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Trump 2018 Budget Proposal includes steep cuts to science, health, the poor

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The State Department was already dead through decapitation so no-one there is going to react fast enough to this.

The EPA has been resistant but they are still say the mercy of Congress like everyone else.

The only way these agencies literally can survive in their current form is if we the people who also are resisting Trump started and maintained crowd funding campaigns to support them.

Crowdfunding the EPA, I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


I think Trump (or his team)sees this as a negotiation tactic. He can't get these without Congressional approval, so he asked for something truly outrageous that no one will agree on. Then taking moderate cuts doesn't seem so bad down the line.

What he's forgotten is that this isn't a cold boardroom but a whole country. People are going to see this and say, "Never." He's hurt his position for asking for lesser cuts by asking for something unconscionable.


NASA could take us to the stars, Science cures diseases, education produces great thinkers. All things that benefit man.

But noooo, slash all that and focus on the military and a wall. Two things that divide humanity.


This is what happens when you put Breitbart in the White House.

We need to send someone back in time to prevent all of this from happening. I think if we start now, by 2036 we should have a working prototype. We can save ourselves. We just...all have to die and hope John Titor can convince our past selves that reality television will kill us all. and just pray that the past understands.


Pretty standard, starve the beast and drive up the deficit. No money, no handouts.


Leave it to the Trump voters to put in a 4 time declared bankruptcy businessman in charge of the United States. Hahahahaha.


Fuck it.
Burn it all down.

This budget is atrocious.
I think just gunning down Democrat voters, non-Whites and the poor in the streets would be more humane than this budget.
My sympathies to all of you in the States who will have to suffer through this.


I think just gunning down Democrat voters, non-Whites and the poor in the streets would be more humane than this budget.
My sympathies to all of you in the States who will have to suffer through this.

Just the U.S?

When Trump starts loading up the military, the world is going to feel it. Just see Iraq.

Or cutting science also stunts climate change research. He's going to take the whole world down with him.
I thought budgets just needed a simple majority

I think they can if they use something called reconciliation for the budget (not 100% sure) it sounds complicated as fuck though.

Reconciliation is a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a budget bill with debate limited to twenty hours under Senate rules.

In the Senate, the reconciliation bill then gets only 20 hours of debate and amendments are limited. Only one reconciliation bill can be passed in any given year.[11]

Former Senator Judd Gregg explained the complex sequence of steps involved in reconciliation. He emphasizes the complexity of the process, especially if there is a deep partisan divide:[12]

Congress passes a budget resolution, with a deadline of April 15. No presidential signature is needed; sometimes the resolution is delayed or never passed.
The budget goes to both houses.
It goes to the Senate with a special rule: it can pass with 51 votes and cannot be filibustered. Other legislation can be filibustered and requires 60 votes to end the filibuster.
The budget cannot affect entitlements such as Medicare unless the budget includes "reconciliation instructions." In that case, the Byrd rule applies and the primary result must be to reduce entitlement spending. Gregg notes, "If the budget calls for more revenue to reduce the deficit, then reconciliation can be used to produce that revenue via fees or taxes."
After the changes are made, the Budget Committees consolidate them into one bill that is voted on by both houses; it needs 51 Senate votes.
The final reconciliation covers government spending and goes to the president who can sign it or veto it; the veto can be overturned by a two-thirds majority in both houses.


It'll probably be explained in better detail the closer we get to April.



Rampant militarism and nationalism above all else. That was the other part of "MAGA" to complement the racist, misogynist, homophobic part. If Americans don't get out there and destroy the Republicans in 2018 your country is completely fucked.
I might be looking at this too simplistically but all those agencies are getting gutted while three others are getting a massive boost and the net total saved is $5 billion after all is said and done.

Seems like a lot of waste still.


The poor voted for the party that takes care of the rich; The posterboy of the western democracy completely unravels for all to see.

It's the biggest con in in the last century of the western world.
I might be looking at this too simplistically but all those agencies are getting gutted while three others are getting a massive boost and the net total saved is $5 billion after all is said and done.

Seems like a lot of waste still.

I mean, if you just had the government refuse to spend money on anything, you could technically get spending to 0.

That doesn't make it a good idea for anyone involved.


Stupid question, but humor me: has anyone who has spent more than 5 seconds thinking about it thought a massive increase in military spending should be the priority? And if so, why?
wow. i'd call for a revolt at this point if i were an American and had any sort of influence. every Democrat congressman and woman etc should be furiously opposing this..

seriously, the pendulum better swing pretty damn hard in the opposite direction, and soon.. America can't be allowed to go into the shitter, with so much potential wasted.


All because "it's time for something different".
Good job, dumbfucks! You got something different than somewhat competent leadership with reasonably beneficial policies.

wow. i'd call for a revolt at this point if i were an American and had any sort of influence. every Democrat congressman and woman etc should be furiously opposing this..

seriously, the pendulum better swing pretty damn hard in the opposite direction, and soon.. America can't be allowed to go into the shitter, with so much potential wasted.
Frightening times.


Unconfirmed Member
Stupid question, but humor me: has anyone who has spent more than 5 seconds thinking about it thought a massive increase in military spending should be the priority? And if so, why?

There's no possible defence for it. The USA's military budget is already totally out of line with generally comparative countries (as in it already spends more than pretty much all other western nations combined). There's no possible justification to increase it further


We need to send someone back in time to prevent all of this from happening. I think if we start now, by 2036 we should have a working prototype. We can save ourselves. We just...all have to die and hope John Titor can convince our past selves that reality television will kill us all. and just pray that the past understands.

We couldn't even save Kanye. Time finds a way to correct itself.



There's no possible defence for it. The USA's military budget is already totally out of line with generally comparative countries (as in it already spends more than pretty much all other western nations combined). There's no possible justification to increase it further

The bad men, they are coming! Bad (or sick) guys! Bad boys bad boys, whacha gonna do? Spend more on military!
How can you just delete 21% of the budget of the agricultural an labour departments without both institutions basically collapsing? -4% or -5% would already be a significant cut, but this is literary an execution by cutting the monetary artery. And that's not to mention the state departement. How are they going to pull out an almost 30% funding cut? Shutting down and closing entire embassies?

Thread title should be changed from "steep" to "catastrophic" cuts.


Deplorable budget... I got a long-time friend working at NIH who has been wanting to leave for a while. Told him to come up and emigrate here.


You know which other form of government & or organizations follow the same principles?

Dictatorial & religious extremists.

The rest of the world, especially EU & Canada should take note and should study US carefully in the years to come.


Total overkill, like you guys didn't have the most advanced and already far stronger army from the rest of the world.
(I am a European)

The Lamp

Now what? Like, I'm serious. What the FUCK do we do now? Like I know this is preachy as all hell but what more can be done than just grovel? When will there any catharsis from this bullshit? Like, the travel ban getting temporarily overturned was one victory but stil, all of this, I'm just feeling despair and don't know what to do about it.

I'm considering emmigrating. Fuck this cesspit. It deserves to rot after what people chose.

For those of you who can't move, my sincere condolences. This shit is fucked.
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