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Has our society become too politically correct?

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No way in hell could you call Hillary or even Bernie an extremist. Samr can't be said for you know almost the entire GOP candidate group.

I don't follow politics but my mother really likes that Jeb Bush guy, I'm not sure you can call him an extremist. He's got a Mexican wife you know. :)
and why can't you? There's a video out there of a guy picking glass from a broken jar he stuck up his own ass.

People get fired over the stupidest and most random things all the time. Dity I get what you're trying to say but you're trying to hard here buddy.

The world ia 7 billion people. If one person got fired for saying Merry Christmas its not PC culture taking over. Ots a manager making a shitty decision. I think that's is the point. The "oh I heard through the grapewine" stuff is not proof of a.huge issue.


Society hasn't changed. Nothing about human beings have changed. People have always been offended, you just haven't been able to hear their voice of see their faces as often.

Instant communication for all changed that
Of course society has changed. Most societies grew to be more liberal and inclusive at a growing speed over the last years. And that's good.


I mean hate-speech seems to be a totally accepted part of modern society. We have entire TV networks, radio personalities, popular websites and companies dedicated to it! I'm not sure how this fits in with the narrative of "much PC society".


When you mostly sit on the sidelines you tend to say yes.

What's funny is seeing everyone dismiss each other opinion thinking they are smarter and hold the truth.

In the end, nobody wants PC because it's "an attack on freedom" (racists, bigots, minorities, gays) and if and everybody want PC because nobody should insult me.

The racist claiming black people shouldn't complain is thus expecting PC from the black as to not hurt his "fundamental right" to talk, even if it's bullshit, it makes him feel oppressed and should be treated with more respect.
The black person is happy to have PC because it can finally shut up racists pretty easily but tends to generalize when talking about white people and is happy to throw PC out the window in these case.

What I get from it is that we are all hypocrites, even if, judging by this topic 99% of posters have convinced themselves otherwise.

In the end, PC has be detrimental to discussions in general and I hold it responsible for the augmentation of extreme opinions. Because either your discourse is mellowed to the point of being useless and pointless because of PC or because people abusing PC against the smallest little thing are pushing people to frustration.

Also, because most of the time balanced opinions are getting ignored people will tend to use extreme figure of speech to be visible or to be heard.

I still wish people would realize words are not bad in themselves, context and meaning are everything. Granted it's almost impossible to judge these thing on something as impersonal as the internet.

Let's just quote this for the new page, it's probably the best post in here.


So because there's a video of a man picking glass from his ass... You can just say something's true and we should just accept it regardless of the lack of evidence?


No, not at all. I'm saying keep an open mind is all. You looking for evidence whether or not people are getting fired for saying merry christmas is troublesome to me, and I like you Dity.


Well there are two degrees of political correctness, as far as I can see.

One, is just people being decent to each other. Treating people equally, pushing forward social justice and equality, respect, and everything else that humanity really should be doing but isn't. We've come far but not far enough.

But regrettably, there is another group of people that seem to thrive off flash-labelling others as racist, or sexist, or whatever—commentating on everything that's bad about this world in such a blasé fashion, often centred around themselves, and then refusing to discuss or engage with opponents on key issues in any way whatsoever. These issues won't simply disappear on their own and require respectful discussion and debate to be resolved.

We should all be fighting for social justice. If you're not prepared to actually do anything that's meaningful to achieve it, and would instead rather just glorify your own position, you're part of the problem.
There is a quickly growing number of extremely PC people who hoist their viewpoints upon the world while being unwilling or unable to even have a discussion. The Tim Wolfe resignation as a great example. I haven't read about any actions of his that I believe warranted such extreme forms of protest. So, I don't necessarily side with the protesters on this issue.

