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Overwatch's Laughably Convenient Ageism / Sexism


"non-ludotypical body types for women"

what does this even mean ?

ludo and non-ludotypical are not defined and show zero search results in google.

someone educate me right quik

Ludo is "play," so I just coined it. Not typical for games.


Yes you should, it's not your game. You don't get to tell the artists what they should make. If you don't like it don't buy it.

That said, I'm all for a diverse cast in games. You can have all different kinds of ages, colors and races in the game and I'll be 100% fine with it (why wouldn't I be). What I'm not fine with is when people constantly tells other people what they should put in their games or else they'll get offended and start to cry about it. The artists clearly made the characters they wanted to make, and that's the way it should be. Maybe they'll make more old people down the line so you'll be happy.

As a consumer, I have every right to criticize. If the artist chose to change their vision to appeal to a wider audience (as they clearly did with varying the body types for women), then that serves as an indication to me they're willing to have an open discussion about issues in representation what they themselves may not be aware of. On top of that, the descriptions for why the women are magically youthful compared to their male counterparts shows a glaring lack of symmetry.
I would assume Pharah is a Muslim given that she's Egyptian. However religions aren't really highlighted at all in Overwatch. The bigger issue here, which I highlighted earlier, is that the cast of heroes is incredibly America and Euro centric. There are only two heroes from Africa or Latin America (Pharah, Lucio), while everyone else is basically from America, Europe, and Australia. Asia has some good representation (Japan, China), but that's not a new thing for video games.

There are actually more non-human heroes than there are African or Latino heroes.

don't want assumptions

Are you being serious? There's no religious representation in Overwatch other than some costumes like Symmetra.

so we have religious representation then?
Yes you should, it's not your game. You don't get to tell the artists what they should make. If you don't like it don't buy it.

That said, I'm all for a diverse cast in games. You can have all different kinds of ages, colors and races in the game and I'll be 100% fine with it (why wouldn't I be). What I'm not fine with is when people constantly tells other people what they should put in their games or else they'll get offended and start to cry about it. The artists clearly made the characters they wanted to make, and that's the way it should be. Maybe they'll make more old people down the line so you'll be happy.

Artists should definitely make the kinds of thing they want to make, but on the flipside, if you're making a product for an audience, taking feedback and constructive criticism into account from that audience is absolutely the nature of the beast. That's been the job of art critics, film critics, music critics, and the role of engaged fanmail, community forums, phone calls, etc. for decades. And Overwatch/Blizzard in particular specifically encourages taking feedback into account.

To make a game that makes noone offended by the lack of a certain minority or race or age or caractheristic would require a roster of 300 ~

Is that what the OP is asking for?


Can we just stop all of this pointing fingers garbage. We're guys and we notoriously like younger women. Why? Because biologically they produce better (or in some cases more frequent) quality off-spring.

Its not sexist its natural science, asking them to stop is asking all men to apologize for being men. Yes, guys can be sexist pigs but that's more of a personal choice not a biological pre-determined decision.

That's the point, 'we' aren't all guys. You might be and I am, but not everyone is. Even then, I don't just find female characters interesting based on sex appeal, a large cast like Overwatch shouldn't need to tie itself in knots writing background to keep all the female characters young. By all means have plenty of pretty girls in your game (I love Tracer's design and concept as a character/superhero), but is there no room for even a couple of older female characters even in such a large, veteran fantasy organisation?

Reminds me of one of the Xmen comics I read as a kid, where the female characters are talking to the (almost universally physically mutated) morlocks about ye old 'we can get along with humans something something'. One of the morlocks looks at Storm/Rogue/Jean (can't remember, it was the 80s, the mutant massacre storyline) and says 'of course it's easy for you, you're all really beautiful and can fit in!' (Or words to that effect). The male Xmen were allowed to be physically mutated and older as long as it gave them superpowers, but the girls had to be young and pretty before getting mutations that were easily hidden.

It did mean that, years later, I always had a soft spot for Marrow, who had a cranial distortion as well as constantly growing extra bone spikes out of her back that she could use as a personal armoury. She was rude and not very nice, but at least the physical deformity made her sillouhette stand out.


Reinhardt, 76 and Torb are old and lack what would be a traditional face for someone of that age,(wrinkles etc) according to what you are laying out in the OP.

But I in the end I find it as a non issue to me.
The second most spoken language in the world is Spanish and there are 0 heroes that come from a native Spanish speaking country, that and the all women must be beautiful in this game is something I hope Blizzard addresses soon.
Because society puts things that way, so we should all be responsible for challenging it.

There are literally some women who are so afraid of getting old because of the way society treats them that their self esteem is ruined & they resort to extreme plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatment which ruins their bodies.

I don't know where you live, but in my country, botox is frighteningly common for 40+ women. I'm obviously not saying that's due to Overwatch not creating a mature female avatar, but it's most definitely a result of rampant ageism towards women especially.

Proper representation in gaming will go a long way in teaching the youngest generation that it's okay to grow older.

