given that the game doesn't have much info out on it I can't really blame anyone for being unsure of what the game actually is.

Explore planets and get to the center of the universe (which in scale is actually incredibly huge) doesn't sound like much and I can see how people might think there's gotta be more to it. And there may very well be.


For you.
It would be nice to have in depth quests like many of the ones in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.

No fetch quest nonsense. I want a reason to explore other than loot. I want to see a sign in a village about a creepy planet where no one comes out alive. I want to visit that planet and see what's going on.

By doing that however, the game can't be 100% procedural. I would rather have a well crafted story over lots of empty procedural planets though.

Why did you name Skyrim if you don't want "no fetch quest nonsense"? Skyrim is like Fetch Quest The Game.


That is not NMS. Sorry, fellow GAFer. That's about as plain as I can put it. The motivation for exploring a galaxy-- the size of a galaxy-- and whatever it may hold is going to have to be self-motivated and not come from a quest marker other than an overarching push to "get to the center". If you are looking for more structure you'll need to look elsewhere (which is totally fine, btw.).
This. If you want a game like Skyrim this game is not for you. That's fine and all, but people complaining about people who enjoy this kind of exploration acting superior, are acting superior by claiming this is not a game, and how could someone possibly enjoy this. There are so many games that provide a directed experience, go play them.


This short movie and fx made by one guy using data and photo's from nasa with narration from carl sagan shows what can happen if we explore our own solar system.


That video got me even more excited then before with NMS. I mean i watched Interstellar,Cosmos and a lot of other programs and movies,books just to experience something that we the normal folk could dream off and go to other solar systems in the universe. The people who landed on the moon are the first explorers in a new age and that still today marks my interest in space goes above and beyond even today.
Think of it this way.

Each planet has a set determined position in the universe. The planet you are given is a planet that you slowly unravel and learn, but here's the amazing part. That planet is a permanently saved seed that can be found by other players actively flying through the universe; note one singular universe shared between players. The creatures are also randomly created through modular design, each with unique names and characteristics, Some are friendly while others may hunt you down. The "point" is documenting your found experiences and being able to prosper enough to make your way to the center of the universe. Why? No one knows yet. Your treadmill of gameplay, from what I've gathered from the info given so far, is that Hello games is trying to make the worlds that are created, connected in a sense. They aren't just a string of ones and zeros that can be auto loaded at your leisure; they are new places where people have survived, traded, prospered.

Hello games seems to be building the infrastructure for something that could be pretty great, but that's just how I feel on a superficial level. The game could release and bare no redeeming qualityies, but until then I reserve my judgemrent that the game has something special going on.

Real smart people doing something extremly dumb/risky. Its exciting!

Yeah, I think the prospect of unified exploration sounds really exciting. Being the first to discover a planet and have your name recorded next to is a really enticing idea.


Except practically none of that is shown in the trailer. Where was the messaging system? What about the shop with all these ship upgrades? Where does it show the player gathering resources or actually fighting off enemies? What's the timestamp? I saw the admittedly awesome looking environments and flora and fauna, and there was an interplanetary spaceship and a portal that takes you places. I think people get that the game is striving to be more than just a procedurally generated walking sim, but it would be nice if the devs actually SHOWED that too. I'm honestly baffled as well by the fact that this trailer is practically a carbon copy of the last one all "look we have a super duper content generation algorithm and a game that allows you to move around in it" but on a slightly different planet. Even the 30 minute "gameplay" video released with said GI article is like half just interviewing the dev and the other half is, again, more flying around and observing the shiny environments and wildlife and pimping this content generation algorithm they seem so pleased about. Just put out one video, one video showing an unbroken 10 - hell even just 5 minute piece of gameplay showing off some resource gathering, crafting, combat, or any of the other things this wonderful game claims to be able to have you do.

The trailers they've been showing show aspects of what is on my list, and the rest you can gain by reading about it. If you choose not to read about the game and only want to get your info from the short trailers, that's going to be on you.

But even in the trailer, they showcase new gameplay feature, like the portal I have in my list. I'm sure later they'll have video of the messaging service, but until then you can read Game Informer.

Keep yourself informed, don't keep yourself willfully in the dark because you refuse to do basic research afterwards. If you need to see all your info in 2 minute trailers, then yeah bro you're going to not understand everything.



And then a minute later, it says that won't be something the game has at launch. :)
"It's not something that's core to the game and we'll deal with it further down the line"

. I have no doubt that the journey to the center of the galaxy will be an interesting and amazing adventure. But what's after that?


I don't understand how that's in any way a problem?

This just isn't that kind of game designed to appeal to competition, or quest completionists, nor does it need to be. There is no map completion percentage. There is no competitive multiplayer. There is not a narrative story (though apparently may be lore that can be discovered) It's ok that this game is "just" an interesting and amazing adventure about journeying to the center of the galaxy.Or just staying on a planet and shooting dinosaurs. Or whatever you find most enjoyable about it.


So just to be sure, you just walk around right?

I mean, apart from just walking around, what do you even do in the game?

I have to say that though while the game sounds great it would be kinda great to have some sort of multiplayer. Exploration with a few friends would be fun. Lİke sharing spaceship controls. Though they may focus on those things with DLCs or a new game later on.


You asked me what I would like to see in a game like NMS and I answered.

I don't want the premise removed. I just want some detailed quests. I'm sure they can find a way to add something like that.

