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LTTP: 999


um, if you play VLR first, you will ruin the story of 999. And if you're ruining the story of a VN, you're kind of ruining the experience.

Does VLR
tell you who was in the coffin before door 9 and in the safe
tell you about the relationships of the characters
or anything?

When you play VLR for the first time
it's probably like finding out about the whole "two different places with psychic power training" for the first time anyway. In a way 999 probably kinda wrecks any major over-arching plot things that will happen anyway since you go "oh it's probably just that happening again" and it becomes more about the characters


Hey, if you wanted to get into it, cool. I was just giving as good as was received in your original statement. You said it was better without saying why, I said it wasn't with the same.

(spoiler shit)
For my money, the scenario and writing were more tense and dreadful in the original. Uchikoshi has noted that Chunsoft forced him to change his writing for this game and to tame it down, and it's perfectly evident in VLR. While the romance at its heart was cliche, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The fact that the author turned this romance on its head by the end actually necessitated the cliche so that he could subvert it -- instead of them falling in love together, Akane completely uses Junpei and then bails on him in the end. Considering how many people yearn for Junpei and Akane to get together (a fact reinforced by its queried presence in the official "Answers" page and the fact that it's continued upon in VLR as a central theme and the reason for an entire character's backstory and tragedy, to say it's awful only serves to diminish that character in VLR as well.

Let's get into characters. You say Clover is "dull as ditchwater," and yet she was a fan favorite character, so much so that they forced her into VLR... where she was completely awful. Even if I were to say she was dull in 999, I'll take dull anyday over being terrible. Her character in VLR is only slightly less absurd than Alice, a "wink at the audience" moment from the end of the first game turned into a "real" character in the second. These characters, from their style of dress to their complete brainlessness, completely destroy their backstory as anything that can be taken seriously.

The villain in 999 is far more terrifying than in VLR as well. And while prosopagnosia might be rare, at least it's a real condition. I recall being forced to see the dumb Quark kid (a useless character if there ever was one) go suicidal all the time (and hear him go suicidal, even worse).

You say "stuck in an underground facility" is worse than being "stuck on a boat," but seem to forget the critical part: the boat is SINKING. You know that from the first moments in the game. It's literally life or death, whereas the building is at worst a long-term habitat prison (and a pretty massive one) in several endings. Considering that characters in the past actually seem to live there for long periods of time, it really doesn't seem as foreboding.

As far as Ally/Betray, there were a couple good moments there, but therein lies the downside of the quick nav system. You really don't feel any consequences because there are basically no wrong answers. I didn't agonize over them because I was going to be back at this spot almost instantaneously. It's somewhat akin to how quick-save ruins Bioware games. The mechanic infects the weight of the situation.

The biggest item is the twist. VLR isn't even in the same league as 999 when it comes to its central twist. 999's was immaculate, using the form of the system and the story presentation mechanics to provide a mind-blowing moment that reverberates throughout the epilogue. VLR's twist is not only lesser, it's less believable. We're really to believe this guy didn't realize he was 45 years older, with an eye patch, grey hair, bionic arms, etc. just because there wasn't a mirror around? Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. It like we've gone straight from 999's Sixth Sense ending to The Happening's. Well, maybe not that bad, but in that direction.

Lastly, major points go to 999 for being a complete story. VLR leaves so many threads hanging that you feel robbed at its conclusion. If VLR had never happened, everyone would've been satisfied with 999 alone. But without the third game, which for a while looked like it would never come out, VLR would still be an incomplete game with an unbelievable plot twist.

I can't even fathom how anybody would like VLR over 999. I know, opinions, but it's just crazy talk to me.


... what the fuck

Well, now we're cooking. Only problem is that you've actually made quite a lot of points that I agree with, lol, so that's not good for debate.

Regarding the romance: Yes, when put that way I agree. Good point, and I'll give you that one. It didn't work as well for me, though, because I felt like I saw through it as a cliche, and as such DIDN'T want them to be together.

