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Bernie or Busters are flocking Philly to protest DNC, city projecting 35-50k protesto

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I dunno about 30-50k...more like 3-5k?



Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
This is a pretty common sentiment, so I have a question. What can she do to prove to you that she's trustworthy? Going by the way people have responded to her policies and positions as "flip-flopping" or doing whatever to get elected, it seems like people won't trust she'll actually champion the issues she says she will until she's already in office and championing these bills in Congress. Which means that it's impossible for her to get people to trust her before the election. So what would it take for you to take her at her word before November 8?
Some people have huge trust issues with her, so I can't speak for them. However, one of my biggest issues with her is her relationship with Wall Street. Clinton says she wants to end Citizens United, but it's no secret that her campaign has benefited from her various super-pacs. We don't know exactly who have donated to these super-pacs, so we don't know if they could have an influence on her policies. I want to know who is donating to her, or at least a general idea of who her big donators are. Additionally, Clinton was paid a large amount of money to make speeches at Wall Street banks. This does not help assure me that she isn't beholden to corporate interests, especially considering that we don't have the transcripts for many of these speeches. I want her campaign to release transcripts of all the speeches to assure me that she is not hiding anything.


Feels like the only possible way to salvage this election at this point is to oust Clinton as the nominee and throw all the support behind Sanders in a last ditch effort to gather all the disillusioned voters behind a message of reform and transparency. Those e-mails would mean absolutely NOTHING in a Sanders vs Trump election and so this ploy by the russians/wikileaks would fall on its face.

Of course this is complete fantasy and would never happen, so I fully expect the Democrats to lose this fall. I'm absolutely in the "anyone-but-Trump" camp so I'll be out there voting for Hillary, but I'm going into this fully expecting her to lose.

It would never happen, but I think it would a better shot than she will have.

I think she is going to get destroyed in the debates - even if she's on the right side of things, her history and cronies, DNC drama, e-mails, etc., just makes her such a target for Trump to paint as a hypocrite.


Some people have huge trust issues with her, so I can't speak for them. However, one of my biggest issues with her is her relationship with Wall Street. Clinton says she wants to end Citizens United, but it's no secret that her campaign has benefited from her various super-pacs. We don't know exactly who have donated to these super-pacs, so we don't know if they could have an influence on her policies. I want to know who is donating to her, or at least a general idea of who her big donators are. Additionally, Clinton was paid a large amount of money to make speeches at Wall Street banks. This does not help assure me that she isn't beholden to corporate interests, especially considering that we don't have the transcripts for many of these speeches. I want her campaign to release transcripts of all the speeches to assure me that she is not hiding anything.

In one of the leaked emails she asks Lynn Rothschild what 'penance' she owes her. I can dig it up if you'd like.
There are people who simply don't want anything to do with either of them. Let that sink in.

There are people who gave up everything to fight in the Occupy movement and would rather die than get behind a candidate who has Citibank, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs as 3 of her 5 largest donors. They don't see her as any less of the real problem than Trump.

There are minorities who see that police killings, privatized prisons and disproportionate arrests and convictions still happen in Democrat states, and think the argument that only Hillary can stop the barbarians at the gate is just part of the big lie.

There are people who either come from, or have relatives in countries that exploitationist US policy has ravaged, worse than the fears people have for Trump, and want to vote for a future outside of the two parties who propagate that system.

There aren't only two possible visions of the future, or only one ethical vote.
Beautiful speech. Doesn't change a single thing I said. It really doesn't matter if JP Morgan himself is running. You not voting for JP Morgan benefits Trump. You are not finishing the sentence. "I'm not voting for anyone" is followed by "It may help Hillary or it may help Trump". Putting your head in the sand about the second part does not make it go away. Let me break it down further and distribute the possibilities.

Trump Benefits:
1) A person voting for Trump. ~ Trump +1, Hillary 0.
2) A person who wants to vote for Bernie sits it out. Lost vote. ~ Trump 0, Hillary -1.

Hillary Benefits:
3) A person voting for Hillary. ~ Hillary +1, Trump 0.
4) A person who wants to vote for Ted Cruz sits it out. Lost vote. ~ Hillary 0, Trump -1.

