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Thousands of Baltimore residents protest Freddie Gray’s death

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I mean yeah, it'd be nice if someone was able to stop assholes from shitting up a protest, but as others said, it's not really fair for that to be an expectation of the protests before they're taken seriously. Also there generally is an effort in these protests by whatever leadership there is to prevent violence and keep things orderly.

Thinking about it more, even making a citizen's arrest wouldn't amount to much when your police system is all messed up. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

What happens next? Didn't Ferguson just fizzle out in the public eye? Did anyone even get fired at the very least?

(sorry I don't know a whole lot, just what I read on GAF and such)

Do you see it escalating? Or are they (cops) going to bring in the tanks again?


Yeah, the images and clips in this thread really lack enough context for people who aren't well read on the subject to make informed decisions on.

I don't know what went on exactly so I just hope no one got seriously injured. I also hope it doesn't lead to a distraction from the issue of police brutality which needs to be addressed urgently.
Do some of y'all go this hard when white people riot about their favorite sports teams losing or is it just when black people want to be treated like human beings?


Violence won't solve the issue. It never will.

There's some sort of instant gratification mentality that is happening in which a video comes up where police brutality occurs and people expect by the end of the week for all these issues to be fixed. This is not how people work.

In fact, things are changing just at a slow pace like every thing else major. Some police departments and officers are adopting personal cameras in light of these tragedies as good faith measures--this will surely increase over time. We have politicians being more vocal about it, and more major media outlets are speaking about military gear and lack of training. Things are changing but they are slow. This doesn't mean protests must stop, just means to say "things will not change" is wildly inaccurate and is willfully ignoring any positive steps that are being taken.

I hope you enjoy being on the other side of the fence where you don't have to worry about being murdered and being called a thug without the chance to defend yourself. You're saying things are changing just because cops are installing body cams like that really matters. Did it matter when several black people were murdered on camera and the murderers got away with it? Stop acting like that shit actually matters when history has proved it doesn't. Did you forget Eric Garner was literally murdered on camera and the cop got away?

Yeah, the images and clips in this thread really lack enough context for people who aren't well read on the subject to make informed decisions on.

I don't know what went on exactly so I just hope no one got seriously injured. I also hope it doesn't lead to a distraction from the issue of police brutality which needs to be addressed urgently.

It probably will and that's the biggest problem. Why are a few acts of violence more important than systematic murder? Is it because people can finally justify their racist beliefs without feeling bad and second guessing when more evidence comes up? People should recognize that as effects OF the issue, not the issue itself.
Do some of y'all go this hard when white people riot about their favorite sports teams losing or is it just when black people want to be treated like human beings?

To be fair I was critical the Vancouver Canucks riot (not on NeoGAF) at the time. Even disowned a few friends who participated.
I hope you enjoy being on the other side of the fence where you don't have to worry about being murdered and being called a thug without the chance to defend yourself. You're saying things are changing just because cops are installing body cams like that really matters. Did it matter when several black people were murdered on camera and the murderers got away with it? Stop acting like that shit actually matters when history has proved it doesn't. Did you forget Eric Garner was literally murdered on camera and the cop got away?

This doesn't make sense with what I was saying. I'm illustrating that changes are being made albeit slowly. This is how the world operates. Nothing major like institutional racism changes over night. This will be a long drawn out process in which more tragedies like this will occur. You can still be angry at the system while acknowledging that there are steps being taken.
What happens next? Didn't Ferguson just fizzle out in the public eye? Did anyone even get fired at the very least?

Ferguson is still a hot zone. The DOJ released their report and that was the last media coverage we will ever hear about the area. Last I was reading, conditions in Ferguson and overall aura are worse.

But there will be no coverage of that.... We'll just forget it like ebola.

Boo! Ebola! Did I scare you?


I don't see 13+ paged threads about it so imma say no.
The Vancouver riots had 32 pages, 1500 posts and that was just one thread. There were way more so I'm going to go with yeah. Granted I wasn't on here at the time but it certainly seems like it.


fuck you.

of course it doesn't. just like how people condemned the people in ferguson and completely forgot their days of peaceful protesting and how they got cussed at and mocked at a baseball game. we're always at fault and we're always the bad guys.

people on the internet completely forgot they were still protesting because once the news realizes they don't have an angle, they stop covering it and these "peaceful protesting solves all problems and people WILL remember that" people disappear until the next time they spew their pacifist bullshit.
Yeah they don't actually care about the protesters, and once the rioting stops and the protests continue, they will disappear from this thread.
People should just admit that they don't care about the protests and are only commenting on the rioters.
Of course they don't. Mr. "message lost" and everyone else who only started posting in here after the rioting are making that quite clear.