Regarding the tension: I thought the writing in 999 did a terrible job of 'selling' the experience of being on a sinking boat outside of that first room. I never really 'believed' it, so to speak. It never 'felt' life or death, like the Poseidon Adventure. They're never rushing from room to room as the water pours in, they tend to have plenty of time. (9 hours, after all.) The tension came far more from the bombs and timers, which were the real driving force of the tension in the plot. I also find the concept of being 'buried alive' for an extended period of time in a claustrophobic environment far more frightening simply as a concept, which is a personal thing, and that was portrayed very clearly throughout VLR.

Regarding characters: Disagree with Clover, agree about Alice, the weakest of VLR's characters other than Quark, who is a lame plot device. As for Clover, she was simply "Santa's sister" with nothing memorable about her to me in 999. In VLR, she's this coquettish airhead, both flakey and dangerous at the same time. Like a lot of VLR's characters, you can't tell if she's acting or being serious half the time. Her whole deal from her character to her clothes was seriously strange, and I liked it.

Regarding the 'save system': It took me a while to get to grips with the idea of it, so my first two or three runs through VLR were absolutely tense. Then, once I got used to just redoing my choice, at that very moment the game turns that exact sentiment (oh, I'll just redo this) into a phenomenal twist with Phi that really blew my mind, and also made it clear that your overwritten decisions still mattered in-universe. Thus the tension remained, imo. In any case, the tension came from how a well-liked character would react to a betrayal as much as anything else, and being able to re-do it didn't take the sting away of betraying someone only to find they'd allied and having to read the fallout.

Regarding the 'twist': The twist in 999 was cleverer, sure. And we won't see that kind of inventive use of a hardware system again, probably. And yes, VLR's stretched credulity, and that's a problem. But it did make sense in the story despite the credulity issue, and it was certainly enjoyable to experience, and humorous in hindsight. I felt like VLR was a series of excellent and well-paced twists in the tale whereas 999 was dominated by one that recontextualised the entire thing. I preferred VLRs approach, doling out little hits of goodness as it went rather than saving a lot for one motherlode at the end. Many playthroughs of 999 on the path to the end can be hours of pretty dull stuff. That's never the case in VLR. (Although your point regarding Quark freaking out again and again is a fair one - that was certainly overused)

Regarding the story: I never felt like it was incomplete. The game set out to tell the story of a group of survivors in some kind of 'experiment'. The questions raised were: Who was responsible, why they were there, what was going on, and who would survive. All of those questions were answered. Whether the 'grand plan' they were a part of would ultimately succeed never felt like it was part of the scope of the story and I felt totally satisfied by the ending and was super surprised when I went online and found that others weren't.

Damn, the hurricane just cut my power there for a second. It's getting damn atmospheric around here, lol. Typing this out safe in bed as the wind and rain whips into my window has been as much fun as playing a game...


Does VLR
tell you who was in the coffin before door 9 and in the safe
tell you about the relationships of the characters
or anything?

When you play VLR for the first time
it's probably like finding out about the whole "two different places with psychic power training" for the first time anyway. In a way 999 probably kinda wrecks any major over-arching plot things that will happen anyway since you go "oh it's probably just that happening again" and it becomes more about the characters

You and I are on the same page.
No, you don't.

The only requirement for the True ending is to see the Safe ending first, which you can get on your first playthrough. I'd still recommend seeing all the endings anyway though.

Agreed. For the full experience (not to beat the game, of course) you really need the Sub sub ending (remember playing 999 in the middle of the night and getting that ending first)


I have to do every sub ending?
There is only one of each kind of ending, but multiple ways to reach certain ones. For the sub ending, I'd say the best way to reach it would be to go through door 4, then door 3 once you get there (it will not only set you on the path to the sub ending automatically, but add more story that you wouldn't see along the way otherwise that will also provide context during the epilogue).

Personally, though, I'm not keen on recommending that people skip endings in this game, as minus the coffin ending (which is
a cliffhanger version of the true ending
), they all contribute toward the big picture in some way (one thing about VLR that I can admire, as doing so is impossible). Knife is probably the most underwhelming, but I would still recommend axe just for the experience.


