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Ranking the Batman: Arkham games


So now that I have finished Arkham Knight I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what each game did right and wrong. Then ultimatley deciding which game is critcally the best.

The four games in question:

-Batman: Arkham Origins
-Batman: Arkham Asylum
-Batman: Arkham City
-Batman: Arkham Knight

My opinions (Knight is still fresh and this is subject to change) as of now:

- Arkham Knight

I feel like Arkham Knight deviated a lot from the previous entries. The combat flow doesn't feel near as good as it did in the other games, there are too many variables between the enemies that it seems not flow properly. Arkham Knight also featured much more batmobile eccentric missions and segments that were out-door and less metroidvania styled than previous games. Arkham Knight feels highly polished and the overworld is fantastic, it's also got a pretty good story, but the ending has me feeling conflicted. The Batmobile feels great and is an awesome addition to the game but it gets used far too much. The side missions, while awesome to have pretty much break down into a "Do the same thing 5 times and head to GCPD" repitition.

- Arkham City

This feels like the most complete and well rounded game of the franchise to me personally. It had a bigger world to play around in, still featured gliding from building to building and had extremley satisfying combat. Everything flowed perfectly and felt natural. The story was also pretty good except for maybe the fact that
Protocol 10 was just a term for "We're going to shoot everyone in Arkham City."

- Arkham Origins

This game has a few red flags right from the beginning, the re-used and somewhat bland overworld, a tweaked combat system that throws off the balance a bit and a skill upgrade system that was a step backword. Other than that though it was a very fine made game, and while the combat was tweaked a little out of whack i still found the combat scenarios more enjoyable than the ones present in Arkham Knight. The story for this game is also surprisingly good, which is not something you'd expect just from hearing what the opening setting of the game is. In my opinion this game also has the best boss battles of the series. One after another, and very enjoyable.

- Arkham Asylum

The game that started it all. An amazing game in it's own right but kind of outclassed in many ways by the others. The combat system is much more basic and leaves a few things to be desired after playing the others. The story, while fine is basically super simple (
Joker takes over the Asylum and tries to use a chemical called Titan to unleash mutant thugs on Gotham, you stop him and game over
) and isn't as interesting as other entries. Theres not much gliding, and there is no batmobile. Traversal is mostly indoor hallways and climbing. With all that said i find it to be possibly the most cohesive of the entire series. I love this game.

Ultimatley as of now I'd probably rank the games:

Arkham City>Arkham Asylum>Arkham Knight>Arkham Origins

How would you rank the Arkham games, and what do you think each one did right and/or wrong?


Batman Arkham Knight has (big spoiler)
Joker singing about Batman's parents and friends being dead
so it's the best one.


Asylum >>>>>>>City>Knight

Asylum has that metroidvania feel to it. Magical experience playing for first time. Other games lost something by opening up.



Release order ironically.

I found Knight to be by far the weakest in story and gameplay, despite some big highlights.


Asylum > City >> Origins >>> Knight


For me its Knight, City, Aslyum and Origins.

Doesn't get much better than Knight, they perfected the formula, which I thought they already did in City. Hats off to them.


As of just beating Arkham Knight today it is still really fresh in my head so I'll probably change my mind later on the listing, but as it stands: Arkham Asylum > Arkham Knight > Arkham City > Arkham Origins. Out of them all I think that Knight had the best story but it's over-reliance on the batmobile made it suffer in the side content and the second half of the game. Looking back on City I'm not as fond of it as I was when it originally released, but it's pretty close between the two of them. Asylum is still my favorite because the game freels so compact and streamlined between exploring the asylum and seeing all the nods to Batman's very long history.
Knight > City > Asylum > Origins

It's pretty close between the four. I find I like different aspects of each, but as a whole package, Knight has been the best.
From the two I finish - Asylum>City

Currently playing Knight - and enjoying it more than City
Haven't played Origins, and most likely will never.


I'd be in the dick

It's close between all three. Each has their own feel and identity. Haven't played Origins though. Wish that one was getting remastered too.
Knight = City = Asylum, Origins

Origins isn't a whole lot worse or anything, I'm just not super fond of the visuals (I prefer Rocksteady's art style) and a few of the changes felt like regressions rather than progressions. Also, I felt that the game design was either lazy or rushed seeing as they found some way for Batman to have gear that he didn't have in Asylum but gained in City by making it /slightly/ different. Cold Cold Heart was really good tho.


I haven't played origins but out of the 3 I did play.

Arkham Asylum was very good. Enjoyed it but towards the end it got a little repetitive.

Arkham City I really couldn't stand. I hated the ridiculous neon Gotham, it had none of the dark feel of the original. I made it to the part with the sharks. It just didn't feel like a Batman game.

Arkham Knight for me has been by far the best for me. The batmobile and tank stuff gave it some much needed variety of pacing, and they nailed Gotham, at least my idea of it. It also performs and looks incredible.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So far?


People discredit Origins because its not made by Rocksteady, but actually the best one so far.
City is a good game but it was all over place.
Haven't finished Arkham Knight yet, but at the halfway mark for the story I'm greatly enjoying it with minimal complaints, and the story is fantastic so far.

Arkham Asylum was, like you say, the one that started it all and gave a fantastic first impression, very fun and entertaining. Extremely well paced, too.

Arkham City, however, blew it away even if it was messier in terms of pacing and narrative. But, gliding around Arkham City as Protocol Ten blows the city to shit is one of my favourite gaming memories.

Arkham Origins played worse, had a worse setting by measure of being double the size of city, but somehow half the fun. Very good story, but it failed when it tried to imitate events such as the scarecrow mindfucks.

