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Capcom's difficult position


I don't like Alex's new default but his nostalgia looks great. Pretty much most of the cast look and animate great though.

You're one of the very few I've ever heard say that, but hey if it floats your boat.

What? I think you're in the minority here lol. Most people actually agree the game looks and animates very well. It's one of its strong points. The stage, sound and music design is pretty high quality too.

You must not run in the FGC lol.
Whats wrong with this article, and most game type news is this.... without knowing the budget, and details of games...you really cant say if missing a sales goal is bad in a way that they didnt hit a target, or bad in a way where they lost money on a game.
This also does not count other revenue flows for these games such as season passes, and other paid DLC, so everyone is jumping to conclusions on DR, and other games without knowing what Capcom is not going to specify, the profit ratio, the total cost (dev/marketing).

I don't think you quite understand how sales targets are set, or their significance


You're one of the very few I've ever heard say that, but hey if it floats your boat.

What? You're in the minority here lol. Most people actually agree the game looks and animates very well. It's one of its strong points. The stage, sound and music design is pretty high quality too.


Yeah. The biggest complaints on SFV graphically are

Abigails Proportions
The constant clipping for things like hair
Kens face on the character select.
I mean, they did it to themselves with SFV. Didn't it basically launch as nothing more than a barren af early access game?

Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?


You're one of the very few I've ever heard say that, but hey if it floats your boat.

The game is considered to look pretty great with some glaring exceptions (Ken's face, Cammy's airthrow, Akuma's neckbeard, Alex's french fry hair). It's not like MvCI that looks kind of mediocre overall with a few real shitty areas.


Monster Hunter was on PS first wasn't it? Plus with the huge install base of the PS4 and brand strength of MH it's likely to do well.

Monster Hunter's sales didn't explode until going to portables though, and Monster Hunter Tri, which came after that explosion, although selling better than the previous console games, still didn't approach the portable ones at all. Now, the sales hadn't grown for a while, which is probably what led them to making MHW for a different userbase, but this big growth will have to come from Western markets and it will have to make up for inevitable sales drop they'll have in Japan.

I'm actually still surprised elements like the monster's (lack of) hitstun (outside of specific conditions) and most movesets seemed to remain similar to the previous titles - basically the core of the gamplay is still there. If they're really intending to court a more "mainstream" western audience you'd think they'd go with more standard controls and damage system, but in spite of streamlining other aspects, the core of the gameplay is still the same Monster Hunter that often seems to be met with criticism outside of its established audience.

I guess they hope presentation and "home console" will allow them to reach a largely untapped market in the west that haven't even tried the games yet, making the franchise blow up in the West, without changing its core, but that's a very risky bet.


Capcom has yet to transition their amazing 2D work into 3D models. Hopefully they'll be afforded a few more opportunities to do so if they don't squander it all away.


I mean, they did it to themselves with SFV. Didn't it basically launch as nothing more than a barren af early access game?

Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?[

If this was another Action Titles or they held reviews until after launch I could see that.
However from the get go they made it loud and clear it was something different (With the numerous demo updates). They also had reviews a week out which were all positive.

The only backlash from RE6 would be from fans that prefer the action and passed on RE7 for returning to horror.


Heres the thing with Monster Hunter World, I am not a fan of previous Monster Hunter titles but for some reason (maybe because the game actually looks like it has a chance to improve itself thanks to the stronger hardware), I am really intrigued with MHW. I like everything I have seen about it and I will probably pick it up and I have seen other people online sharing the same reaction. Maybe MHW will be the rejuvenation that Capcom desperately needs.

I'm almost 100% talking the big picture here. Going on what I know of Capcom's sales expectations and the real opportunity cost in not having a clear future for the franchise on portables I really do doubt it'll be anywhere near a rejuvenation for Capcom or Monster Hunter (which didn't need rejuvenating, but that's beside the point). As NeonZ says it's still, at its core, a Monster Hunter game just with some new QoL features and a snazzy presentation; I don't think Western audiences will really buy into that as, even on PC, there's very little precedent for such games really succeeding.

Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?

