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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Prediction: Trump can't top today in terms of bad political days.
Challenge accepted

We need to keep an active tally on all the shit Trump does.
We really need to.. We could barely keep up today. Need to make a Captain's Log or shit.

Wrestling is the worst DM


So I come back from work and see that today has had an endless amount of news.

Seems like it's been quite a day.


Professional Schmuck

Bradd Jaffy @BraddJaffy
Meg Whitman is the headline, but -this- is the news. Hillary is privately working Republicans. 1st concrete proof. pic.twitter.com/0uh9HGankD

(i have no problem with thiS?)
I get that this interview shows that he's a crazy person, but I really would've appreciated if the interview pushed a bit more on some of Trump's most outlandish statements.


So is tomorrow going to be transcript day? Or perhaps we are lucky enough that more prominent Republicans come out against Trump. Take your bets folks what is going to be the controversy tomorrow.

Time to regurgitate 1996 distance yourselves from Bob Dole and push not giving Clinton a blank check talking points. Time to push the narrative of even if you vote for Clinton at least vote Republican in the house and Senate because we can't give Clinton and the Dems unfettered power of all three branches.


Kyle Cheney ‏@kyledcheney 22m22 minutes ago
Just bc there's lots of chatter about this tonight (not bc it's likely) the rule for filling vacant GOP nomination.


Trump is not going to withdraw his candidacy, short of some sort of major health collapse.

There are two reasons for this. One is that Trump likes being a presidential candidate. Everyone pays attention to him. Everyone thinks he's an important person. He can go anywhere in the country and get thousands of people to show up and cheer while he says whatever he wants to say. He can get an interview with the press whenever he wants, and people will watch him or read his words. Since he likes being seen as an Important Person more than anything, he's not going to walk away from the candidacy, no matter how poorly they treat him.

The other is that Trump is never going to believe that he is losing, no matter what poll results come out or what scandal breaks. We've seen it before; everything negative is unsuccessful people conspiring against him. He doesn't believe in polling unless it conforms with his worldview. He knows how well he's doing, because he can see it in the faces of the thousands and thousands of supporters who flock to see him and tell him how good a job he's doing, or in the millions of followers he has on social media. I mean, he's already convinced himself that his bankruptcies are a mark of his success. What could possibly convince him that he won't win the election? Even if he loses in a landslide, he'll probably be wailing about fraud to the press for months.

For better or worse, the Republicans are stuck with him until November.
The PoliGAF 2016 Electoral College Sweepstakes is going to be dull when all the states in the toss-up and lean categories go for Clinton.

So many awful headlines popped up for Trump on Tuesday that we lost track of all of them. A solid 10 things that would get attention for the nightly news, were they to happen on their own. Does the WP interview count as Tuesday news or Wednesday news? The interview and initial leaks were on Tuesday. We need a finalized list.

Every other time we've thought no day could ever be topped, we've clearly been wrong. So now is no time to assume that will change. Trump is inventing new, incredible ways to blow an election that no one could have ever previously thought possible.


This caught my eye in an excerpt from that interview. Trump is literally that guy you know who pretends he knows everything about everything.

. [Trump looks at a nearby television, which was tuned to Fox News.] Oh, did they have another one of these things go down? It’s terrible that crash. Never liked that plane, structurally. I never thought that plane could —

Yes, I'm sure Trump has a longstanding hatred of the F/A-18.
Trump is not going to withdraw his candidacy, short of some sort of major health collapse.


For better or worse, the Republicans are stuck with him until November.

This is the best timeline, because anyone else might do well, and I just want to see the GOP burn a little more.
RUCKER: Even though on a couple of these instances he’s shone some daylight with you, like over the Khan —


TRUMP: [Trump watches himself on TV] Lot of energy. We got a lot of energy. She certainly doesn’t look presidential to me, Hillary. I don’t think you get to look less presidential actually than Hillary.

Oh my god.


I am watching the repeat of Maddow, and as she recaps the day's events, she's barely concealing the euphoria in her voice.

I love this.


The craziest thing to think about is that all of the amazing polls we've seen over the past few days are mostly pre-Khanage and obviously before today's utter implosion. I can't even fathom how far they can fall.


Why are people making a big deal about Trump's "record" primary vote numbers. Aren't there more voters in general now?
The other is that Trump is never going to believe that he is losing.

I generally agree that it is very unlikely he drops out, but I don't know how you could read that transcript and not recognize that a part of him knows his ship is headed for the iceberg. That was pure desperation.