Now, there are several extremely PC people I know who cannot shoulder even an ounce of doubt as to whether the call for his resignation was justified and will write off anyone wanting to even explore an opposing viewpoint as "ignorant" or "racist." So I simply can't engage with many people out of fear of being lumped in with the Sean Hannity crowd. This PC extremism engenders a kind of sameness on the left that leaves people like myself having to call themselves "down the middle" to avoid association with people who simply want a social cause to fight for 24/7.


I was expecting an actual article :p

More than being about political correctness, I think is about how individualistic we can be, how we weight between how offended we are by something and what was the intention, context and meaning behind the person doing the offense. We can incline the balance either way, we can either take full consideration of the intention or completely disregard it.

This changes from person to person and from country to country of course. I don't know whether individualism or collectivism are the answer to our inequality problems as humans, but I just tend to think extremes are kind of bad, extreme individualism seems to me a bad thing.
I still wish people would realize words are not bad in themselves, context and meaning are everything. Granted it's almost impossible to judge these thing on something as impersonal as the internet.

Not entirely. Words carry their history, if they have been used in such a way for a certain amount of time that gets imbued into the word. Context and meaning are one thing, but certain words carry extreme connotations when said by someone that isn't affected by those words whether or not there's explicit meaning there. This happens because of the historical use of the words.
Yeah being PC isnt a bad thing really. I mean when people point to South Park as standing up to the PC police I thinks its more of they are making a stand against the fake outrage which does exist. South Park is PC however as they do express liberal views far more than they do conservative. Recently Bill Maher, Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld have called out colleges for being too sensitive. Looking at Yale there is a problem among the left that needs to be addressed but its nowhere near as bad as what goes on across the isle.


I was expecting an actual article :p

More than being about political correctness, I think is about how individualistic we can be, how we weight between how offended we are by something and what was the intention, context and meaning behind the person doing the offense. We can incline the balance either way, we can either take full consideration of the intention or completely disregard it.

This changes from person to person and from country to country of course. I don't know whether individualism or collectivism are the answer to our inequality problems as humans, but I just tend to think extremes are kind of bad, extreme individualism seems to me a bad thing.

Extreme individualism is the basis of modern capitalism and American culture in general.


The world ia 7 billion people. If one person got fired for saying Merry Christmas its not PC culture taking over. Ots a manager making a shitty decision. I think that's is the point. The "oh I heard through the grapewine" stuff is not proof of a.huge issue.

For sure, but maybe for that one guy it is. We're all going extreme about it yo lol
Some people have, some people haven't. We aren't one giant organism that can take on specific human attributes like political correctness.


Gosh the New York Post is so brave and right, it must be pointed out that the origins of these killers is of the utmost importance. Stick it to the PC monsters who might think that it might ferment an overall atmosphere of hostility towards our fellow humans.


I mean surely they will also expose the racial (or whatever they perceive to be the racial makeup) of the Planned Parenthood shoote-




No, not at all. I'm saying keep an open mind is all. You looking for evidence whether or not people are getting fired for saying merry christmas is troublesome to me, and I like you Dity.
It was troublesome to you for me to actually go to the Internet after hearing a claim to see if it has any merit? The fact that I even looked and didn't outright dismiss it is troublesome? I gave them benefit of the doubt.


Unconfirmed Member
So because there's a video of a man picking glass from his ass... You can just say something's true and we should just accept it regardless of the lack of evidence?

This is the first time I've seen someone using 1 Man 1 Jar to prove an argument. And here I was thinking the Chewbacca defense was a ridiculous (although funny) joke...


Look The Sun is telling you the TRUTH those PC libtards don't want you to hear! Muslims are probably all evil! We are not completely twisting this poll, organized and carried out by an organization that favors British isolationism! No its THE TRUTH.


Oh wait it was wrong? We are SO sorry, let's er, just stick this apology on page 12, give it a real small column. Real small.