The main "issue" with RE7 was Capcom's expectations. A semi-classical 8-10 hour survival horror selling near 4m copies in 2017 would be amazing for most other publishers but for Capcom it was a disappointment.
I feel like they've been putting way too much focus on their AAA series. Capcom should consider creating some lower budget 2D games using CPS3 or CPS2 which both have aged like fine wine. A new Final Fight on CPS3 would sell a shit ton if sold for $15-20 on a digital service. There is way too much focus on games with massive budgets. Break it up a bit.


Except SFV art style and animation direction is actually some of the best work Capcom have done this generation. It's a shame the sales didn't reflect that but as they've said they are in it for the long haul so it will be interesting to see what their plans are soon.

capcom best work this gen


nothing could beat this lol


I mean, they did it to themselves with SFV. Didn't it basically launch as nothing more than a barren af early access game?

Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?
Nah. That kind of survival horror is not super mainstream. People don't really like being scared or feeling powerless. A hoard of zombies and you have machine guns and suplexes sell more


I still think Bengus was paid so little that he purposefully drew like shit as a form of protest.

Actually the real reason is that these are just his sketches. They didn't have time for him to make full work as they rushed the game out before Final Round so it would make the FGC tournament season.


Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?

I saw some complaints about first person view (some people claim this is not a true RE, didn't understood the reasoning exactly) and the lack of classic protagonists like Leon , Chris, jill , etc. My brother didn't like the game and the first person view was one of his complaints. And he finished everything else even RE6 ...


Nah he realized the game needed art as bad as the product so he did what he had to do. Now if this were Alpha 4 or something? He'd step it up.

Not as bad as Tekken 7's host of issues which has got a free pass on. Now that was a bad product. At least SFV had character stories whereas Tekken had a couple fights in arcade mode with diabolical endings. Now they are charging $10 for a mini bowling game lol.


Not as bad as Tekken 7's host of issues which has got a free pass on. Now that was a bad product. At least SFV had character stories whereas Tekken had a couple fights in arcade mode with diabolical endings. Now they are charging $10 for a mini bowling game lol.

Dude I know you're not defending SFV while trashing T7 for missing features.


Actually the real reason is that these are just his sketches. They didn't have time for him to make full work as they rushed the game out before Final Round so it would make the FGC tournament season.

That just makes things even more sad.

I saw some complaints about first person view (some people claim this is not a true RE, didn't understood the reasoning exactly) and the lack of classic protagonists like Leon , Chris, jill , etc. My brother didn't like the game and the first person view was one of his complaints. And he finished everything else even RE6 ...

Pretty much. The only thing RE7 had going against it was people not liking the shift it gave from titles prior. Especially from the huge influx it got after RE4, 5, and 6.


Junior Member
Not as bad as Tekken 7's host of issues which has got a free pass on. Now that was a bad product. At least SFV had character stories whereas Tekken had a couple fights in arcade mode with diabolical endings. Now they are charging $10 for a mini bowling game lol.

I don't know how you could even compare T7 and SFV like that. One was clearly a complete game that was maybe a bit disappointing compared to past offerings and one was half a game.


You're one of the very few I've ever heard say that, but hey if it floats your boat.

You must not run in the FGC lol.

What? You're in the minority here lol. Most people actually agree the game looks and animates very well. It's one of its strong points. The stage, sound and music design is pretty high quality too.

Chindogg, based on your statement it sounds like you're only familiar with the Twitter FGC circles and r/Kappa. SFV-GAF has mostly positive feelings for the game and recognize its highs and lows.
I mean, they did it to themselves with SFV. Didn't it basically launch as nothing more than a barren af early access game?

Not sure what the issue was with RE7. Maybe baggage or backlash from 6?
I assume co-op was a major selling point for RE5 and 6.
Baggage of 6 likely didn't help much, tho.


Dude I know you're not defending SFV while trashing T7 for missing features.

Well, what I said was directed at someone who tries to shit on SFV while completely ignoring the issues that "his" game does in every thread. The truth is T7 had less content than SFV does at launch and is still missing a lot of QoL stuff after 2 years in the arcades.

I don't know how you could even compare T7 and SFV like that. One was clearly a complete game that was maybe a bit disappointing compared to past offerings and one was half a game.

