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Developers, please stop making shitty trophies and achievements.

Eh...I'm not a big fan of trophies or achievements either, because they're crap in most games. But I just ignore them and play the game in the way that I want. I.E. a "who cares" mentality. It's not that hard, and it's not something to get worked up over.

With that said, I agree that Sony and Microsoft should make trophy/achievement inclusion optional for developers. For devs that don't want them, it would be one less thing for them to think about, test, etc while building their games.
The only thing that annoys me about Trophies/Achievements are missable and online ones.

Right there with you. Why does every game need to add trophies like "play ten games/drive ten races co-op with your friends." I'm 41, married and have two young kids. Finding a few hours of play time is a miracle. Finding a few hours to play with friends is impossible, as most of my friends that I play with are in a similar situation with me.


if i could, id disable all achievements across all my platforms. can you do that? i couldnt believe when steam added achievements, and to make it worse, trading cards. i will dont know what those fucking things do. all i know is it seems like everytime i exit a game i have something new in my "inventory". i check and its a stupid fucking card.
I would be happier if it was no longer required by Microsoft and Sony to include Trophies/Achievements for any game on their platform.

At most 20% of games would be getting trophies/achievements if that were the case is my guess. It would totally ruin my urge to collect trophies, something I actually enjoy.


Dark Souls 3 covenant item grind was pretty lame.

On the opposite side, Bloodborne Platinum was a treat to do. Most of it was done naturally and really only the Chalice one was kinda hard.


For me anyway, as I pointed out with my Rising example, it got me to check out a harder difficulty of the game that I otherwise probably wouldn't have bothered with, and found that I was having more fun than on the easier modes. Since then, I've been playing more and more games on hard difficulty and higher.

I would assume that you would simply play on a higher difficulty once you felt many games were a bit too easy on their default difficulites. Which most of the AAA games released since 2006 have been.
Regardless, good for you for upping the difficulty. That's not always the answer with every game though. It just depends on how the difficulty is handled, although at worst it's still going to at least be more challenging in some way (whether it's actually skill based, or frustration/patience based).

Mr Swine

I don't care for achievements or trophies and never will. They are just a cheap and lazy way for developers to create artificial content (or lengthened the game) without having real content there. I would be happy if they just scrapped it all together....
I personally don't mind it as it balances games that are very easy to finish (Something like Goat Simulator or NBA The Prelude) and games that require a significant time commitment. I respect trophy/achievement hunters who play what they want and also go for achievements rather than playing games solely for achievements all the time. I have clinical OCD but I guess it doesn't affect me here.


I would be happier if it was no longer required by Microsoft and Sony to include Trophies/Achievements for any game on their platform.

I neither love nor hate achievements/trophies, but if there is some aspect that I like about them, it's the fact that it gives us interesting data on how many people actually complete certain games. Ofc, people who play mostly offline are not accounted for, but I think it gives a pretty good picture anyway. I sometimes enjoy going through my trophy list, just to see how far people played certain games.


As someone who was a trophy hunter for a while I'll agree that some trophies are just tedious acts of frustration.

But then I realized that you don't have to get them, and everything will be alright. Once you do this OP, everything will be so much better.

And this this coming from someone with severe OCD. It will happen, just keep playing games like you are and eventually you'll say "fuck this" and just enjoy the game.


All the best!
I would assume that you would simply play on a higher difficulty once you felt many games were a bit too easy on their default difficulites. Which most of the AAA games released since 2006 have been.

Well, like I said I mostly play for enjoyment and feel like the harder difficulties could be too cheap. So I'll start on easy or normal, play it, and usually be done with it. With Rising, that would have happened, but as the first playthrough netted me a lot of them already, I thought I'd maybe try and go for the Platinum which led to me trying it out on hard and really enjoying it.


I would be happier if it was no longer required by Microsoft and Sony to include Trophies/Achievements for any game on their platform.

