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Final Fantasy XV is now just one month away. Place your bets: will it be good?


The clouds will part and give way to the light that is GOTY.

This game will be a megaton. It's a winner. Every other game that bailed this holiday season already knew what time it was. They FEAR this game. The King is back. Tabata has turned this ship around COMPLETELY. He got the shit done. Period.

Vex expects people to be surprised how good it is. Vex believes many will feast on crow instead of turkey. Vex is onboard for the Noctis adventure.
The games ceiling: being able to stand besides some of the series greats like vi, vii, and ix.

I think the games floor is just being a "good" game while not standing out much and not living up to great expectations.

I find it hard to believe that the game will be recieved worse than xiii. From what I hear from early previews I don't think we'll have to worry about that too much either. I'm hoping that it turns out to be something special.


I think it will be a good to great game. Mid-80s score on OpenCritic. I haven't had the time to watch/read the recent super positive previews but I've seen nothing but high praise for the game surrounding them, so I think it will be good.


Tears in the rain
I think it will be good and receive good reviews. Around 7 to 8. It obviously can't live up to 10 years of hype. No game could.
I definitely think it will be good, but as for how good I'm really not sure. Of course I hope it's gonna be amazing, but I don't want to get my expectations too high with this, but I honestly sometimes can't help myself getting super hyped for this game.


It'll be good with some obvious problems. Open-world probably won't be justified and will lead to pacing issues. The story probably won't be very good in terms of writing/structure, but I could see it having the emotional impact they're going for.

8/10 sounds right.
I think the game will ultimately be really good and will importantly break brave new ground for the series that needed to be broken. However, there will be many valid complaints with flawed game systems, particularly where the combat is concerned.
With the director change and seeing everything getting changed followed by the steaming mess that was Kingsglaive I expect the story to be terrible.

But that's a JRPG standard so it might still be a good game if it has neat encounters and levels.
I think the story is really well crafted and we are about to see some real story-telling from Square. I don't think we will have inexplicable nonsense shit happening "just for the lulz" or for plot reasons.

I think the story will be very "grounded".

With the director change and seeing everything getting changed followed by the steaming mess that was Kingsglaive I expect the story to be terrible.

But that's a JRPG standard so it might still be a good game if it has neat encounters and levels.

Can you elaborate on Kingsglaive? The story was pretty great. It took a lot of thinking and effort to pit all the pieces together, instead of just saying "this is happening because of this".


From all the feedback I have seen it is going to be great, it will hopefully get close to a 9/10 from most reviewers.
I always hope for a good game. Always. Can't think of a good reason I'd want a game to be bad. I do, however, have low hopes for SE. I've been underwhelmed by their JRPGs for years.

That said, I'm still buying it because I've heard good things about this one plus I haven't actually owned a FF game since 13. I've been either borrowing them or renting them.


Will it get good reviews?
I think it will receive good to very good reviews. I can imagine it reaching a 90% rating. But that might be a bit tough since the game will be especially scrutinized by everyone.

Will it please the fans?
Well, it won't please every fan obviously but I think the majority will be pleased. The game seems the antithesis to FF XIII (that never changed since it's announcement many years ago) and it will give the fans what they sorely missed in XIII. Tabata will make sure of that. Listening to him in Interviews and ATRs, I think he understood why so many fell out of love with FF after the XIII triology.

Will it live up to the hype?
If it indeed is as well received as I think and hope it will be then, yes, I think that would count as living up to the hype.

Where will it fall in the rankings of FF games?
Since I don't know of any official gameranking of the FF series, I can't really rank this one. But I think it will be among the best 5 and it will certainly be placed above the XIII triology.
With the director change and seeing everything getting changed followed by the steaming mess that was Kingsglaive I expect the story to be terrible.

But that's a JRPG standard so it might still be a good game if it has neat encounters and levels.
What's wrong with Kingsglaive? It's a well done introduction into the world of Eos and its current situation.


I think it will be okay and review 7.5 to 9.0 mostly, with most in low to mid 8's. It'll have its fans that think all detractors are just silly negative nancies and it's antifans whose gripes have some substance but the thrust of their critique is too strong for its blade: they wanted something from FF that FFXV did not deliver. I'm thinking I'd be the latter type if I played it, so I'm not planning to get it at least right now unless I'm otherwise convinced to get a PS4. I'll reconsider if it starts sounding more promising to me in particular.


