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Sony was nervous about Horizon's female protagonist, did lots of focus testing


I'm impressed they had some restraint and didn't go with a supermodel looking chick. She looks very realistic.

But.. I do think they should've given in and done it. Since it would probably sell more copies that way.


Unconfirmed Member
Why having a female lead is a problem to some I'll never understand.

Maybe I'm ignorant to the issue, but I also don't understand the concern for lead female characters in the gaming industry. General game sales? Do people have the same problem with Lara in Tomb Raider?

Either way, I find her interesting and attractive. I can't wait to explore that world with her.
My first comment got deleted? Anyway, I hope we reach a point where we no longer need to focus test for crap like this. If the character is well written and interesting, people will play it regardless of what sex they are.
Should not need focus testing for this type of thing. Badass games will come off as such no matter the protag if done right. Did not care if it was a female protag when they showed it... did not care even more when that robotic t-rex came out haha.


Yeah, I love female characters. If I have a choice between female and male, most times I go the female. Playing males just seem boring in comparison.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Dread locks are cool

Did you see the jax MKX concept art

Yes. White people dreadlocks though are a curiosity. Totally works with ancient caveman tribe stuff though just gets... strange in modern day.
It's a shame that they had to feel nervous doing this....I loved the trailer and really cannot wait to see more. It sold my friends and I who were watching it with me instantly.

Lux R7

I don't see this as a problem.
When you're writing a story, you have to choose a protagonist/s and you have too choose the gender, 'cause it does make difference. So nothing wrong with testing different protagonists for you story/videogame/book, to me.


Thing is, when a game with a male protagonist performs poorly does the notion EVER come up that it might be due to the gender or character design of the male character...? I think gaming companies need to forge ahead, forget focus testing and go with their gut. Focus testing will only lead to every game featuring broadly the same kind of character which is pretty much what we've got now. (There's more female characters now but they're ALL pretty, same for male ones).

Someone like Brienne from Game of Thrones is a character people love, if she had been focus tested she would be buxom, shorter and have long hair, and people probably wouldn't give a fuck for her as much.. someone needs to be bold in games and give us an actual ordinary person, a "freak" and if the character and game are well made people will love them.

I agree with this. Developers and movie directors even really need to stick to THEIR vision. Yes, money is a big thing and definitely matters in the grand scheme of things, but one's own creation/script should always come first. If you submit a script that's well written on all fronts, things like this don't really end up mattering a whole lot, and they shouldn't as well.

I just wish things were different in the real world, and this was not an issue to begin with. People get called out constantly for creating a particular type of character, but they shouldn't be. It's their creation and script, and it should be respected as such. Give us a compelling character(whatever sex) in a brilliantly made game, and I'm all up for it.


Glad they went through with it. Well designed character. Very fitting for the game. And I like that she is talkative. I hope that stays in the game. :p

OT: I'm guessing someone this focus testing is why this game leaked in the first place.
Its really kindof a sad commentary on the stereotypical view of gamers that focus testing was actually needed for this.

Really interested to see where this game goes though, setting is gorgeous and curious to how they handle her character development.


Getting her "prettiness" just right is actually a really delicate balance. If she's too hot she'll appeal to more men but lean towards sex symbol status and won't be taken seriously. If she's too plain she's not memorable and won't have that aspirational fantasy feel.

I think they got her just right. Great profile, wider face, larger cheeks and freckels make her look cute but that's offset by the more tribal braids (not dreadlocks, look closely!), and the fact that she's, you know, hunting robot dinosaurs with explosive arrows.





Really glad they went with a female protagonist! I personally love her design and appreciate the fact that she isn't sexualised (no crazy body proportions and no stupid, revealing clothes etc).

Not the first time someone has mentioned dreads, but they really didn't.


