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So what sells more Injustice 2 or Marvel vs Capcom: Infinity?


Injustice 2 by huge margin:
- Its a sequel done right, offers more not less
- Looks amazing
- Tons of content
- Easy to play
- Batman and friends
I never thought I'd see a marvel 4..
I also never thought I wouldn't buy it.
It just looks too similar to mvc3 but with 2 man teams instead of 3 man.
Honestly they would have been better off making it more like mvc2 looks wise and just going insane with the character list and updated move list/ special moves.

I actually MIGHT buy injustice.
Now that you mention it Soul Callibur was one of the possibly only eastern developed franchises that goes in with single player content. You need more than a multiplayer fanbase in this day and age and it's something capcom doesn't understand.

There are plenty of Japanese fighting games with a lot of single player content, this is not an east vs west thing. Capcom is more the exception than the rule with their aversion to it.


As someone, who isn't into super hero comics at all (I always was more of a manga reader and anime watcher), is there really such a big difference in popularity of the Marvel and DC universes? From the looks of it Marvel seems to be way more popular. You really notice it in this thread. There was basically no one rooting for DC because they like the comics or movies, but tons of people stating how big of a Marvel fan they are. As someone, who isn't much into Western comics, I always thought it was Superman and Batman, who were by far the most popular and influential super heroes, and both of them are by DC. The lack of love for them here astounds me.

By the way, even though I am not a comic fan, I will be getting Injustice 2, just because it looks amazing. MvCI doesn't speak to me at all so far. The (at launch) lacklustre Street Fighter V doesn't help its case...


Injustice 2 is mostly a known quantity, it will sell well for the most part. NRS fans are generally satisfied by NRS's output and so are the casuals.

Marvel Infinite is a far less known quantity. On one hand, Capcom's track record has been really poor lately when it comes to fighting games. SFxT bombed and SFV bombed. SF4 sold better than Marvel 3. If Marvel Infinite continues that trend it would struggle to break a million. Capcom fans overall are not happy with what Capcom has put out lately.

On the flip side, the Marvel brand is at its peak and is going to help out Marvel Infinite a ton. There's a big difference between the Marvel brand when Marvel 3 came out versus Infinite...Avengers wasn't even out when UMVC3 launched.

I will go with Injustice 2 selling more. I think Marvel Infinite has a bunch of other stuff going against it at the moment where as IJ2 has been looking solid throughout.


Street Fighter had the alpha and EX games. MK just decided to number their alpha and EX games as mainline ones.

The last Alpha was only a year after SF3 (and MK4), so that doesn't really change anything. EX also only goes up to 2000, and is a clearly different situation, being made by Arika and all. Capcom can't even get at the game's characters.

More importantly though, Mortal Kombat was safe and healthy the entire time, whilst Street Fighter looked like it was utterly done for prior to Street Fighter IV saving it. But Street Fighter IV didn't save the genre, it saved Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat, Smash Bros, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, hell even Virtua Fighter were selling in its absence.


The answer's easy. These NRS games sell.

Regarding Infinite, I assumed it would at least be a big hit with the FGC. After seeing gameplay, i'm not so sure anymore. 2v2, looks slower than MvC3, and the graphics are terrible. Lot of work to be done between now and release. Capcom seems to be half-assing this one.



The sales for AE ,USF4 are for the individual SKU ( Full game by itself ). Not the $15 Upgrade. So there isnt really any overlap with SSF4 players. Players who own SSF4 would have just bought the 15$ upgrade to AE,Ultra. So Its more like a "GOTY edition" that replaces SSF4. Not gonna count the 3DS version since I dont think MK did well on the Vita. Mainly because Vita.

Edit: Also not counting SFIV Vanilla, Since that had noway for players to upgrade to SSF4. Hence there will be an overlap.

So these are in addition to each other correct?
SSF4 1.9
SSF4 AE 1.1
SSF4 U 1.1
So total is 4.1 million?

So then if we take Ed Boons tweet as gospel (and I do) from Jan 2013 which was >3.5 Million and add the 900K from steam sales (steam release July 2013) then MK is still at least at 4.4 million assuming absolutely no more console sales

So 4.4+ million > 4.1 million MK still wins


I will say that I love how diverse the community is towards fighters these days. I remember during SFIV's reign, it was undoubtedly the best all-around. None of the others were really in the talks with it much. Like some John Cena shit. Since the, NRS has risen up, Tekken's back in top form, Smash rose up, Marvel's returned, overall it's a bit more diverse and these days it feels as though each fighters has something unique about it that gets people into the series.

That's what it's about at the end of the day, keeping the genre alive.


So these are in addition to each other correct?
SSF4 1.9
SSF4 AE 1.1
SSF4 U 1.1
So total is 4.1 million?