Will it get good reviews? It'll probably get somewhere around an 80-85 metacritic. 7-8s with a sprinkling of 9s.
Will it please the fans? Hard to say. I think most fans just want to play it at this point.
Will it live up to the hype? What hype there is just seems to revolve around the fact that it's finally coming out, so I believe it'll live up to it in that respect.
Where will it fall in the rankings of FF games? Squarely in the middle.


Slightly better than Thor: The Dark World
Seriously though, I think it'll largely end up being alright with some strong story moments in the game and likely some moments that won't mesh well or be melodramatic (in typical JRPG fashion). We may the overworld being an overall negative for pacing and density. I'm sure the combat will be decent throughout. I see it averaging out to the mid 80s.
Yes, I think so. I've been a huge believer in it, mainly the combat, ever since the Duscae demo. Something like that, more refined, in just a typical RPG would be more then enough.
Hmm, I think it actually might stand a chance of being pretty neat. I'll hold off on Day One but this is very much likely to be Tabata's best game.
85 metacritic


Average voice acting
Confusing plot points
Some gameplay systems have an identity crisis
Bugs/performance issues


PS4 Pro (tm)
Good music
Nice animations
Attention to detail
The food
I think it will get moderate to good reviews, probably somewhere in the 80-89% range.

From everything I've seen I think it will please some fans and piss off others (but that's kind of par for the course). I personally think I'll enjoy it.

It'll probably be remembered as a decent apology for FF13, allowing SE to finally move on from their mistake.


I am not checking everything as I want to keep some surprise.
But from what I've seen, i've made my mind and I believe it is going to be great.
hope so, pre ordered it digitally and I will feel like a dummy if it sucks
I'm wondering if I should go physical or digital. Digital for convenience but if the game is a legitimate great then it would be nice to have a steel book for the collection, but that's $120 here which is a lot of money for a steelbook, Kingsglaive and the soundtrack. But...all of those things are great.

Desicions desicions.


Everything we've seen lately tells me they're knocking it out of the park. I agree with people who say it can't just be good, it needs to be great, but I'm tellin ya, this thing's got the secret sauce. I'm confident they pulled it off.

It's fucking hard to follow this game if you're not a total fanboy. But, that's because it's a bit different from anything you've seen before. I think we're really in for a treat.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty hyped and have it preordered but I can't ignore the feeling that its story is likely to seriously degrade somewhere in the second half.


I'll go through these one at a time:

They will like it plenty. I expect some to talk about how the game gets a bit stale and peters out towards the end, but considering MANY skeptics of this game now legit lose themselves in the first 15 hours, I'm expecting good things. Average: 8.5 (this is obviously less due to quality and more due to most games NOT getting close to and even less above 9)
It will NOT review as well as Bloodborne or Witcher, but that's okay.

As many threads have shown, it will be mixed. I expect many to still moan about the "boy band" bullshit among other things, but others will love the world and characters. There will definitely be a not so equal split on the localization, but having the JP dub in there helps considerably. Overall, I think it will be relatively decently warm with fans initially and once things cool down and dlc starts a rolling, people will be more warm to it.

Below 9 and 6; above 13 and 8. At worst, I expect this to be middle of the road final fantasy tier. at best, it may actually be freakin great (that Omen trailer definitely makes me thing twice on whether the story will be bad or not)

I'm debating if it will review "as well" as ff13 since ff13 was reviewed back when even the smallest hype train got a 9+, so expect maybe lower scores, but warmer overall opinions. Its gonna be a sticking point for shitposts, though, if it comes to that :/

It really feels like this game has been spoiling us since TGS and yet we have seen SO little (about town and story beats and we don't even know if the main villain is who we think it is or not) and that both excites me and scares the SHIT out of me.

We have
to look forward to, so I'm wayyyyy hyped and excited. Day 1; you will NOT see me until a week or 2 after. I hope my expectation pans out.
Can you elaborate on Kingsglaive? The story was pretty great. It took a lot of thinking and effort to pit all the pieces together, instead of just saying "this is happening because of this".

Niflheim are basically cartoon villains that are evil just to be evil, with no actual motivations.
And just to make sure you know they're evil, despite being a tech nation with a robotic army, they summon demons.

