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Eurogamer: BotW running on CEMU showing remarkable progress

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Incredibly impressive feat. I wonder at what time frame the Cemu version reaches the definitive best way to play BoTW(i.e. reaches 100% working and maintains a better framerate than Switch/WiiU)?

I certainly didn't think they'd accomplish this in a month's time. Curious if they can get a steady ~30fps framerate within a couple more months at 1080p.


A fortnight ago CEMU was supported by 1857 people, who collectively donated $7782 per month (around £6300). It's now supported by 5135 people, who donate nearly $22k a month (more than £17k).

Pfft. Nobody is interested in playing Nintendo games on PC!


Why are they "preserving" a brand new game? Promoting piracy it seems. Really don't understand how it's legal to emulate games still being sold.

You can already pirate the game on WiiU. It's not like this game was going to push the sales of the WiiU either.
They're just improving the hardware emulation in general, which happens to fix Zelda. No amount of game-specific hacks would give this much progress in a week. It just seems like a lot of pieces fell into place.
Wrong. From what I have read guys like byuu say on his twitter feed Cemu is already chock full of per game hacks and work arounds to get things booting / working. And yes game specific hacks CAN get this stuff working in a week, right now Zelda pays the bills and I doubt accuracy improvements that happen to fix this particular stuff is a coincidence at all.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
If they get this running at 60fps buttery smooth I will be living in my underwear for a week.


I already addressed that point and it also doesn't counter the claim that emulation enables piracy that you originally responded to so I'm not sure what you're trying to get across

The point being that somebody arguing against emulation on the basis of piracy alone is being utterly foolish and shortsighted.


The dispute here is really bizarre. Most of us presumably live in a country where a decision on this has been made in court?

There are legal protections both for emulator makers (including closed source and for-profit) and for software creators, in the US. While I would prefer that the emulator be open source for preservation purposes, it's clear the motivation of the CEMU devs is financial, which is not abhorrent given the magnitude of effort being put in.

The piracy of the Wii U version of the game is a separate problem, and is no different than the piracy of other media that are easily platform-shifted (movies etc). Why would many of you advocate changing/destroying the only way to preserve games to get around a problem that will still exist (piracy on the native platform) and exists for all other media (piracy on the PC).

I suspect we're all fucked anyway once CPUs that can run encrypted executables are ubiquitous and we start downloading per-CPU copies of games, but why rush?

It probably hurts switch purchase justification/or potential sales(?) as it's probably the biggest current reason to own a switch and it performs better than the WiiU version.
Can't really blame them for that but it is what it is. I'm glad I'm getting the most out of the WiiU purchase anyway.
people are just downloading botw for free? Why are people defending this? Preservation?? Lol

Might I suggest actually reading the thread before offering lame hot takes? Even just a cursory glance should result in you concluding that you may not understand the topic at all.


Might I suggest actually reading the thread before offering lame hot takes? Even just a cursory glance should result in you concluding that you may not understand the topic at all.
So youre saying no one is downloading it?

I understand some people are ripping the game they allready bought.


Wonderful! I might be able now to avoid paying Nintendo money for their shitty hardware! I wonder what kind of PC will this game require?

Thanks for admiting that openly...

I think it's not okay that the WiiU was emulated that soon, it's almost like with the N64 all over again, where you could play Mario64 very soon after launch on your PC. Though I don't think it will really hurt Nintendos sales that much, emulation is still pretty much a niche, which might change with a big magazine like Eurogamer covering it though. Let's hope the Switch will take some time to be emulated, the 3DS took ages too.
Nintendo isn't a content creator. The people they employ are.

I would imagine content creators would probably want their content to be experienced in both the best way possible and by the most people possible and preserved/available well after their artificial restrictions and planned obsolescence would otherwise make it unavailable.

Nintendo has a contrived relationship with emulation, both decrying it and then straight up exploiting it to sell you Mario ROMs they stole of the internet themselves.

Is it against TOS to call someone a moron?


I bought the game on Switch but am willing to double-dip and borrow someone's Wii U so I can get this running.

Since the Switch Pro Controller works natively with PC, this should be pretty sweet. Hopefully there's a way to get the gyro working properly.
To pirate Breath of the Wild on the PC, you would need one that is significantly more powerful and more expensive to be able to emulate it with an emulator that is still under development, and will be for quite a while.

If people wanted to pirate Breath of the Wild, they can do so more easily with an actual Wii U, a console that is discontinued and relatively cheap compared to a high end PC, so the idea that this emulator will enable piracy is incredibly flawed.


So youre saying no one is downloading it?

I understand some people are ripping the game they allready bought.

So they're doing what people do with games released for cracked consoles? I think piracy is abhorrent to the point where I can't even justify doing it for older games, but these arguments are irrelevant to the topic of emulation.
One wonders if so many people would want to turn to the Great Satan that is emulation if Nintendo released their games on a device more powerful than a fucking potato.


