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Giant Bomb #27 | http://cbsinteractive.com/careers


The thing I just don't get about the new Mass Effect is why they filled your squad with all the old aliens. We had 3 games of asari/krogens/turians/solarians, the idea of setting the in an entirely new galaxy and then to have it not be focused on discovering and befriending new aliens is insane to me. Them so rigidly sticking to the old formula seems like a huge miscalculation.

Anyway, time for some BitE, aww yis

Probably because it was easy. Less new stuff you need to come up with and easier to sell. Of course that is The wirst reason to do anything.
To be fair a big peeve I had with the ME trilogy was they never really introduced new important races after the first game. That green assasins guy in 2 with the fish eyes was about it.
Really though I just want to see someone create an intelligent alien race with no opposable thumbs.


It looks like the next episode (after this one) will have some cool guy and dramatic scenes I've been looking forward to. But this one is shaping up well so I can't be disappointed.

The statue and The Beatles and incorrect primary colour talk <3


Really though I just want to see someone create an intelligent alien race with no opposable thumbs.
I would hope being in another galaxy entirely would allow them to go completely wild with the alien designs.

I guess if they're going to be in your party they'd have to be basically humanoid. And fuckable.


the holder of the trombone
I would hope being in another galaxy entirely would allow them to go completely wild with the alien designs.

I guess if they're going to be in your party they'd have to be basically humanoid. And fuckable.

Just make them have tentacles then.

No opposable thumbs.

Still fuckable.
Omg Dan needs to sell these plates. He doesn't realize how much money he would get.

They really need to stop with the side stories. They are meant to be returned to not busted out in quick succession. They've barely made story progress in 3 episodes.
Alex logic. Just like we're supposed to believe he'll complete all the Megamans.

Well, even though they're not playing them as endurance runs, they're capturing what the original intent of the exercise was: a playthrough of the game(s) until they've basically had enough.

It just so happens they may have had enough after the first game of the series they play, if they even want to complete this one. If they're not enthusiastic about playing the other games after this one they shouldn't.


Unconfirmed Member
I really want to read the reviews by the folks who were positive in their previews.

We all know that previews are pretty much garbage but in this case, it could be pretty juicy.

Just like the ME:A writing am I right amirite.
Gamespot is pretty interesting in this regard. They even made a two part making-of series about the game including dev comments etc and atleast some of them really hyped it up during the preview period. Yet they gave it a 6/10, one of the lowest scores it got.


Gamespot is pretty interesting in this regard. They even made a two part making-of series about the game including dev comments etc and atleast some of them really hyped it up during the preview period. Yet they gave it a 6/10, one of the lowest scores it got.

I guess EA's cheque didn't clear amiright

There's actually people who believe shit like this


Gamespot is pretty interesting in this regard. They even made a two part making-of series about the game including dev comments etc and atleast some of them really hyped it up during the preview period. Yet they gave it a 6/10, one of the lowest scores it got.

Since the hard split happened between editorial and marketing content (they previously had some crossover, like Chris Watters' former role), their reviews have been surprisingly critical at times.

Of course the price for that independence was the editorial team getting absolutely gutted.
I can't wait to use paying the dark price in conversation.

Gamespot is pretty interesting in this regard. They even made a two part making-of series about the game including dev comments etc and atleast some of them really hyped it up during the preview period. Yet they gave it a 6/10, one of the lowest scores it got.

Gamespot is probably the one site you could bet keeps its reviews in order. They learned the hard way

Plus I think they have completely different teams for review and advertorials... I mean "features" so the people who make those long video bits don't do reviews. I don't think Danny did many reviews for GS as a result.
Hard to imagine Mass Effect bouncing back from this misstep. The investment in this game was huge and EA decided to just push this one out when it was obviously not ready. If I remember correctly, Mass Effect was never a sales megahit for them. Unless there is someone high up at EA that has a huge place in the heart for Mass Effect and based on the state of Andromeda, that seems doubtful, I can't see them making another major investment to correct course.


