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PSN 2.0: What should it be like? (Twitter #BetterPSN)


My #1 wish is a store that can distinct a hat from a game. But considering that even relatively recent games can release as "Demo/Trial" + "Game unlock", I'm not sure how close we are to Sony hiring UI design professionals for their platform.


Yes, not everyone is having issues, but I think it should be more consistent and universal, and not need for the pause/unpause or putting the system in rest mode to increase download speeds.

I agree, for me who has 105 mbps down and 10 up its painful to see that I'm only getting 36 mbps down and 2 up on a wired connection.

Yeah few people at Sony are members here

Awesome! I would love to see their input. PSN needs a 2.0 ASAP its been stagnant


my hard graphic balls
maybe im even more stupid, but what does it actually mean?
I think the game invite system is not fully at a system level (OS), but at a game level, meaning you can't invite people accross games? Not actually sure on this either, I only did Bloodborne coop twice since I got the PS4.
I wonder why they haven't implemented it like Ubi did.
Uplay on PC didn't have the ability to change the username either. They finally added the feature but it only works with newer games, old games still use your old username that is still not changeable.
So it's really just a new name on top that is changeable.
Not a perfect solution but similar with trophies that were introduced later on PS3 they could just make it mandatory for new releases to only use the new name instead.

Pretty much. Just create a changeable alias on top of your actual PSN username, require all games from X date to only recognize the alias, old games can patch if they want to

Hell, that's what Steam does, in addition to all the tagging stuff. My Steam account name is very different from my Steam username, and not changeable either

I think the game invite system is not fully at a system level (OS), but at a game level, meaning you can't invite people accross games? Not actually sure on this either, I only did Bloodborne coop twice since I got the PS4.

Games do not pull directly from your PSN party no, but they do have access to it. For example, in Rocket League, you have to manually set up parties in the game even if you're already in a PSN party, but when you go to set up the game party it goes "Oh, you're in a PSN party" and puts those usernames at the top of your invite list


RSI Employee of the Year
Game hubs (similar to Xbox One, Steam), direct developer/players interaction, statuses, update logs

PS4 games already have hubs since launch. The only thing it doesn't have is "developer interaction like steam".


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
I think the game invite system is not fully at a system level (OS), but at a game level, meaning you can't invite people accross games? Not actually sure on this either, I only did Bloodborne coop twice since I got the PS4.

bloodborne is a bad example.
its MP is kinda special.

maybe he means inviting people trough the friendlist, and not through the ingame invite feature?


Faster. Much faster.
And the abilty to toggle platforms from the store. And a separate DLC category, so you easily can get what you want to redownload.

The God

Maybe I'm stupid but how is that different from what ps4 already has?

Invites on PS4 are a game by game thing. Universal game invites is basically a game invite system on an os level. Some games like Battlefield 4 don't have in game party system, so it'd be nice to be able to just press on "invite party/friend to game" in the party options on PS4.


Honestly they could go back to PS2-era UI and I wouldn't give a fuck as long as they included proper organized library functionalities like with the PS3. The organization abilities on the PS4 are garbage.


Invites on PS4 are a game by game thing. Universal game invites is basically a game invite system on an os level. Some games like Battlefield 4 don't have in game party system, so it'd be nice to be able to just press on "invite party/friend to game" in the party options on PS4.

But you can join anyone in your party just by tapping X on their Name? Or is that not the aame thing?
I don't seem to have the same issues with PSN as others around here.

I downloaded the 15GB ESO update earlier tonight in less than an hour, so the speeds seem fine to me.
Hi GAF, I would like to take my first
attempt to create a thread that focuses on a not-so-minor issue: the PSN.

I want this to be a thread where people could add to the feature list and discuss them, and I will try to keep the list updated in the OP. Anger venting is welcome if it does not derail and remains positive/constructive.

I guess I am hoping that the ultimate objective of this thread is to get some traction in a way that could get Sony to start communcating with us directly a little more on the topic.
Edit: Some of the suggestions so far are about improvements to the PS4 OS, so not sure if I should add them here. Also, free multiplayer is unfortunately not realistic, so can't add that either. :(

This started out in another thread, and I'd like to thank Steiner84 for the advice. Here is what we have so far:

  1. Better/more CDN's with universal consistent speeds that max out the client's throughput
  2. Continous trophy syncing
  3. Organized library and download lists
  4. Free, unlimited (or at least significantly increased in size) cloud storage for saves, as well as a family account featureset for saves (no need for sub accounts)
  5. Message system refinement
  6. Up-to-date digital titles (patching)
  7. Better friends list with nicknames, grouping by categories (games, relationship), and VIP tied to the notification system
  8. Store wishlist, gifting system (cross-region gifting)
  9. Correctly tagged games in the store
  10. Online/offline status
  11. Refined Store navigation
  12. Universal game invites
  13. Username changing along with a username history system in the user's profile page
  14. Fix bug that prevents users from accessing the store in certain situations, needing a reboot
  15. Behind the scenes (less disruptive) maintenance
  16. Game hubs (similar to Xbox One, Steam), direct developer/players interaction, statuses, update logs
  17. Custom avatars (purchaseable or own uploaded via PS app)
  18. Search function and filters for download history/library
    [*]Two-factor authentication
I was gonna come in here and say "There isnt really much i would want to change" but i have to say majority of your points are valid and would be appreciated.

