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SXSW cancels a panel on "Overcoming Harassment in Games" due to threats of violence


It wasn't even about GamerGate.

Le sigh....

Well, technically it wasn't butttttt...

Sad when these people can hold others hostage with threats. These bigger groups need to be willing to show more backbone and support then caving in like this. It's doing nothing but emboldening the harassers.


Can’t stump the diablos
Kind of sad that neither "side" has a forum of discussion outside their own echo-chambers due to these threats.

The opportunity for reasonable discourse between these two groups sailed long ago.

I remember reading into this a while back; but now every time I hear any of the point-men/women's names mentioned (on either side) I sigh and shake my head knowing not to even open the article.
@SXSW is getting some heat right now

What's funny in all of this is that not only are the anti-harassment organizers and sensible people in general pissed at SXSW, but GG is now pissed at them for "censorship"

That's delicious.

GG is going to say it wasn't them, but come the fuck on. A panel with Quinn on it?


@sxsw has always come off a bit pandering and superficial, I'm not surprised that when encountering even a bit of pressure they'd fold. The organizers don't want to be a place for serious discussions. They want a place for San Francisco indie bros with undercuts to shake hands with San Francisco bros with undercuts... in Austin.
"So you're saying that our panel is cut because someone who just happens to be involved in GamerGate posted a threat to one of your other panelists?"
That statement reads like an Onion article.
Basically saying "We must protect against harassment by shutting down this panel about protecting against harassment after it got harassed by people who wanted it shut down."

What a bunch of garbage.
Kind of sad that neither "side" has a forum of discussion outside their own echo-chambers due to these threats.

The opportunity for reasonable discourse between these two groups sailed long ago.

I remember reading into this a while back; but now every time I hear any of the point-men/women's names mentioned (on either side) I sigh and shake my head knowing not to even open the article.

More proof that GG's useful idiots need to give up the label. Auerbach's article on ending GG is as timely as ever despite being published a year ago.
Anti Harrasment Panel Cancelled due to Harrasment. I'll never refer to myself as a gamer again for fear of someone associating me with the trash that is GG.
Looking through Twitter, it appears some GGs are touting this as a victory. "We're officially too cool for SXSW!"

Since they are insane and irrational by definition and in practice, I am not surprised.

Anti Harrasment Panel Cancelled due to Harrasment. I'll never refer to myself as a gamer again for fear of someone associating me with the trash that is GG.

Yeah. I am a "player" now. Somebody who "plays games." I am not a gamer. I don't want to be associated with the same moniker as a hate group's.


Gamer Gate...man what a blight on the gaming community. That said, SXSW is hilarious awful as it relates to this. The whole cancelling an online harassment panel because of online harassment is just so stupid it hurts.
I've only use the word gamer or gamers when talking directly about a situation related to gaming.

Using it as an identity is all sorts of stupid.


Just host the panel. If these morons show up, have the cops ready to arrest them. Force the damn basement dwellers to come out so we can kick their asses.
GG'ers will keep on acting like they're some justified, misunderstood heroes while continuing to carry out textbook acts of terrorism.


Terrorism is literally what this is: coercing society via threats of violence. I can't wrap my head around the fact that they would cancel a panel about harassment because of harassment. It's like being abused, asking the police for help, then having them release you to your abuser because he threatened to beat them. Utterly fucking disgusting.
Terrorism is literally what this is: coercing society via threats of violence. I can't wrap my head around the fact that they would cancel a panel about harassment because of harassment. It's like being abused, asking the police for help, then having them release you to your abuser because he threatened to beat them. Utterly fucking disgusting.

I know that "it says a lot" is pretty much a hollow term when discussing GG, but it says a lot when your movement considers writing a polite letter to the board "harassment".

But then again, they think:
Getting your info from the yellow pages = doxxing
Having business contacts = collusion
Setting up exclusive interviews = corruption
Having a fucking bank account = tax fraud
an important public figure speaks out about them = they're just scared
Blizzard literally nods yes when asked if they were bashing Gamergate = in ancient Macedonia, a nod means no
Yeah. I am a "player" now. Somebody who "plays games." I am not a gamer. I don't want to be associated with the same moniker as a hate group's.

You're not alone there. Haven't described myself as a gamer for year now. Gaming as a hobby had been steadily inching it's way to mainstream acceptability but gamergate pissed that all away and firmly reestablished society's image of gamers as socially maladjusted manchildren.
Still trying to understand this.

I reaf the OT a few times.

This particular situation or the GG thing overall? It wasn't until I listened to that "angry Jack" video series that I understood what GG was actually about (namely because I couldn't bear to read much into these stories).


Oh man this fire continues to come back. It's pretty lame that people feel like they have to send death threats over this stuff.


Kind of sad that neither "side" has a forum of discussion outside their own echo-chambers due to these threats.

The opportunity for reasonable discourse between these two groups sailed long ago.

I remember reading into this a while back; but now every time I hear any of the point-men/women's names mentioned (on either side) I sigh and shake my head knowing not to even open the article.

