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Rudy Giuliani: " Obama should be saying the kinds of stuff Bill Cosby used to say"

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That's not discussing the point, that's just ad hominem.

I mean if everyone wants to just have a Rudy is shit thread, I guess have it? I thought there was an effort to have threads where actual discussion occurs though.

Obama has said some very nuanced things on the problems facing blacks in America. Just look at his recent speech in Selma. What Rudy said is broadly over-generalized tripe.
That's not discussing the point, that's just ad hominem.

I mean if everyone wants to just have a Rudy is shit thread, I guess have it? I thought there was an effort to have threads where actual discussion occurs though.

I'm assuming you're trolling, but if not? What nuanced discussion should we derive from his comments? I mean other than, "dudes a racist dick"


That's not discussing the point, that's just ad hominem.

I mean if everyone wants to just have a Rudy is shit thread, I guess have it? I thought there was an effort to have threads where actual discussion occurs though.
And what are you doing?


Random story:

Was waiting at a ferry terminal for our ride.. an older gentleman was standing around too, and asked us if we were waiting for a ride, and if he could tag along. (this is Whidbey Island, WA)

We said sure; and when our ride showed up he got in the front seat.

Within a few minutes he told us that he was Bill Cosby's room mate in college.

This was about a year before Hannibal Burress made the Cosby rape allegation story a big thing.

The main thing I remember from his weird story of being Cosby's roommate was that he said his nick name on the football team was "The Spook."

I was well aware of Cosby's comments about African Americans at the time... and immediately started wondering if Cosby's resentment of his own race partly came from how he ended up "making it" in a very white male dominated world partly by becoming a bit of an "Uncle Tom" of sorts.. to fit in he allowed racist remarks to be sent his way.

Random story time over.


Did anyone actually read the op or article? Of course not its gaf...

Of course any comparison to Bill Cosbey at this point in time would not be tainted with the sexual assault scandal hanging over his head like a sword of Damocles, right? Right?!?

And Rudy doesn't mean anything about doing the comparison at this time of course, it's purely innocent!!!
to be fair, he did preface by saying "I hate to mention it because of what happened afterwards." It's not like he's ignorant of the rampant rape allegations.

except it looks like that stuff was happening *all along* and not 'what happened afterwards' at all. so basically, he's telling Obama to be more like the fake front Bill Cosby put up. which is really bad.

'He should be like the guy that rapist was pretending to be instead'.


Did anyone actually read the op or article? Of course not its gaf...
From this comment, it appears that you disagree with the response of most of the posters thus far in the thread.

If this is the case, it would be far more constructive of you to put forth your own views instead of drive-by posting and generalizing.


except it looks like that stuff was happening *all along* and not 'what happened afterwards' at all. so basically, he's telling Obama to be more like the fake front Bill Cosby put up. which is really bad.

'He should be like the guy that rapist was pretending to be instead'.

He never said "be more like BIll Cosby."

He said "say some of the same stuff Cosby used to say."

It's patently obvious this has nothing to do with Cosby being an alleged rapist.. the comments here are predictably dominated by responses to the thread title, rather than his words.

Not that his words don't deserve scorn; a very "he's one of the good blacks" kind of thing to say.


Post Count: 9999
Obama has said some very nuanced things on the problems facing blacks in America. Just look at his recent speech in Selma. What Rudy said is broadly over-generalized tripe.

I'm assuming you're trolling, but if not? What nuanced discussion should we derive from his comments? I mean other than, "dudes a racist dick"

And what are you doing?

Woah ... woah ... I'm not saying Obama hasn't had nuanced comments, or that Guillani is right. I meant it would be nice to discuss some of the problems in lower economic communities, etc. that he's pointing to.

I didn't realize that 'Cosby, before his public image was tarnished with a slew of rape allegations, had spoken frequently and often in blunt terms about how African-Americans needed to focus more on education, be better parents and avoid lives of crime.' as stated in the OP was considered a cut and dry non-starter.

