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Place your bets: Age of Ultron vs The Force Awakens

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Modern Hollywood. When two bad to average shit shows make bank while stuff like mad max doesn't sell no where near them.

Mad Max was my favorite flick of the year but TFA was pretty great and it was nowhere near being bad imo. Now the fact that Jurassic World made a lot more makes me angry, but once again opinions.


Or maybe I suffered through the dvd while watching my nephew, at three years old he's the most mature marvel fan I know, not to mention the closest to being potty trained

Keep on trollin, I'm sure you'll get someone riled up eventually. Though maybe try a little subtlelty and don't undermine your accusations of immaturity by playing the part of salty man-baby.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Shitting Fury Road? Show some respect to the best movie of the year please.

Look-I really like AoU and I think it gets a bad rep on this board-Iron Man 3 is far worse
I mean, I like AoU, but no, regarding Phase 2 stuff it's only better than TDW.

Also, your tag is gone :O


Shitting Fury Road? Show some respect to the best movie of the year please.

I mean, I like AoU, but no, regarding Phase 2 stuff it's only better than TDW.

Also, your tag is gone :O



And I agree-Fury Road is the best of all the movies being discussed here. In a perfect world it would be he highest grossing.
wow I can rewatch more marvel movies than GOB, hell hath frozen over lol. cap 2 has the best initial 30 minutes of any of their efforts but man i'm not really feeling the direction it goes to once they find that underground bunker.

guardians is the most rewatchable imo. i really hope they keep the sequel fairly separated from the rest of the mcu, yeah name drop thanos a couple times whatever but i don't need cameos or anything. after xmen and suicide squad that's my most anticipated comic book movie (until a batman solo is announced too)
wow I can rewatch more marvel movies than GOB, hell hath frozen over lol. cap 2 has the best initial 30 minutes of any of their efforts but man i'm not really feeling the direction it goes to once they find that underground bunker.
Hahaha, yeah. I think it's been around a year since I've rewatched any Marvel film that isn't Cap 2. Damn, I've kinda changed lol.

For me I don't think the direction is too hot past the initial SHIELD vs HYDRA standoff. The action and framing kinda takes a dip but is still plenty of fun to watch. I also feel that the stakes could've maybe been presented a little better.

I can understand the bunker scene being a turnoff, though. Scientist living on in 70s computers can be a tough pill to swallow in the midst of all the grounded (relatively speaking) stuff.
guardians is the most rewatchable imo. i really hope they keep the sequel fairly separated from the rest of the mcu, yeah name drop thanos a couple times whatever but i don't need cameos or anything. after xmen and suicide squad that's my most anticipated comic book movie (until a batman solo is announced too)
I liked Guardians the first three times, but I find it hard to go back to now that I know the punchlines and don't find then that funny anymore. The action isn't anything special either, so there isn't anything to look forward to there. I think over reliance on humour hurts the film in the long run.

Oh yeah, Gamora is such a weak character too. Really distracting.

My most hyped comic movies are Suicide Squad, Civil War and the Batgod solo that we all know is coming. I ain't hyped for Doc Strange because it has to be the best MCU movie and I know that it won't be.


Lol I just checked the biggest box office films worldwide when adjusted for inflation. Gone With The Wind laughs heartily at your paltry AoU and TFA!! Lol


AOU did 100 million less than The Avengers... What the hell are you talking about?, they're going strong.

What are YOU talking about? I borrowed this graph from Jason Chaffetz to illustrate just how hard AoU cratered.


If this trend continues, eventually Marvel movies will be making zero dollars. It's just math, the Age of Marvel is done.
Pretty big Avengers stan and don't see what the big deal is with Star Wars...but I think VII will take it for money. I don't "get" SW but apparently everyone else does. Would be okay with being wrong on this (or right, for that matter).

Marvel has yet to really give me a huge letdown for loud popcorn stuff, so the track record helps me lean easily to them having the more enjoyable/better flick for me personally.

Would go see AOU a couple times, then SW, then AOU some more.

I'm the best.

Marvel films are consistently enjoyable and go pretty broad - especially THE AVENGERS - but Star Wars is, as said earlier in this thread, a different beast. Everyone is on it. Not surprised at all about the box office being left in tatters.

I enjoyed AOU for what it was - another Saturday morning cartoon episode and nothing wrong with that. Thor stuff needed to breath but eh, shit's supposed to be loud. Solos have been much stronger in MCU.

TFA was pretty damn good, and I don't care much for Star Wars either. I imagine that if I had grown up on Star Wars instead of Marvel I'd probably enjoy it even more! Didn't like how much it stole from Guardians of the Galaxy though.
holy shit are you actually checking this to see if I'm being serious

The bias is real for me though, buying whatever Marvel is selling (aside from Thor or Hulk movies, oof).

Asides, the real surprise this year is Jurassic Park, even more so than FF7. Franchise was on the rise and then there was the notoriety surrounding the fate of Brian.

God bless the true believers who thought MCU could topple the cultural juggernaut that is Star Wars.

Slightly OT: score in both movies were pretty tight. AoU probably a bit more forgettable during the movie but dem themes.

Also, none of this actually matters, hope no one is legitimately catching feelings!


What are YOU talking about? I borrowed this graph from Jason Chaffetz to illustrate just how hard AoU cratered.


If this trend continues, eventually Marvel movies will be making zero dollars. It's just math, the Age of Marvel is done.