Then there's #5, which you are not part of. This is truly the wildcard vote. It may vote for Hillary or Trump or Neither. Its a Random Robot. Since we do not know it's preference, there is no valid way of ascertaining whether the Random Robot is a progressive, conservative, or a crazypants Vermin Supreme supporter. Random Robots are very hard to screen polls too. But we know from your posts that you're a #2. You're a lost Hillary voter, and that benefits Trump.


aka Mannny
I haven't voted the last two times I've been eligible to vote. I'm voting this time not because I believe my vote makes a difference. I'm voting not because people are telling me to. I voting not because Hilary is my ideal candidate. I'm voting because the alternative to Hilary is trump and I'd rather say I played my part when all this shit goes down than sit and do nothing. Not voting for Hilary literally makes trump that much closer to office. Even if you're the type that doesn't believe in all this or the type that thinks that it's all fucked anyways at least play some little part in feeling like you did something. Taking action is better than not voting even if you believe you're not doing anything at all by checking a name on that ballet.


You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.
Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted.

Can you give me some examples?


You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.

I, as well as many, have made this bluntly clear that a 3rd party is not viable in the United States, that best case scenario is that none of the three or four current candidates will reach the 270 electoral votes to win, and the House of Representatives will have to choose. Since the House is dominated by Republicans, the automatic winner is Trump.

Also, I voted for Sanders, he lost, and now I have to go to the next viable candidate that is closest to him, which is Clinton.


Can you give me some examples?

How would I do that? Sure I could give you a link to various articles on the topic, but you can easily wave them away as bias, of which some may very well be, so there is no real point.

It's very clear to everyone irregardless of political standing that Hillary has in the past manipulated the system for self gain. Lets not kid ourselves here.
You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.

Show your work. I don't think you understand what you are talking about. I don't think my choice sucks at all.


How would I do that? Sure I could give you a link to various articles on the topic, but you can easily wave them away as bias, of which some may very well be, so there is no real point.

It's very clear to everyone irregardless of political standing that Hillary has in the past manipulated the system for self gain. Lets not kid ourselves here.

Ok, you have no interest in backing up your claims. Good job!
You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.
I think re: Clinton you're appealing to our feelings but on GAF we're gonna require something called facts.


Man, listening to Trump right now, it's so clear that Bernie or Bust people are playing right into this guy's hands.

ACE 1991

I participated in the Clean Energy Revolution March yesterday in Philly and every media outlet is positioning the march as some Bernie rally offshoot, effectively shifting the focus away from the actual issues that the march sought to bring into the conversation. How infuriating.
Is Hillary really favoured still? CNN is putting Trump ahead of Hillary by 5 points in the polls once you include third party candidates.


Post convention bump.
Its July.
Wait till after the DNC to recheck numbers.
Check at the end of August.
You shouldn't even look at a 'national poll' as a barometer, check individual swing states.

That being said, if Trump wins, Bernie or Bust kids better not cry about what he does to this country.


How would I do that? Sure I could give you a link to various articles on the topic, but you can easily wave them away as bias, of which some may very well be, so there is no real point.

It's very clear to everyone irregardless of political standing that Hillary has in the past manipulated the system for self gain. Lets not kid ourselves here.

You could just give the poster who asked for some examples any kind of examples. Whether or not they will dismiss them because of bias doesn't matter. Just providing the links to what you are referencing is fulfilling what was asked already.


I participated in the Clean Energy Revolution March yesterday in Philly and every media outlet is positioning the march as some Bernie rally offshoot, effectively shifting the focus away from the actual issues that the march sought to bring into the conversation. How infuriating.

That is upsetting :( I guess manufacturing an insurgent "revolution" and keeping the horse race going is worth more media clicks and air time than a real conversation on clean energy.

The Llama

I participated in the Clean Energy Revolution March yesterday in Philly and every media outlet is positioning the march as some Bernie rally offshoot, effectively shifting the focus away from the actual issues that the march sought to bring into the conversation. How infuriating.
It seemed like most people from that march walked over to join yesterday afternoons Bernie march, which is probably where that narrative came from, but I do agree. It sucks the issues raised there aren getting enough attention.
Post convention bump.
Its July.
Wait till after the DNC to recheck numbers.
Check at the end of August.
You shouldn't even look at a 'national poll' as a barometer, check individual swing states.

That being said, if Trump wins, Bernie or Bust kids better not cry about what he does to this country.

I'd say the same thing to people who voted for HRC instead of Bernie in the primaries - hope it was worth it.
You could just give the poster who asked for some examples any kind of examples. Whether or not they will dismiss them because of bias doesn't matter. Just providing the links to what you are referencing is fulfilling what was asked already.

I've seen this exact thing happen so many times on this board that its honestly not worth providing links - anything on HRC ALWAYS gets handwaved away. Every time. The information is out there, none of it is state secret.
I'd say the same thing to people who voted for HRC instead of Bernie in the primaries - hope it was worth it.