So then if we take Ed Boons tweet as gospel (and I do) from Jan 2013 which was >3.5 Million and add the 900K from steam sales (steam release July 2013) then MK is still at least at 4.4 million assuming absolutely no more console sales

So 4.4+ million > 4.1 million MK still wins

Well theres also AE on Steam/GFWL which we dont have any data on. Since there was a whole shift in moving the game to Steam. So I'd still say its not as far apart as you think.

Edit :
Also all this is without counting SFIV vanilla , under the assumption that Everyone who bought SSF4 already owned Vanilla. So if you are actually looking at unique consumers , its possibly a lot more as well. Since a huge amount of SFIV players didnt move on to SSF4 series.


The last Alpha was only a year after SF3 (and MK4), so that doesn't really change anything. EX also only goes up to 2000, and is a clearly different situation, being made by Arika and all. Capcom can't even get at the game's characters.

More importantly though, Mortal Kombat was safe and healthy the entire time, whilst Street Fighter looked like it was utterly done for prior to Street Fighter IV saving it. But Street Fighter IV didn't save the genre, it saved Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat, Smash Bros, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, hell even Virtua Fighter were selling in its absence.

But I really doubt MK9 would be what it was without SFIVs influence. They returned to 2D and also there was a huge gap in quality and sales between Past MKs and MK9. So it kinda did revive the genre , every other fighting game genre. People were more interested in the genre again.


I really doubt MK9 would be what it was without SFIVs influence. They returned to 2D and also there was a huge gap in quality and sales between Past MKs and MK9.

No, I agree that SFIV's return to form influenced Mortal Kombat's also, but the post I was replying to made it sound like Street Fighter brought Mortal Kombat and the rest of the genre back. Mortal Kombat 9 was going to happen regardless, even if it would have otherwise continued with the Deadly Alliance template. If they'd released Mortal Kombat 9 as it was, even if Street Fighter IV hadn't happened, I think it would have seen the same success.

I just get kinda bugged how people so often act like the genre owed its continuing existence to Street Fighter IV. The best selling games were selling regardless (Smash, Tekken, Mortal Kombat), and the niche games like Guilty Gear and King of Fighters were still niche after. It brought Capcom fighters back, and slotted them back into place near the top... but it didn't do much for the genre as a whole.


The last Alpha was only a year after SF3 (and MK4), so that doesn't really change anything. EX also only goes up to 2000, and is a clearly different situation, being made by Arika and all. Capcom can't even get at the game's characters.

More importantly though, Mortal Kombat was safe and healthy the entire time, whilst Street Fighter looked like it was utterly done for prior to Street Fighter IV saving it. But Street Fighter IV didn't save the genre, it saved Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat, Smash Bros, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, hell even Virtua Fighter were selling in its absence.

You do remember NRS parent studio went under and they were sold to WB? Around MKvDC time.


Injustice 2 will sell more because there isn't a Marvel vs Capcom: Infinity.

Something can't sell if it doesn't exist.


You do remember NRS parent studio went under and they were sold to WB? Around MKvDC time.
Mortal Kombat was the only thing making Midway money, to the point they mandated a MK game every year ...somehow.

That resulted in a main entries taking just a year off and releasing additional stuff in the off years. Like Shaolin Monks, and ports in the other years. Even the craptastic MK Advance made a nice profit.

Obviously quality was all over the place, but Midway only cared for the money.


Marvel vs. Capcom, no contest. Injustice looks way (way) better. But Marvel is more popular at the moment. Marvel has also a PC release, while Injustice has not ... so the userbase is also bigger.


You do remember NRS parent studio went under and they were sold to WB? Around MKvDC time.

Yea... but are you seriously going to suggest Mortal Kombat was in any way the cause? They went under in spite of Mortal Kombat, not because of it. If Mortal Kombats were selling like Street Fighter III did, then you'd have a decent point.


Yea... but are you seriously going to suggest Mortal Kombat was in any way the cause? They went under in spite of Mortal Kombat, not because of it. If Mortal Kombat's were selling like Street Fighter III did, then you'd have a decent point.

Damn lmao


Injustice 2 easily. Won't be even close. It's a fighting game that appeals to more than just fighting games fans, unlike MvC


Injustice 2 looks so good.

I don't even like fighting games outside of Street Fighter 3 but i'll be buying Injustice 2 day one just to see all my favorite DC characters rendered in gorgeous 3D.


Injustice will win easily....
It's the simple truth, and I say this as someone who will be supporting MVC and has very little interest in Injustice.
Injustice 2 looks so good.