I now expect that when I buy a game, it will have these, whether I actually want to go for them or not. And I'm far from the only one.

Don't like them? Turn off the notifications.
I wish that online trophies didn't count towards the Platinum considering how the online of many games die quickly or are eventually shut down.


Absolutely agreed. Tedium trophies abuse anyone who feels compelled to get them [I often do].

There is only 1 game I've ever played that got a 'collection' trophy right, and this is how it -should- be done:


1) You eventually unlock/buy a skill that shows all collectibles on the mini-map. This is a must. You should not need to revert to an online guide to find everything, as this is a major headache causer as you keep referring to a guide for 'stop and go' play. Stop and go play is especially destructive to any narrative based game.

2) It isn't just a collectible, but it's fun! The collectibles are actually 'ramps', so you get to do a small skill based jump as an instant reward. It's not a 'pigeon' or any of the countless things you're supposed to collect in most AC games.

3) You get a reward! Iirc, every 10 ramps you do unlocks a new secret race. But get this - it's not just 'another' race, but one completely themed on a famous movie race: Blues Brothers, Vanishing Point, Bullitt, and many more.

At no point did Driver SF let it's 'collect' trophy becomes annoying or boring, but they accomplished this by making it user friendly, enjoyable, and rewarding.

Anything less is just wasting your audiences time. We don't want to collect 152 pieces of toast.


I love well designed trophies. They offer additional challenges, or help me discover things I missed in a game. They let me feel like I 'mastered' the game, if done well. But the tedium trophies devs often throw in wreck my head. I have a hard time not completing them if I already invested time into doing a lot of other fun trophies, and so it effectively chains me down to tedium in games.


Fighting Games have THE WORST trophies/achievements.

'win 10 ranked games in a row'

'win 300 matches online'

'get to rank C with every character'

'beat every combo challenge in the game'

Extreme tedium.


I can't believe the Mega Man Legacy Collection doesn't have a platinum. There's so many games I'm astounded that don't have one. It actually makes replaying them less fun for me.

On the other hand, I'd love to play Bloodborne again but I 100% the trophies and don't feel the need to go back. I'm stuck loving and being annoyed by trophies.


I too am filled with a desire to see 100% next to the games on the list.

This sucks for people that consider themselves completionists. In that regard, I totally understand where the OP is coming from. There used to be a time though when simply collecting everything you could find, beating every boss and finishing the game was actually considered doing 100% of it. Barring the random, missable stuff that came later in a very few select games.
Naughty Dog had good thoughts on this awhile back. Not sure if they followed through or not based on their recent games. They said they wanted to use them to encourage different play styles that the player might not have normally tried.

I do know that a lot of the lame trophies come from developers using them as a form of simple analytics for user adoption/progression. It allows them to see that 98% of players completed chapter 1 but only 38% finished chapter 15. Uses like this should probably be delegated to a separate analytics tool and not pollute a reward system.


I used to care about trophies back in the PS3 era, then stopped caring gradually during the PS4 era and I think I only care a little now. I've been there though, I got some games that are close to be Platinum'd but I guess I'll never get around to them now.
I can't believe the Mega Man Legacy Collection doesn't have a platinum. There's so many games I'm astounded that don't have one. It actually makes replaying them less fun for me.

I would like for more retro games like Mega Man or Castlevania to have achievement sets. If Nintendo ever decided to do them and add them to virtual console games I'd probably just check out. Really, I only care so much about them for games/franchises I love.

Naughty Dog had good thoughts on this awhile back. Not sure if they followed through or not based on their recent games. They said they wanted to use them to encourage different play styles that the player might not have normally tried.

I got the Platinum in Uncharted 4 and I can absolutely certifiably confirm that they did not.


