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the Last of Us 2 MULTIPLAYER thread

What weapons specifically are we talking about here?

I played an absolute ton of Factions and I still think the Revolver outclassed the Enforcer and Burst Pistol in most instances.

I did 100% play with the same team every time so we always had teamwork and communication on our side though.

EDIT: Hunting Rifle was hands down unstoppable when used right too:


A gif I just made.
Yup. Vanilla weapons were just as good, if not better, than dlc weapons


We got an extremely early look at TLOU2 like 6 months ago. Wtf are they showing at E3? One of those fake out developer diaries that EA likes to do? Nty I'll wait until PSX.


I don't even think we hear about the multiplayer until December. 2018.

It's why I hate Death Stranding and this being announced. People think it's coming way earlier than it is.
TLOU multiplayer was amazing, and with Starhawk, one of the most original and multiplayer experiences on PS3, they break the standards and delivered.

And honestly, it was the only multiplayer game that I felt the stealth gameplay was really rewarded.

They should keep it like that, that's the feeling of that universe, and I think clickers in MP would break this tension, it's risky to end up like any other multiplayer game, and lost its uniqueness.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I just want a no radar, no X-ray vision mode.

That's all.

Same great game, no stupid bullshit.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I love The Last of Us, it is probably besides Horizon, my most played non-rpg game that I own. However, because I've sunk so much time into this game, I've become increasingly familiar with a lot of things I see as flaws.

1.) Movement; the movement TLoU needs an overhaul. Far too often, I'll spot a sniper cross the map attempting to line up a shot on me as I'm attempting to heal an ally. I respond by abandoning my ally and attempting to run, but my input doesn't register until much later and by that time point the sniper has not only executed my teammate but downed me as well. The movement system needs to be smoother and seamless. The best analogy I can come up with is Amuro reacting faster than the capabilities of the RX-78-2 allow it to respond.

2.) Reduced potency of Molotovs/Smoke Bombs; Molotovs wouldn't be so bad if they were more consistent. If they always burned people in range that'd be fine but at times the game seems like it isn't sure how it inflicts damage. Some people escape Molotovs with slight damage when they're thrown next to them, others are incinerated, sometimes if removes armor and other times it downs people even though they have armor and full health. There needs to be a clear algorithm for molotov damage.

Smoke Bombs are an annoyance because of the perk that shortens their timers to instant detonation when thrown. Either the disorientation period needs to be shorten, everyone in the smoke's radius needs to be stunned or there needs to be equippable gear like respirators that completely nullify their effects. It sucks to be in a firefight and winning and someone throws a smoke bomb hat they too should also be impaired by and they shank you. There's no skill there.

3. Reduced damage from Tactical Shotguns and Shorties at a range. There's literally no reason why a tactical shogun or shorty should be able to down someone at 30 ft away. That's all I really have to say about that.

4. Why does it take a Semi-Auto Rifle 3 shots to down someone, a Variable Rifle 4 shots to down someone and a 2x4 downs people in two hits? Wtf, it doesn't make sense to me. There has to be a way of balancing this and making it more realistic.

5. Clipping; Enemies who are extremely close to you will clip through your gun and won't take damage when shot and it's extremely annoying. It needs to be fixed.

6. A roll button; I know some will be adamantly against this but I think it's a necessary addition. The movement in TLoU is very stiff, there needs to be a way to escape firefights and avoid enemy fire. Running isn't a viable option because you can still easily be shot, zigzagging is difficult because of the stiffness of the characters so an option to roll would be excellent and not take away the tactical feel of the game, see The Division.


Gold Member
EDIT: OP, you fucked up. You should have just made this thread about what we'd like to see in tlou mp, instead everyone is just coming in here to tell you we won't see it at E3. We get it everyone, we won't see it at E3.

I want them to keep a lot of it the same.

What I feel needs to be removed or added.


Survival camp mini game. Really, there is no need for it other than people quitting because they won't reach the amount of parts they need. I don't mind the challenges that came along with it, but can do without them.

DLC weapons, really ND, fuck off. None of them are better than what the game launched with, but still. Just make them available to all if you're going to add them.


A game mode where it's PvP, but include infected in the mix. Let me throw a bottle so that clicker in the corner over there starts running towards that enemy hiding behind that counter.

Co-op Arena. 10 rounds, or countless rounds of 1-4 players VS enemy AI, some rounds infected, some rounds living, some rounds both. Just make it proper like it was in UC2 and 3. I hate the way they did it in U4, 5 rounds, progressive garbage.

