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Yakuza 0 |OT| Yes, you can start with this one!


Thanks for the number.

So Y0 LTD is >600k

100k in the west
500k in Asia (2015)

I can see it somewhere around 800k worldwide


Unconfirmed Member
100k is criminally low :(
I've been doing my best to convince friends to get into it. I guess I'll lend out my copy of 0 in hopes that they're going to join the kiwami hype train.
It's so hard with recommendations. Usually what happens is I recommend something and like 1-2 years later they come back to me having totally falling in love with whatever I recommended xD.
A reminder of how awful past Yakuza games did in the west. (NPD sales)

Yakuza ~56k
Yakuza 2 ~24k
Yakuza 3 ~50k
Yakuza 4 ~20/30k
Yakuza Dead Souls ~6k

So 100k in about two months is much better than what the series did in the past. Though I agree, it's still way lower than what the series deserves :(


You are in for a fun ride. Just remember two things:

1) Saving is done manually. Use payphones to save your game.

What Son Of Sparda said.

Also press down on the d-pad while in combat to whip out the weapon you have equipped in your inventory.

Thanks for the tips! I actually don't mind no auto save, I normally manually do it where possible anyway.

UYAAAA moshi moshi


This was my first Yakuza game, I beat it a few days ago, and I absolutely loved it. It was way better than I expected.

I was pretty surprised to learn that Majima is a recurring antagonist in the future games for Kiryu, it makes the final cutscene make a bit more sense.

I also don't understand how Makoto didn't recognize Majima's voice at the end.


100k sales already, and before any discounts? That's good for this series. I'm not sure about Europe sales of past titles, but I would be surprised if this isn't the highest selling title in the series in the West eventually.

It's not super, but it's growth for a series that hasn't worked in the West time and time again. But as we learned from Y1 and Y3, starting strong isn't the hard part, it's keeping that momentum throughout the generation. Hopefully Kiwami and especially 6 don't drop off.

And at least we know NeoGAF cares about the game, for however little that's worth:

Yakuza 3 |OT| - 39 pages
Yakuza 4 |OT| - 35 pages
Yakuza 5 |OT| - 68 pages
Yakuza 0 |OT| - 222 pages and counting


I bought digital and retail version to support the game. Now I'm waiting for Kiwami.

A reminder of how awful past Yakuza games did in the west. (NPD sales)

Yakuza ~56k
Yakuza 2 ~24k
Yakuza 3 ~50k
Yakuza 4 ~20/30k
Yakuza Dead Souls ~6k

So 100k in about two months is much better than what the series did in the past. Though I agree, it's still way lower than what the series deserves :(


SEGA considered the series dead in the western market and didn't even care about it anymore. I really appreciate all the effort Sony did it to convince them localize 0 and the others.
Any tips on which chapter to finish off sidequests and business? I know there's always time before the end boss for this in Yakuza games, but was wondering if there is a particular chapter at which the plot ramps up to the finale, so I could finish off most of the side stuff before that.
lol, 100k for Yakuza 0 is incredible considering how the rest of the games didn't sell great, and Dead Souls left a crater in the Earth
I also don't understand how Makoto didn't recognize Majima's voice at the end.
Watch that cutscene once more. He didn't talk.


SEGA considered the series dead in the western market and didn't even care about it anymore. I really appreciate all the effort Sony did it to convince them localize 0 and the others.
Sony was only involved in localization of Yakuza 5 though. Yakuza 0, Kiwami and 6 are all SEGA/Atlus' doing.
Finally playing Y0. This series is awfully underrated. It deserves much more praize than it gets :/

Let's hope it changes soon and Sega can get it straight in the west.


My hope is that Yakuza 0 will continue to sell well. I've seen way more buzz about it online than previous Yakuza games. It is such a great entry point of the series.

Noticing that (for example) Angry Joe's positive review of the game has over a million views makes me feel like a lot of people are being reach by the series for the first time. The weirdness and uniqueness of the title really separates it from any other major game on the market right now.
And at least we know NeoGAF cares about the game, for however little that's worth:

I think it's worth quite a bit; GAF does seem to be an influencer on the wider scene. Certainly within GAF itself because there are many more newcomers like me now who praise Y0 in any thread they can. It was also mentioned in all the "great games of Q1" threads. I think the word-of-mouth hit a point with this one where most people on GAF actually know what Yakuza is now, or at least they know it's supposed to be good. The one downside is that it got released along with so many big titles. But the fact that it still did relatively good sales says something.

off-topic, but how did Nier do so well in sales? The first game was as niche as Yakuza. Is it just the different tone, open world RPG angle, and the bigger budget?
I think it's worth quite a bit; GAF does seem to be an influencer on the wider scene. Certainly within GAF itself because there are many more newcomers like me now who praise Y0 in any thread they can. It was also mentioned in all the "great games of Q1" threads. I think the word-of-mouth hit a point with this one where most people on GAF actually know what Yakuza is now, or at least they know it's supposed to be good. The one downside is that it got released along with so many big titles. But the fact that it still did relatively good sales says something.

off-topic, but how did Nier do so well in sales? The first game was as niche as Yakuza. Is it just the different tone, open world RPG angle, and the bigger budget?