I don't even like fighting games outside of Street Fighter 3 but i'll be buying Injustice 2 day one just to see all my favorite DC characters rendered in gorgeous 3D.
Characters look SO GOOD.

I wonder how tekken 7 will impact Injustice 2.
I feel like it's the other way around. Injustice 2 was always gonna sell more than Tekken 7 but T7 releasing so close might affect it's sales.


Injustice 2 will sell more.

Marvel will be more enjoyable to play and watch and will have a better cast of characters though.


Injustice. NetherRealm Studios is mainstream, really mainstream.

This. They are gonna slaughter in sales. Capcom has its fanbase for the series but drawing new players in is and has been a struggle. The single player and how they market it will decide how well they do. Injustice 2 is more impressive visually though and thats gonna translate huge to consumer casuals. Plus the gear system means they have a ton to unlock and do on their own. MVCI still needs more single player stuff announced.


Anecdotal and not really relevant but interesting to me. The collectors edition of MvCI is selling like nobody's business but preorders for IJ 2 are much higher.

Also to everyone clamoring for gear unlocks in a fighting game,sure that gives you something to grind for but it's a pointless grind. You think the tournament scene is really going to allow some bs customize your stats feature?


If YouTube views is anything to go by, it won't even be close :( sadly capcom is sitting on a gold mine but they don't know how to make the most of it.
I feel like it's the other way around. Injustice 2 was always gonna sell more than Tekken 7 but T7 releasing so close might affect it's sales.
Idk...I mean TTT2 kinda tanked with it being so close to DoA 5 but I feel like people are anticipating it much more. It also could end up like Tekken 6 where they stuffed the channels and it ended up getting discounted to 19.99 really fast. It'll be interesting.


Also to everyone clamoring for gear unlocks in a fighting game,sure that gives you something to grind for but it's a pointless grind. You think the tournament scene is really going to allow some bs customize your stats feature?

You think the people clamoring for gear unlocks are the ones attending tournaments? They don't give a fuck. Casuals love aesthetics and a carrot on a stick. The tournament players are the vast minority.


You think the people clamoring for gear unlocks are the ones attending tournaments? They don't give a fuck. Casuals love aesthetics and a carrot on a stick. The tournament players are the vast minority.

Which only makes my earlier point more painful and valid. Injustice 2 will sell more for all the wrong reasons. In a fighting game you'd think great gameplay would be the one thing that moves units. SFV despite how good a game it actually is proves otherwise.


Injustice, easily.

MvCI will do well but still way behind Injustice 2.

Man, I hope that Tekken 7 launch isn't going to be affected significantly by releasing so close to Injustice


Well theres also AE on Steam/GFWL which we dont have any data on. Since there was a whole shift in moving the game to Steam. So I'd still say its not as far apart as you think.

Edit :
Also all this is without counting SFIV vanilla , under the assumption that Everyone who bought SSF4 already owned Vanilla. So if you are actually looking at unique consumers , its possibly a lot more as well. Since a huge amount of SFIV players didnt move on to SSF4 series.

Yeah I see that argument, let's just say that the sales of MK9 and SF4 were close and leave it at that


Which only makes my earlier point more painful and valid. Injustice 2 will sell more for all the wrong reasons. In a fighting game you'd think great gameplay would be the one thing that moves units. SFV despite how good a game it actually is proves otherwise.

You point isn't valid at all. Great gameplay doesn't necessarily mean balanced tournament friendly gameplay. More people will like by NetherRealms games, because they will enjoy playing them more, which is precisely the correct reason to buy a game. Games don't need to exist to satisfy tournament aspirations regardless of genre.

I mean... I personally don't even like the gameplay of NetherRealms games much... but goddamn does it get old reading fans of Capcom fighters acting like their preferred game is factually gaming done right.


Injustice 2 without a doubt. Didn't even hesitate when I saw the thread title. MvC:I probably won't sell half as much as Injustice 2 will.


Which only makes my earlier point more painful and valid. Injustice 2 will sell more for all the wrong reasons. In a fighting game you'd think great gameplay would be the one thing that moves units. SFV despite how good a game it actually is proves otherwise.

This is a really weird statement to make. The fact that Injustice 2 seems to have a ton of content is by no means a bad thing. I would never use the mode where gear influences your stats but I'm still all for those customization options and while it is certainly not the thing that will draw tournament players even that crowd likes their costumes. If the gameplay was a dumpster fire I would understand but it really doesn't look that way. You might prefer other fighters but that's not the point. The value you get for the price of admission deserves to sell copies even though I am very much against the preorder bullshit. Capcom fucked up SFV, which I think is still a great game at its core, all by themselves with that mess of a launch and the fact that half of the content was missing. I love Street Fighter but that game didn't sell well for all the right reasons.
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