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Psychotic anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney joins Trump's transition team

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Mr. Rogers was told he was being replaced because everyone who was brought in by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the transition team’s original chairman, was being ousted, according to a person familiar with the conversation. Frank Gaffney, a Reagan administration veteran, was brought in to assist on national security issues, as has GOP U.S. Reps. Pete Hoekstra and Devin Nunes.


Well, how much of a psychotic anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist is Frank Gaffney you may ask and you really regret asking this because holy shit.

In the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, Gaffney suggested that then-President Saddam Hussein had been involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, committed by Timothy McVeigh.

When President Barack Obama nominated Elena Kagan to serve on the Supreme Court in 2010, Gaffney accused her of being soft on Sharia during her time as dean of Harvard Law School. His group financed an ad that asked, “If Kagan tolerates promoting the injustice of Sharia law on the campus of Harvard, what kind of injustice will she tolerate in America during a lifetime on the Supreme Court?”

In 2009, Gaffney questioned whether Obama was America’s first Muslim president or simply playing one. “The man now happy to have his Islamic-rooted middle name featured prominently has engaged in the most consequential bait-and-switch since Adolf Hitler duped Neville Chamberlain over Czechoslovakia at Munich,” Gaffney wrote.

In 2010, Gaffney accused Obama of dismantling American missile defense capability in an act of U.S. submission to Islam. He cited a “new” Missile Defense Agency logo as evidence, suggesting that the logo appeared to be a combination of Obama’s campaign symbol and the Islamic crescent and star. He later corrected that post, acknowledging that the logo was neither new nor produced under Obama’s direction. (Below see the older logo on the left, which the Missile Defense Agency still uses as well, and the newer logo on the right.)


Gaffney suggested that Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan at the time, was submitting to Sharia when Petraeus condemned the burning of a Quran by a Florida pastor.

Gaffney has accused a bipartisan array of political elites of being secretly tied to the Islamist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood, including longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin and conservative heavyweights Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan.

Gaffney has objected to Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Andre Carson (D-Ind.) serving on the House Intelligence Committee because they are Muslim and therefore, he said, likely to leak information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

While the rest of the world marveled at the ignorance that led authorities in Irving, Texas, to mistake 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed’s homemade clock for a bomb last year, Gaffney wrote that the school did the right thing by suspending Ahmed and calling the police. His group later honored Beth Van Duyne, the mayor of Irving and a Sharia alarmist, with the Freedom Flame Award for her “efforts to protect the Constitution.”

Gaffney hosted white nationalist Jared Taylor on his radio show last fall and praised Taylor’s American Renaissance website as “wonderful.” During the show, Taylor challenged the idea that the desperate people now flooding into Europe are refugees, calling that description a myth “touted by liberals.” When asked about the consequences of these individuals moving to Europe, Taylor said, “We have unleashed now what would not be an exaggeration to call almost demonic forces.”

When Trump proposed a ban on Muslims’ entry into the U.S last year, Gaffney quickly jumped to his defense. “Mr. Trump has clearly picked up on a conviction increasingly shared by millions of Americans,” he wrote on his group’s website. “They have begun to see the Obama administration has long been downplaying, misrepresenting and mishandling a threat more and more of us see plainly.”

When Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) invited Broward County Deputy Sheriff Nazar Hamze to this year’s State of the Union address, Gaffney accused Hamze of being “tied to a group that is directly linked to Hamas.” He was referring to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based advocacy group.

Gaffney accused Pope Francis of having “rabidly anti-American” views after the pope said in February that it’s “not Christian” to urge the deportation of undocumented immigrants and vow to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.




So what should Muslims, Jews, and other minorities should do now. :( Should we honestly leave our country that we were raised in. :(
So what should Muslims, Jews, and other minorities should do now. :( Should we honestly leave our country that we were raised in. :(

If you're in a big city like SF or LA or NY... You should be fine for now...

Stay alive the next four years, hopefully things will get better afterward.

I'm so sorry :(
I hope the people who voted for Trump for reasons they can't quite articulate or to get back at SJWs or because Hilary just didn't impress or whatever the fuck else enjoy what they've unleashed

So what should Muslims, Jews, and other minorities should do now. :( Should we honestly leave our country that we were raised in. :(

Fight back tooth and nail. If people like this want "their country" back, they need to pry it from us. I for one am more than willing to put my life on the line during these next four years doing what I can to make making headway in this country with the GOP and their supporters as hellish as possible.

We still supposed to give him a chance?