Reading this thread again makes me realise how much I've forgotten about the game... I remember when playing it for the first time, the thing about ENDING MASSIVE SPOILERS
Ace and the face forgetting thing
seemed like such a big twist, but it is so overshadowed by what happened afterwards that I've forgotten all about it until now... Will definitely be giving these a replay before the third one releases.


No, you don't.

The only requirement for the True ending is to see the Safe ending first, which you can get on your first playthrough. I'd still recommend seeing all the endings anyway though.

Oh, you don't? Because
to me it felt like knowledge from another sub-ending contributed to the safe ending which lead to being able to do the true ending
. I kinda just assumed it was a requirement.

You and I are on the same page.

The psychic training paid off.
Well, now we're cooking. Only problem is that you've actually made quite a lot of points that I agree with, lol, so that's not good for debate.

Regarding the romance: Yes, when put that way I agree. Good point, and I'll give you that one. It didn't work as well for me, though, because I felt like I saw through it as a cliche, and as such DIDN'T want them to be together.

Regarding the tension: I thought the writing in 999 did a terrible job of 'selling' the experience of being on a sinking boat outside of that first room. I never really 'believed' it, so to speak. It never 'felt' life or death, like the Poseidon Adventure. They're never rushing from room to room as the water pours in, they tend to have plenty of time. (9 hours, after all.) The tension came far more from the bombs and timers, which were the real driving force of the tension in the plot. I also find the concept of being 'buried alive' for an extended period of time in a claustrophobic environment far more frightening simply as a concept, which is a personal thing, and that was portrayed very clearly throughout VLR.

Regarding characters: Disagree with Clover, agree about Alice, the weakest of VLR's characters other than Quark, who is a lame plot device. As for Clover, she was simply "Santa's sister" with nothing memorable about her to me in 999. In VLR, she's this coquettish airhead, both flakey and dangerous at the same time. Like a lot of VLR's characters, you can't tell if she's acting or being serious half the time. Her whole deal from her character to her clothes was seriously strange, and I liked it.

Regarding the 'save system': It took me a while to get to grips with the idea of it, so my first two or three runs through VLR were absolutely tense. Then, once I got used to just redoing my choice, at that very moment the game turns that exact sentiment (oh, I'll just redo this) into a phenomenal twist with Phi that really blew my mind, and also made it clear that your overwritten decisions still mattered in-universe. Thus the tension remained, imo. In any case, the tension came from how a well-liked character would react to a betrayal as much as anything else, and being able to re-do it didn't take the sting away of betraying someone only to find they'd allied and having to read the fallout.

Regarding the 'twist': The twist in 999 was cleverer, sure. And we won't see that kind of inventive use of a hardware system again, probably. And yes, VLR's stretched credulity, and that's a problem. But it did make sense in the story despite the credulity issue, and it was certainly enjoyable to experience, and humorous in hindsight. I felt like VLR was a series of excellent and well-paced twists in the tale whereas 999 was dominated by one that recontextualised the entire thing. I preferred VLRs approach, doling out little hits of goodness as it went rather than saving a lot for one motherlode at the end. Many playthroughs of 999 on the path to the end can be hours of pretty dull stuff. That's never the case in VLR. (Although your point regarding Quark freaking out again and again is a fair one - that was certainly overused)

Regarding the story: I never felt like it was incomplete. The game set out to tell the story of a group of survivors in some kind of 'experiment'. The questions raised were: Who was responsible, why they were there, what was going on, and who would survive. All of those questions were answered. Whether the 'grand plan' they were a part of would ultimately succeed never felt like it was part of the scope of the story and I felt totally satisfied by the ending and was super surprised when I went online and found that others weren't.

Yes, we're cooking indeed! Good stuff here.

I agree that they underused the sinking boat thing. And you're right that it was mostly about bombs in the immediate sense, but later in the story it's the fact that there is a killer among them that becomes the true tension. They tried this with Dio in VLR and I found it a lot less compelling for some reason... I think because it all came off as less grisly. This was one part where I felt the descriptions in 999 (as purpose prose as they were) helped set the tone.