And people saying she's ugly are weird, she's pretty damn attractive to me at least.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Once again, Yoshida really worries me as head of software. He has a lack of balls and routinely makes kinda really bad decisions (Demon's Souls). Heres another example of him not having his finger on the pulse of the 2014-15 zeitgeist.

I feel like Sony software succeeds in spite of him rather than thanks to.


Wow. He must need a wheel barrow to carry his around.

It is quite sad that in this day-and-age playing as anything other than a white male (of a decent age) is something that is an exception and causes such reactions.

Call me dead inside but I couldn't really care if I was playing as a generic beige cube.

Holy shit. Well, at least he treats his girlfriend like a princess. *headdesk*


extra source of jiggaflops
Once again, Yoshida really worries me as head of software. He has a lack of balls and routinely makes kinda really bad decisions (Demon's Souls). Heres another example of him not having his finger on the pulse of the 2014-15 zeitgeist.

I feel like Sony software succeeds in spite of him rather than thanks to.
But he green light the game as it is. So what's the issue now?


Glad they went with it. I don't really care about Men/Women protagonists debate, but it's cool to see the team fought for their vision.


I get the worries considering how much they'd be investing in this game and how bad a rep the gaming community has for tolerance sometimes, but I haven't heard any moaning or groaning about Horizon so far. Looks like they're nailing it.
Once again, Yoshida really worries me as head of software. He has a lack of balls and routinely makes kinda really bad decisions (Demon's Souls). Heres another example of him not having his finger on the pulse of the 2014-15 zeitgeist.

I feel like Sony software succeeds in spite of him rather than thanks to.

How many times are people going to bring up Demons Souls? I don't think anyone, Yoshida included, could have predicted how popular that game got and he's gone on to make some really great decisions (like Bloodborne.)


This is getting ridiculous. Is the demographic who would let the gender of the protagonist dictate their decision to buy a game that large that would justify a focus test like this? This kind of thing is just totally Alien to me.

I cant be the only one who never questions the developers decision to make the protagonist one sex and think to myself 'this game would be much better if it was the other'. I simply accept that it is what it is and let the games main mechanics or gameplay dictate whether the game is good or not for me to spend my money on. If their story has a woman as the main protagonist, then so be it. Whether than be a rough and tough military woman or a vulnerable, out of place woman having to work out how to survive - makes no difference to me.


In a just world FemShep would've ushered in an era of female protagonist dominance. Hell, I think I've created a woman in pretty much every CAC game I played since ME2.

Beyond that -- Ellie, Ridley, Lara 2013,.Ciri, some of the best and most interesting characters in recent gaming are women.
I think she's one of the best female character designs I've seen in ages. I love how unique she looks, how she looks rugged and muscled, how she has fierce features and red hair. I love love love her design, don't change one thing Guerrilla Games.

Agreed. Her character design is flawless given the context of the game. She's awesome. And I'm so goddamn excited for this game! Looks soo goodE

EDIT: Has Guerilla Games said it's an open world game or is it a sort of "the last of us" type affair?


Horizon was one of the most interesting games they showed at the conference. I have a lot of respect for Guerilla Games sticking to their original design and I'm glad the reception has justified those choices.
Once again, Yoshida really worries me as head of software. He has a lack of balls and routinely makes kinda really bad decisions (Demon's Souls). Heres another example of him not having his finger on the pulse of the 2014-15 zeitgeist.

I feel like Sony software succeeds in spite of him rather than thanks to.

He acutally approved it.
90% of all the other big publishers would have used a male main-charachter. That's for sure.


It's embarrassing that they had to do this, but considering that people on GAF have even come out and said they won't play this game since it has a female character, I guess I can't blame them.

I hope this game sells very well.


It really sucks they were nervous about this, but I thought she was fucking awesome.

I can't wait for this game. It looks fantastic.


I think she's one of the best female character designs I've seen in ages. I love how unique she looks, how she looks rugged and muscled, how she has fierce features and red hair. I love love love her design, don't change one thing Guerrilla Games.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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