Aside from that I'd like them to keep a lot of it the same, because it's a pretty great game. Interrogations is a fantastic mode where even with randoms, people play together (most of the time). Some things need a balance, but overall there is nothing far too OP. I see people with many different types of loadouts doing well all the time, which is a good thing.


Remove P2W, don't care if the guns are worst then the ones in the game. It's just a bad thing to have in game.


Remove P2W, don't care if the guns are worst then the ones in the game. It's just a bad thing to have in game.

Well it's not really "Pay 2 Win" then, is it?

If you don't want DLC weapons, that's fine - Just stop calling it "Pay 2 Win" lol.


I really dislike the idea of having any form of NPC in multiplayer. Some of the things I loved about Factions was the slow pace tatical flow of the games and I feel adding any type of NPC would ruin that. I am all for a horde style co op mode but please ND leave NPC out of the competitive MP


There should be more tampons in gaming
There should be a co-operative horde mode where you barricade yourself in and hunker down before waves of Infected burst in to kill you.

I dont want any map DLC or gun DLC. If they add gun DLC, Id like to see it grindable at least. Sell loot boxes for customization for all I care. Give out maps for free based on the $$ you make off the loot boxes. I vastly prefer this current model to paid maps AND loot boxes (COD and BF are the only ones who do this because they can afford to fracture the playerbase)

As for the gameplay:

-Absolutely no monsters in PvP. It hurts the PVP experience to be in a deep chess-like match with your opponents and to then be killed by a random A.I encounter.

-Add in a co-op mode

-Keep MP 4v4 or 5v5

-Please no "Supers" like other games have added.

-Please dont remove the mechanics that make it so good: low ammo, few AR weapons, no run and gun, sprinting marks you on the map, keep listen mode or add in a different kind of sensing option to detect loud enemies

-add in cool things like noise traps

-keep health high, and no auto regen health

-Allow us to create clans/groups, like an improved clan feature... Winning gathers us resources which we can spend together on cosmetics, and grow our base (all cosmetic stuff)

-Cosmetic DLC can include: custom melee weapons-- bats, 4x4, wrench, etc.... custom executions and custom taunts, etc.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
There should be a co-operative horde mode where you barricade yourself in and hunker down before waves of Infected burst in to kill you.

I like the idea of co-op but instead of them breaking through, I would like a horde mode where everyone has to make their way through a building/area. Now the team can either go in and use stealth, guns a blazin' or a mixture of both.


Dont want any sidekicks or mystical BS in TLOU II MP. Keep it the similiar to the first one, more craftables, more weapons, better balance. I'll enjoy the game for the first month or two before they start adding in DLC weapons at which my interest in the game will probably drop, if the weapons are OP and annoying to get. Also wouldnt mind them removing listen mode but that isnt a big deal since I got used to it.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I like the idea of co-op but instead of them breaking through, I would like a horde mode where everyone has to make their way through a building/area. Now the team can either go in and use stealth, guns a blazin' or a mixture of both.

Honestly, I'd like to see them do an eclectic assortment of multiplayer modes. I know previously or presently rather there's Supply Raid, Survival and Interrogation and these modes should stay but it'd be cool to have additional modes as you've mentioned where you make your way through some level and there's an objective you have to fulfill to be successful; that may be arriving at some ultimate destination, killing a specific enemy, etc. Basically think Co-Op Objective in Uncharted 2. This mode, in addition to a horde mode as well, would add tremendous replay value to the game.

EDIT: I also vote for a Hardcore Mode where gameplay is less forgiving. Headshots are an instant down regardless of weapon, no perks, no listen mode, no quick scoping. However, equipment such as respirators can be equipped should you acquire the resources and parts to build them. The same goes for purchasables such as weapons and armor. They'll still be equippable so as long as you have enough parts to buy them.


Gold Member
-Add in a co-op mode

-Keep MP 4v4 or 5v5

-Please no "Supers" like other games have added.

-Please dont remove the mechanics that make it so good: low ammo, few AR weapons, no run and gun, sprinting marks you on the map, keep listen mode or add in a different kind of sensing option to detect loud enemies

-add in cool things like noise traps

-keep health high, and no auto regen health

Agreed with all of this but curious as to what you mean by noise traps and how they would work?


There should be more tampons in gaming
I think they should not include multiplayer in this game and focus more on the main story content.

...But Why? It didn't take away anything from TLoU. I'll never understand why people are against multiplayer in games. If it increases the longevity of the experience without impairing the single player, why are some so against it?
I think they should not include multiplayer in this game and focus more on the main story content.

Considering the first game combines a masterful single campaign with a unique and addictive multiplayer you're going to have to elaborate on why that'd be impossible to do a second time.