Let's say Mei was an old looking woman.

People in China would start to argue:

"Our character is old, why can't Blizzard give us Korea's character?"
"Even America get's a young person skin, why can't Mei?"
"Germany is old too, guess America's vision of us because of communism hasn't changed after all this time"

etc, and so on.

Instead we have a character with a creative back story instead of one that's focused on social agenda's.

Terrible post. That's not how this works, man.
Let's say Mei was an old looking woman.

People in China would start to argue:

"Our character is old, why can't Blizzard give us Korea's character?"
"Even America get's a young person skin, why can't Mei?"
"Germany is old too, guess America's vision of us because of communism hasn't changed after all this time"

etc, and so on.

Instead we have a character with a creative back story instead of one that's focused on social agenda's.


Being a citizen of country X luckily doesn't make you a follower of any religion.

Her name is Fareeha Amari.
Does that do enough for you...if not then what else do you want them to do to make sure of that? Specifically mention it in her bio that she is muslim.


Junkrat is pretty cute to me in a crazy archetype way. And roadhog doesn't even show his face so i already caught the fat shamers in this thread. Let's see them try to dodge this one.


Well, what I meant is that Junkrat and Roadhog are not considered "beautiful" or "sexy" according to society's beauty standards and stuff, you know. But hey, I like Junkrat and Roadhog too, personally, they're fun.


Does this stop anyone from having fun?

You can enjoy - even love - something and still be critical of it. If you are not critical of the media you love, you may as well be an open wallet, and just let companies have their say with you.


Out of 21 heroes there is not a single vegan, australoid woman - let alone one that isn't straight.. duhh!
Sexist Blizzard is sexist.


Regarding the topic, I really liked that one of the main villains in the new Doom was a woman seemingly in her late 60s. She reminded me a lot of a former boss of mine :D


best junior ever
While I get your argument and agree that older women should be represented, I don't understand why you went for Overwatch which is a game that by the games industry standards is at least trying to be inclusive. Yes Blizzard have made some cultural and maybe sexist missteps but I really don't think this is the game that should be targeted for being non-inclusive, I think the argument is one for the entire industry. Let's not attack companies that are trying to make steps towards the right direction no matter how small they may be, they should be praised and encouraged to make more inclusive characters not attacked. Aggression will get us nowhere and will only lead to people pushing back.


Her name is Fareeha Amari.
Does that do enough for you...if not then what else do you want them to do to make sure of that? Specifically mention it in her bio that she is muslim.
She could be a scientologist for all we know.

It's all pure speculation.
don't want assumptions

so we have religious representation then?

I can't think of any Muslim Overwatch characters, but we got this guy in a game this year:



Her name is Fareeha Amari.
Does that do enough for you...if not then what else do you want them to do to make sure of that? Specifically mention it in her bio that she is muslim.

Her name and ethnicity tell you nothing about her spiritual beliefs, though.

And that's fine. I don't really care to know what any of the characters think about the existence of God.
Mercy being 37 doesnt really make sense age wise to me since shes a founding member. Not that it matters, as the fanbase views her as the 'mom' of the game.

How long ago were the original team around? It could just mean that she was on the younger side when the original team were a thing.


Mei actually sounds older in some interaction dialogue when she's not doing her cute voice. I've had some people in my group saying "that doesn't sound like Mei!". I guess it just depends on her cadence but I personally think she sounds her age.

There's also the fact that girls in many asian cultures have mannerism, speech patterns and cadence that sounds younger than their counterparts in other cultures.
True but why knock overwatch which is already trying to take steps in having more unique characters. Sure they will not get everything right the first go around but there are still more characters to be released so lets see what happens.
This is literally all fighting games. Old females are strictly prohibited.
yes, it's very common in fighting games too. I used this as part of an essay I did for uni.

Female characters in games are, most of the time, some variation of the hourglass form. Whereas male characters can be conventionally attractive, can be roided out, can be hugely overweight, can be grotesquely shaped.

It's very obvious in Street Fighter V:
The entire cast is incredibly muscular, but notice the male body shapes vs. the female body shapes. If you removed their identifying character traits, the women would appear the same while the men would not.


Remember when Claire Redfield's design for RE Revelations 2 was revealed? To this day people call this design "ugly as fuck"

Despite it being a good representation of what a version of this character would look in her 30s?

While I was (and still am) cool with Claire's design, it was proof that gamers don't really want aged women in their games. It's hard to find the right balance.

Just look at games like Tekken or Soul Calibur, where the timeline keeps moving and women stay the same.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
True but why knock overwatch which is already trying to take steps in having more unique characters. Sure they will not get everything right the first go around but there are still more characters to be released so lets see what happens.

"Knocking" games for only having slim women is almost certainly part of why Blizzard tried to do better with Overwatch. Voicing these concerns matters

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wouldn't say Reinhardt or 76 are 'ugly'. They've both got what are considered desirable facial features.

Tobjorn is the only real 'ugly' character, male or female.
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