I've seen this exact thing happen so many times on this board that its honestly not worth providing links - anything on HRC ALWAYS gets handwaved away. Every time. The information is out there, none of it is state secret.

On CNN just now, Busters want the super delegates to over turn the peoples vote and support Bernie. It is lunacy.

She won in every way, it's over. You are now presented with a binary choice. Hillary or Donald, whats it gonna be.

So you going to vote for Clinton?
I think I will end up voting for Clinton because the third-party candidates, quite frankly, suck, but were someone of Naderian caliber running, he/she would likely get my vote, though I don't live in a swing state.
You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.

There is so much bullshit and hyperbole in this post I don't even want to bother.
Most of these idiot man babies weren't going to show up to vote in November. This is all about being loud, obnoxious and craving attention. Behaviour similarly observed in children not getting exactly what they wanted on x-mas. It will amount to nothing.

ACE 1991

That is upsetting :( I guess manufacturing an insurgent "revolution" and keeping the horse race going is worth more media clicks and air time than a real conversation on clean energy.

It seemed like most people from that march walked over to join yesterday afternoons Bernie march, which is probably where that narrative came from, but I do agree. It sucks the issues raised there aren getting enough attention.

Yeah, more or less. Oh well, I kind of thought that this would happen.
You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.
You have anything to base those bolded statements on?
Most of these idiot man babies weren't going to show up to vote in November. This is all about being loud, obnoxious and craving attention. Behaviour similarly observed in children not getting exactly what they wanted on x-mas. It will amount to nothing.

exactly. They are a minority at this point, just super loud, super obnoxious, and super dumb.
How would I do that? Sure I could give you a link to various articles on the topic, but you can easily wave them away as bias, of which some may very well be, so there is no real point.

It's very clear to everyone irregardless of political standing that Hillary has in the past manipulated the system for self gain. Lets not kid ourselves here.

Then you wouldn't have a problem providing facts, and not opinion piece editorials...
So the Republicans are going full Ku Klux, the Democrats turned out to be actually conspiring against a very popular candidate, the Liberals are still too cooky to lead any country.

How's it going over there America?

Like it or not, the majority of America is not liberal nor they support sanders policy. Hillary won by a huge margin excluding the super delegates. Liberals are only about 28% of the US population. The majority are moderates who identify as independent or have some leans towards the left or the right.

Some people should really get educated. The DNC did have a bias against Sanders according to the emails, but that doesn't change the fact that Hillary is the rightful nominee. And imo their bias against him are somewhat justified. His policies aren't very realistic nor will they appeal to majority of the US population. His tax plan is just not going to be supported even by some left leaning Democrats. His vague plans to fix some issues are not helping his case either. He makes great points and has worked with Hillary to implement some of his plans. I am not sure why is that not enough for some people.


What started with the best of intentions has turned into a destructive monster beyond anyone's control. Poor Bernie.

Humans are the worst.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
How would I do that? Sure I could give you a link to various articles on the topic, but you can easily wave them away as bias, of which some may very well be, so there is no real point.
Well, do you have anything that cites fully substantiated accusations? If there's empirical data or an actual finding of wrongdoing from a credible, authoritative source it should be worth posting.

For example, I don't think anyone would really dispute that Clinton is one of the more Wall St. friendly politicians, given the ample evidence of campaign donations and fees from speaking engagements (even if we don't know the exact amounts).

It's very clear to everyone irregardless of political standing that Hillary has in the past manipulated the system for self gain. Lets not kid ourselves here.
I surely agree she's a politician with a fair degree of personal ambition, but let's not kid ourselves that she's the only one. Anyone running for president isn't doing it strictly for altruistic reasons. In terms of "manipulating the system" though, what exactly are you referring to?
On CNN just now, Busters want the super delegates to over turn the peoples vote and support Bernie. It is lunacy.

She won in every way, it's over. You are now presented with a binary choice. Hillary or Donald, whats it gonna be.

So you going to vote for Clinton?

I'm not presented with a binary choice - I can vote for whomever I want; 3rd party, fill-in, etc.

I don't want the super delegates overturned at all. Hillary won, no question about that - she should have no problem winning without my vote against Trump. I just will not be voting for her.

This isn't a hostage situation - there isn't anything she can do to get me, a lifelong liberal & democrat, to vote for her. I want the will of the people to be followed, and that is for her to be the DNC Nominee & Democratic candidate in November. But just because I want democracy to be adhered to does NOT mean I have to/will vote for her.