This is hilarious!


AoU getting stomped commercially and critically by TFA is one of the best things to happen in the movie industry for 2015. I thought the film was forgettable by the numbers superhero film #154. Garbage. Didn't like the first either, but it had the novelty of being the first movie to teamup with other hero's so I don't despise it as much.

Bloody great reading this thread from page 1. Disney wins regardless so it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
What are YOU talking about? I borrowed this graph from Jason Chaffetz to illustrate just how hard AoU cratered.


If this trend continues, eventually Marvel movies will be making zero dollars. It's just math, the Age of Marvel is done.

Either you already work for FOX News or they seriously need to hire you ASAP

DEM' Chart Skills Elite!
What are YOU talking about? I borrowed this graph from Jason Chaffetz to illustrate just how hard AoU cratered.


If this trend continues, eventually Marvel movies will be making zero dollars. It's just math, the Age of Marvel is done.
Lol I love that. Please tell me that was really used by someone to cry doom and gloom for the Marvel franchise.

Awwww looks like you made it. Still kudos that's great.
Keep on trollin, I'm sure you'll get someone riled up eventually. Though maybe try a little subtlelty and don't undermine your accusations of immaturity by playing the part of salty man-baby.
Are you trolling too? Am I trolling?

I despise all of these superhero movies and I don't go to see them either. I'm allowed to dislike them without being a troll.
Are you trolling too? Am I trolling?

I despise all of these superhero movies and I don't go to see them either. I'm allowed to dislike them without being a troll.

Are you implying that all marvel fans are immature toddlers whilst expressing your hate?

Cause that's the trolling part


love on your sleeve
You did fine. A lot of people in this thread came out thumping their chests like gorillas on how AOU was going to squash TFA and they deserve the shit they get now that there's an obvious winner. Shouldn't have posted in this thread if you didn't want to be called on it afterward. Have any of them even come back here to admit they were wrong? THAT would be "being a bigger man".

This isn't a good example for the children out there. Young Neo-Gaffers, please don't behave like this person.
I am not baiting. I legitimately thought the movie was boring. I found myself surfing the web on my phone numerous times throughout the movie, and my wife also thought it was stupid.

Well at least you found each other.
Its important to date within a similar gene pool.


AoU needed six months of scripting. There's excellence in there thwarted by their need to rush these films. As such, they stop being events.


This thread is hilarious, especially the people giving other people shit for predicting Jurassic World would make more than Avengers.


Both movies had issues.
Both movies were kind of remakes of the previous but with twists to make it "different."
Both movies were pretty darn predictable.
Both movies did some magic hand wavy to make things work/plausible/make sense.

But I'd rather see TFA again than Age of Ultron.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

You don't know the power of the dark side.

This thread is hilarious, especially the people giving other people shit for predicting Jurassic World would make more than Avengers.

Yeah Jurassic World was the real surprise for me. Felt like it came out of nowhere in terms of pre-release hype vs. box office performance. Maybe it was just the circles I run in weren't excited for it though.
This thread is hilarious, especially the people giving other people shit for predicting Jurassic World would make more than Avengers.

This happens every year, and these threads are always bumped. Feels like the forgone winners are NEVER accurate. Nobody called JW and FF being top 3 material lol.


This thread is hilarious. Oh, poor Disney must be crying themselves to sleep because of Star Wars beating Age of Ultron. They can kiss their business goodbye.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I just read through this entire thread for the first time, and man was it a hoot! If I had participated in the thread initially I probably would have honestly predicted that AoU would be better and gross more than TFA, and I would have been squarely wrong.


I think Age of Ultron was a better movie.

Nope, sorry but no. I'm a huge Marvel fan and I honestly like all of their movies (even Thor!), but AoU is not a better movie than TFA. It might be better than JW, but not TFA.

And to the people dissing Mad Max in here, what's wrong with you? Mad Max is one of the best action movies made since Die Hard, do you just hate action movies?

At this point I think the OP's questions have been answered and TFA wins on all counts. A better discussion now would be: Will TFA end up beating Avatar's numbers in the end? I think it will come in above JW but just under Titanic in 3rd place.
It still surprises me people thought this wouldn't perform better than AoU, just like it surprises me that people think BvS is unlikely to break the billion barrier.


It still surprises me people thought this wouldn't perform better than AoU, just like it surprises me that people think BvS is unlikely to break the billion barrier.

The odds of it happening are questionable at best but imagine if BvS performs and reviews better than AoU. Hahaha, yea right. #HackSnyder


It still surprises me people thought this wouldn't perform better than AoU, just like it surprises me that people think BvS is unlikely to break the billion barrier.

BvS isn't going to break the billion barrier.

Man of Steel only did 668 million WW, and BvS a) has no buzz with the mass audience, and b) looks shitty. And I love DC far above Marvel.


Ehh...still within my prediction. We'll see if domestic managed to hit 1B then we'll celebrate.

Foreign gross pretty standard for high profile release, and China remains to be seen considering this isn't the Star Wars that have Donnie Yen in it.

Wooooo! Time to celebrate!


BvS isn't going to break the billion barrier.

Man of Steel only did 668 million WW, and BvS a) has no buzz with the mass audience, and b) looks shitty. And I love DC far above Marvel.

Superman without Batman made 668 million.
Batman without Superman made a billion
Batman + Superman + Wonder Woman = profit.

Belie dat
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