Well when one "side" has the belief that thinks all harassment and death threats are just "false flags" and that all women are she-devils, I doubt they'll be receptive to "discourse"
Well when one "side" has the belief that thinks all harassment and death threats are just "false flags" and that all women are she-devils, I doubt they'll be receptive to "discourse"

Yeah, the people involved in Gamergate have an extremely narrow and ignorant view of common sense subjects.
This is bullshit, yes, but let's not keep pretending we're all white knights here. Us bitching and moaning about GGers doesn't fix the greater extent of the problem, that there is a bunch of mysoginistic assholes out there that don't believe women should be allowed to play games to the point of physical harm up to and including death. I don't know what has to change, but until something does, I really don't think this warrants discussion.
So, neither panel actually mentioned gamergate by name. Also, I just looked at KiA (god save me) and they actually seem pretty pissed about this. I'm not sure the easiest explanation is actually the correct one here.
This is bullshit, yes, but let's not keep pretending we're all white knights here. Us bitching and moaning about GGers doesn't fix the greater extent of the problem, that there is a bunch of mysoginistic assholes out there that don't believe women should be allowed to play games to the point of physical harm up to and including death. I don't know what has to change, but until something does, I really don't think this warrants discussion.

.... this is exactly what we're fuckin' discussing?

Like, where is the difference that you see?
SXSW cancels a panel about online harassment due to harassment.

SXSW also cancels a pro-GG panel because they realized those people have absolutely nothing to contribute.

the kicker is that they try to frame it as strong community management when it's actually just cowardice.
This is bullshit, yes, but let's not keep pretending we're all white knights here. Us bitching and moaning about GGers doesn't fix the greater extent of the problem, that there is a bunch of mysoginistic assholes out there that don't believe women should be allowed to play games to the point of physical harm up to and including death. I don't know what has to change, but until something does, I really don't think this warrants discussion.

Id recommend checking out Randy Harper's OAPI and the people those circles (Zoe Quinn, Kathy Cross, etc) and the articles/works they have done
.... this is exactly what we're fuckin' discussing?

Like, where is the difference that you see?

Well I think it was said best above. There's no forum for these individuals, only the wild expanses of Twitter, and those are at best the wild bleating of a supine mountain goat. I just feel like we here at NeoGAF, as a forum, need to do something about this.

I've had the topic about this with my wife, and she feels I have no place in this discussion. Because I'm not a feminist. And why am I not a feminist? Because I'm a man, and in her opinion, every man has the intrinsic belief that women are inferior. It's written in our genetic code. And thus, we can't be on the side of Anita Sarkessian and the anti-harassment front because, put quite simply, we're not women.

This greatly upsets me, because everyone is making this out to be a gender issue. It is, yes, but the fact of the matter is, when you are harassed, based whether it be your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, fuck, even your choice of favorite developer, console or smartphone, it's not cool. And I'm goddamn sick of it.

Jesus, I've been mocked for being a Nintendo fan. MERCILESSLY. I've had death threats, saying I live in my mom's basement, never met a woman (happily married 3 years), never had sex (first child coming in January, do the math), I'm not sayng that what's happening to me is anywhere near on par this situation, I'm just saying that harassment is everywhere, and it's time to stop it.
So, neither panel actually mentioned gamergate by name. Also, I just looked at KiA (god save me) and they actually seem pretty pissed about this. I'm not sure the easiest explanation is actually the correct one here.

It's a very weird scenario where GG, and the rest of humanity actually might see eye to eye on something.

GG will cry censorship

The rest of us will go "Shutting down panel on online harassment due to online harassment... WTF?!"

SXSW isn't getting out of this without it getting muddier and uglier tbh.


Well I think it was said best above. There's no forum for these individuals, only the wild expanses of Twitter, and those are at best the wild bleating of a supine mountain goat. I just feel like we here at NeoGAF, as a forum, need to do something about this.

I've had the topic about this with my wife, and she feels I have no place in this discussion. Because I'm not a feminist. And why am I not a feminist? Because I'm a man, and in her opinion, every man has the intrinsic belief that women are inferior. It's written in our genetic code. And thus, we can't be on the side of Anita Sarkessian and the anti-harassment front because, put quite simply, we're not women.

This greatly upsets me, because everyone is making this out to be a gender issue. It is, yes, but the fact of the matter is, when you are harassed, based whether it be your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, fuck, even your choice of console or smartphone, it's not cool. And I'm goddamn sick of it.
I believe the point the poster you quoted is trying to make is that there's a disconnect between your claim that something needs to happen and NeoGaf needs to be a part of it, and your other claim that there's no point in discussing this further.
I believe the point the poster you quoted is trying to make is that there's a disconnect between your claim that something needs to happen and NeoGaf needs to be a part of it, and your other claim that there's no point in discussing this further.

I don't see the disconnect. Something does need to happen and we need to be a part of it, but nothing is going to get done if we just comment about it here. The Gamergaters aren't here. Maybe 1/10000th of the gaming industry is. We need to get the word out there, and get it out there stronger.
Who are the pro GG people and the ones against? Don't know much about this.

Everyone against GG is everyone that thinks games should be more than the current male power fantasy.