My main points would be cloud storage upgrade since its useless to me now unless i delete a tonne of games, store loading bug and trophy syncing.


[Initiating default response]

PSN ID change.

Game hubs (similar to Xbox One, Steam), direct developer/players interaction, statuses, update logs

Each game already has a game hub and there's also patch notes.
a wishlist for the damn store

free is pushing it, but an increase in ps plus cloud storage is long overdue
People pay for their free saves and games already though.

Actually, psn 2.0 should be free again. The service wasnt better or worse when it was free. Wait, yes, free does make it better.

It's not happening though, everyone seems happy about paying for what used to be free.

Venom Fox

Playstation Home 2.

With a trophy room!
It'll look like this for some.



my hard graphic balls
PS4 games already have hubs since launch. The only thing it doesn't have is "developer interaction like steam".

Each game already has a game hub and there's also patch notes.


People pay for their free saves and games already though.

Actually, psn 2.0 should be free again. The service wasnt better or worse when it was free. Wait, yes, free does make it better.

It's not happening though, everyone seems happy about paying for what used to be free.

Yea, I don't think it is realistic. If anyone were to drop the charge for multiplayer maybe it would be Microsoft, as a move to increase sales of Xbox Ones.


1. Refund System for games (like steam).

2. Fast download speeds.

3. unlimited cloud savegame storage.


There's a lot that should be improved here. The new Xbox One UI they showed at E3 looks awesome...not to mention it's much faster than the current one were using. I would love for it to look like that.

Sony needs to step it up...it's been almost two years now and we're still missing essential features.

1. Folders or better yet...pins.

2. Customize my own Theme/Background

3. Ability to Remove unnecessary items like TV, browser, and other stuff I never use.

4. Proper Notifications when friends come online.

5. Needs to be more organized. The current "What's New" menu is like an unorganized comic book. We need a more appropriate activity feed.

6. Redo the whole Playstation store UI...there really isn't anything wrong with it, but I've been seeing the same UI since the PS3. Some new changes in design would be nice.

7. Fix the download speeds.

8. Allow us to change our PSN usernames.

9. Have a more unique User Profile in place. Comparing trophies are cool, but that's been around for a while...add some cool features to give us reasons to check other player's profiles. Such as: where this player is placed on leaderboards, updated avatars, their favorite game, a shortcut to some of their best videos/gaming moments, their followers, their most wanted upcoming games, and other cool stuff.


I typically play games with the same two people, and every time we play one of us has to create a party and invite each other. It'd be nice if we could have something like Skype's group conversations, where it continues to exist when we're offline. This way we wouldn't need to invite each other whenever we play, we could just check the group to see if there's a party chat going on.

Aside from that, the big ones for me are two step authentication and name changing.
Everything in the OP plus:

Worldwide PS Store
- No more EU/US/JPN/whatever stores, one store that has all content but provides access depending on your accounts region. So if they allowed it, you could easily buy a Japanese PS1 game on a US account. If I wanted to buy a 60Hz version of FFVII on my NZ account, I could do so. It'd be ran by one team, with regional localisation teams, making it easier to update, easier to organise and easier to fix issues.

Gifting - An obvious advantage of the above restructuring.


I wish the trophies were displayed in a cabinet or a room or something more satisfying than the numbers you see now. You could even have a little dude in a room with them, it starts out empty but if you've got loads he swims around in them like Scrooge McDuck.


I think that aside from PSN ID change and all those features that are sorely needed at this point, a sort of trophy podium would be cool.

You can choose the trophies you want to show the world, your proudest achievements, and place them on a list accessible from your profile page (maybe 5-10 trophies max). Of course, I am a trophy hunter and that's why I find this interesting, I understand most people wouldn't even care to use it xD

So I'll reiterate how needed PSN ID change is before I go lol


Guys, I will try to add all the suggestions to the list, but I think free multiplayer isn't too realistic, even though it would make all of us happy.
I don't think this will happen either. But I think so about most things on the list.
People are asking for name change for years. It's probably as likely to happen than free multiplayer or cross region gifting.
I would make this list as general as possible with features that people would like to see or what they don't like about the current PSN and not already pre-sort it based on what might be realistic because it's not completely unrealistic that most of the list won't happen either.