WTF is this shit?

Stupid statement. Hillary won, Bernie lost... it is not remotely the same thing.

In the same way that Democrats or Hillary supporters will throw a Trump win in the face of democrats/libs who refused to vote for her, so to will those same people who did not want her to be the Democratic representative and are in no way Trump supporters throw it in the face of those same people who pushed Hillary in the face of polls that indicated Bernie had a better shot at beating Trump than she did during the primaries.

At the same time, I really wouldn't even get into finger pointing really should Trump win - if he does it, it'll be because he managed to convince more people to vote for him than anyone else.
I'm not presented with a binary choice - I can vote for whomever I want.

I don't want the super delegates overturned at all. Hillary won, no question about that - she should have no problem winning without my vote against Trump. I just will not be voting for her.
Congratulations, you have just given half a vote to Trump. Hope you're not in a swing state.

How about, you can vote for Clinton this time, and then maybe in the next election cycle, a candidate like Bernie will have another shot again.

ACE 1991

I'm not presented with a binary choice - I can vote for whomever I want.

I don't want the super delegates overturned at all. Hillary won, no question about that - she should have no problem winning without my vote against Trump. I just will not be voting for her.

This isn't a hostage situation - there isn't anything she can do to get me, a lifelong liberal & democrat, to vote for her. I want the will of the people to be followed, and that is for her to be the DNC Nominee & Democratic candidate in November. But just because I want democracy to be adhered to does NOT mean I have to/will vote for her.

And what if it's a close election with Trump coming out on top? How will you feel about your decision?


You Americans are certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have quite frankly two terrible candidates, one of which will become your leader. A candidate that takes avantage of peoples fears, who pushes an idle of intolerance and exclusion. A wealthy man who says he stands against the money in politics, but ironically has been a major part of that very transaction over many years, who now looks to get in the white house to ''help the every man''? I don't think so.

Then on the other hand you have a candidate who is pretty much the face of corruption in politics. A person who has constantly shown a disregard for ethics and 'constitutional behaviour'. A woman who has shown time and time again that she can not be trusted. One represents a shallow and ignorant attitude that could damage your country in a multiple of ways. Then the other, who represents everything currently wrong with your countrys politics, things that have been happening for far too long. Like I said, your choice sucks.

One of the saddest things I've seen out of all this, made even more clear to me by reading through this thread, is how the initial idea of elections and democracy has been in some regards lost. Because of the decision your country is faced with and its potential outcome, the phrase ''vote for the lesser of two evils'' has risen. Many people on this thread (driven by fear) are pushing others to ''vote for the lesser evil''. Elections and democracy is about voting for the candidate that you want in office, the candidate that represents you, your views and opinions the most. The fact that people feel that no longer applies now, and need to force others to forget it is a rather sad side effect to all this. I wonder how many of those who voted for Hillary in the primaries, are the ones saying that a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump...Maybe just maybe a vote for Hilliary instead of Bernie Sanders was a vote for Trump. How ironic.

Isn't this what a 3rd party is for? Isn't this the perfect time to show that a 3rd party vote isnt a waste? I know the chances are extremely slim, but imagine what message the American people would make if neither Trump or Clinton won.

Don't even attempt to rationalize your opinion of the Election on these forums unless you're Pro-Hillary. Prepare for a flood of insults and people demanding you prove all your points with a dissertation.


Kills Photobucket
So did they announce DWS isn't taking the stage, or has the DNC just said "fuck this election" and decided to give the GOP some nice chaos clips from the convention floor?
Don't even attempt to rationalize your opinion of the Election on these forums unless you're Pro-Hillary. Prepare for a flood of insults and people demanding you prove all your points with a dissertation.
People asking for proof of statements someone makes is not something strange is it?


Kills Photobucket
Don't even attempt to rationalize your opinion of the Election on these forums unless you're Pro-Hillary. Prepare for a flood of insults and people demanding you prove all your points with a dissertation.

Well, lets be honest, if you're not voting for Hillary, you're fine with a racist twat like Trump becoming President. Even if you're not voting for him, even if you're voting third party you're making his election more of a possibility by not supporting the one candidate who can beat him.

Not to mention the two third party candidates are either a climate change denier or a borderline anti-vaxer.
Don't even attempt to rationalize your opinion of the Election on these forums unless you're Pro-Hillary. Prepare for a flood of insults and people demanding you prove all your points with a dissertation.

