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Nintendo E3 Plans: Digital Event On 06/16, Nintendo World Championships 2015 on 06/14

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More I refresh the first page of GAF, everything feels kind of muted. Not a lot of hype, mostly month or several week old threads, little news. I think the real hype will begin a bit later when we get a lot of those dumb leaks during June. SonyGAF is only being super hype right now because there is now a supposed leaker in the thread that Kagari okay'd.


Someone took photos of the Mario Maker stands at E3 before the digital event.

I can imagine that Nintendo wont allow that again. Although it happened for New Super Mario Bros Wii as well, hmm.

More I refresh the first page of GAF, everything feels kind of muted. Not a lot of hype, mostly month or several week old threads, little news. I think the real hype will begin a bit later when we get a lot of those dumb leaks during June. SonyGAF is only being super hype right now because there is now a supposed leaker in the thread that Kagari okay'd.

We need IdeaMan.


Membero Americo
We just don't know what to expect outside of what we already know is coming.

But don't worry, the hype will come.
Was being most factitious, haha. The hype was most certainly real back then but!

Of all the games, bar Zelda, what gets everyone most interested? I imagine it will be Starfox for most?

New unannounced stuff for sure from me, everything we know already is secondary.

If I had to pick one game to be unveiled, at least any rumored over the past while, it'd be Diddy Kong Racing 2, since the original is one of my all-time favs, and it'd be a nice change of pace from the billions of 2D platformers, and give us a new racer that's not Mario Kart for the first time since, well, Excitebots and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, ironically enough.

Another (but not rumored, to clarify) would be a big Pokemon console RPG or Stadium game. For specifics, An Genius Sonority RPG or Pokemon Stadium 3 by the original team at EAD Kyoto or Tokyo (the director of Stadium 1 and 2 is one of the team leaders at EAD Tokyo). This stance by Junichi Masuda and others at Game Freak and TPC of the series needing to stay on handhelds when it comes to substantial RPG/battle entries pisses me off to no end.

Did Ideaman predict anything correctly?

He said the new console would release on store shelves in out lifetimes and would play games....? :p
Of all the games, bar Zelda, what gets everyone most interested? I imagine it will be Starfox for most?

Not going to lie, I am very curious about Starfox, I'd be up for any kind of way to spin the series. Either Treasure-style outrageousness or bizarre space variety-hour is fine, as long as it's good.

But also an NLG project is exciting because there are a lot of possibilities. Sure, expectations lean towards Punch Out!! just like Retro speculation leans towards DK/Metroid, but I think there's more possibility of an unexpected property revival with Next Level.


Hype seems somewhat muted this year NintenGaf, are we missing Zelda or just keeping expectations in check?

There's nothing to expect so there isn't as much anticipation as past years. We know more about what Nintendo will not talk about than what they will. But there's also the potential for surprises. Confirmation of a new metroid would be great.

It's interesting how Splatoon's basic control mechanics mirror how a full 3d 3rd person metroid could work on the Wii U. With FPS, movement and view are very closely linked because the player position and camera position are the same. You essentially use two inputs to look around since moving the character directly translates your view while moving the mouse turns it. With console FPS, the L-stick usually does the job of the keyboard while the R-stick takes over the role of the mouse.

With 3PS your view is somewhat decoupled from your character's position so the task of adjusting the view and aiming usually falls primarily on one input. I've always found it a bit clunky which is why 3PS are more likely to help you with lock-on (camera position temporarily locked into a certain relationship with player position) or a first-person aiming mode. With Splatoon, a third input is provided by the Gyro which your wrists control. It primarily controls your fine reticle adjustment and look-up or look-down while the R-stick controls your left/right rotation for quick turns. While it may be more familiar, overloading the R-stick with both tasks is the poorer control method. IMO, people who stick with that are going to be creamed by more agile Gyro + dual stick players once the game is out for a while.

Anyway....back on topic: that control scheme would probably work quite nicely for a 3PS metroid as well.


Huelen10 is backing out...?

Paging our Conductor. Commuters are spiraling out of control, have tickets and need admission!

Not going to lie, I am very curious about Starfox, I'd be up for any kind of way to spin the series. Either Treasure-style outrageousness or bizarre space variety-hour is fine, as long as it's good.

Also cautious of Starfox. Whilst Starfox 64 is my far favourite in the franchise, I'm not sure how they translate it to today's standards? Really interested in the direction they take it.
Also cautious of Starfox. Whilst Starfox 64 is my far favourite in the franchise, I'm not sure how they translate it to today's standards? Really interested in the direction they take it.

I suppose SF64 3D "translated" it, but that's not what you meant. People could say "just more exactly like that!", but that's not happening.