The Platinum Effect probably accounts for some of it, and Square Enix was probably able to put more marketing muscle behind it. Besides that, though, your guess is as good as mine. In some ways it seems to have eclipsed Yakuza 0 as the unexpected media darling (which in turn eclipsed Gravity Rush 2).

Still, given that the franchise's prospects in North America seemed dead after Dead Souls, it's hard not to see the Yakuza 0 goodwill and sales as anything but good news. I mean, Giant Bomb's streaming the game, for chrissakes. That's more than Yakuza 5 could ever have hoped for.


Yakuza Producer said:
“In April, a lot of new things have begun. Today is the beginning kick-off for the studio. We’ll be even stronger. This last month I haven’t been able to check on Twitter because the busiest days of the last few years have been going on. Since so many things are moving that it’s scary, I’ll let you know what’s up some day.”


Looks like the next Yakuza is in production. Exciting.

Rebootquel or another Samurai Kiryu?

I'd kill to see Kiryu as an Imperial Officer in the Meiji era



Unconfirmed Member
Hype. Knowing that Y6 seems to be sadly a stepping stone game for the new engine I just way more amped for Y7 whatever it turns out to be which probably will as usual take what 6 did and refine/expand it to the point we're used to.
As for where the series should go next of course Akiyama sounds like fun for taking over the mantle but I'd honestly prefer a fresh start with new legends.
Maybe begin telling a story about the unification of the Yakuza and let's follow the person who does it.
Even better let that person come from the Omi Alliance and shows their side in greater detail. We get maybe a better sense of the enemy side and new perspective like Y0 gave us while we can still drop various legends/fan favorites into that story. Someone that aims to unify the yakuza is going to deal with all of them most likely.

In my head the person that would succeed in this would likely even surpass Kiryu's legend but maybe I'm just reading too much Kingdom xD.


So Yakuza 0 sold over 100k copies according to Nagoshi-san.
*Kuroda is the voice actor for Kiryu, Nagoshi is the creator of the Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza franchise.

That's not bad - that's about 3-4 times Yakuza 5 maybe? Just guessing here.

200k would have been a major success, there's still time to sell a few more copies especially between now, kiwami and Yakuza 6 coming out so well and everyone will be talking about how great 0 is.

off-topic, but how did Nier do so well in sales? The first game was as niche as Yakuza. Is it just the different tone, open world RPG angle, and the bigger budget?

Oh man, I wanted to create a topic on that, but didn't want to sound like a salty Yakuza fan, even though I was going to get Nier anyway.

It's like Yakuza has everything to 'scare' off western gamers

1) a Japanese title
2) wacky stuff - as much as we like seeing Kiryu punch a tiger, that's probably unrealistic for most people
3) subtitled and original Japanese voices - i know many people who won't watch anything subtitled
4) long running series and its too late to start
5) long cutscenes when people just want to 'play'
6) they would rather play GTA
7) no vehicles
8) no 'shooting'/'aiming' gun gameplay
9) convoluted storyline

Well there's probably more but I'll stop there. With Nier, its really only the second game, I know there's Drakengard, but most people probably don't and probably felt its easier to jump in. The gameplay also looks slick. It's on PC too.
Still, given that the franchise's prospects in North America seemed dead after Dead Souls, it's hard not to see the Yakuza 0 goodwill and sales as anything but good news. I mean, Giant Bomb's streaming the game, for chrissakes. That's more than Yakuza 5 could ever have hoped for.

Exactly. The game has had more exposure compared to previous entries in the series (the last time I can remember it getting any exposure was when all the controversy over 3's cut content hit). Its still a very niche game, but at least more people have been exposed to it/become fans of the series. I doubt it'd have done as well if they'd not have started with 0 though - since it also serves as a great entry point for new fans of the series.

Probably helped that the share features were relaxed in the USA release as well compared to the Japanese release (Japan only let you share images and vids in premium adventure mode). So lots of cool gifs of heat moves and a manager chicken hit twitter and youtube!


Looks like the next Yakuza is in production. Exciting.

Rebootquel or another Samurai Kiryu?

I'd kill to see Kiryu as an Imperial Officer in the Meiji era


Uh oh. My hype is rising... TGS reveal incoming or something sooner? Not sure I can wait another 5 or so months! Hopefully it'll be a sequel that reboots the series - takes the engine of 6 and refines it (which is how I expect things to go). So all the problems 6 had will be ironed out.
Whatever new thing they're working on, i hope we'll also get a Yakuza 2 remake. Doesn't even have to be on the new engine, just use the old one and put it at 1080p60fps, like Y0 and Kiwami.


100k is really good in the West. Hope it continues to sell. My favourite Q1 game.

Don't like the fact Y6 is Kiryu only and had cutbacks due to jump to new tech. Will definitely be interested in a Y7 though.