Apparently this isn't the thread to bring it up in, and everyone is going to assume I'm racist.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Did anyone actually read the op or article? Of course not its gaf...

Yea, you guys should check out the part where he went on to make a fool of himself even more, implying the girl stomping another girl's head in a brooklyn mcdonalds was also the president's fault.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Giuliani is a piece of shit, but the quote in the OP title is not what Giuliani said. Even the article's title didn't have the quotations around it. It's still a tone deaf comment in more ways than one but that's a bit of a shameless attempt to take what he said out of context.


Did anyone actually read the op or article? Of course not its gaf...

Daily News article said:
And he said President Obama is to blame for the brawl inside a McDonald’s in Brooklyn as well as the shooting of two cops in Ferguson becasue of the anti-police "tone" coming from the White House.

Keep in mind I grew up in NYC during the Rudy years and know him well enough to not have to bother in-depth analysis of all the garbage he constantly spews.
Woah ... woah ... I'm not saying Obama hasn't had nuanced comments, or that Guillani is right. I meant it would be nice to discuss some of the problems in lower economic communities, etc. that he's pointing to.

But apparently this isn't the thread to bring it up in, and everyone is going to assume I'm racist.

No, it's just not like this automatically opens up discussion about what Guilliani is talking about since his comments were so blatantly backwards. Of course this is going to be a "shit on Guillani" thread, as it should be.


This is a thread about Guillani's racist comment. If you sincerely wanted to discuss "some of the problems in lower economic communities", which I doubt, start your own damn thread.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Giuliani is a piece of shit, but the quote in the OP title is not what Giuliani said. Even the article's title didn't have the quotations around it. It's still a tone deaf comment in more ways than one but that's a bit of a shameless attempt to take what he said out of context.

Yea, you're right that's my fault. I thought it was a quote from reading the headline. But the his full quote is in the OP.

Thanks mods.
So we can have a misleading title to make Giuliani look bad to suggest he's saying Obama should be a rapist, when the content of the article is completely different.

That's not shocking at all.
He never said "be more like BIll Cosby."

He said "say some of the same stuff Cosby used to say."

It's patently obvious this has nothing to do with Cosby being an alleged rapist.. the comments here are predictably dominated by responses to the thread title, rather than his words.

Not that his words don't deserve scorn; a very "he's one of the good blacks" kind of thing to say.

I know all that. Let me rephrase it very slightly differently for you.

Someone who was likely a criminal at the time, told other black people to stop being criminals. He likely did this to present a false face to the world to better hide the fact he was raping people.

If indeed Cosby was a serial rapist as it sure as shit looks like, he clearly didn't believe what he was saying. So it's probably a really bad idea to say that Obama should address black people more like Cosby addressed black people.

He's telling the President to speak like a false persona that was a front put up to hide the real rapist beneath.

And it's really fucking stupid.


I meant it would be nice to discuss some of the problems in lower economic communities, etc. that he's pointing to.
I took his comments to mean that Obama should lecture black people about "personal responsibility" and superficial bullshit like sagging pants and hip-hop... Which is still dumb and arguably racist.

I agree that the thread title is misleading and should be changed, for what it's worth.
Black on Black crime? Are republicans ever gonna get tired of trotting out this stupid talking point. It's always black on black crime that's the problem not anything else.

And just go away Guiliani, no one wants to hear your shit anymorre.

To be fair to Giuliani he never mentioned black on black crime which is a step forward for him. I like how people like giuliani keep going on about how bad crime is when statistics keep telling us all crime is at 20-30 year lows. The reason their is so much "black crime" is black people are targets and are harassed more by police officers. The drug war has been a cash cow for the prison industry. The US are the worlds number one jailers.
Do you think Gulliani knows he'll never get off the starting line of a Presidential run? I mean, REALLY knows? He tends to fail and disappear until the next election. He never gets anywhere or even gets much support but damned if he doesn't have endless stupid confidence.
To be fair to Giuliani he never mentioned black on black crime which is a step forward for him. I like how people like giuliani keep going on about how bad crime is when statistics keep telling us all crime is at 20-30 year lows. The reason their is so much "black crime" is black people are targets and are harassed more by police officers. The drug war has been a cash cow for the prison industry. The US are the worlds number one jailers.