The craziest thing to think about is that all of the amazing polls we've seen over the past few days are mostly pre-Khanage and obviously before today's utter implosion. I can't even fathom how far they can fall.

Even if his numbers don't move any further from where they are during Hillary's bounce, the possibility that the race could slowly be baking-in as these events unfurl would be devastating.


People on TV bragging about Trumps 14 million votes sounds so silly when that is 46 million votes short of a win in November. Primary turnout is so low it's absurd to correlate success in the primary with success in the general.
Anyone else sad and upset after coming to the realization that we will never witness such fuckery in 2020? Heck, we will never get to top this ever again in our lifetime? I mean, this is truly once in lifetime event. Or once in 10 lifetimes. We are living through history that will be talked about until the Republic crumbles and I'm sad that 2020 will parade the usual droll conservative assholes like Scott Walker and Rubio.

Unless Ben Carson runs and wins.........
TRUMP: By a lot. New Hampshire’s one of my favorite places. You have a Kelly Ayotte, who doesn’t want to talk about Trump, but I’m beating her in the polls by a lot. You tell me. Are these people that should be representing us? Okay? You tell me. I don’t know Kelly Ayotte. I know she’s given me no support, zero support, and yet I’m leading her in the polls. And I’m doing very well in New Hampshire. We need loyal people in this country. We need fighters in this country. We don’t need weak people. We have enough of them. We need fighters in this country. But Kelly Ayotte has given me zero support and I’m doing great in New Hampshire. You know, as you saw, I’m eight points up. I’m leading Hillary Clinton by eight points.

Trump has only led one poll in New Hampshire this entire cycle.


So much insanity in that interview. He actually asks the interviewer which are the important counties in VA to win and then calls over a staffer to ask if he knows about them.
Anyone else sad and upset after coming to the realization that we will never witness such fuckery in 2020? Heck, we will never get to top this ever again in our lifetime? I mean, this is truly once in lifetime event. Or once in 10 lifetimes. We are living through history that will be talked about until the Republic crumbles and I'm sad that 2020 will parade the usual droll conservative assholes like Scott Walker and Rubio.

Unless Ben Carson runs and wins.........

What if Trump runs again in 2020?
The craziest thing to think about is that all of the amazing polls we've seen over the past few days are mostly pre-Khanage and obviously before today's utter implosion. I can't even fathom how far they can fall.

even crazier: the olympics are gonna basically drown anything out unless it's something else trump does on the scale of this week, so what we're seeing now could be getting baked in


omg this lady on CNN just said Donald Trump is "real" and isn't disingenuous. Dude is like the biggest liar on Earth, how do people think he "tells it like it is" ?????
The people talking about Trump's primary votes are Trump surrogates, it's just Trump getting his ego stroked on TV with talking points that he wants to hear
Even if his numbers don't move any further from where they are during Hillary's bounce, the possibility that the race could slowly be baking-in as these events unfurl would be devastating.

This is what I'm looking at as well. I mean, I'd love her to get another 4-5 points out of this. But, I don't think that's likely. For me, it's about letting these numbers bake in. And, with the Olympics, I think we have a chance. Like, if Trump can't change the narrative within the next 48 hours...I feel like Hillary can solidify her support. I wish she had some big endorsement, something that she could trot out right now in the midst of this clusterfuck. Some big wig GOP person.


Hillary winning with a huge landslide would be amazing justice. Some people's heads would explode at the announcement like the Marsians in Mars Attack, on both the left and the right.
This is what I'm looking at as well. I mean, I'd love her to get another 4-5 points out of this. But, I don't think that's likely. For me, it's about letting these numbers bake in. And, with the Olympics, I think we have a chance. Like, if Trump can't change the narrative within the next 48 hours...I feel like Hillary can solidify her support. I wish she had some big endorsement, something that she could trot out right now in the midst of this clusterfuck. Some big wig GOP person.

It would be perfect if Hillary delivers Trump's defeat via a glass ceiling.
Anyone else sad and upset after coming to the realization that we will never witness such fuckery in 2020? Heck, we will never get to top this ever again in our lifetime? I mean, this is truly once in lifetime event. Or once in 10 lifetimes. We are living through history that will be talked about until the Republic crumbles and I'm sad that 2020 will parade the usual droll conservative assholes like Scott Walker and Rubio.

Unless Ben Carson runs and wins.........
We said nothing would top 2012 and here we are, however, there was no way to predict this clowncar.
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