Drowning is one of the ways I'd least like to die, so the boat thing (and the relation to the Titanic and such) was more interesting to me. I think the scale of the facility in VLR was too big for me to get into the "buried alive" thing. The place they were in was HUGE. And it also felt more sterile. The boat felt more sinister and creepy to me, whereas the big grey surroundings of VLR gave me a more clinical feel. When you're stepping into huge gardens with big skies (projected or not) it really doesn't give you that isolated, claustrophobic feel. I admit this is all about personal opinion but I just didn't find the lab conducive to a tense setting. As far as being buried alive goes, I felt they underused that scare in VLR. Not sure if you've seen it, but Buried (has Ryan Reynolds, it's still good, trust me) was one of the most tense, uncomfortable movies I've seen. VLR would've scored points with me if they had gone to that level.

For me, the most memorable thing about Clover in 999 was her relationship not to Santa (who is actually Akane's brother), but to Snake (or Light), who is one of the more interesting characters in the game. I thought their relationship was nice and the way she reacts to his supposed death is more compelling than her actions in VLR.

The stuff with Phi and Luna were the best parts of VLR, for my taste. I thought they were very touching and interesting. I disagree on 999 putting all the twists at the end, though. I mean, certainly they put a bunch of huge ones together at the end, but some of the earlier ones were pretty big as well. Snake being blind, the false arm, finding out some of these people had participated in this game before, the prosopagnosia, etc... they all added to the mystery for me. But I do enjoy a big recontextualization at the end of a story if it's executed well, which I thought 999 did specatcularly.

I may just be sensitive to the "completeness" of a story, but the game literally ends on some pretty specific cliffhangers if you get the full ending. Whereas 999 ended on some "wink wink" type of "cliffhangers" that Weren't Really, VLR ends on some pretty big shit that's left unanswered. I think it just rubbed me the wrong way, especially heading into the very end of the game, whereas 999 ended and left me with a huge smile on my face.

Damn, the hurricane just cut my power there for a second. It's getting damn atmospheric around here, lol. Typing this out safe in bed as the wind and rain whips into my window has been as much fun as playing a game...

Hurricanes sound terrifying! They should set ZE3 inside a hurricane ;)
People in this thread that have played VLR before 999 can't possibly understand what order of magnitude of mindblowing 999's twist is the first time. I wonder if there is anyone that played 999 first that considers it to be the inferior game.

The opposite is probably true as well (I can picture that VLR would be mindblowing to someone that skipped 999, but not really gauge or feel how much), but I'd still go with the intended order. Moreover, several revelations in VLR have no weight if you HAVEN'T played 999, so in VLR it's a tradeoff, while in 999, playing it last is a strict loss.


999s twist so fucking good.

999 spoilz
apart from the major twist, my favourite twist in 999 is getting out of the boat and you're IN THE FUCKING DESERT

it comes after the main plot is resolved so it's kinda just there as a (semi) final FUCK YOU READER LOL but it's so good. The story that depends on you making assumptions you don't even know you were making gives you one final assumption that just fucking blew me away. Like, for the ENTIRE GAME, the ENTIRE GAME, I'd thought we were gonna hella sink.
And for some reason that twist just really got me. Thought it was so effective.


People in this thread that have played VLR before 999 can't possibly understand what order of magnitude of mindblowing 999's twist is the first time. I wonder if there is anyone that played 999 first that considers it to be the inferior game.

..Yes? Quite a few people. I played 999 first and, while it's a fantastic game, I hold VLR higher than it by a significant margin.
No, you don't.

The only requirement for the True ending is to see the Safe ending first, which you can get on your first playthrough. I'd still recommend seeing all the endings anyway though.

Agreed. For the full experience (not to beat the game, of course) you really need the Sub sub ending (remember playing 999 in the middle of the night and getting that ending first)

Thanks everyone!
999s twist so fucking good.