I like the part where he says that Obama is obligated to say that American cops are the best in the world. That's patriotism to idiots like Giuliani. Instead of acknowledging where America isn't the best in the world and striving to make it that, putting your fingers in your ears, and closing your eyes and just yelling 'best in the world' over and over and over again.

It's shit like that that has allowed America to slip so much. Maybe it was once the best country in the world, but shooting down anyone who points out its flaws sure as hell has hurt it.

Criticize Obama for highlighting issues in policing and instead say he should have just said 'BEST IN THE WORLD!'. It's idiocy.


If indeed Cosby was a serial rapist as it sure as shit looks like, he clearly didn't believe what he was saying. So it's probably a really bad idea to say that Obama should address black people more like Cosby addressed black people.

He's telling the President to speak like a false persona that was a front put up to hide the real rapist beneath..

I don't disagree; don't even have to take the analysis as far as you have. Mentioning Cosby at all to make a point is just a terrible idea in general lol.


I'm curious if RangersFan will do more than just drive by.
I'm here, just driving by because I'm on mobile. My post was more about people taking the thread title as an actual quote and the responses interpreting Giuliani as saying "be a rapist." My actual thoughts are more in line with the majority here. Giuliani is a moron.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
The reason their is so much "black crime" is black people are targets and are harassed more by police officers.

Not entirely true. Black people are given harsher penalties for the same crimes as other races. But giving all of the responsibility for the high crime rate among blacks to police officers is disingenuous.


Apparently this isn't the thread to bring it up in, and everyone is going to assume I'm racist.

Welcome to neogaf.

Whether you like him or the statement he is obviously pointing at the statistic of African Americans being 13% of the population and 39% of the prison and jail population. Now the reasons for that (profiling, poverty, etc) are up to debate. I wouldn't look to gaf for a debate though especially if there is the opportunity to pile on a Republican.


Woah ... woah ... I'm not saying Obama hasn't had nuanced comments, or that Guillani is right. I meant it would be nice to discuss some of the problems in lower economic communities, etc. that he's pointing to.

I didn't realize that 'Cosby, before his public image was tarnished with a slew of rape allegations, had spoken frequently and often in blunt terms about how African-Americans needed to focus more on education, be better parents and avoid lives of crime.' as stated in the OP was considered a cut and dry non-starter.

Apparently this isn't the thread to bring it up in, and everyone is going to assume I'm racist.

FYI, I didn't assume that and I don't think anyone else did (you being a racist). The problem is that this is just another way of saying "BOOTSTRAPS." It's very subtle victim blaming. Yes, there are many things that the black community could do, including those three things, that would further their place in this country (and Obama has mentioned these a few times that I can recall). At the same time, "BOOTSTRAPS" is not a valid critique of the problems facing black America because it boils down all their problems into something that would appear to be easily solved, when the reality is, it's super complex and many things continue to plague them as a group. Most of those are not self-inflicted.
Welcome to neogaf.

Whether you like him or the statement he is obviously pointing at the statistic of African Americans being 13% of the population and 39% of the prison and jail population. Now the reasons for that (profiling, poverty, etc) are up to debate. I wouldn't look to gaf for a debate though especially if there is the opportunity to pile on a Republican.

Please by all means start the debate.

This passive aggressive posting shit is REALLY fucking pathetic.

Or are you just playing devil's advocate?

I'm here, just driving by because I'm on mobile. My post was more about people taking the thread title as an actual quote and the responses interpreting Giuliani as saying "be a rapist." My actual thoughts are more in line with the majority here. Giuliani is a moron.