I think the issue is there is that while emulation is legal (if you follow particular rules) and good, it's really weird to promote a closed-sourced emulator asking for money, and not really doing it for the emulator itself and preservation, but for specific games first.
Including one that was just released, and that Nintendo (and its developers) would prefer to see people enjoy on their own hardware, with their own copies.

I don't think anybody is really saying nobody should emulate games. Just that it's a bit morally questionable to focus on this one game under those conditions.

This is making a lot of people mad.

Making a lot more people happy though, a looot of people are gonna be playing Zelda on PC before the year is out.

I just hope all of them will have bought that Zelda copy so everything is done legally.
I personally can't wait for it to run perfectly on CEMU, but it still doesn't sit right with me at all that this is available so soon. It's not mutually exclusive.

Pretty much where i stand, i can't wait to see the game in 4k and looking crisp and clean because to me the art deserves it, nintendo games look amazing in HD with anti aliasing.

But i also think that this is available a little too soon, i'd much rather see revenue go to the developers.
The problem is that whilst everyone here owns a wii u and a copy of wii u zelda, there will be some people out there that will simply pirate the software, download the emulator and play it.
Gotta finish up Horizon and Dishonored 2, then I will get deep into this. At the rate CEMU devs are working, it should be in good shape by the time I'm ready for it.

Dario ff

Wrong. From what I have read guys like byuu say on his twitter feed Cemu is already chock full of per game hacks and work arounds to get things booting / working. And yes game specific hacks CAN get this stuff working in a week, right now Zelda pays the bills and I doubt accuracy improvements that happen to fix this particular stuff is a coincidence at all.
I've hardly seen much specific game hacks other than some specific ini configuration for each title. It's hardly beyond the stuff Dolphin does when it comes to per-game configuration (which they've been progressively getting rid off as soon as features get emulated better). Where has byuu proven there's more than that without access to the source code?

And how exactly would someone else's opinion prove my opinion wrong if we have access to the same amount of information? :p

This is about as far as game-specific configuration goes from what we actually have without source code access:
# The cache accuracy cannot be controlled via gameProfiles as it is subject to change
accurateShaderMul = true; # If set to true, Cemu will correctly emulate the non-IEEE behavior of the shader MUL instruction. Can fix graphic issues but also decreases shader performance and increases shader compile time. Default value is true. It is recommended to delete the shader cache if this option is changed.

cpuTimer = cycleCounter # Timer source for OS and CPU time. Default value is 'cycleCounter'. Some games run better when set to 'hostBased'.
emulateSinglePrecision = false # If set to true, the recompiler will try to correctly round the result of single-precision instructions. Can fix gameplay bugs at the cost of performance.

disableAudio = false # If set to true, audio output will be muted and all audio related processing will run on low priority. Turning this option on can increase performance at the cost of emulation accuracy.
Thanks for admiting that openly...

I think it's not okay that the WiiU was emulated that soon, it's almost like with the N64 all over again, where you could play Mario64 very soon after launch on your PC. Though I don't think it will really hurt Nintendos sales that much, emulation is still pretty much a niche, which might change with a big magazine like Eurogamer covering it though. Let's hope the Switch will take some time to be emulated, the 3DS took ages too.

Sorry, but this has been a risk as long as Nintendo stopped making cutting-edge hardware. This formulation of "not okay" is strange, as there's no ethical question here whatsoever.


So youre saying no one is downloading it?

I understand some people are ripping the game they allready bought.

There is a Wii U homebrew thread you can go complain in about piracy there.

A friend of mine has no idea what CEMU is and was playing BOTW on his Wii U a couple days before it came out.

Why do people always shit in emulation threads but never seem to notice that you can pirate and play this game much much easier with an actual Wii U?


Gold Member
I don't really want to get into the legality discussion here, but serious question since I actually don't know: Is there no support in the law for claiming that a certain piece of software needs to be run on the hardware it was made for? I mean, you've been able to play Wii U games without ever owning a Wii U for quite a while now, which obviously means less money for the creator of said hardware. Is there no such thing as "licensed to run on the Wii U and nothing else" or similar, the circumvention of which would be iffy? Note that I'm talking 100% about legally owned software here, just being run on hardware other than it was made for.

EDIT: Or is this generally about "person X owns game Y and the hardware it's made for, but decides to play it on his PC instead"?


How deep in capitalist ideology one must be to get so angry at the mere possibility that somebody might play a video game without stuffing the pockets of some bourgeouis executives.

Anti-piracy ideology is just patheitc anti-poor elitism from middle class people who think people with less money than them dont deserve to participate in popular culture like they do. As if money is some objective representation of moral character or "hard work!" So what if people use Cemu to pirate Breath the Wild? If culture being shared freely among the people to the detriment of corporate profits pisses you off so much, get your fucking priorities straight. There are real problems in the world that affect real people. Or at least keep it to yourself and stop shitting up every thread about emulation with your judgemental moralizing bullshit.