I hate trophies that unlock as you progress through the game. You got through ch 2 of the story? Have a trophy! Seriously there's absolutely no skill involved in just progressing through a story. I get if it's for accomplishing a hard optional boss but you're going to play through the game anyway.
I hate trophies that unlock as you progress through the game. You got through ch 2 of the story? Have a trophy! Seriously there's absolutely no skill involved in just progressing through a story. I get if it's for accomplishing a hard optional boss but you're going to play through the game anyway.

These I don't mind. It's kind of a "footprint" of your progress through a game. It isn't necessarily skill, but it's still mandatory completion, and some "freebies" are okay. They're not the best, but a far cry from online/missable/collectathon achievements.


The only game that ever did cheevos right was Dead Rising, which came out in fucking 2006.

They're just virtual pats on the back. Grow a sense of self control and ignore them if you think they're stupid.

I kind of agree but I also feel like saying "grow a sense of control" to someone with OCD is really mean.


I hate trophies that unlock as you progress through the game. You got through ch 2 of the story? Have a trophy! Seriously there's absolutely no skill involved in just progressing through a story. I get if it's for accomplishing a hard optional boss but you're going to play through the game anyway.

They're not really for you as much as they are for the developers themselves as a benchmark tool to find out how far players got before they canned the game. They're a little more rare nowadays as most games have server side functions that track what you do when you're playing.


I ended up not platinuming DOOM after I went back to clean up the levels where I missed stuff and found you can't exit the game in the middle of a level and return to the checkpoint you left off at, once you've beaten that level.

Not totally related to the OP but still.

The fuck.


Trophies/Achievements have always been a dumb addition in video games as serve no purpose other than artificially bloat the game without adding any meaningful new content all for some pointless ranking system that mean nothing other than bragging right over who's dicks is the longest.

Though Nintendo attempt with Trophies/Achievements with their MyNintendo system looks to be interesting as they actually mean something in real life and I wonder how it will be applied in their future titles.


This sucks for people that consider themselves completionists. In that regard, I totally understand where the OP is coming from. There used to be a time though when simply collecting everything you could find, beating every boss and finishing the game was actually considered doing 100% of it. Barring the random, missable stuff that came later in a very few select games.

I do too, I was being serious.
Finishing the game in a normal play through should get you to 80% or close to a platinum trophy. You should rarely need to get 100% of collectibles and you should be able to go back and replay sections if you require collectible hunting. I love trophies that do encourage alternate styles and thinking, like killing enemies with a certain weapon or doing story beats in a certain way as long as you can replay sections of a game and not have to do the entire game again for one specific section.

Deus Ex MD does the platinum horribly as another new example. 75 e-books to collect, you have to get it in a single play through. Choices you make in the game will lock you out of 5-6 eBooks, meaning if you play a certain way that run can NEVER get all 75. There are trophies for never killing anyone or activating an alarm but there is no actual way to know if you did either of those things (by accident) until you finish the game.

Even worse they put in some crappy online game mode, completely seperate from the regular campaign, nobody likes it and yet the platinum requires you spend 15+ hours on it. Tedium wouldn't even begin to describe it. I have all the trophies from the game except for the breach mode ones and I will never do them so I guess no platinum for me.
This just makes me want to make more annoying achievements. I tell you what, achievement hunters get downright furious if your achievement doesn't end in 5 or 0.


I lowkey hate most of the achievements in the Assassin's Creed games that need you to collect a bunch of nonsense in the map (even if I do them because traversing the maps are fun) but sometimes you get some fun ones like the one you get for poisoning a guard and throw coins at his feet so people throw themselves to get killed by the enraged guard.

The ones that still grind my gears for how horrible they were are the ones in Star Ocean 4... GOD! I pray for the mental health of the people that tried to get that one.
I would be happier if it was no longer required by Microsoft and Sony to include Trophies/Achievements for any game on their platform.

I'm in favor of this. Also, I like Nintendo's approach to achievements. Not required, far from universal, but the games in which they appear -- I'm thinking of ALBW Streetpass combat -- they encourage creative, skill-based approaches to replay. (Not that this is always the case; the achievements in the Mii Plaza games are sometimes collect-a-thons).