999 spoilz
apart from the major twist, my favourite twist in 999 is getting out of the boat and you're IN THE FUCKING DESERT

it comes after the main plot is resolved so it's kinda just there as a (semi) final FUCK YOU READER LOL but it's so good. The story that depends on you making assumptions you don't even know you were making gives you one final assumption that just fucking blew me away. Like, for the ENTIRE GAME, the ENTIRE GAME, I'd thought we were gonna hella sink.
And for some reason that twist just really got me. Thought it was so effective.

All the foreshadowing makes it so ridiculously obvious when you replay the game, haha. It's great!


999 has better dialogue than VLR simply because "Donno".

I understand this is an actual term, but it gets old REAL fast.
I am also in the VLR camp, but it's for one twist that I love above all else. (ENDING SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES YO)
I loved 999. I had to emulate it though, which significantly lessened the impact of the true ending. Became GOAT nonetheless.

Then I played VLR and I loved practically everything about it. I can still find aome glaring issues, but its good outweighs the bad so throughly that I can't help but think of it as perfect.

The moment VLR completely got me was learning Tenmyouji is Junpei. It was one of those few twists that have me laughing uncontrollably because the twist is so amazing and it adds a whole layer of tragedy over the already-grim game. That was the moment I realized I had found my GOAT. That's still my favorite twist in any story I've ever experienced. Tenmyouji muttering "Akane..." after you solve the Q room- that whole scene is GOD. FUCKING. TIER.

Oh man, I got the feels again. So glad right now that we are getting ZE3.
I am also in the VLR camp, but it's for one twist that I love above all else. (ENDING SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES YO)
I loved 999. I had to emulate it though, which significantly lessened the impact of the true ending. Became GOAT nonetheless.

Then I played VLR and I loved practically everything about it. I can still find aome glaring issues, but its good outweighs the bad so throughly that I can't help but think of it as perfect.

The moment VLR completely got me was learning Tenmyouji is Junpei. It was one of those few twists that have me laughing uncontrollably because the twist is so amazing and it adds a whole layer of tragedy over the already-grim game. That was the moment I realized I had found my GOAT. That's still my favorite twist in any story I've ever experienced. Tenmyouji muttering "Akane..." after you solve the Q room- that whole scene is GOD. FUCKING. TIER.

Oh man, I got the feels again. So glad right now that we are getting ZE3.

Ironically, that is a huge argument for not skipping 999 or playing it last. :D
(people who haven't completed both games, please don't highlight the spoiler even if you're curious).
Ironically, that is a huge argument for not skipping 999 or playing it last. :D
(people who haven't completed both games, please don't highlight the spoiler even if you're curious).

Why ironically? I just liked VLR better for several reasons (better "gameplay" such as flowchart and puzzles also playing a major part), but I'll do everything to get a potential player to play 999 first. VLR is indeed as much a masterpiece as it is thanks to 999.

If I played VLR first, I don't know which would be my GOAT- but seriously I can remember at least two moments among my very favorites in the game that tie heavily into 999's story and without which the game might've been worse for me than 999. VLR and 999 spoilers below.
The first moment is the aforementioned Tenmyouji twist. The second is the moment when Tenmyouji shows you a photo of child Akane in order to get past the face recognition scan. Before that, VLR largely felt like its own thing, almost completely disconnected from 999 (and with that hackjob of a Clover comeback, that isn't entirely surprising). It seems that most people figured out Tenmyouji's identity by that point but for me that moment was just an amazing surge of surprise and curiosity. Something clicked and I was reminded that this was the sequel to 999 after all, and more people existed in this universe beyond these walls. I enjoyed VLR even more after that moment, my curiosity peaked. My initial theory was that Tenmyouji was some sort of detective seeking the truth after the events of 999, and it couldn't have been more beautifully off-base.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
999s twist so fucking good.

999 spoilz
apart from the major twist, my favourite twist in 999 is getting out of the boat and you're IN THE FUCKING DESERT

it comes after the main plot is resolved so it's kinda just there as a (semi) final FUCK YOU READER LOL but it's so good. The story that depends on you making assumptions you don't even know you were making gives you one final assumption that just fucking blew me away. Like, for the ENTIRE GAME, the ENTIRE GAME, I'd thought we were gonna hella sink.
And for some reason that twist just really got me. Thought it was so effective.
It should have been obvious, too. After all,
the boat facility from the first game sank!


