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Has our society become too politically correct?

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Yes, the internet has managed to validate that Stephen Fry picture. It's almost like we have an outrage-on-demand culture.


No, but certain outrage is ridiculous. There's a Bill Burr routine talking about the Clippers owner and the Duck Dynasty guy. They're fucking old. What did you think they thought? There's a generation of people who are just never going to be progressive. Accept it, combat it where you can, but move on.


I don't know about people being too "politically correct" but think it's more just people racing to be outraged by anything. Anyone can put almost anything up on the internet and immediately find an echo chamber, which causes the thing to spiral out of control incredibly quickly. For instance, that woman who got fired for tweeting an obvious joke about going to Africa and not being able to get AIDS because she was white. Was it stupid to tweet that? Absolutely. Was the response absolutely batshit insane and not fit the crime at all? Absolutely. I just think of all the times I was at a "Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'Roll" trivia night where the point of the team names was shock humor: the team with the most shocking, hilarious, and just plain wrong team name got free shots at the bar at halftime. None of us meant that shit, it was just hilarious. What would have happened if the mob had got one of my tweets and not understood the context?

With all that being said though, there are some people I work with who say "too PC" when they actually mean is "I can't hurt someone else in order to make myself feel superior and more important" (i.e. "say racist shit"). I've got no damn problem with all that being wiped out.
I don't think so personally. More accommodating that society becomes the better.

However I do feel like there's this thing where certain people almost get off on getting outraged over minor stuff. Almost like they enjoy it.


No, most of the time I seem to see complaints against "PC Culture" it translates to "I'm not allowed to be an asshole without consequence anymore".

Also I get annoyed at claims of "False outrage" or "Fake outrage". It seems to assume just because the person doesn't see a problem with the behavior being criticized that no one on earth can Really be offended. Guess what? Your experience isn't perfectly generalizable to the whole of the species. You are not the default.
So is the person ever doing the criticizing ever wrong.....because sometimes they're and people seem to think that's an impossibility
No, but certain outrage is ridiculous. There's a Bill Burr routine talking about the Clippers owner and the Duck Dynasty guy. They're fucking old. What did you think they thought? There's a generation of people who are just never going to be progressive. Accept it, combat it where you can, but move on.

I dunno if you paid attention, but most people just joked about Sterling. I forgot about the Duck Dynasty guy until you brought it up (because who watches that anyway)

And why is it people always need comedians to have their backs on this? Get your own material
No, but certain outrage is ridiculous. There's a Bill Burr routine talking about the Clippers owner and the Duck Dynasty guy. They're fucking old. What did you think they thought? There's a generation of people who are just never going to be progressive. Accept it, combat it where you can, but move on.

They did combat. Both got in trouble to varying degrees? Not seeing a big deal to how they were dealt with. I mean unless literally you want old people to have get out of racism free cards, which fuck that.

Also Duck Dynasty guy is one of the fakest media creations ever. So extra fuck that.


As is the case with all these things, the extreme voices on both sides control the conversation, when most people I've met both want to treat others with respect, but can still take a joke as long as it isn't a disguise for genuine malice. Many people who complain about political correctness are indeed just getting angry about their nastiness being confronted, just as many who bang on about sensitivity and jump on every outrage bandwagon going are doing so out of egotism and with no genuine desire to find solutions so much as assign blame and either play the victim or martyr. Society is not 'too' this, or 'not enough' that. It's a multi-faceted, always changing thing with problems arising in some areas, steady improvements in others.

Unfortunately, because social media, sensationalist news coverage and the like (as well as the inevitable political extremism that grows out of periods of economic hardship) heightens the voices of those screaming loudest, you can't talk about women's rights without gamergaters blaming their loneliness and anger on all women ever, or certain feminists distorting the conversation with grossly exaggerated, misleading 'statistics' and overblown claims. You can't talk about race without #AllLivesMatter deliberately misunderstanding the point, or self-righteous college students using it as an excuse to bully and shame anyone who dares challenge them. The PC/not PC stuff is self-perpetuating, with each side's claims against the other creating more anger and justifying the other side doing the same thing back.

Yet in the middle of all this are the normal people who don't scream and shout, but make up the hugest bulk of society, who may be imperfect but are generally just trying to muddle through their lives and its problems to the best of their ability. If it were possible to shut all the radicalised voices out, I think we'd find what has always been there: mostly well-intentioned people and society slowly but surely in a state of constant evolution, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.


Political correctness doesn't even mean anything as *technically* it requires a context. To a lot of people calling others out over shitty things they say is politically incorrect because it doesn't mesh with their personal political view of how free speech works.
When people can't say Merry Christmas at their jobs without getting fired, I have to say Yes, it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Everyone is so 'offended' it's pathetic.


I remember when being "politically correct" was accomodating conservative views in media and art.

Somewhere along the point they managed to flip it over to whining about being called out for being racists.
People these days are extremely sensitive to nearly everything. There is always someone looking for the next thing to be offended by. With that said, I dont think Political Correctness is out of control. I just think people are taking certain matters overboard.


Whenever you have societal change you have some people who take it to the extreme. And they bring down criticism on said change.