I'm sure we have video evidence of this you can link?

Yeah I didn't think you would comment on it. Even if there was video evidence would you even believe it or disagree with it?

Do some of y'all go this hard when white people riot about their favorite sports teams losing or is it just when black people want to be treated like human beings?
Of course not.
Do some of y'all go this hard when white people riot about their favorite sports teams losing or is it just when black people want to be treated like human beings?

It makes me ashamed of my fellow Canadians when they do that. Any colour. Hockey's about the only thing that will make Canadians riot anyway, sadly.


is now taking requests
That car was clearly coming right at him, i say self defense. Dude showed some real restraint when he just smashed the window. The cops could learn a thing or two from him.


The Vancouver riots had 32 pages, 1500 posts and that was just one thread. There were way more so I'm going to go with yeah. Granted I wasn't on here at the time but it certainly seems like it.
Must have slipped pass me not that I'm doubting the thread happen.


This doesn't make sense with what I was saying. I'm illustrating that changes are being made albeit slowly. This is how the world operates. Nothing major like institutional racism changes over night. This will be a long drawn out process in which more tragedies like this will occur. You can still be angry at the system while acknowledging that there are steps being taken.

and i repeat, what steps?

what changes are being made when white people believe they're racially discriminated against more than black people?

You keep bringing up body cams, but Tamir Rice was murdered on camera for a fake gun and the city is blaming him for his death, not the cops. Eric Garner was murdered on camera and the killer was free. John Crawford was murdered in a fucking open carry state for having a fake gun on camera and everybody got away free. Do you really believe body cameras are going to make a difference?

You believe changes are being made because you're on the other side of the fence and probably close your eyes and plug your ears when we scream out that they're not.


That car was clearly coming right at him, i say self defense. Dude showed some real restraint when he just smashed the window. The cops could learn a thing or two from him.

Wait, that photo of a smashed car window was a car driven at people? The silver car posted on the first page?

That might be considered attempting to kill someone by driving into them.
Yeah, the images and clips in this thread really lack enough context for people who aren't well read on the subject to make informed decisions on.

This is how the media works though...

Its steamrolls into one of the greatest issues of this country. Everything is for profit here in Capitalismland. And our true religion is the Dollar despite it saying God on it..

Of course the media is going to try and give the full story in context. They are going to give you a bite sized video, nice headline, and let the comments spread "facts".

Truth gets thrown to the wayside.


Wait, that photo of a smashed car window was a car driven at people? The silver car posted on the first page?

That might be considered attempting to kill someone by driving into them.
Pretty sure he's mocking the police excuse of "he was coming right at me!" which is often bullshit lie used to get away with murder.
Ferguson is still a hot zone. The DOJ released their report and that was the last media coverage we will ever hear about the area. Last I was reading, conditions in Ferguson and overall aura are worse.

But there will be no coverage of that.... We'll just forget it like ebola.

Boo! Ebola! Did I scare you?

Wow. I had no idea. Granted, I don't really look up US news stories all that often unless they make the front pages/internets, etc. Though from what people have told me, Americans don't really like other people trying to influence what's going on in their country, which is fair I get that. I just fear these types of protests will be used as justification for MORE police control in the US. How can you even "win"? Not trying to be a downer but it sure is an uphill battle as far as police/military arms are concerned from the images I saw from Ferguson, a seemingly small town.


I already told you I'm not going to tell you explicitly where the line is in my personal opinion. I don't sit back and go "murder is too far, but robbery is alright" because that's not the point. It's based on the circumstances of the situation.

I feel like this situation (violent protestors lashing out against civilians) parallels perfectly with the situation in Benito Cereno, where the slaves become free and not only kill (or attempt to kill) their direct oppressors, but also the civilians who were merely allowing the oppression to exist and continue. When I analyzed this situation, I felt as though the oppressed were justified in killing their oppressors and the people who were indifferent to their oppression. Murder is not ethically right. I do not condone murder. However, I understand the sheer rage that the oppressed feel, as a result of the evils committed by their oppressors, and therefore see their acts of revenge as justified in a sense. I hate to witness these acts of revenge, but I understand their existence, and understand that they are justified.