Winter John

People pay for their free saves and games already though.

Actually, psn 2.0 should be free again. The service wasnt better or worse when it was free. Wait, yes, free does make it better.

It's not happening though, everyone seems happy about paying for what used to be free.

I haven't met anyone who is happy about having to pay for online multiplayer. I have seen people on here trying to downplay the complaints. Personally I'd be satisfied if they at least offered a 2 tier subscription for those who don't want the "free" games.


cross posting from the other thread about cloud saves

- Unlimited* cloud save space (*not literally but size increases as I buy more games, and therefore giving Sony more money from license fees).
- Let me opt to auto upload the save, but not additional data (i can live without Driveclub ghosts).
- Push for devs to have smaller saves.
- extend cloud saves to all accounts on a primary console - it is the only PS+ feature that is not usable by others on your console. MS doesn't even put this behind gold, it is standard for everyone.
- have better syncing of saves like xbox one, for those of us that use more than one console. I sold my second PS4 because syncing saves is a PITA and has to be done manually on the second console. I would buy a second PS4 if they had save management like Xbox one.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
- Better cloud save system, more space and remove ps+ requirement
- remove paywall to play online
- better stability and download speeds
- refunds

Kai Ozu

NAT issues and router compatibility need work (big time)
Speed of the store and how it looks need to be completely redone.
Offline setting (why do we still not have this yet?)
digital game trading/gifting



-A redesigned UI with all enhancements in OP. Update 4.00 perhaps?
"The New PlayStation Experience"
-PS1/PS2 Emulation, physical and digital.
-More voice commands


Name changes. I'm close to abandoning my account now because I'm fed up of having my real name in it. I'd make a new account but I'd lose my PS plus purchases.

Apart from that, being able to favourite certain games so they stay on main dash would be good. Faster downloads, free cloud saves for those without Plus, custom wallpapers and extra stuff like trophy leaderboards would be nice.


my hard graphic balls
I don't think this will happen either. But I think so about most things on the list.
People are asking for name change for years. It's probably as likely to happen than free multiplayer or cross region gifting.
I would make this list as general as possible with features that people would like to see or what they don't like about the current PSN and not already pre-sort it based on what might be realistic because it's not completely unrealistic that most of the list won't happen either.
Well, aside from cross-regional gifting, I think the rest of the list is doable. Xbox and Steam does them, and so could Sony. Yes, dropping the multiplayer fee is doable, but is not going to happen. Not while Xbox Live Gold will continue to exist. And I think username changing is, while technically difficult for them, doable if they can charge 10$ like on Xbox.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Steam = Ctrl C + Ctrl V
1. Two factor
2. More reliable CDN
3. More PS+ cloud space

Other ideas are really nice, but these are such blatant issues that it's crazy that they even have to be mentioned as part of wishlists.
I agree with the OP, but most importantly, I want a hub type area, not the What's New section, I want something more complex and involved and less clunky.

Seriously, PSN just seems very bland and not very customisable or interactive with other PSN players like on Xbox One, that's something I'd like improved; making it more social; ironically, it's something Sony has been pushing very hard with the PS4 ("social connectivity"), yet they aren't even close to mastering it.

Oh yeah, and make the download speeds faster please. Shouldn't have to deal with slow download speed with a really fast fibre optics wired connection >___>


Steam = Ctrl C + Ctrl V

I wouldn't say Steam is the perfect online network either. Steam voice chat barely ever works, so you have to turn to a 3rd party solution often, appearing offline comes at the cost of viewing your friends-list, and the actual UI is cluttered outside of big picture, not to mention pop-ups are obnoxious.

Don't get me wrong, PSN is worse than Steam in most things, but steam's not in an ideal state either.


Well, aside from cross-regional gifting, I think the rest of the list is doable. Xbox and Steam does them, and so could Sony. Yes, dropping the multiplayer fee is doable, but is not going to happen. Not while Xbox Live Gold will continue to exist. And I think username changing is, while technically difficult for them, doable if they can charge 10$ like on Xbox.
Yes I didn't mean that they are not doable only that I wouldn't count on them to happen.
When Sony replaced the old PSN store on PS3 with the new app and introduced the web store they mentioned that their new store system would make it easier to add features like for example an improved download list. This was years ago and the list is still the same.
Sony can be quite puzzling when it comes to adding new features.

I just think there's no benefit when making a "how should PSN 2.0 be"-list to not list something just because it might not happen. Even if it's just dreaming and certainly not going to happen there's no downside to list a feature when it's something that people don't like/wish for.
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