This is the first time I've seen someone using 1 Man 1 Jar to prove an argument. And here I was thinking the Chewbacca defense was a ridiculous (although funny) joke...
Well, it certainly blindsighted me. Did not see it coming.
Don't read to much into my picture. It's the Hogan of old who happened to be my first real hero (together with Optimus Prime) as a child :) It is not a statement of any kind, and I do not support his recent behaviour in any way.

Sure, just can't pass up an avatar quote opportunity like that.


Not entirely. Words carry their history, if they have been used in such a way for a certain amount of time that gets imbued into the word. Context and meaning are one thing, but certain words carry extreme connotations when said by someone that isn't affected by those words whether or not there's explicit meaning there. This happens because of the historical use of the words.

It's probably a matter of perspective and philosophy but I don't believe that at all.
I know that some words historically have a bad connotation.
Which to me just prove that it can also, if used long enough in a positive manner, be reversed to their original or positive meaning. It's just proof that we can do absolutely whatever we want with them given time and if you are brave enough to face extreme criticism in the beginning.

Mind you I would probably never use such words myself but I honestly can't think of one word that cannot be used in a positive way (not by everyone in the beginning, just in a small circle of people).


Fail out bailed
Our society hasn't become too politically incorrect, but we do have a small but loud group who think they have a better understanding of complicate issues than they do. We also a have a larger and dumber group who think that political correctness is inherently bad no matter what when it usually translates to just being decent.


In the ways of opinion? Of course it's a valid opinion it's a horseshit opinion and I would argue to the death against it but in the strictest definition of the term it's valid.
In the strictest definition, it's absolute horseshit. Validity is justifiable. If I have the opinion that the earth is 6000 years old, and that fossils are planted in the ground by Satan in order to mislead us, I have an invalid opinion—by the strictest definition of the term.


This is the first time I've seen someone using 1 Man 1 Jar to prove an argument. And here I was thinking the Chewbacca defense was a ridiculous (although funny) joke...

Me and Dity were in an argument? Man am I out of the loop, where the heck is this thread right now. I was just trying to find Dity some chill. I'm sorry if you took that as a challenge Dity I didn't mean it that way.


real talk

there are tons of jerks who love to ambush and berate and basically shit all over other people in the name of political correctness, and they often do it for selfish reasons...

and I'll still take their side because I'd pick them over the bigoted, racists, fascists, etc any day of the week and twice on Sunday
What are people even considering political correctness? Because for example the talk about not dressing up as Native Americans with feathers and face paint on Halloween is not about being politically correct. People always had a problem with that shit for legitimate reasons. People outside the black community getting called out for saying nigga is not the PC police coming to town.

So what are people even referencing? Some college kids trying to block someone from coming to their campus?

I might buy the argument that people like to use their feelings to win debates but that is not being politically correct, that's being a shitty debater. I say this genuinely, there is nothing I have lost the ability to say in this politically correct era. Maybe I cant play some really abrassive, offensive, vulgar rap of yester year in front of people but that really isnt much different even then.


Don't read to much into my picture. It's the Hogan of old who happened to be my first real hero (together with Optimus Prime) as a child :) It is not a statement of any kind, and I do not support his recent behaviour in any way.

A full psychological profile has already been determined of you based on your avatar by some people.


Usually said by people who are criticized for being insensitive, hateful, ignorant, racist and/or homophobic dickwads.


Usually said by people who are criticized for being insensitive, hateful, ignorant, racist and/or homophobic dickwads.

Which is usually said by people who refuse to sit down with said hateful, insensitive, ignorant, racist and/or homophobic dickwads and initiate a dialogue but instead prefer to outright shun them and pretend they don't exist, fuelling their hateful beliefs and views instead of trying to constructively talk with them about it.


I'd say so, people don't give me issues personally but observing people whining about everything is pretty sad. Everyone has some kind of issue and apparently it's never ok to make a joke about it, see the ocd target shirt.
It's probably a matter of perspective and philosophy but I don't believe that at all.
I know that some words historically have a bad connotation.
Which to me just prove that it can also, if used long enough in a positive manner, be reversed to their original or positive meaning. It's just proof that we can do absolutely whatever we want with them given time and if you are brave enough to face extreme criticism in the beginning.