In relation to this specific situation, I do believe violence is justified. I hate to see it happen. I wish that it wouldn't happen. However, I understand why it happens and understand that it is a terrible byproduct of intense oppression. Millions of lives have been ruined and destroyed by the oppressors, and the people who remain indifferent are doing nothing to help their fellow human beings. Humans are dying, yet nothing is done. This creates intense rage from the oppressed. Rage that is channeled into violent acts. Violent acts that, as a result, are justified.

In conclusion, there is no simple answer. Everyone will perceive this situation differently. I am someone who empathizes so greatly with the oppressed, that I have been criticized before, just as I am now, for going "too far" in believing that their violence is justified. It actually pains me to say this, because I know that it seems like I am advocating for violence, but I'm not, and I hope I am not portraying that with these statements.

Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how fucked up this post is regardless of if you intend it or not. You have clearly stated violence against innocent people is justified because they are white and because they are white just allow oppression to happen. Acts of revenge against innocent people...justified. Jaysus.

I can't do this anymore, im too tired to try and understand this type of thinking anymore tonight....


Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how fucked up this post is regardless of if you intend it or not. You have clearly stated violence against innocent people is justified because they are white and because they are white just allow oppression to happen. Acts of revenge against innocent people...justified. Jaysus.

I can't do this anymore, im too tired to try and understand this type of thinking anymore tonight....

you obviously didn't put much effort into it in the first place, though.
This does bring up a great question, how innocent are you when you watch others suffer and not only do nothing, but vote for policies that will make them suffer even further?


Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how fucked up this post is regardless of if you intend it or not. You have clearly stated violence against innocent people is justified because they are white and because they are white just allow oppression to happen. Acts of revenge against innocent people...justified. Jaysus.

I can't do this anymore, im too tired to try and understand this type of thinking anymore tonight....
You never made an attempt too.


Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how fucked up this post is regardless of if you intend it or not. You have clearly stated violence against innocent people is justified because they are white and because they are white just allow oppression to happen. Acts of revenge against innocent people...justified. Jaysus.

I can't do this anymore, im too tired to try and understand this type of thinking anymore tonight....

So can we expect you back here once the rioting has stopped and it's just protesters?
Well see you in the next thread about white people rioting, correct?


Pretty sad in here right now, but I'll pile on....

Just think what scenes like this are doing for the gun nuts out there. Luckily MD is a non-carry state, but if this were PA or VA half those people--on both sides--would likely be legally armed. Think about that.

What do you think the coverage on the news is doing to these people who are just looking for a reason to justify having to carry a loaded firearm?

This is the type of shit that changes elections and also the reason why nothing will ever change.....ever.


Violence won't solve the issue. It never will.

There's some sort of instant gratification mentality that is happening in which a video comes up where police brutality occurs and people expect by the end of the week for all these issues to be fixed. This is not how people work.

In fact, things are changing just at a slow pace like every thing else major. Some police departments and officers are adopting personal cameras in light of these tragedies as good faith measures--this will surely increase over time. We have politicians being more vocal about it, and more major media outlets are speaking about military gear and lack of training. Things are changing but they are slow. This doesn't mean protests must stop, just means to say "things will not change" is wildly inaccurate and is willfully ignoring any positive steps that are being taken.

Things are changing at a slow pace. About two years ago I predicted that in 10 years that body cameras would be the standard. That is looking more like 3 years now. I am all for body cameras. It still amazes me that some departments don't have dash cameras.

What most people don't understand is that these cameras help the officers in the vast majority of situations. You wouldnt believe it by reading GAF, but criminals lie about shit that happened a LOL more than officers do.


This does bring up a great question, how innocent are you when you watch others suffer and not only do nothing, but vote for policies that will make them suffer even further?

Did you know white people support harsher laws if they think more black people are being arrested?


it's probably one of the reasons why people support harsher drug laws even though black/white people use and sell at about the same rate; they don't think it'll affect them.

Pretty sad in here right now, but I'll pile on....

Just think what scenes like this are doing for the gun nuts out there. Luckily MD is a non-carry state, but if this were PA or VA half those people--on both sides--would likely be legally armed. Think about that.