Without quests the game is solely based on exploration. And people are commenting on those saying that and telling them they don't understand.

edit: It's fair that the game doesn't have quests. Exploration games can be fun. I don't understand those who call out people who say that there's not much more to the game than that

No, you haven't, because if you want quests, then this is not anymore "a game like NMS".

In essence, it's the closest you can get to a true sandbox, openworld game. Which by definition excludes any sort of scripted events.
Guys, man. The trailer DOES showcase the mechanics.

Here is exactly how it works

● You start on a random planet. Planet may be tough, may be easy. It's procedural.
● 90% of the planets are barren of life, emulating our actual universe. 10% will have life/civilization/story elements/etc.
● But every planet, no matter how barren of life, has resources for you to gather. You need these resources to continue your journey deeper into toward the center of the galaxy. Fuel, ship parts, cargo to sell, etc.
● The more resources you gather, the more you screw with the ecosystem, the more you gain the attention of a mysterious 'robot' protector that is meant to keep the balance in the universe and prevent destruction of ecosystems.
● The longer you harvest a planet, the tougher the robot guards they send at you - there are bipedal ones and ones that walk on four legs, but there's a multitude of different types.
● The goal of the game is to get to the center of the galaxy. Something mysterious is going on there, and you're trying to find out what it is. The closer you get to the center, the tougher the game gets - more enemy fleets, more enemies in space, more enemies on planets. Tougher evolved life.
● Each solar system has space stations you can go to. The bigger the solar system, the bigger the space station. Bigger the space station, the better equipment you can get there. You can follow any ship you see in space back to their space station of origin and buy the ship, for example.
● But you also can buy a host of other items that speed up resource gathering, ability to deal with enemies, ship upgrades, etc.
● There are portals - like you saw in the trailer - that once entered, will put you into a completely different part of the universe. What will be on the other hand is a complete mystery, but some will lead to great secrets.
● The narrative is there, but the game is made so that you never have to actually follow it if you don't like. It CAN be a 'walking simulator', it CAN be a game where you gather resources or make a planet your home base. But the goal is, and it takes 40-100 hours approximately to do it, is to find out what's going on in the center of the universe.
● There is a messaging service that you can use to talk to other players, but it's very possible you can pass another player and never even realize it's a real person. How social you want to get is up to you.

my god that sounds awesome, better than i imagined this game could be. hopefully it lives up to this, the part about running into other players in such a vast universe sounds surreal
I've always been on the "what's the point?" side for this game and, now, I slowly realise "it's all about the journey". And that's OK. What a technical achievement this procedurally generated environment is though... Fantastic.


Guys, man. The trailer DOES showcase the mechanics.

Here is exactly how it works

● You start on a random planet. Planet may be tough, may be easy. It's procedural.
● 90% of the planets are barren of life, emulating our actual universe. 10% will have life/civilization/story elements/etc.
● But every planet, no matter how barren of life, has resources for you to gather. You need these resources to continue your journey deeper into toward the center of the galaxy. Fuel, ship parts, cargo to sell, etc.
● The more resources you gather, the more you screw with the ecosystem, the more you gain the attention of a mysterious 'robot' protector that is meant to keep the balance in the universe and prevent destruction of ecosystems.
● The longer you harvest a planet, the tougher the robot guards they send at you - there are bipedal ones and ones that walk on four legs, but there's a multitude of different types.
● The goal of the game is to get to the center of the galaxy. Something mysterious is going on there, and you're trying to find out what it is. The closer you get to the center, the tougher the game gets - more enemy fleets, more enemies in space, more enemies on planets. Tougher evolved life.
● Each solar system has space stations you can go to. The bigger the solar system, the bigger the space station. Bigger the space station, the better equipment you can get there. You can follow any ship you see in space back to their space station of origin and buy the ship, for example.
● But you also can buy a host of other items that speed up resource gathering, ability to deal with enemies, ship upgrades, etc.
● There are portals - like you saw in the trailer - that once entered, will put you into a completely different part of the universe. What will be on the other hand is a complete mystery, but some will lead to great secrets.
● The narrative is there, but the game is made so that you never have to actually follow it if you don't like. It CAN be a 'walking simulator', it CAN be a game where you gather resources or make a planet your home base. But the goal is, and it takes 40-100 hours approximately to do it, is to find out what's going on in the center of the universe.
● There is a messaging service that you can use to talk to other players, but it's very possible you can pass another player and never even realize it's a real person. How social you want to get is up to you.

So just to be sure, you just walk around right?

I mean, apart from just walking around, what do you even do in the game?

I have to say that though while the game sounds great it would be kinda great to have some sort of multiplayer. Exploration with a few friends would be fun. Lİke sharing spaceship controls. Though they may focus on those things with DLCs or a new game later on.

Inform your self people goddamn so hard to look it up here gameinformer thread also with a lot of details.

all i can say isthat the screenshot thread ( or the universe biology thread ) is sure to be something else when the game launches ..

There will be one , right ?


Inform your self people goddamn so hard to look it up here gameinformer thread also with a lot of details.


Come on man that is a joke. I already said one sentence later that it looks great. I love how the game is shaping up to be, this is my dream game right there. Now only if there is something like this but on the sea.

I also wonder that how much interaction we will have with what is going on in planets. For example, can we take a life form from one planet, put it in the spaceship and leave it on another planet which is full of life? Can we change ecosystems? Just thinking about all the possibilities is exciting.
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