The reason is because it's early in development. The same director working on TLOU2 now was working full-hog on UC4 just a year ago. I can't imagine they're going to waste time at this point creating some sort of vertical slice demo.

The Lost Legacy will be there.

Also because I remember someone saying its more of a "PSX" type of thing, if I'm remember correctly


...But Why? It didn't take away anything from TLoU. I'll never understand why people are against multiplayer in games. If it increases the longevity of the experience without impairing the single player, why are some so against it?

Not saying the multiplayer will be bad, but I rather they put their resources to the main game and make it longer or something.


Not saying the multiplayer will be bad, but I rather they put their resources to the main game and make it longer or something.

They have a team that focuses solely on the multiplayer aspect. It's not taking anything away from the singleplayer.

Imagine a big battle royal with tlou mechanics. Yes pls

If I could send one message to ND, this would be it.

Y'know, one of the main guys who worked on the multiplayer for Factions and Uncharted 4 left recently to go with at Daybreak on H1Z1.


Considering the first game combines a masterful single campaign with a unique and addictive multiplayer you're going to have to elaborate on why that'd be impossible to do a second time.

For multiplayer, I would just go play Overwatch or something lol. The first game was pretty short (like UC4), I would want an adventure game to be a bit longer, that would be cool.
Agreed with all of this but curious as to what you mean by noise traps and how they would work?

Like, tripwires that set loose some logs, or plates on the floor in a room (think boss fight with David), etc.

Not lethal traps but traps that help enviornment/situational awareness
I just hope they don't change it too much. I'll be ecstatic if it was just epic graphics and well made maps. No dlc weapons or maps tho this time.


Gold Member
Like, tripwires that set loose some logs, or plates on the floor in a room (think boss fight with David), etc.

Not lethal traps but traps that help enviornment/situational awareness

I don't know how well that would work, for instance the logs, people will just avoid that area, or the objective between both teams will be to topple the logs so the match can continue forward without an annoying obstruction because no one wants to go near it.

The sound/plates wouldn't really work because you'd have to be pretty close to hear it, but more so, you've already got listen mode. So unless they remove that then I don't see how they would work to anyone's advantage. Ever if it was really loud and OP or would temporarily mark you on the enemies minimap, everyone would avoid it and it would do nothing but funnel players down a different route just like the logs.
What I think would be interesting is a mode with MUCH larger maps, and mobs of NPC enemies similar to The Division's Survival Mode (with smaller maps).


Gold Member
Something I mentioned in the U4 MP thread that I'd like to see happen with TLoU is that I'd like variations of each map. This gives you a wider variety in maps and how they feel, or even how they play.

For instance a map can have a few variants. Set during the early morning with clear and sunny skies, mid afternoon with overcast skies and light rain drizzle, and finally another set at night.

Some maps from U3, TLoU and U4 already have dynamic weather. Instead of having the weather change mid match, just have separate maps.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Something I mentioned in the U4 MP thread that I'd like to see happen with TLoU is that I'd like variations of each map. This gives you a wider variety in maps and how they feel, or even how they play.

For instance a since map can have a few variants. Set during the early morning with clear and sunny skies, mid afternoon with overcast skies and light rain drizzle, and finally another set at night.

Some maps from U3, TLoU and U4 already have dynamic weather. Instead of having the weather change mid match, just have separate maps.

It amazes me that more games do not do that for their maps.

I do think they should still have dynamic weather though, just have different times of day.
I'm probably more excited to see what they do with the MP than what they do with the story/campaign. Not only was the multiplayer the best aspect of the game, it was probably the best competitive game in years. It is criminally underrated and under-promoted. It deserves as much praise and recognition as possible.

Them adding in AI/NPC's into the competitive would be terrible IMO, same if they blew up the scale/player count. The intimacy and small scale was part of what made it so great.

I also hope they keep the toolset small and taut, as the game definitely got weaker when they added more tools into the toolbox/sandbox with the DLC weapons and skills.

To me, the additional bloat, while adding more gameplay 'diversity', made the game more messy to its detriment.

All I want to see is a refinement of how the multiplayer was when TLOU first released. Keep it simple, keep it taut, keep it intense, and keep it intimate.

Hopefully they'll push for an eSports/highly competitive angle and have ranks/ladders. I'd also like to see 2v2.


How about this time no guns for sale with real money

The best weapons in the game were free with maybe one exception - the variable rifle. However, some of the best perks were not free, unfortunately.

A free for all mode would be cool but it would need a very good anti-camping mechanism in order to work - people hiding with molotovs or insta-smoke bombs in hand were frustrating.

Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed what TLOU mp was, played it to bits, streamed it to bits. I only wish that they'd have given league and ladder support for that game.
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