What do you think the coverage on the news is doing to these people who are just looking for a reason to justify having to carry a loaded firearm?

This is the type of shit that changes elections and also the reason why nothing will ever change.....ever.

lmao, all black people should get a gun license and join the NRA.

and no, this isn't the reason why nothing will ever change. nothing won't change because white people aren't subjected to the same treatment we are so they have no true incentive to vote for change. if cops were out there murdering little white kids like they do us, then not only would there be riots, but cops would get arrested en masse and we would have an extremely quick reform.

but yeah, it's a few violent protesters fault, you're right.
and i repeat, what steps?

what changes are being made when white people believe they're racially discriminated against more than black people?

You keep bringing up body cams, but Tamir Rice was murdered on camera for a fake gun and the city is blaming him for his death, not the cops. Eric Garner was murdered on camera and the killer was free. John Crawford was murdered in a fucking open carry state for having a fake gun on camera and everybody got away free. Do you really believe body cameras are going to make a difference?

You believe changes are being made because you're on the other side of the fence and probably close your eyes and plug your ears when we scream out that they're not.

Yes. Those people were caught on camera being murdered by police officers. This doesn't change the fact steps are being taken. This, again, doesn't mean protests need to stop or people shouldn't be talking about these incidents, it just means we can accept and champion the things being done. My point was to illustrate how things are changing when the poster said things will never change.


This does bring up a great question, how innocent are you when you watch others suffer and not only do nothing, but vote for policies that will make them suffer even further?

No one is innocent! Hahaha this thread keep on giving. The bystanders deserve to be injured. Is that what you are saying because it sure sounds like it.


Things are changing at a slow pace. About two years ago I predicted that in 10 years that body cameras would be the standard. That is looking more like 3 years now. I am all for body cameras. It still amazes me that some departments don't have dash cameras.

What most people don't understand is that these cameras help the officers in the vast majority of situations. You wouldnt believe it by reading GAF, but criminals lie about shit that happened a LOL more than officers do.

Oh I am sure people believe criminals lie... they're criminals. Cops are supposed to above that but they're clearly not.
Did you know white people support harsher laws if they think more black people are being arrested?


it's probably one of the reasons why people support harsher drug laws even though black/white people use and sell at about the same rate; they don't think it'll affect them.

lmao, all black people should get a gun license and join the NRA.

and no, this isn't the reason why nothing will ever change. nothing won't change because white people aren't subjected to the same treatment we are so they have no true incentive to vote for change. if cops were out there murdering little white kids like they do us, then not only would there be riots, but cops would get arrested en masse and we would have an extremely quick reform.

but yeah, it's a few violent protesters fault, you're right.

I did, and you are right.

As for whether bystanders should be injured, if they engage with protesters, those protesters should be able to defend themselves.

I'm just saying that policy wise, nobody is innocent. This is the system far too many of us wanted. And the first step of fixing this should be owning up to that fact and the fact that it's wrong. Then of course, is the do something about it part.

But that's a pipe dream.


Yes. Those people were caught on camera being murdered by police officers. This doesn't change the fact steps are being taken. This, again, doesn't mean protests need to stop or people shouldn't be talking about these incidents, it just means we can accept and champion the things being done. My point was to illustrate how things are changing when the poster said things will never change.

are you just ignoring everything I write so you can just repeat that steps are being taken?

I'll write this in caps so you can read it and hopefully respond:


jesus christ, after this has happened several times, why would I suddenly feel safe that body cams are being installed?

you're a fucking idiot because I now remember that you were seriously saying there was a possibility the cops didn't beat this man. I bet you were just waiting for this moment.
That or we wait a few decades until whites are no longer the majority.
Even the dreaded "2050 AAAHHH" date that conservatives push is not going to change anything. Minorities are not this mass mob that secretly scheme together to upend the whites or some bullshit like this. There are some blacks, Latinos, and Asians who don't get along with each other just like there are some whites who can't get along with any of the above. It's a shit narrative to get whites to keep fearing "those" people out there.

Dare I say it, but I think the only way change can come is if some footage of well-looking white people getting beaten to a pulp by cops is released. (I say well-looking because as soon those white people are spotted having tats/"bling" on them the vast majority of America will label them right next to the black protesters)


People should just admit that they don't care about the protests and are only commenting on the rioters.