The only thing that annoys me about Trophies/Achievements are missable and online ones.
Yep fucking hate both of em.
Especially online for games it's obvious has no chance of a lively community, I.e tomb raider reboot.

Missable also, which has lead to me doing things in games that I havnt wanted to do


I actually like "collect 150 diaries" and other trophies like this. But if some of these diaries are missable... Hell no.

Ubisoft games are great for platinum lovers like me.


The only thing that annoys me about Trophies/Achievements are missable and online ones.

Oh the online ones are a whole other ballgame of stupid.

Yeah, this. So dumb.

I hate online/multiplayer achievements nowadays since I prefer to play single player games. In particular ones that are either situational specific or can only be done on a certain map.

some people like playing multiplayer, spending dozens or even hundreds of hours online. why shouldn't there be achievements for that?
I would like for more retro games like Mega Man or Castlevania to have achievement sets. If Nintendo ever decided to do them and add them to virtual console games I'd probably just check out. Really, I only care so much about them for games/franchises I love.

I got the Platinum in Uncharted 4 and I can absolutely certifiably confirm that they did not.

Hah. I see. I think they might have been referring to Uncharted 1/2 which I seem to remember had trophies for certain weapons, streaks and stealth kills. I'm personally not a fan of games forcing you to play through the game 3 times at minimum for a plat. I did it for Arkham Asylym but only because its combat was so damn enjoyable.


I remember there being 1 or 2 games (or more, perhaps) when achievements were first becoming a thing that had requierments like, "reach #1 in the online leaderboard".

That is, #1 of all players. Quake IV maybe had this? I don't recall.

But that is such a ridiculous requirement...lets be glad devs don't do this anymore.


For me, I agree with the sentiment of others that the only ones I hate are the online ones. I'll go for trophies in games that I am enjoying a lot but now won't hesitate to bail on something tedious. But creative, fun trophies are really great.


I remember there being 1 or 2 games (or more, perhaps) when achievements were first becoming a thing that had requierments like, "reach #1 in the online leaderboard".

That is, #1 of all players. Quake IV maybe had this? I don't recall.

But that is such a ridiculous requirement...lets be glad devs don't do this anymore.

I think one of the Killzone games had something along these lines.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'm with you, man. I feel your pain.
If you put a bunch if bullshit collectibles in your game and tie a trophy to it at least make it possible to track them somehow.

No Dying Light, I will NOT collect all your tiny, tiny 160 Zombiestatues that could be hidden literally anywhere. No Mirror's Edge, I won't collect all the 500 electronic parts. Nu-uh

I totally would if I could track them somehow, I find that relaxing.


I actually like "collect 150 diaries" and other trophies like this. But if some of these diaries are missable... Hell no.

Ubisoft games are great for platinum lovers like me.

Except when they have tedious online trophies like in some of the AC games.
I love trophies.
Trophies for getting past a point in the story are fantastic because they let you see how many people have made it to certain parts of a game.
I think it's always interesting to see how many people don't make it past the progress or never finish the game.


I've gotten hung up on achievements in the past before, and I think that is somewhat common. However, life really is better once you let go of trying to 100% a game and complete some really silly, time wasting, or frustrating tasks. I suppose it doesn't ruin a game when there are far too many achievements and too many of them are ridiculous, but it sure wouldn't be a bad thing to see them a thing of the past.
I think achievements really add to the replay value overall but they are often confused with "let's make the gamer play this 156 times", making it a tedious example of how to make me never wanting to play your game again.

Good achievements make you explore instead of grinding, make you different mechanics and new gameplay opportunities that you'd barely use if they'd not be there.

Also very easy achievements as "started the game", "completed the tutorial" and such are such a bore.

For me a good balance would be to reach 65% achievements completion naturally during the game progression until the end and the other 35 by replaying levels and doing challenges and collectibles.
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