How can it be really good when P5, Ni-Oh and Nier sold so much better and they are not any less "japanese" than Y0, in fact they are less accessible I would say.

100K sounds low compared to the other recent big japanese successes.

Edit: OK now I can see that compared to previous entries that's a good number, but still on its own it's still pretty bad.
I'm close to platinuming the game, only need to finish the last few chapters on Legend and so far it has been easy enough if you come prepared. However, that car chase is some ol' bullshit. I don't even mind the difficulty, even though for some reason i keep getting worse the more times i retry it, but an unskippable dialogue and no less than 5 (skippable) cutscenes for every retry, come on!
Whatever new thing they're working on, i hope we'll also get a Yakuza 2 remake. Doesn't even have to be on the new engine, just use the old one and put it at 1080p60fps, like Y0 and Kiwami.

Mere speculation on my part - but I could see a remake of 2 happening this year (if its a Kiwami styled budget remake) which should be something that can be put out fairly quickly. Then continue working on the next big game for a release in December 2018 (I can already imagine the epic hype for getting both a new Yakuza and Shenmue title in a short time period!)

I kinda want them to use the new game engine (as used in 6 though) as it'd be a shame to have that awesome new game engine go to waste, especially as a 2 remake would look so amazing. However they'd have to create Osaka in the new engine as well as several parts of Kamuracho (they can't skip Purgatory this time, its a crucial plot point to 2 after all) so if they did go down this route I couldn't imagine seeing a new Yakuza game this year (not that it'd be a bad thing, a year off would do the series some good). Plus they'd need to overhaul the combat and add back in all the moves and heat attacks that you had from 2...
Hmmmm UK here

Argos are selling this physical for £28

I am definitely buying but currently doing Nier and Persona. Was gonna pick this up today even though I prob won't touch it until Nier is done. Want to show support for the game and couldn't get launch day despite desperately wanting it.

Feel I should pull the trigger. Anyone else buy games they have no intention of playing immediately :)

I'm not great at juggling multiple games and 2 is my limit
Hmmmm UK here

Argos are selling this physical for £28

I am definitely buying but currently doing Nier and Persona. Was gonna pick this up today even though I prob won't touch it until Nier is done. Want to show support for the game and couldn't get launch day despite desperately wanting it.

Feel I should pull the trigger. Anyone else buy games they have no intention of playing immediately :)

I'm not great at juggling multiple games and 2 is my limit

I do that as well. I've almost cleared my new years backlog! Just in time for Persona 5 and Yooka Laylee to arrive. Its a decent price as well, I see Amazon have a similar price but its available to ship in "10-11 days" so by the sounds of it physical stock is still fairly limited.


Oh man, I wanted to create a topic on that, but didn't want to sound like a salty Yakuza fan, even though I was going to get Nier anyway.

It's like Yakuza has everything to 'scare' off western gamers

1) a Japanese title
2) wacky stuff - as much as we like seeing Kiryu punch a tiger, that's probably unrealistic for most people
3) subtitled and original Japanese voices - i know many people who won't watch anything subtitled
4) long running series and its too late to start
5) long cutscenes when people just want to 'play'
6) they would rather play GTA
7) no vehicles
8) no 'shooting'/'aiming' gun gameplay
9) convoluted storyline

Well there's probably more but I'll stop there. With Nier, its really only the second game, I know there's Drakengard, but most people probably don't and probably felt its easier to jump in. The gameplay also looks slick. It's on PC too.

I wonder if the non-English voices have a big impact. Persona has many of those issues listed, but sells much better.


So, after a hellish esperience getting 36 CP(really should have saved getting those cabaret girls for last) I got the limit break. But it took pretty much my whole wallet, just to do one level. Is there a good way for Majima to earn money fast? Also, whenever I upgraded my health, it would just flash red,no sign of an increase, what does that mean? It can't upgrade anymore? If so, aren't I just wasting money on this limit break?
So, after a hellish esperience getting 36 CP(really should have saved getting those cabaret girls for last) I got the limit break. But it took pretty much my whole wallet, just to do one level. Is there a good way for Majima to earn money fast? Also, whenever I upgraded my health, it would just flash red,no sign of an increase, what does that mean? It can't upgrade anymore? If so, aren't I just wasting money on this limit break?

It's upgraded, just doesn't show it. If you take a few hits your health bar won't drop until the extra HP is gone. Majima just doesn't make as much money as Kiryu. You can beat Mr. Shakedown but you'll never max out money like Kiryu can. Your best bet is to wait until the final chapter when you can finally send an unlimited amount of money between characters. Just make sure to do that sidequest for both of them.
I mean there's nothing wrong with that but why can't a Japanese game without Souls difficulty or Waifus sell as much :(

yeah it really sucks. with the right marketing and perhaps a little higher budget the yakuza games might've been a bigger hit.

if it's just going to remain playstation exclusive then sony should help fund them. with them giving it a push maybe it would sell much better.
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