This persecution complex is becoming very tiresome. And I say that as someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries. People aren't attacked for not being gung ho about Hillary. They are usually attacked because their reasoning for not voting typically makes no sense at all. When their points are challenged, they throw a fit. Happens in nearly every thread.

I don't plan on slapping a Hillary-Kaine sticker on my car. You won't ever hear me going "YAAS QUEEN". I'm going to vote for her in November so that Bernie's platform still has a chance in the future. I'm voting because the alternative is far, far worse. I'm not going to fight every battle for Clinton, but I am going to my part and vote.


Yeah I'm sure the best course of action is to nominate Sanders over Clinton.

If we are dumping Hillary and ignoring the entire primary process we might as well get Biden in there to actually stand a chance of winning.
Biden, Bernie, whomever just replace Hillary and we good
And what if it's a close election with Trump coming out on top? How will you feel about your decision?

I went out & voted for a Primary candidate that I could get behind & feel good about voting for & their potential prospects in the General. That wasn't the will of the people, they wanted someone else. As far as i'm concerned, my conscious is clean.

HRC didn't just win, she got way more votes than either Bernie or Trump did in his respective primary. And i'm not some fool who thinks he's in some majority - the overwhelming majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Clinton come November. But me? I don't think I can live with myself voting for HRC.

So, if she losses in November, it won't be because a fringe group of people who hold their ideals about US politics couldn't reconcile their beliefs with HRC long enough to vote for her; it'll be because Trump was able to garner more voters than she was.
This persecution complex is becoming very tiresome. And I say that as someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries. People aren't attacked for not being gung ho about Hillary. They are usually attacked because their reasoning for not voting typically makes no sense at all. When their points are challenged, they throw a fit. Happens in nearly every thread.

Yep, I also voted for Bernie, but guess what he isn't the nominee and I'm first and foremost a democrat who wants to see those ideals moved forward. Do you want to see Obama's work done in the past eight years move forward or do you want to see everything erased? Those are the only two choices this election, we aren't a three party system guys, this isn't gonna happen.

Trump and everything he does, SCOTUS lost for a generation, etc.

Continuation of Obama, securing SCOTUS for a generation, etc.

Pick one, that is the reality.

So, if she losses in November, it won't be because a fringe group of people who hold their ideals about US politics couldn't reconcile their beliefs with HRC long enough to vote for her; it'll be because Trump was able to garner more voters than she was.

Such an ironic statement. Wonder why she wasn't able to garner the votes...

Couldn't have anything to do with people who took their toys and went home.

You cannot live with voting for Clinton, but you can live with Trump winning and not voting. Odd.
I went out & voted for a Primary candidate that I could get behind & feel good about voting for & their potential prospects in the General. That wasn't the will of the people, they wanted someone else. As far as i'm concerned, my conscious is clean.

HRC didn't just win, she got way more votes than either Bernie or Trump did in his respective primary. And i'm not some fool who thinks he's in some majority - the overwhelming majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Clinton come November. But me? I don't think I can live with myself voting for HRC.

So, if she losses in November, it won't be because a fringe group of people who hold their ideals about US politics couldn't reconcile their beliefs with HRC long enough to vote for her; it'll be because Trump was able to garner more voters than she was.
This post makes no sense. If Trump wins, it is because he has more voters. But that is not my problem, because I didn't vote.

You see how that becomes a problem if enough people think that way?


HRC didn't just win, she got way more votes than either Bernie or Trump did in his respective primary. And i'm not some fool who thinks he's in some majority - the overwhelming majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Clinton come November. But me? I don't think I can live with myself voting for HRC.

Translation: Fuck you minorities, I got mine.


Kills Photobucket
I went out & voted for a Primary candidate that I could get behind & feel good about voting for & their potential prospects in the General. That wasn't the will of the people, they wanted someone else. As far as i'm concerned, my conscious is clean.

HRC didn't just win, she got way more votes than either Bernie or Trump did in his respective primary. And i'm not some fool who thinks he's in some majority - the overwhelming majority of Bernie supporters WILL vote for Clinton come November. But me? I don't think I can live with myself voting for HRC.

So, if she losses in November, it won't be because a fringe group of people who hold their ideals about US politics couldn't reconcile their beliefs with HRC long enough to vote for her; it'll be because Trump was able to garner more voters than she was.

Actually it will be. Because people like you, people who think like you, have made a decision that a Trump Presidency is a more favorable outcome than a vote for Clinton.

You are perfectly welcome to vote however you like, but don't try to rationalize it for anything but what it is. You support a Trump Presidency over a Clinton Presidency.
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