On the advice of people in this thread, I got around to finishing 999 and got the sub ending.
That is some whack ass shit.

However, I am enjoying the game and plan on getting the other endings too, so hopefully the sub ending was the extremely shitty ending and they get better from there.
On the advice of people in this thread, I got around to finishing 999 and got the sub ending.
That is some whack ass shit.

However, I am enjoying the game and plan on getting the other endings too, so hopefully the sub ending was the extremely shitty ending and they get better from there.

Good, good.
Keep us posted on your thoughts and theories as you play!
On the advice of people in this thread, I got around to finishing 999 and got the sub ending.
That is some whack ass shit.

However, I am enjoying the game and plan on getting the other endings too, so hopefully the sub ending was the extremely shitty ending and they get better from there.
Definitely keep playing. (The sub ending is awesome though.)


On the advice of people in this thread, I got around to finishing 999 and got the sub ending.
That is some whack ass shit.

However, I am enjoying the game and plan on getting the other endings too, so hopefully the sub ending was the extremely shitty ending and they get better from there.

Ohohohoho you have no idea.


Just finished the Safe ending. Oh boy.

I was onto Ace the whole time, but I kinda suspected he was Zero not a murdering asshole.

I have some questions obviously

I want to go straight for the true ending. Should I watch the Axe and the Knife ending on YT now or after I finish the true ending?
Are the backstories for Lotus, Santa, Snake and Clover more fleshed out in the other playthroughs? Would I be missing anything important?

Once again, this ending was some whack ass shit. But everything leading upto it was fuckin' Rad.

I like 999
Just finished the Safe ending. Oh boy.

I was onto Ace the whole time, but I kinda suspected he was Zero not a murdering asshole.

I have some questions obviously

I want to go straight for the true ending. Should I watch the Axe and the Knife ending on YT now or after I finish the true ending?
Are the backstories for Lotus, Santa, Snake and Clover more fleshed out in the other playthroughs? Would I be missing anything important?

Once again, this ending was some whack ass shit. But everything leading upto it was fuckin' Rad.

I like 999
You'll miss out on a few interesting things, particularly one very surprising(?) side of a certain character's personality, but you won't miss anything integral to the main plot since you've already seen Sub and Safe. I still think it's best to see all the endings yourself, but Axe/Knife are generally the first two endings most people get, so it might seem like a bit of backtracking.

If you are gonna just watch them instead (which I feel kinda defeats the purpose), I'd at least say watch them before the true ending, but be extremely wary of any/all comments, the related videos that will pop up everywhere, which are rife with spoilers obviously.


Just finished the Safe ending. Oh boy.

I was onto Ace the whole time, but I kinda suspected he was Zero not a murdering asshole.

I have some questions obviously

I want to go straight for the true ending. Should I watch the Axe and the Knife ending on YT now or after I finish the true ending?
Are the backstories for Lotus, Santa, Snake and Clover more fleshed out in the other playthroughs? Would I be missing anything important?

Once again, this ending was some whack ass shit. But everything leading upto it was fuckin' Rad.

I like 999

Axe and Knife are the least important endings. Axe has a pretty cool last scene but is pointless in the grand scheme of things while Knife is boring and doesn't really cover anything new at all. Just look them up on Youtube after you're done with everything else.
Just finished the Safe ending. Oh boy.

I was onto Ace the whole time, but I kinda suspected he was Zero not a murdering asshole.

I have some questions obviously

I want to go straight for the true ending. Should I watch the Axe and the Knife ending on YT now or after I finish the true ending?
Are the backstories for Lotus, Santa, Snake and Clover more fleshed out in the other playthroughs? Would I be missing anything important?

Once again, this ending was some whack ass shit. But everything leading upto it was fuckin' Rad.