I fully believe we'll be choking on smog, in a 2nd Great Depression and having emboldened white nationalist tossing caution to the wind and taking their guns to the streets to terrorize every minority that they can count while President Drumpf is absent from the White House giving his yearly required rimjob to Putin before the people saying "give him a chance" come close to changing their tune. All they're trying to do is convince themselves.
Holy shit, what did Christie do to piss off Trump so much that everyone he brought in or was close to would be thrown away like this? It would be alright if we got decent people but nope its all nutjobs.


If you're in a big city like SF or LA or NY... You should be fine for now...

Stay alive the next four years, hopefully things will get better afterward.

I'm so sorry :(

I live close to it... NJ... But I am looking for a job, but its really hard to find job here with little experience due to the market being very competitive. So most of the jobs are in the South or any place that is not a Blue state. So I am wondering should I do. Seriously this sucks!!! :(


Holy shit, what did Christie do to piss off Trump so much that everyone he brought in or was close to would be thrown away like this? It would be alright if we got decent people but nope its all nutjobs.
He probably got the McD's order wrong.


How much worse can it really be living in the US as a Muslim? Nearly sixty million people in the country shut their eyes to your plight.*

At least Trump'll cut taxes.

*Yes, technically three quarters of the US electorate shut their eyes to basic civil rights amongst other things. But I couldn't be bothered to do the whole math.


So what should Muslims, Jews, and other minorities should do now. :( Should we honestly leave our country that we were raised in. :(
Luckily, due to the constitution, they can't do anything to you.

Then again, despite the constitution, this is the country of slavery and Japanese interment, so as I always so, never put anything past America.

Oh, also, we elected Trump.

Just stay safe, go about your life.
He is listed under Extremist Files in Southern Poverty Law Center website.
Gaffney’s campaign against Syrian refugees has prompted him to seek out more radical allies. In September, Gaffney invited white nationalist Jared Taylor on his radio show to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis. Taylor is on of the most outspoken white nationalists in America today. Following the murder of nine African Americans in Charleston this summer, Taylor was appointed spokesperson by the white nationalist group Council of Conservative Citizens, the group alleged perpetrator Dylann Roof cited as his gateway into white nationalism. In 2005 for example, after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Taylor wrote, “When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western Civilization—any kind of civilization—disappears.” During the interview, Gaffney called Taylor's vile American Renaissance website "wonderful," and asked, “Is it the death of Europe what we’re seeing at the moment in terms of this migration, this invasion?”
“What if it turns out that some of the people the Obama administration has been embracing are actually promoting the same totalitarian ideology and seditious agenda as al Qaeda, only they’re doing it from White House Iftar dinners?” he asked in the Washington Times, referring to the meal served after Ramadan fasts.
Both sides are the same giuz


Holy shit, what did Christie do to piss off Trump so much that everyone he brought in or was close to would be thrown away like this? It would be alright if we got decent people but nope its all nutjobs.
Christie put his son-in law, Jared Kushner's father in prison and Jared apparently has some clout with Trump.
Holy shit, what did Christie do to piss off Trump so much that everyone he brought in or was close to would be thrown away like this? It would be alright if we got decent people but nope its all nutjobs.

Christie put Trump's son-in-law's dad in prison.

Trump's son-in-law's dad was a shitbag of the highest order who committed campaign finance fraud and tax evasion so this was one of the few good things Christie has done.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like I must have done something wrong to deserve all of this.

Well, we humans have done pretty shitty things, so the far right wave we've been seeing is probably punishment for us all.


No way any of these extreme nuts will get confirmed. Its insane . This causes riots when you put known facists monsters in office.
In 2009, Gaffney questioned whether Obama was America’s first Muslim president or simply playing one. “The man now happy to have his Islamic-rooted middle name featured prominently has engaged in the most consequential bait-and-switch since Adolf Hitler duped Neville Chamberlain over Czechoslovakia at Munich,” Gaffney wrote.

I was going to make a remark about rethinking this about Trump, but Trump was honest with his bigot rhetoric. Everybody else is to blame for saying he'll pivot, it's just talk, etc.


Trump's final cabinet: John Wilkes Booth, Lizzie Borden, John Dillinger, Blackbeard, Benedict Arnold, Richard Nixon and the starting lineup of the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers.


Who's the next piece of shit rural America will vote into office. GW was epic, but Trump looks set to make him look like a saint.


Damn are muslims like the lowest of the totem pole these days? Such open bigotry against them is tolerated.
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