It was FAR from complete. Many missing features and modes, input lag still high and awful arcade mode. The netcode issues didn't get sorted out for nearly a month after launch too.
What Capcom need to do is make ports and collections of thier older good games. Something like a virtual console on all platforms just for Capcom games. Take the usage data from that and make sequels that do not try to be modern and edgy, but colourful, fun and full of character. All of thier biggest mistakes are when they retry to make thier games more, how to say? Adult? Be Capcom, not a wannabe Ubisoft or Activision.


Dont forgot the dithering and wonky npc proportions.

Dithering was actually 99.99% eliminated in the most recent CFN/online network patch (if you look at certain small spots on character models in character select screen you can still see a tiny bit). That large patch came in a year and some change after launch. The game looks ever better than before and still getting good support from Capcom.

If only they communicated more often though. Nearly two months of silence regarding the next update is still a thing that happens.


Junior Member
Capcom needs to start preparing a new Street Fighter that is much more like 4 than 5. Nothing can "save" SF5 and its reputation with the general gaming public now. SF6 or "Street Fighter Alpha" or whatever they decide to call the next one needs to be multiplatform with single player content ready out of the gate and less of a focus on the competitive side of things. Forcing casuals to worry about ranked matches and tracking every match so deliberately isn't going to get them on board the same way the NRS games do. There have just been too many missteps with 5, its launch, its microtransactions and economy, etc. To get the general audience back, they need room for the detractors to say, "OK, I hated 5, but 6 is great!".

For Resident Evil, they need to knock it out of the park with RE2make. Nothing else really matters if that doesn't live up to expectations.
Going by SFV's planned 5 seasons of support, I'd imagine that any planning for SFVI may start around 2019 or so (similar to how SFV planning supposedly started after SSFIV:AE was finished). Dropping SFV now wouldn't be the best call for the brand, especially not for the FGC.
Maybe don't fucking kill one the best franchise you ever had with a ugly shitty reboot from a developer with heavenly input lag as their only career.


SFV shaky launch is caused by capcom themselves. As for RE7, it was a good game, but I am turned off by the planned dlc that was too close of the actual game release which led me to believe that it could have been included in the full game without them charging since it was already complete.


Chindogg, based on your statement it sounds like you're only familiar with the Twitter FGC circles and r/Kappa. SFV-GAF has mostly positive feelings for the game and recognize its highs and lows.


Here's a picture of me and my wife winning a community award for Combo Breaker, one of the largest FGC events on the planet.

I've been in this community longer than some of you have been alive and believe me what's said in person about this game is a little different than what you see on stream. I don't have a problem with you guys loving a game that you love, but don't fucking tell me that everyone thinks this game's great because believe me there's a very different feeling among players at events.


Sure, it's not going to sell like RE6, but it wouldn't cost anywhere near that to develop.

And the other thing was that Mega Man represented something that Capcom hasn't had in their line up for years: a kid/casual-friendly brand that was cheap to make, had plenty of asset reuse to make for easy yearly releases (or close to it) and was still profitable.

After the likes of Gaist Crusher, EX Troopers and Monster Hunter Stories have all fallen short in being Capcom's next big hit, not to mention the outright failure to really make a dent in the mobile space, it's little wonder to me that Capcom is still struggling. They need something to help with earnings for the rest of the business.


Junior Member
Well, what I said was directed at someone who tries to shit on SFV while completely ignoring the issues that "his" game does in every thread. The truth is T7 had less content than SFV does at launch and is still missing a lot of QoL stuff after 2 years in the arcades.

It was FAR from complete. Many missing features and modes, input lag still high and awful arcade mode. The netcode issues didn't get sorted out for nearly a month after launch too.

SFV did not have more content at launch hahaha.
I assume co-op was a major selling point for RE5 and 6.
Baggage of 6 likely didn't help much, tho.

"I don't like RE6, therefore I would not by this game that looks nothing like RE6 and have good word of mouth."

Sure, it's not going to sell like RE6, but it wouldn't cost anywhere near that to develop.

You don't know that for sure.

Its one of those things that feels right but the truth might surprise you.
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