Mind you I would probably never use such words myself but I honestly can't think of one word that cannot be used in a positive way (not by everyone in the beginning, just in a small circle of people).

Those words will never be used freely by all people due to their historical connotations. Reclaimed words are definitely a thing, but not for the whole population, as the use of those words by the population outside of the effected "minority" still holds the negative historical connotations.
People use the term "Politically Correct" to allow themselves to say things that are wrong. In Western society there is much more freedom to say what you want, not matter how wrong. In same scale societies (Bands, Tribes, and Chiefdoms), if you offended someone in an unwarranted way, you could be possible exiled from the society, or at least face social penalties. People want this to happen in Western Society, but people say it infringes on their "Freedom of Speech"; people confuse and try to conflate the social realm of society to the state (Governing) realm, this is on both sides ("Liberals" and "Conservatives). People think that they can say anything without a repercussion in the social realm, but "Freedom of Speech" is only granted in the realm of government; also people who want to to penalize someone, they try to do it through the state, inside of making the actions a society taboo.

Also, Western society has become more acutely aware of so-called "Racial differences", even though racial differences are culturally based, and not biologically. People essentially have the same genetics, but different appearances (Due to environmental factors); these differences do not implies that anything is inherent to races, i.e. African Americans do not inherently talk in a "Black" way, the reason some African Americans speak this way is due to the culture they grew up in, and not their skin color.

This is all to say, its hard to mediate between social issues and state issues, because people are very attached to the state, in western society, even "Libertarians".


Which is usually said by people who refuse to sit down with said hateful, insensitive, ignorant, racist and/or homophobic dickwads and initiate a dialogue but instead prefer to outright shun them and pretend they don't exist, fuelling their hateful beliefs and views instead of trying to constructively talk with them about it.

People do this, they then just get told they are a PC libtard. I have a mate who i've been discussing the syrian bombings with, and boy does he make it hard to. every time I suggest not bombing syria. I get ad-hoc "so you want to do nothing" accusations. even after I've explained what I personally think would improve the situation. It's absolutely infuriating. and this is why some people choose to just not engage in conversation. because they have learnt through their own experiences that people aren't willing to discuss things, so why argue into a void?

Yes. Too many people think that being offended is justification to destroy the offenders life or livelihood.

Depending on the circumstances. I'd argue it is.
harassing someone online calling them racist/ sexist slurs. yeah sure. thats unacceptable behaviour, you wouldnt get away with it in the real world so why is it ok online?

an i'll executed joke about how racist's think africa is full of aids. Its dumb, you should perhaps get told "you realise what you've done right" but not sacked.
Which is usually said by people who refuse to sit down with said hateful, insensitive, ignorant, racist and/or homophobic dickwads and initiate a dialogue but instead prefer to outright shun them and pretend they don't exist, fuelling their hateful beliefs and views instead of trying to constructively talk with them about it.

Ahhh yes the old minorities need to educate every bigot who hurts them.

Might as well just blame minorities for the bigotry against them.

Mr Git

Look The Sun is telling you the TRUTH those PC libtards don't want you to hear! Muslims are probably all evil! We are not completely twisting this poll, organized and carried out by an organization that favors British isolationism! No its THE TRUTH.


Oh wait it was wrong? We are SO sorry, let's er, just stick this apology on page 12, give it a real small column. Real small.


Yup, the only real revealing data is that 5 in 5 Sun readers are absolute fucking morons.


Ahhh yes the old minorities need to educate every bigot who hurts them.

Might as well just blame minorities for the bigotry against them.

it's not jsut the minorities that arguing with racist people though. it's the socially progressive (us) in general that should be debating these opinions to stop this behaviour. You will never change people's minds by "othering" them and shutting them out altogether.
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