I don't see the disconnect. Something does need to happen and we need to be a part of it, but nothing is going to get done if we just comment about it here. The Gamergaters aren't here. Maybe 1/10000th of the gaming industry is. We need to get the word out there, and get it out there stronger.

GG doesn't care about anyone's opinion but their own. You really think anyone involved in GG is reachable? You really think GG can be silenced by talking to them? You clearly have never engaged in discussion with one.

The current list of some things GG has done:
- driven women from homes
- SWATTED people, with one situation ending in a dog being killed
- clogged a suicide hotline
- bomb threat to a university
- went to a Romance in Fiction panel to complain about gender roles
- made threads talking about killing women in the industry

These are people that think they are literally the last line of defense between a rational world and the complete destruction of society as we know it. You want to give a legit public forum to that?


You're not alone there. Haven't described myself as a gamer for year now. Gaming as a hobby had been steadily inching it's way to mainstream acceptability but gamergate pissed that all away and firmly reestablished society's image of gamers as socially maladjusted manchildren.
One of the goals of GG is to stem the tide of mainstream popularity and acceptability of gaming to prod game developers to make content pandering to their interests. It's delusional, but they see "gamer" pop culture, Lets Play celebs, and mobile gaming as cancerous and wouldn't be anything less than elated for them to die off.
In late 2014, GG was fucking eviscerated by the mainstream media. Fucking Colbert interviewed Anita Sarkesian and made fun of GG. A Microsoft engineer conducted a study and found that overwhelmingly, public sentiment was against GG, with the only two consistent support from large sites being Breitbart and the Escapist.

The message has been out there for long time. Whats left of GG either doesn't care or are so far deep in their rabbit hole that they genuinely believe they are still the misunderstood good guy.


I don't see the disconnect. Something does need to happen and we need to be a part of it, but nothing is going to get done if we just comment about it here. The Gamergaters aren't here. Maybe 1/10000th of the gaming industry is. We need to get the word out there, and get it out there stronger.
"Doing more" isn't what you originally said though. You said this topic "doesn't warrant discussion". As in, it shouldn't even be discussed at all. I think that's misguided.

But I agree that it'll take more than posts on NeoGaf to do anything useful in the grand scheme. Doesn't mean there shouldn't be any, though. Especially in a case such as this, which is pretty horrible what happened and should be pointed out to, at the very least, not let this stupid act slide by and slip away as if it never happened.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Well I think it was said best above. There's no forum for these individuals, only the wild expanses of Twitter, and those are at best the wild bleating of a supine mountain goat. I just feel like we here at NeoGAF, as a forum, need to do something about this.

I've had the topic about this with my wife, and she feels I have no place in this discussion. Because I'm not a feminist. And why am I not a feminist? Because I'm a man, and in her opinion, every man has the intrinsic belief that women are inferior. It's written in our genetic code. And thus, we can't be on the side of Anita Sarkessian and the anti-harassment front because, put quite simply, we're not women.

This greatly upsets me, because everyone is making this out to be a gender issue. It is, yes, but the fact of the matter is, when you are harassed, based whether it be your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, fuck, even your choice of favorite developer, console or smartphone, it's not cool. And I'm goddamn sick of it.

Jesus, I've been mocked for being a Nintendo fan. MERCILESSLY. I've had death threats, saying I live in my mom's basement, never met a woman (happily married 3 years), never had sex (first child coming in January, do the math), I'm not sayng that what's happening to me is anywhere near on par this situation, I'm just saying that harassment is everywhere, and it's time to stop it.

That's a pretty ridiculous thing for your wife to say, and totally untrue.
A panelist from the GG related panel that Zoe Quinn talked about is now telling the speakers of the anti-harassment panel to lawyer up:

GG doesn't care about anyone's opinion but their own. You really think anyone involved in GG is reachable? You really think GG can be silenced by talking to them? You clearly have never engaged in discussion with one.

The current list of some things GG has done:
- driven women from homes
- SWATTED people, with one situation ending in a dog being killed
- clogged a suicide hotline
- bomb threat to a university
- went to a Romance in Fiction panel to complain about gender roles
- made threads talking about killing women in the industry

These are people that think they are literally the last line of defense between a rational world and the complete destruction of society as we know it. You want to give a legit public forum to that?

"Doing more" isn't what you originally said though. You said this topic "doesn't warrant discussion". As in, it shouldn't even be discussed at all. I think that's misguided.

But I agree that it'll take more than posts on NeoGaf to do anything useful in the grand scheme. Doesn't mean there shouldn't be any, though. Especially in a case such as this, which is pretty horrible what happened and should be pointed out to, at the very least, not let this stupid act slide by and slip away as if it never happened.

Admittedly, no I haven't ever had communication with a GGer. But what I think I'm more trying to come across with is what always happens when something like this comes up, which is that all we do is say "Yeah, this sucks", but then nothing gets done. Because these "people" are inhumane wildebeasts of society, topic over.

That's what I was trying to say. If it came across wrong, or if I still sound like someone who is trying to hard (which I admit I do sometimes, admittedly my debate skills are shoddy at best) then I apologize.
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