So, so far I'd rank them as:
1) Arkham City
2) Arkham Asylum
3) Arkham Origins

I can definitely see Arkham Knight becoming my favourite, as some moments have already superceeded the majority of Arkham City.


Interesting to see many people ranking Knight first.I have yet to play it so for now my order is City>Asylum>Origins and i liked all of them very much.

I hope Knight is the best one though
with arkham city getting all the praise it did out of these and any other superhero games, i'd say it's considered the greatest comic book video game of all time.


Gold Member

Release order ironically.

I found Knight to be by far the weakest in story and gameplay, despite some big highlights.


Asylum > City >> Origins >>> Knight

same. &, yes, in a more honest world, the most recent game would be titled 'batmobile: arkham knight'...
In order of what I prefer to play it has to be:


Please note that I speedrun these games so knight is fresh and glitch free to me right now.

I used to really dislike Origins but after playing knight something feels off about it, the tank stuff is ok but happens too often. I put origins above knight because there's more action inside buildings compared to knight which has a few things but they are all short or try to blend in the batmobile just because, I prefer my batman working out how to get over electrified water, through ruined undercity's and trecking through hotels after joker instead of I need to bring the batmobile in to shoot this wall so I can get back to the overworld again and drive around.

In asylum, city or origins if you stealth to a door in a pred room you can go through it, in knight the door will not function until you clear the room of thugs, this removes a lot of stealthy fun.
Only started Knight but:

Knight>>>>>Arkham Asylum>Arhkam City.

Thought AA and AC were solid, but the presentation in this game really elevates it. It is really well directed and impressive for being open world.


From the two I finish - Asylum>City

Currently playing Knight - and enjoying it more than City
Haven't played Origins, and most likely will never.

Nothing wrong with that, but i would have thought the multiple nods to Arkham Origins in Arkham Knight would make you want to play it.


It's close between all three. Each has their own feel and identity. Haven't played Origins though. Wish that one was getting remastered too.

I really hope they all get remastered. I think they are all good enough in their own right I don't find it hard to beleive when any of the four games are made number one on people's lists.
Asylum > City = Origins

Did not play Knight due to you know what.

Asylum has the best atmosphere, most interesting locale and is not bogged down by all the filler that City and Origins have. I'd rank City and Origins the same, one has a better world, the other has the better story and boss fights.
For me, it's Asylum = City > Knight >> Origins

I rather like Origins a lot, but not as much as the Rocksteady trilogy. I think Knight has a few glaring things bogging it down but is still great overall, and Asylum and City are so close to each other in quality that (combat aside), it really comes down to whether or not you prefer a more linear progression path versus an open world.

With that said, the Arkham series may well be one of, if not the highest quality licensed game series out there.
Asylum > City

Only two I've played so far.

Even City only really excels when it turns to Asylum-esque metroidvania style levels. The open world stuff felt desperately dull and pointless.


No Arkham Origins: Blackgate?

Of the ones I've played:

Asylum completely blew me away. While City may be bigger and better in most respects, it gets kinda repetitive after a while and the exclusion of the Catwoman story without a preorder definitely costs it done points. Blackgate was okay.


Asylum > Knight > Origins > City

All 4 are great games, but Asylum is still the one I enjoyed the most by far. Knight is awesome with the Batmobile and is my second favourite with Origins third because it's like a better City. City never clicked with me personally, maybe because the open world was terrible.


Asylum > knight > origins > city


Caveat - haven't yet finished Knight, but pretty confident that's where it'll end up.

Asylum > Knight > Origins > City

All 4 are great games, but Asylum is still the one I enjoyed the most by far. Knight is awesome with the Batmobile and is my second favourite with Origins third because it's like a better City. City never clicked with me personally, maybe because the open world was terrible.



Does his best thinking in the flying car

It's close between all three. Each has their own feel and identity. Haven't played Origins though. Wish that one was getting remastered too.

This sounds right. I think Knight vs. City depends on how you feel about the Batmobile stuff. Sometimes, it feels like Rocksteady made it too much of a thing (I like the platform-y and racing stuff but got tired of the tank stuff), but I still think Knight comes out on top. The whole experience seems so polished and satisfying.

I hope our PC brethren have a decent version to play soon.


Knight has the unfortunate problem of being the fourth game in the series, so the formula seems a bit stale, but it is easily the most perfect formula and best game in the series.


Asylum first because that game's structure is just better than the open world stuff that came afterward. That game had a sense of place, and the control the developers had over the experience made it far superior. The side missions and Riddler stuff all felt natural here, where in other games they feel tacked on.

I'd put Knight next, because it's the best of the open world games. The car makes navigating the city much more doable, and the side missions do feel somewhat related to the main story thread, although there are a few too many "beat up these soldiers" quests and too few "meet this super villain" one-offs.

Origins after that for improving on City and innovating with the detective stuff that Knight took advantage of. Origins also had a lot of stuff to like for me as a huge fan of The Joker. Joker in Knight and Origins feels like an authentic version of the character, Asylum and City's Joker always seemed a little off.

Speaking of which, City is last. The open world was clunky to get around in, and the side missions were too well hidden, so I barely wanted to do any of them. The awkward cut in story missions with Catwoman were awful, the scenery was filled with so many green question marks that everything was ugly, and the ending didn't befit The Joker in my opinion.
Luckily, Knight made it better in retrospect.

EDIT: So happy to see that City isn't overrated in this thread.


There's five Arkham games. I think I might actually like Blackgate more than I do Arkham City, honestly, and Asylum is still my favorite. Knight seems like it'll fit between Asylum and Blackgate, but I'm done with it yet.
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