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Rudy Giuliani defends Trump talking about FRAUDULENT Inner City voting

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Someone needs to stick this fool.

TAPPER: So he's not talking about elections being stolen except in some cases when he is talking about elections being stolen?

GIULIANI: You want me to tell you the election in Philadelphia and Chicago is going to be fair? I would have to be a moron to say that. I would have to dislearn everything I learned in 40 years of being a prosecutor.

TAPPER: The Republican Party in Philadelphia would disagree with you. They looked into the allegations from 2012 and they said there was nothing irregular in what happened. Yes there were areas where people only voted for Obama, just like in Utah there were places that only voted for Romney.

GIULIANI: Maybe there are situations in which it's right. I remember a case where I was associate attorney general where 720 dead people voted in Chicago in the 1982 election. I remember in my own election about 60 dead people voted. So I can't sit here and tell you that they don't cheat. And I know because they control the polling places in these areas. There are no Republicans. It's very hard to get people there who will challenge votes. So what they do is they leave dead people on the rolls and then they pay people to vote for those dead people, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine times.

TAPPER: We have to go, Mr. Mayor. Just to put a button on this it sounds as though you're saying that Trump is serious when he says that the election is going to be stolen.

GIULIANI: No, I'm not saying that.

TAPPER: You just laid out a whole case about how Democrats steal elections.

GIULIANI: If she wins Illinois by eight percent or he wins Illinois by eight percent then that cheating doesn't make any difference. If he wins Pennsylvania by five or she wins by five it’ll makes no difference. If it's a one or two-point race it could make a difference in a few places. It’s not going to make a difference in Indiana, not going to make a difference in North Carolina, not going to make a difference in a lot of other places where they don't have this tradition of cheating.

TAPPER: That's not an affirmation of the way our elections are held in this country.

GIULIANI: We do cheat. We have people that cheat in elections

TAPPER: You're saying only Democrats cheat.

GIULIANI: I found very few situations where Republicans cheat. They don't control the inner cities the way Democrats do. Maybe if Republicans controlled the inner cities they would do as much cheating as Democrats.

TAPPER: I think there are a lot of election experts that would have very strong disagreements with you.

GIULIANI: They never prosecuted election fraud.

Much more and five minute video at source..

Fuck this turd in his stupid crooked mouth. They're done being coy. They're just straight saying that black folks are gonna rig this election.

Kick Rudy in his teeth if old. Kick him regardless..
How about you don't run a campaign of here and actually try to empower the communities you are busy destroying instead of blaming your loss on fraud


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I want to see receipts.

If there has been such rampant voter fraud in the past then surely there will be mountains of evidence right guys?


given trump's almost comical levels of projection, i hope someone is investigating how trump is attempting to rig the election in his favor, because it actually is the only way he could win


Voter fraud is republican code for too many black people voting. They introduce "anti-fraud" measures that are primarily designed to discourage/prevent blacks from voting. Some of them outright stated that the 5% gain for the repub candidate was a feature.

The Kree

The only way to stop voter fraud is to strip away the voting rights of women and minorities. White men do not engage in such nefarious acts, so we don't have to worry about them.


Unconfirmed Member


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Yeah only Democrats cheat. Never mind the red states like North Carolina and Texas which actively tries to disenfranchises minority voters. Fuck you Rudy.
Voter fraud is republican code for too many black people voting. They introduce "anti-fraud" measures that are primarily designed to discourage/prevent blacks from voting. Some of them outright stated that the 5% gain for the repub candidate was a feature.
That's why they always make sure to mention "inner cities." It's a dog whistle for places where black people and Latinos live. They don't really even try to disguise it anymore since parts of the voting rights act were stripped out.


So he's saying that the inner cities which only blacks would ever want to live in has voter fraud because blacks actually support Trump and Democrats are rigging the votes. Okay.

And how do Democrats or Republicans control the inner city? Is it like gang wars or some shit?


The Autumn Wind
I hope after this election, Giuliani is shunned by everyone. No one should listen to a word this sad fuck says ever again.

El Topo

So he's saying that the inner cities which only blacks would ever want to live in has voter fraud because blacks actually support Trump and Democrats are rigging the votes. Okay.

"Now I'm no racist, so I'm assuming these people are as smart as white folks, therefore they'd vote for me in droves, because I'm such a great candidate and I'm offering them a way out and Hillary is crooked. Polls show that absolutely no one there voted for me, so in conclusion the voting was rigged."
It's sad that Trump, his inner circle, hanger-ons and the Republican Party can't see that they are horribly out of touch with the majority of the country, so they have to bring up this voting fraud/media bias/global warming/zombie apocalypse and a million other excuses to cover their asses.



It's sad that Trump, his inner circle, hanger-ons and the Republican Party can't see that they are horribly out of touch with the majority of the country, so they have to bring up this voting fraud/media bias/global warming/zombie apocalypse and a million other excuses to cover their asses.


If they were completely out of touch, these guys wouldn't be relevant at all right now. It says a whole lot more that these clowns refuse to die out and turned a large chunk of the US population into their groupies.
It's sad that Trump, his inner circle, hanger-ons and the Republican Party can't see that they are horribly out of touch with the majority of the country, so they have to bring up this voting fraud/media bias/global warming/zombie apocalypse and a million other excuses to cover their asses.

In their minds, they aren't. They don't care about minorities or women or gays or non-Christians. And right now Trump is leading the straight, white, Christian male polling. Barely, but leading. These people think they're right on with the pulse of the nation because the only group they think deserves rights is leaning their way.


Fuuuuuuck I had erased this from my mind...
Every day I do. And every day it's so fucking weird. Why it hasn't come up during the election, this shit show of an election, is strange too. I feel like this would lose the homophobic vote over night. I'd love seeing the spin to suggest it's what everyone does.
Every day I do. And every day it's so fucking weird. Why it hasn't come up during the election, this shit show of an election, is strange too. I feel like this would lose the homophobic vote over night. I'd love seeing the spin to suggest it's what everyone does.

"Ain't nothin wrong with a man dressing like a lady. That's none of our business. Don't y'all want men in women's bathrooms? Trump was a democrat back then anyhow."


This isn't funny anymore. There is going to be violence after this election when Trump inevitably loses, and it will be because these assholes couldn't get it through their heads that the country doesn't want them.

"We can't just be losing, it has to be fixed."

And the nutjobs that follow them are going to believe it, and some of them are going to take matters into their own hands.
Every day I do. And every day it's so fucking weird. Why it hasn't come up during the election, this shit show of an election, is strange too. I feel like this would lose the homophobic vote over night. I'd love seeing the spin to suggest it's what everyone does.
He's a businessman.


They are going all in with this now. Every week it's a new boogeyman but this will be the one they carry to end of term since all data points to Trump losing for really-real.

If they really feel the election is rigged, then why continue? I hope one of the newscasters asks a Trump surrogate why they are even bothering to take and spend hard-working Americans' donations if they think the system is already set up for their candidate to lose.


Giuliani is a serious hardcore racist. I really honestly think he's on the same level as David Duke and if he had his way, would just have black people put to death.


FFS what do they think people are doing? Getting in line again with a fake mustache to vote twice?

They know there's no voter fraud. That's why they keep saying "inner cities". It's code for "we need to keep these n*****s and s***cs from voting."
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