Pfft. Nobody is interested in playing Nintendo games on PC!

5000 people giving $4 a month is indeed nobody in the grand scheme of things on a business standpoint.

However putting that amount of money in the hands of a small group of people rises some questions.
The best way to play a game is on hardware it wasn't made for? Or is that the most convenient way for someone who doesn't want to spend money in support of the company by purchasing the hardware...
Well yeah? Have you even played the the Wii U version? Or any version at all? The framerate is abysmal at times. Kakariko village, Hateno village, Korok Forest, Rain, fighting more than two enemies, fighting just Moblins...like are you for real?


I'm saying it's of no concern to me if hypothetical people who haven't legally purchased the game are downloading it. If you admit to that here, you will be banned. But I don't care what "other people" are doing.
So you are saying there are people using this to download BoTw for free!?!
Cool for people to upgrade their game. But why don't you care that people are using that for piracy?
Just as guilty in my opinion!


Emulating is the best way to play a ton of games. Maybe Nintendo should make hardware that encourages people to use it over their pc if their own platforms can't run the game decently or just sell the games on pc themselves.

Debatable and in many cases (N64, Saturn), it is not. In my experience, even if an emulator runs well, it's still a worse experience than original hardware because it introduced unavoidable input lag (in conjunction with display input lag) that can make certain games very difficult to play. This mostly applies to retro games from 32-bit era or earlier which were made to play on CRTs with 0ms response time.

What's the reason CEMU is closed sourced?

Money in all likelihood. I'm not condemning the emu devs for that, but let's be real.

tell me which you'd rather play on.

The one on the right of course (if it was a choice between Wii U and PC, Switch portability convenience trumps them all)...but the entire JPG is low quality and making the one on left look worse and blurrier for no reason. A direct capture of Wii U, although low res, should look crisp regardless. But I suspect people will keep pulling out that degraded image in these arguments over and over.

We've had this run in on these threads before. As far as Gaf goes most of us interested in emulation buy and own the hardware + games from what I've seen. If someone is found out I'd expect them to be banned.

If I want to play BotW on my Wii U I can....and once this is done, I can play it on PC too if I want.

Pirates aren't welcome here and we shouldn't shun emulation because someone bad may take advantage. You don't fold due to bad eggs in the world.

At $22k a month I want every Wii U game emulated at 100% though...LOL

This is neither here nor there, but I don't believe this for a second. I think there are far more lurkers on this board who know they can't openly boast about piracy and who fully intend to pirate games on CEMU than there are people interested in CEMU from a project standpoint who will then emulate the games in a legal, proper way. To each their own, it's none of my business, but I don't think we should lie about how the forum is full of morally upright saints.


How deep in capitalist ideology one must be to get so angry at the mere possibility that somebody might play a video game without stuffing the pockets of some bourgeouis executives.

Honestly this attitude never ceases to amaze me. Its very strange.


So you are saying there are people using this to download BoTw for free!?!
Cool for people to upgrade their game. But why don't you care that people are using that for piracy?
Just as guilty in my opinion!

Dude, stop digging your own grave. Seriously. If you're so concerned about people pirating the game, discuss that in an appropriate thread, GAF supports emulation discussion.


I bet everyone already ripped their personal Wii U I bios, and official copy of the game so they can play it, right?

I already did.
My copy is BOTW is ready on PC waiting for a stable version of CEMU.

Meanwhile, I'm playing it on my WiiU

Your point being?


How deep in capitalist ideology one must be to get so angry at the mere possibility that somebody might play a video game without stuffing the pockets of some bourgeouis executives.

Anti-piracy ideology is just patheitc anti-poor elitism from middle class people who think people with less money than them dont deserve to participate in popular culture like they do. As if money is some objective representation of moral character or "hard work!" So what if people use Cemu to pirate Breath the Wild? If culture being shared freely among the people to the detriment of corporate profits pisses you off so much, get your fucking priorities straight. There are real problems in the world that affect real people. Or at least keep it to yourself and stop shitting up every thread about emulation with your judgemental moralizing bullshit.

Those "bourgeois" not getting money means developers not getting money to make that content that you desire so much.
Appaling post.
Maybe more people will pirate it because more people own PCs than the Wii U. That's a point worth considering. But from here I would just again argue a couple of points. The first is do you honestly think that this automatically decreases legitimate sales? The second is that even if you answer in the affirmative to the first, do you deny that there are legitimate fans and consumers that are interested in these projects all the same. The sort of derision wherein people act like enthusiasts and hobbyists are just contrivances to cover for the fact that everyone just uses this type of software for piracy is really annoying and insulting to legit fans of these projects.

Oh, c'mon, man.

To the first point, yes -- I 100% believe that people will pirate the game rather than pay for it. And I don't really see how 'but I bought a copy' justifies that. It's not an "insult" to point out that your passion project just so happens to lead to people stealing games from Nintendo.
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