Come to think of it, NLG now has a reputation for character-driven games (at least expressed through animation), if any Starfox spinoff happened, their animation skills would be helpful, but that's also not going to happen. I do think that their title will be something known for its personality though.


I suppose SF64 3D "translated" it, but that's not what you meant. People could say "just more exactly like that!", but that's not happening.

Come to think of it, NLG now has a reputation for character-driven games (at least expressed through animation), if any Starfox spinoff happened, their animation skills would be helpful, but that's also not going to happen. I do think that their title will be something known for its personality though.

Star Fox 64 took maybe an hour tops to get from Corneria to Venom? Sure there was the 3 separate paths and various rankings to go for, but I'm not sure that demands a full retail release in today's market.

That said, a Star Fox 64-2 with more levels, online multiplayer would definitely get me excited. It seems it would be a very un-Nintendo path to take however in making such a clear cut new entry into the franchise.
Was being most factitious, haha. The hype was most certainly real back then but!

Of all the games, bar Zelda, what gets everyone most interested? I imagine it will be Starfox for most?

Retro's game(doubt it will be there), then Devil's Third, then Next Level's new game(good chance it will be there).
Doubt Retro? If not now, then when I would have to ask for their next Wii U game. Do you think they may have been shunted onto the NX?

I say this because I thought one year they would absolutely show their new Wii U game(turned out to be Tropical Freeze) and it was a no-show until the year after.

Retro is one of the meat and potatos companies of Nintendo and they will take their sweet time in showing their new project.

If it's at E3, E3 will be glorious to me.

(still think it's a Wii U game)


I really want to get on that Train!


i would do the Hype Train myself if my artistic skills weren't that bad


One ticket, please.

Edit: as far as predictions go, I have only one:

Super Mario Sunshine will return, either on the Virtual Console(with a trickle of other GameCube games to follow), or as an HD remaster.


One ticket, please.

Edit: as far as predictions go, I have only one:

Super Mario Sunshine will return, either on the Virtual Console(with a trickle of other GameCube games to follow), or as an HD remaster.

Mario Sunshine HD would be perfect for Wii U right now. It's not as expensive to produce like a brand new game (as far as I know of course) and It could fill the gap perfectly between 3D World and the next new big Mario game. Sunshine is so great. The graphics still hold up pretty well nowadays and I can't imagine how beautiful it will look with an HD treatment. Dat water.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Doubt Retro? If not now, then when I would have to ask for their next Wii U game. Do you think they may have been shunted onto the NX?

Well remember we didnt get even a mention of returns until E3 2010 when metroid prime 3 released in 2007, who knows we might be looking at another year or 2.


Nintendo is the only company that has me legit hyped for E3 this year. That montage song from Mega 64 was too freaking good!

I think I only plan on watching Nintendo's E3 event, Square's E3 and Sony's press conference. I'll likely pass on everything else or at the very least, just read up on the internet about the others that I don't care about so much. (Microsoft, Ubi, EA). PC one might be somewhat decent too, actually. Hard to say...


Mario Sunshine HD would be perfect for Wii U right now. It's not as expensive to produce like a brand new game (as far as I know of course) and It could fill the gap perfectly between 3D World and the next new big Mario game. Sunshine is so great. The graphics still hold up pretty well nowadays and I can't imagine how beautiful it will look with an HD treatment. Dat water.

I'd be on board with an HD remaster if they handled it like they did Wind Waker and added some functional improvements. For example: making Bowser require any 70 Shines to confront instead of the first several in each stage being a must have(let me tackle that damned sand bird as the last thing I do, dammit).

In the end though, what the WiiU needs right now is more content. So if Nintendo doesn't have megaton IP announcements this E3, especially with the lack of Zelda WiiU news, then they damn well better amp up their VC offerings.


Difference between MS/Sony and Nintendo is that typically, with MS/Sony's "surprises" & reveals, they are known ahead of time due to their spokespeople saying "You'll see your first look at E3" etc., or a variety of leaks that keep happening as per Gears of War.

With Nintendo, though, it's far more exciting as things are more likely to be held secret until the time. Sure, some things leak out like Mario Maker and Starfox last year...on the day though, but their stuff is always close to their chest and mega surprising, and that's not just at E3 but throughout the year. Who saw Hyrule Warriors coming? Or Captain Toad? (Well I wanted that one but we had no idea it was coming.)

I mean hell, what do we know is going to be there? Mario Maker, yes. We can assume Starfox since that's on track for this year. Yoshi is probable. Xenoblade is possible, but I doubt they'll spend much time on it seeing as it's out in one region already. What else do we have? Very little. There's loads of unannounced titles for Wii U for up to April 2016 according to Iwata, so this E3 is essentially a blank slate.

It's part of the joy that is Nintendo's E3 and is why I am counting down the days to June 16th :)
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