Hard to imagine Mass Effect bouncing back from this misstep. The investment in this game was huge and EA decided to just push this one out when it was obviously not ready. If I remember correctly, Mass Effect was never a sales megahit for them. Unless there is someone high up at EA that has a huge place in the heart for Mass Effect and based on the state of Andromeda, that seems doubtful, I can't see them making another major investment to correct course.

I keep seeing people say this, but I don't understand why. Besides Dragon Age and this Destiny clone, what else would they work on in lieu of this?

There's a reason they made another one of these in the first place.


The worst thing about Mass Effect reviewing badly is that Vinny is going to be disappointed. I was not expecting it to have a more unfavorable score than DA2.

Just make them have tentacles then.

No opposable thumbs.

Still fuckable.

Like the Hanar? Based on the art out there, they're def fuckable.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
EA has literally only published two well-received game this generation.

One is Battlefield 1 and the other is Titanfall 2 which they fucked on the release date and which the popularity has dwindled due to no kind of roadmap of the future of the game.

Everything else has been a huge disappointment, even 'beloved sequels' like Mirror's Edge. Ironically, Ubisoft has been putting out a lot of great sequels like Watch Dogs 2 and AC: Syndicate. Even the 'eh' games sold extremely well like Wildlands.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm...I've been negative about Andromeda since we first saw it, I've seen pretty much every warning sign since the very first preview, I didn't like Mass Effect 3 and I didn't even like Mass Effect 2 that much and I'm still somehow pissed that EA managed to fuck this up because damnit I would like it if I would like this game
FUCK. Just got into work and realized that my desktop background is Mass Effect Andromeda.

As a huge fan of the previous game, this is a bit of a gut punch. I honestly didn't sleep well at all last night, and I know that's silly. Last time I had a night that restless was election night.

I let myself get in too deep with this game. I have two good friends who I met in line for a ME3 demo at comic-con. They've got Paragon/Renegade tattoos. We played like 70 hours of the ME3 MP together. The only game devs I follow on twitter are BioWare ones, because I like how interactive they are with the community.

The biggest bummer to me is that BioWare as a company is historically one of the most dedicated to diversity, and those are the kinds of teams I want to root for these days.


Man all the long animations jumping between planets are killing me. Especially when you zoom in to a new planet and it gets real close, and then you have to wait for it to then pull back just a bit before you can do anything to the planet


Was it? I recall people looking forward to it and positive previews before the trail came out and screwed the pooch.

I'm not sure it had enough hype before the disappointment. Everyone was curious, and then the previews dropped but that was like 5 days of positivity before the trial, then it was all downhill

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't know man. The writing was on the wall since forever.

There was a gaf preview thread a week previous to EA access that was like 'this game is great!'. They showed very little of the gmae up until now and they showed highly edited clips of the combat which people seemed to be pretty excited about.


Was it? I recall people looking forward to it and positive previews before the trail came out and screwed the pooch.

There was a gaf preview thread a week previous to EA access that was like 'this game is great!'. They showed very little of the gmae up until now and they showed highly edited clips of the combat which people seemed to be pretty excited about.

Every gameplay trailer they showed was bad. And don't get me started on that "preview thread" or the professional previews we had.


the holder of the trombone
At least the fucking is pretty good according to IGN.

And my stars, do they ever get naked. I’m not just talking about Liam’s apparent allergy to shirts, here. You have plenty of romance options for either gender, including same-sex and interspecies, and when you’ve gone out of your way to talk to them and run errands for them (which often involve blowing up robots or killing outlaws) to kindle the flames of your budding relationship, you’re treated to a full-on R-rated sex scene the likes of which the Mass Effect series has never seen before. My wife’s reaction as I sealed the deal with human biotic commando Cora was to state, matter-of-factly, that, “This is porn. And it looks weird.” She’s not wrong on either count – especially since male Ryder appears to have painstakingly removed every hair on his body below the neck – but I’d call it tasteful porn thanks to the context of the conversations leading up to it.

... that probably means penetration right? Has the previous ME's done it before?
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