I like 999

The backstories are fleshed out a bit more in the other endings, yes.

I actually disagree with everyone else about not doing those endings, particularly Knife. But it's your time, so it's up to you :) I just think they're really fun to play through anyway.
Just finished the Safe ending. Oh boy.

I was onto Ace the whole time, but I kinda suspected he was Zero not a murdering asshole.

I have some questions obviously

I want to go straight for the true ending. Should I watch the Axe and the Knife ending on YT now or after I finish the true ending?
Are the backstories for Lotus, Santa, Snake and Clover more fleshed out in the other playthroughs? Would I be missing anything important?

Once again, this ending was some whack ass shit. But everything leading upto it was fuckin' Rad.

I like 999
Knife not really worth it, Axe's pretty damn good though.

Complete True, and then go get AXE- try to catch bits of foreshadowing along the way, it's amazing how obvious some twists once seem in retrospect.
For the last couple of days I've been playing through 999 for the first time, I just finished it (first playthrough) and according to this flowchart I got the "Safe" ending.


Should I experience the three other endings (Axe, Sub, Knife) before doing the True one, or is that a waste? I'm considering doing at least Sub first following the topmost route on the chart.

Sorry if this has been answered before, I just don't want to click on any spoiler tags to find out.

I figured it was better to revive this thread than to make yet another LTTP for this game.
I've already bought VLR and really look forward to playing through it as well. On Vita though.

I'll probably just follow my plan of torture room for sub ending and the true ending. That way I'll have seen every room.
For the last couple of days I've been playing through 999 for the first time, I just finished it (first playthrough) and according to this flowchart I got the "Safe" ending.

Should I experience the three other endings (Axe, Sub, Knife) before doing the True one, or is that a waste? I'm considering doing at least Sub first following the topmost route on the chart.

Sorry if this has been answered before, I just don't want to click on any spoiler tags to find out.

I figured it was better to revive this thread than to make yet another LTTP for this game.

Personally I think they're all worth seeing, but if you saw the Safe ending first, the "bad" endings (axe/knife/sub) are going to feel pretty small and underwhelming in comparison.

They're all unique, so how wasteful it feels depends on how much detail you want to get out of the universe while you're visiting, really. You could skip them with relatively minor loss.
Reading this thread is reeeeeeeeeeally making me want to go back and finish this thing. I remember being close to the true end but I ended up losing custody of both the DS and this via a break-up. I remember really, really enjoying it.
Personally I think they're all worth seeing, but if you saw the Safe ending first, the "bad" endings (axe/knife/sub) are going to feel pretty small and underwhelming in comparison.

They're all unique, so how wasteful it feels depends on how much detail you want to get out of the universe while you're visiting, really. You could skip them with relatively minor loss.

Alright, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll stick to my plan of seeing sub first, then get the true ending. So I'll get to see every room and end with the best ending. Then I can look up Axe and Knife on YouTube.

It's such a great game though, I've been glued to the 3DS while playing it.


Alright, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll stick to my plan of seeing sub first, then get the true ending. So I'll get to see every room and end with the best ending. Then I can look up Axe and Knife on YouTube.

It's such a great game though, I've been glued to the 3DS while playing it.

That sounds like the right plan, I'd recommend the same.
Alright, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll stick to my plan of seeing sub first, then get the true ending. So I'll get to see every room and end with the best ending. Then I can look up Axe and Knife on YouTube.

It's such a great game though, I've been glued to the 3DS while playing it.

Reading this thread is reeeeeeeeeeally making me want to go back and finish this thing. I remember being close to the true end but I ended up losing custody of both the DS and this via a break-up. I remember really, really enjoying it.

Yes, Yes. Do it! Then post your reactions here :).
Alright, I just finished my second playthrough of 999. Having previously gotten the safe ending in my first, unguided playthrough. I went for the Sub ending passing through door 4, 3 and 2.

I really liked getting to know new sides of some of the characters and the dialogue was as always top-notch. I got to solve a bunch of new rooms, only retreading the first. I enjoyed the second class rooms and kitchen, but the puzzles weren't as interesting in the compartments and torture room.

