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Kojima's new game will be published by Sony, is also coming to PC, not Silent Hill



Color me excited for whatever game he makes. Know it's going to be good.
Always love when kojima is involved in making a new ip. Easily one of the best ends to one of the worst news that came out this year.


PC is my preferred platform so I'm happy to see that it's coming there.

And I'm really excited to see what Kojima decides to make now that he is no longer in the grasp of Konami.


God damn. I will never understand people getting upset over a game being released on PC. No one complained when SF5, FF7 HD, Ryse, or Killer Instinct had PC announcements.

More people enjoying a game is better. Who cares if the better version is on PC. That doesn't mean the PS4 version will be unplayable garbage.


Wish it wasn't coming to PC simply due to attitudes like this

It's one thing to be happy it's coming to PC, then there is this

While I also don't agree with any attitude to belittle any person, I don't particularly see such as statement as being such a terrible thing. You hear the same thing in every single DF thread between Xbox One and PS4, yet somehow it is this that irks you now rather than every other time it is used?

By the nature of the PC platform, even something as awful as Batman Arkham Knight could be something "definitive" if you have the hardware and the know-how - ie the game is flexible to the hardware, which is what some people are looking for as a "definitive" version. If that is someone's reasoning for choosing which platform to purchase from and what features they are after - there is nothing wrong with it.

People using "pcmasterrace" stuff here, are almost always people of other platforms doing the same "belittling". If someone is actually saying "I am better than you" based on a platform you use, they are an idiot
Excited that he's getting the chance to make a new game so soon after his departure from Konami. It's a real shame that he likely won't be able to build it on the Fox Engine. Goodness, MGS5 looked so great on PS4/X1/PC. Good to hear that they're keeping the PC crowd in mind, too. Maybe cross-play (if there's a multiplayer component)?

PC elitists in this thread need to take a chill pill. We get it: you'll buy it 2 years later on PC. The rest of us will be enjoying it when it launches. No need to come in here and start pissing on all the furniture.


Yes the definitive version; like Batman Arkham Knight for exemple ! :)

The fact that people like you always a hundred 100% of the time post the same one single example and nothing more than that in on itself proves the exact opposite of what you wanted to say.


Excited that he's getting the chance to make a new game so soon after his departure from Konami. It's a real shame that he likely won't be able to build it on the Fox Engine. Goodness, MGS5 looked so great on PS4/X1/PC. Good to hear that they're keeping the PC crowd in mind, too. Maybe cross-play (if there's a multiplayer component)?

PC elitists in this thread need to take a chill pill. We get it: you'll buy it 2 years later on PC. The rest of us will be enjoying it when it launches. No need to come in here and start pissing on all the furniture.

It seems that the ps4 people are the ones getting bent out of shape over the notion that the pc is a "better", meaning more option rich way to play games if you have a good rig. It's not even subject to debate.
It seems that the ps4 people are the ones getting bent out of shape over the notion that the pc is a "better", meaning more option rich way to play games if you have a good rig. It's not even subject to debate.
I don't see a flood of PS4 gamers poking fun and saying "lol PC gamers too bad you have to wait a few years. We get to play it first!" in this thread.

On the other hand, endless "Superior version of PC get!" posts...


Batman runs perfectly fine at locked 30 fps in a 3 years old 2gb gpu. The problem is looking for locked 60 fps.

But some day you will have a real example. Some day.

Koei Tecmo PC ports for the save, unfortunately :(

EDIT: Saw your newest post. Guess that's technically & hilariously true.


I don't see a flood of PS4 gamers poking fun and saying "lol PC gamers too bad you have to wait a few years. We get to play it first!" in this thread.

On the other hand, endless "Superior version of PC get!" posts...

Is this supposed to be a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore in this thread.

PC elitists in this thread need to take a chill pill. We get it: you'll buy it 2 years later on PC. The rest of us will be enjoying it when it launches. No need to come in here and start pissing on all the furniture.
Is this supposed to be a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore in this thread.

yeah it's been happening for awhile like that oddly, on the xbox one side people are always saying "will wait for the ps4/pc" version so it's interesting to see how people act when its reverse right now, lol.