I dunno if you paid attention, but most people just joked about Sterling. I forgot about the Duck Dynasty guy until you brought it up (because who watches that anyway)

And why is it people always need comedians to have their backs on this? Get your own material

It's an example which I found applicable. I don't care if you see it as unoriginal, I never portrayed it to be. I saw quite a bit of outrage over both guys.

They did combat. Both got in trouble to varying degrees? Not seeing a big deal to how they were dealt with. I mean unless literally you want old people to have get out of racism free cards, which fuck that.

Also Duck Dynasty guy is one of the fakest media creations ever. So extra fuck that.

Read my post again. I'm not talking about actions against these guys, I'm talking about the outrage. How can they think this way?!


sparkle this bitch
Yes in some ways, no in other ways.

No in the sense that 99% of the time, it's just wanting someone to say something shit and not take responsibility for it.

Yes in the sense that the 1% is simple people not wanting to listen to/or see opposing opinions.


Recently on Long Island some of the malls did not have the traditional Santa's Village for where children can take pictures with Santa

It was replaced by a simple Glacier

All because the people in charge wanted to be PC and not offend anyone.

To me that's bullshit, who cares if people get offended by the Christmas spirit, stop it


I wanna say no but I have to say yes due to the extremists who now have a voice on the internet. Social media has crossed into the main stream and now it has power, whether we want to admit it or not.

It's only a vocal minority though, thankfully.


When people can't say Merry Christmas at their jobs without getting fired, I have to say Yes, it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Everyone is so 'offended' it's pathetic.

Can people not do this now in general? 'Cos I was only able to find this and this for "fired for saying merry christmas" on Google. Everything else was just people asking if they can, likely based upon those incidents. It doesn't sound like "PC culture gone mad" or anything.


No, but certain outrage is ridiculous. There's a Bill Burr routine talking about the Clippers owner and the Duck Dynasty guy. They're fucking old. What did you think they thought? There's a generation of people who are just never going to be progressive. Accept it, combat it where you can, but move on.

Some of the oldest people I know are the most progressive, a teacher here, Bernard Sanders there.

While conversely, I can have my peers espousing beliefs of homophobia and racial segregation.

I find it is not age so much as geographic location, accessibility to other peoples, technology level, and parents who determine whether an older person can progress.
In my day to day to life no it hasn't (maybe because I only like people with weird sense of humors), but online yes it has.

The whole thing is pretty retarded.
Recently on Long Island some of the malls did not have the traditional Santa's Village for where children can take pictures with Santa

It was replaced by a simple Glacier

All because the people in charge wanted to be PC and not offend anyone.

To me that's bullshit, who cares if people get offended by the Christmas spirit, stop it

The guy in charge specifically said they did not change to be "PC." It was quoted the the article that Schatt posted here (and ignored to add that title anyway).

At least change the PE avatar dude


When people can't say Merry Christmas at their jobs without getting fired, I have to say Yes, it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Everyone is so 'offended' it's pathetic.

I think it's more insane when you're at the register closing someone's check out, say "Happy Holidays", and then the customer decides to yell at you for 5 minutes on the "War on Christmas" and how it's insane that "you're not allowed to say Merry Christmas without getting fired"....when you're both standing directly under a giant "Merry Christmas" sign hanging the ceiling. I shit you not, this happened. I wanted to point up so badly.

Working both tech support at Sprint and at Target, we were not allowed to say it, I don't think we'd have gotten fired thought. I still said it out of habit thought, even as an atheist.

Target has no policy regarding anyone saying "Merry Christmas" instead of whatever they want. It's a personal choice. They even hang signs and Gift Cards that say it in the store!


Fuck yes. It wasn't this bad 5 years ago. I thought only conservatives cared about PC because they were always being racist but everyone gets offended over anything these days.
Do people really want to make fun of others that are socially and/or economically disadvantaged that much?

How about don't be a dick?
Can people not do this now in general? 'Cos I was only able to find this and this for "fired for saying merry christmas" on Google. Everything else was just people asking if they can, likely based upon those incidents. It doesn't sound like "PC culture gone mad" or anything.

First one sounds like a lying employee and the second one is blatant satire taken from a fake cbs website.


Some of the oldest people I know are the most progressive, a teacher here, Bernard Sanders there.

While conversely, I can have my peers espousing beliefs of homophobia and racial segregation.

I find it is not age so much as geographic location, accessibility to other peoples, technology level, and parents who determine whether an older person can progress.

That's a good point and I agree. But old people grew up with institutionalized racism and homophobia. My aunt is 77 and about as liberal as they come, but her brother ( my dad ) is conservative and pretty extreme at times.
Fuck yes. It wasn't this bad 5 years ago. I thought only conservatives cared about PC because they were always being racist but everyone gets offended over anything these days.

It's always so hard to judge imo. But what i do notice sometimes, is that people act really offended while they aren't the ones offended (if that makes sense).


The guy in charge specifically said they did not change to be "PC." It was quoted the the article that Schatt posted here (and ignored to add that title anyway).

At least change the PE avatar dude
What else would he say after coming under fire?

How are you going to bring up the public enemy avatar
Are we really going to compare full blown racism to people being overly sensitive and looking for any reason to jump down people's throats?
This PC craze brought us the greatest South Park character in years though.

I only ever see PC culture on the internet. I haven't encountered yet in day to day life. I suppose everyones more vocal on the internet though.
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