I'm really glad I didn't get this (sub) ending on my first playthrough though as it is brutal and not really rewarding at all. Getting to learn new backstory on Seven and Lotus, as well as experiencing the new rooms and puzzles made ot worthwhile though.

My next playthrough will be for the true ending, so I'm looking forward to that. Don't think I'll have time to do everything tomorrow, but I'll get it done fairly soon as I'm excited about playing Virtues Last Reward.


Alright, I just finished my second playthrough of 999. Having previously gotten the safe ending in my first, unguided playthrough. I went for the Sub ending passing through door 4, 3 and 2.

I really liked getting to know new sides of some of the characters and the dialogue was as always top-notch. I got to solve a bunch of new rooms, only retreading the first. I enjoyed the second class rooms and kitchen, but the puzzles weren't as interesting in the compartments and torture room.

I'm really glad I didn't get this (sub) ending on my first playthrough though as it is brutal and not really rewarding at all. Getting to learn new backstory on Seven and Lotus, as well as experiencing the new rooms and puzzles made ot worthwhile though.

My next playthrough will be for the true ending, so I'm looking forward to that. Don't think I'll have time to do everything tomorrow, but I'll get it done fairly soon as I'm excited about playing Virtues Last Reward.

If you were only going to do one ending other than the true one you should have made it the axe ending. It's one of the most memorable things in the game.
If you were only going to do one ending other than the true one you should have made it the axe ending. It's one of the most memorable things in the game.

DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS! I choose sub because it had a lot of new rooms. Now you're making me feel like doing yet another playthrough! But axe has the same rooms as the true ending...

I suppose I could save before the last story check, fail it, get the Axe ending, not save (but loose the precious icon of proof), reload and get true ending.


DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS! I choose sub because it had a lot of new rooms. Now you're making me feel like doing yet another playthrough! But axe has the same rooms as the true ending...

I suppose I could save before the last story check, fail it, get the Axe ending, not save (but loose the precious icon of proof), reload and get true ending.

5, 7/8, 1 leads to Axe and the path is different from the true ending.
5, 7/8, 1 leads to Axe and the path is different from the true ending.

Hmmm... Correct, but it does lead through rooms I've already played with the Safe ending. Although 5, 7, 1 could offer different character combinations and certainly different dialogue. And the true ending has another couple rooms at the end anyway....

Alright, so be it! I'll do the Axe ending next!
Hmmm... Correct, but it does lead through rooms I've already played with the Safe ending. Although 5, 7, 1 could offer different character combinations and certainly different dialogue. And the true ending has another couple rooms at the end anyway....

Alright, so be it! I'll do the Axe ending next!

Lol, well, if you're going to skip only one of the bad endings, knife is definitely the one to skip.


Just got the true ending. Ho-lee shit...


What's the deal with Lotus? Was she in the original nonary game? Why is she dressed like a belly dancer?
Who the fuck was June if she was dead the whole time??
Was Santa in the gas mask? How did they all arrive in Building Q?

If all this stuff if explained in VLR please don't spoil for me.

Also, I have to say a good portion of the puzzles had me completely stumped. I had to rely on a guide and I still even don't understand how the last puzzle was solved.

Complex math questions in games aren't fun
Just got the true ending. Ho-lee shit...


What's the deal with Lotus? Was she in the original nonary game? Why is she dressed like a belly dancer?
Who the fuck was June if she was dead the whole time??
Was Santa in the gas mask? How did they all arrive in Building Q?

If all this stuff if explained in VLR please don't spoil for me.

Also, I have to say a good portion of the puzzles had me completely stumped. I had to rely on a guide and I still even don't understand how the last puzzle was solved.

Complex math questions in games aren't fun

She's a freelance programmer, but she wears what she does because "she likes the style." That's all lol. She wasn't in the first nonary game, she was selected by June so Junpei could solve the computer puzzle.

June was Akane. She wasn't dead because you "saved" her in the end.

Not sure what you mean by your last question.
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