Jeff Gerstmann @jeffgerstmann
I was just thinking that Sony needed another game that won't ship for like six years.

Excited that he's getting the chance to make a new game so soon after his departure from Konami. It's a real shame that he likely won't be able to build it on the Fox Engine. Goodness, MGS5 looked so great on PS4/X1/PC. Good to hear that they're keeping the PC crowd in mind, too. Maybe cross-play (if there's a multiplayer component)?

PC elitists in this thread need to take a chill pill. We get it: you'll buy it 2 years later on PC. The rest of us will be enjoying it when it launches. No need to come in here and start pissing on all the furniture.
Bruh, please. Everybody, please. No more nonsense like this. It adds nothing worthwhile to the discussion. Literally nothing.


And for those who may be a bit bothered that it's not full exclusive--Who cares if it'll come to PC as well? It takes nothing away from the PS4 version. Nothing. If it makes you feel any better, it comes to PC after the PS4 version. Hell it'll probably sell a lot more on PS4 as well. Feel better yet? Jesus Christ. Please move the hell on and deal with it.
Is this supposed to be a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore in this thread.
Have you read -- perhaps -- the very first page of the thread? 1/3rd of it is "PC will be definitive" countered by "that's rude" countered by "but it's true" countered by "no it's not..." and now we're 17 pages deep with the argument still going.

Like I said, don't see PS4 gamers in here boasting about how we get it first and nyaa nyaa to PC gamers.

Sky Saw

Have you read -- perhaps -- the very first page of the thread? 1/3rd of it is "PC will be definitive" countered by "that's rude" countered by "but it's true" countered by "no it's not..." and now we're 17 pages deep with the argument still going.

Like I said, don't see PS4 gamers in here boasting about how we get it first and nyaa nyaa to PC gamers.

You could see it as people rubbing it in or people stating fact. I really think it's been the latter for the most part.


I don't see a flood of PS4 gamers poking fun and saying "lol PC gamers too bad you have to wait a few years. We get to play it first!" in this thread.

On the other hand, endless "Superior version of PC get!" posts...

PC elitists in this thread need to take a chill pill. We get it: you'll buy it 2 years later on PC. The rest of us will be enjoying it when it launches. No need to come in here and start pissing on all the furniture.

Uhh ok?
Have you read -- perhaps -- the very first page of the thread? 1/3rd of it is "PC will be definitive" countered by "that's rude" countered by "but it's true" countered by "no it's not..." and now we're 17 pages deep with the argument still going.

Like I said, don't see PS4 gamers in here boasting about how we get it first and nyaa nyaa to PC gamers.
But....that's pretty much what you did in your other post.

Ploid 3.0

Why do you care so much? Console debut/exclusive is to try and get people to spend money on hardware. PC gamers have spent money on hardware and don't want to have to spend more money to play one game when it could run better on a PC. In most cases.

While that might be true for any single gaming platform owner, it is nice to have a console or two to go along with the PC. Not all games come to PC, the fact MGS or Japanese Devs at all are now on PC is crazy. You can't really bank on those coming over, not all multi platform console game come to PC even. So when a PC gamer says they don't want to buy a console for one game, it's usually many games they are interested in, even if it's a lowly 30fps, last gen console game. The thing is, all of those low res, low fps go to the back of your mind when you aren't worrying about your settings, patches, or hardware.

If FF7remake turns out to be balls to the walls amazing with very long episodes, I won't be waiting on the possible PC port to jump in. As a gamer it's almost necessary to have a console for such times, which isn't a rare thing. Consoles get games like Uncharted, and Halo, that I would love to see run on a PC, but that's just wishful thinking, and totally understandable. PC gamers kinda need consoles, they are now providing the platform with a ton of games that may have never been made, even though some console devs spit their games on PC with crappy graphic options, and console textures.
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