We know that. They didn't show up in the thread until there were a few examples of bad activity. Before that this issue was brought up in threads, but they conveniently stood outside of the discussion bobbing back and forth in rhythm like they were waiting to jump into a game of double dutch.

As soon as they had an example to pile on, they jumped in, talking about anything BUT the real issue that's actually causing deaths and wrongful incarcerations all over the damn country.


Yes. Those people were caught on camera being murdered by police officers. This doesn't change the fact steps are being taken. This, again, doesn't mean protests need to stop or people shouldn't be talking about these incidents, it just means we can accept and champion the things being done. My point was to illustrate how things are changing when the poster said things will never change.
Body cameras are a bandaid. Tell people out in the streets who are right now being murdered and brutalized by the state who's families are being torn apart by mass imprisonment, who don't have access to a decent education, and who's communities are riddled with drugs and crime that change is slowly coming.
are you just ignoring everything I write so you can just repeat that steps are being taken?

I'll write this in caps so you can read it and hopefully respond:


jesus christ. you're a fucking idiot because I now remember that you were seriously saying there was a possibility the cops didn't beat this man. I bet you were just waiting for this moment.
As I said, they're small steps. A body camera will not fix the institution but it's a sign of good faith, of positive change from some police departments and police officers. This won't stop a DA from not prosecuting an officer, but it is undoubtedly a good step in fixing relationships and eventually holding people accountable for their actions. It is much better than no cameras.

Since this is off-topic from the Baltimore protest we can finish this discussion in PMs if you want.

Body cameras are a bandaid. Tell people out in the streets who are right now being murdered and brutalized by the state who's families are being torn apart by mass imprisonment, who don't have access to a decent education, and who's communities are riddled with drugs and crime that change is slowly coming.
See above.
you obviously didn't put much effort into it in the first place, though.

How old does someone have to be in order for people attacking them in protest is considered justified? Is it ok to hurt babies? What about toddlers? Kids? Teenagers? 18 years? The elderly? The disabled? War veterans?

How can someone claim to know these people simply by looking at them? What they stand for? What they may or may not have "fought" for, in combat, or in government themselves? What about the people who actually do serve and protect and are trying to affect change by working within the "system" as fucked up as it is?

It seems to me that attacking people who are going about their day is only going to lead to chaos and nothing more - probably even used as justifications to arm up police even further (not that I agree with that at all, but as an observer it certainly has been done that way before in the US, that's seems to be how government and police go about their business).

You can certainly make the argument that someone who is "just going about their day" is A part of the institution of this racism problem... but how do you know that that specific individual is? What if that person has never voted. Or paid taxes? What if that person just moved to Baltimore from another country? How about the homeless?

There are too many factors to take into consideration when you think about justifying violence against another person, even if you yourself are part of an oppressed group of people. In other countries, you often see Police officers detained by civilians, government employees detained by civilians. Sometimes killed, or assassinated, or what have you. But the targets are, at minimum, purposeful. Assaulting "random" people, of skin-coloured privilege or not I don't think is justified in this case. Now if it's in self-defense, I can be on the same page in some respects.

You have to start somewhere, and I think point at each-other (which is what assaulting random people is, really) will fix nothing versus pointing at the "correct" individuals/systems of government.

What I don't understand is, in the example of Brown in Ferguson, why the cop wasn't arrested and tried immediately, at minimum. Everyone in positions of power just went hush hush. To me that's by design of the people in power and it's fucked from my perspective.


On a side note, do we know the reasons for the clashes between the protestors and the guys in and outside the bar? Isn't it a bit presumptuous for people to just assume the black protestors just randomly started attacking them, in a completely unprovoked fashion?


As I said, they're small steps. A body camera will not fix the institution but it's a sign of good faith, of positive change from some police departments and police officers. This won't stop a DA from not prosecuting an officer, but it is undoubtedly a good step in fixing relationships and eventually holding people accountable for their actions. It is much better than no cameras.

Since this is off-topic from the Baltimore protest we can finish this discussion in PMs if you want.