What's the point of Luna? She was never even explained. Niflheim wanted her to marry Noctis for unexplained reasons, but then when Niflheim betrays them she's still looking for him. Is it just to bring the ring to him because he's the heir? Why can't an elite team of soldiers deliver the ring? Like Nyx even questioned her and the king and she gave a generic "for the good of the world~~" reply.
And even if they make her seem tough she's still a damsel in distress plot tool. From what I remember from XV trailers she's going to get recaptured at the start of the game anyway.

The whole thing with the ring and the old kings or whatever just seemed odd and like it was trying to be deep and mysterious.

All the Kingsglaive original characters were straight trash and way underdeveloped but I won't hold that against the game.
I'm wondering if I should go physical or digital. Digital for convenience but if the game is a legitimate great then it would be nice to have a steel book for the collection, but that's $120 here which is a lot of money for a steelbook, Kingsglaive and the soundtrack. But...all of those things are great.

Desicions desicions.

I cancelled my physical pre orders and went digital for two reasons:

1. i tend to take my time with these kind of games, like months, so not having to swap discs is nice

2. North American PSN is running a promo until Nov 1st, spend $100 and get back $15. I spent $85 on FFXV deluxe (season pass) and bought $20 of silver on destiny

I usually buy physical and the FF15 steelbook is absolutely BEAUTIFUL but end of the day I don't really stare at steel books or anything so ... just don't really care. If I end up loving FF15 there will be plenty of statues and paintings to buy down the road.
I have a sinking feeling that in the long run it'll be a misstep simply because of how ambitious it wanted to be. I'm quite certain the story will be convoluted and cheesy with some melodramatic anime dialogue and nonsense plot points. The battle system could still very well be a chaotic mess and exasperate players in the long run with a very wonky camera and badly designed encounters. There is a very big chance the open world is going to hold back the flow and pace of the game, with unnecessary padding further highlighting the game's flaws.

Wow, okay, I sound pessimistic as hell, but I have no one but Square-Enix to make me think this way. I really hope all my fears are debunked and this turns out to be a true return to form for my favorite gaming franchise of all time. Will keep my fingers crossed.
There is a reason no AAA games released this year, how can you compete with a 10 year development period? It's a humongous advantage, and will dominate awards.


I think it'll be good. People will nitpick about certain elements in the story and the combat system, but it'll be viewed as a return to form for the series
I think sales will be solid but critical reception will be middling.

As for myself, I think there will be plenty to like about playing the game but my overall impression will probably be like 7/10 -- the flaws will be abundantly apparent but there will be a few diamonds in the rough.
I cancelled my physical pre orders and went digital for two reasons:

1. i tend to take my time with these kind of games, like months, so not having to swap discs is nice

2. North American PSN is running a promo until Nov 1st, spend $100 and get back $15. I spent $85 on FFXV deluxe (season pass) and bought $20 of silver on destiny

I usually buy physical and the FF15 steelbook is absolutely BEAUTIFUL but end of the day I don't really stare at steel books or anything so ... just don't really care. If I end up loving FF15 there will be plenty of statues and paintings to buy down the road.

I feel you on #1, I probably wouldn't have finished the Witcher 3 in addition to all its DLC if I'd had the disc rather than the digital copy (which was also half off) and I hate switching discs for Destiny, Bloodborne and Dark Souls III.

I guess I'll just buy digital now and hope in a couple years I'll find the steelbook for cheap and find another way to express my love for the game. If only the Lucii ring pendant wasn't $250 dollars US (so like $300+ here in Canada)


All the tie-ins, movies, animated mini-series, a friggin special Audi R8, ... This whole thing seems like a streamlined PR piece. Unfortunately the FFs of the past that I personally considered great are everything but streamlined. If that roadtrip somehow manages to surprise people who have seen it all, it will at least get praise for being a return to form.

Now that so-called combat system is a whole different story. I highly doubt they can turn the gameplay mess that was playable over almost 2 years in two different demos into something intuitive, involving, customizable, and fun in just a few weeks of polish. I'd rather watch the fights auto-resolve than being forced to hold X, react to QTEs, teleport between fixed points, and pretend I was playing an action game. What has been "playable" by non-press-plebs thus far is almost insulting and might very well be what kills an otherwise potentially great FF.
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