Gotcha. Good clarification.
Welcome to neogaf.

Whether you like him or the statement he is obviously pointing at the statistic of African Americans being 13% of the population and 39% of the prison and jail population. Now the reasons for that (profiling, poverty, etc) are up to debate. I wouldn't look to gaf for a debate though especially if there is the opportunity to pile on a Republican.

You're welcome to start the debate--this seems an opportune time to do so.


Please by all means start the debate.
This passive aggressive posting shit is REALLY fucking pathetic.

Perhaps you would prefer I pile on a republican. That would probably make it less pathetic.

You're welcome to start the debate--this seems an opportune time to do so.

I don't have a solution or opinion on why the penal system is lopsided but I seem to be the only person to at least offer the statistics forward. Everyone else just wants to say "lol republican said something about black people lol"

EDIT: Regarding the direct topic of it being President Obama's responsibility to say anything about it - I don't believe it is.


He clearly doesn't.

He has no point.

As if Obama has any more responsibility to comment on the actions of black people as Giuliani has on the actions of Italian Americans.

what's his point jw

Just to be clear, I don't agree at all with his stance, and have always thought the notion that Obama is single-handedly responsible for improving black people's lives because he's also black is total bullshit.

But that doesn't mean he's not making a point. It's a stupid one, to be sure, but it's still an argument, it's still a collection of words and (poorly connected) ideas that exist out in the world. You don't need to be disingenuous about it, it's not like I'm supporting him.


Welcome to neogaf.

Whether you like him or the statement he is obviously pointing at the statistic of African Americans being 13% of the population and 39% of the prison and jail population. Now the reasons for that (profiling, poverty, etc) are up to debate. I wouldn't look to gaf for a debate though especially if there is the opportunity to pile on a Republican.

But why in the fuck would we use an article detailing Rudy talking out his ass, and insultingly so, as a clarion call for this so-called debate?? No, Rudy's comments deserve the exact result you see before you here: scorn and dismissal.


Woah ... woah ... I'm not saying Obama hasn't had nuanced comments, or that Guillani is right. I meant it would be nice to discuss some of the problems in lower economic communities, etc. that he's pointing to.

I didn't realize that 'Cosby, before his public image was tarnished with a slew of rape allegations, had spoken frequently and often in blunt terms about how African-Americans needed to focus more on education, be better parents and avoid lives of crime.' as stated in the OP was considered a cut and dry non-starter.

Apparently this isn't the thread to bring it up in, and everyone is going to assume I'm racist.

The really irritating thing about this dialogue is that outsiders to the community assume it hasn't been continuously addressed and reinforced within our ranks. It's just a continuous repeat of "y'all is y'all own enemy." As to say this is what Obama should do but then again if it became a directed political goal of his to focus on Black groups, The story would just flip again and pundits would claim Obama only wants to focus on his "own people" and not America.

Seems to be somewhat a catch-22 no matter what occurs.


Perhaps you would prefer I pile on a republican. That would probably make it less pathetic.

I don't have a solution or opinion on why the penal system is lopsided but I seem to be the only person to at least offer the statistics forward. Everyone else just wants to say "lol republican said something about black people lol"

Plenty of people know the statistics, and if not the exact numbers themselves then at least the trends of prison populations being predominantly black when civilian populations aren't; you're not offering anything new, you're preaching to the choir. That's why, if you haven't noticed, racial bias and inequality in the criminal justice system is kind of a major talking point already. Because either you accept that police, judges, et al. unfairly discriminate against blacks OR you accept that blacks are just genetically predisposed to being criminals.

Which do you think is the case?


But why in the fuck would we use an article detailing Rudy talking out his ass, and insultingly so, as a clarion call for this so-called debate?? No, Rudy's comments deserve the exact result you see before you here: scorn and dismissal.

I'm sorry for breaking up your "lol Republican" party. I'll see my way to the gaming side.
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