See above.

lmao, I find it hilarious that you say a body camera is a sign of good faith and immediately follow it up with "this won't stop a DA from not prosecuting an officer," and then follow that up with it being an undoubtedly good step in fixing relationships. you seem confused yourself.

i don't wanna discuss anything with you because see above.
lmao, I find it hilarious that you say a body camera is a sign of good faith and immediately follow it up with "this won't stop a DA from not prosecuting an officer," and then follow that up with it being an undoubtedly good step in fixing relationships. you seem confused yourself.

i don't wanna discuss anything with you because see above.

Edit: I fell for it. You can PM me if you want, this is off-topic.


How old does someone have to be in order for people attacking them in protest is considered justified? Is it ok to hurt babies? What about toddlers? Kids? Teenagers? 18 years? The elderly? The disabled? War veterans?

How can someone claim to know these people simply by looking at them? What they stand for? What they may or may not have "fought" for, in combat, or in government themselves? What about the people who actually do serve and protect and are trying to affect change by working within the "system" as fucked up as it is?

It seems to me that attacking people who are going about their day is only going to lead to chaos and nothing more - probably even used as justifications to arm up police even further (not that I agree with that at all, but as an observer it certainly has been done that way before in the US, that's seems to be how government and police go about their business).

You can certainly make the argument that someone who is "just going about their day" is A part of the institution of this racism problem... but how do you know that that specific individual is? What if that person has never voted. Or paid taxes? What if that person just moved to Baltimore from another country? How about the homeless?

There are too many factors to take into consideration when you think about justifying violence against another person, even if you yourself are part of an oppressed group of people. In other countries, you often see Police officers detained by civilians, government employees detained by civilians. Sometimes killed, or assassinated, or what have you. But the targets are, at minimum, purposeful. Assaulting "random" people, of skin-coloured privilege or not I don't think is justified in this case. Now if it's in self-defense, I can be on the same page in some respects.

You have to start somewhere, and I think point at each-other (which is what assaulting random people is, really) will fix nothing versus pointing at the "correct" individuals/systems of government.

What I don't understand is, in the example of Brown in Ferguson, why the cop wasn't arrested and tried immediately, at minimum. Everyone in positions of power just went hush hush. To me that's by design of the people in power and it's fucked from my perspective.

18 years old, an adult, if that's a serious question. oh, well hopefully those people on our side actually understand why the people rioting are rioting. if you can't put what's happening in context with everything going on in america, then I doubt you're actually trying to reform things like you claim you are. you're right, I'm sure everybody being attacked doesn't pay taxes and/or is homeless/an immigrant.

and those people being detained/murdered sounds meditated, not in the middle of a riot. hell, to try to find a comparison, when that guy killed those two cops in NY and people tried to group him in with protestors, being detested that shit and honored those cops like crazy, so even if somebody did purposely detain or murder a cop/politician, I don't think it'll be looked any better than the rioting is. I'm sure you know the reason why.


Super Sleuth
lmao, I find it hilarious that you say a body camera is a sign of good faith and immediately follow it up with "this won't stop a DA from not prosecuting an officer," and then follow that up with it being an undoubtedly good step in fixing relationships. you seem confused yourself.

i don't wanna discuss anything with you because see above.

Body cameras are a tangible improvement to fight for. We need accountability in our police. Body cameras may help that.

Refusing to fight for them because they aren't a panacea seems ill conceived.


Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how fucked up this post is regardless of if you intend it or not. You have clearly stated violence against innocent people is justified because they are white and because they are white just allow oppression to happen. Acts of revenge against innocent people...justified. Jaysus.

I can't do this anymore, im too tired to try and understand this type of thinking anymore tonight....
Yeah that is a kind of fucked up. Reading the context of his entire post, it seems like justified was just a very poor word choice since he repeatedly says he doesn't condone or support it and that it's unethical. Sounds more like he's talking about internal justification/reasoning in the people's minds as opposed to objectively justified? As is the post is a bit contradictory to me otherwise. TheGeoKing can feel free to clarify though.

Way to ignore my previous post like i predicted though, and instead jump on the first post in this entire thread that can be construed to even somewhat support the narrative you're trying to sell as if it proves your point.


Body cameras are a tangible improvement to fight for. We need accountability in our police. Body cameras may help that.

Refusing to fight for them because they aren't a panacea seems ill conceived.

Nowhere in any of my posts am I saying they're not a good idea, I'm just not acting like the very slow implement of them is a true sign of change in the midst of several black people being murdered on camera.
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