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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's is One Year Old Today; My Thoughts...


I'm in the middle of playing this right now and I think it's great. I don't like how energy is handled, and tying praxis into microtransactions is a bummer (I thought the DE:Go integration was kinda neat, but that's only because I like the Go series and had it already), but everything else is great. I'm not really complaining about the story, it's a pretty cyber-punky thing where it's just about humdrum police work, which is fine by me. I tend to enjoy world-building and stuff like the emails you see and conversations you overhear is just as important as the main plot to me.

Having played it on a newly built PC probably alleviates the performance and loading complaints I've seen. It loads up fast on an m.2 drive.


Loved HR. Played this for 2h, didn't complete a single sidequest, or any quest I guess and never went back to it. Just failed to grab me at all. I guess I would enjoy it if I forced myself to start it again but who has the time for that when there's all these other great games!


GAF makes me feel crazy since I thought Mankind Divided was better than Human Revolution in nearly every way. This was a great game, IMO.

Maybe this is just a Bioshock 2 situation where it's the better game but the novelty is gone.

Remember that HR was a kinda outta nowhere revival of a beloved franchise. That game could've been a total disaster but it wasn't. Of course people lost their minds over it even if it had its flaws.
So fun this thread turns up today, I just finished it yesterday for the first time! I really enjoyed my playthrough, although it doesn't quite top Human Revolution for me, I still loved playing it!

Still a very unique game that stands out from the crowd.
I think the opening hurt the game a lot. It's really, really bad and takes forever to get going.
Its opening was quite underwhelming compared to HR's for sure, but the biggest issue with it was how it assumes you already know what happened inbetween HR and MD. If you come straight from HR, MD's opening simply makes no sense. Not unless you've read the book Black Light.


Game launched with a ton of bugs/crashes and put me off right away.

I just finished it up a couple weeks ago...I gotta say it's on-par with HR if you can get past some of the changes.
Mankind Divided was a really good game but I liked HR better, it had nicer locations (not necessarily better level design), more interesting main story and I'd be happier with two very different hubs instead of a large single one (and separated by loading screens on top of that). Oh and HR didn't have any Breach trophies. ;)

The MD story is a bit light, while the HR story is a bit overwrought. Neither are particularly great although HR was definitely packed with more trailer-worthy moments and meme-worthy dialogue. HR's strength was probably that I felt like it had a real momentum to it, even if the story beats themselves were sometimes confusing or poorly written.

One thing I noticed in MD was that despite the enormous objective improvements made to the technical side of things, the graphics felt very inconsistent. Hair looked ok this time (thank god considering Jensen's character design... HR was extremely rough) but skin always looked off and character animation was real bad. Frankly, I think Eidos probably should have gone for a more standard solution like Unreal. It's what the first two DX games were on and it would have served them a lot better than forking whatever bizarro world inhouse solution they cooked up along with CD.
I loved Human Revolution, but I couldn't get more than 45 minutes in Mankind Divided. I don't know what it was, but it was missing something and couldn't hold my attention.
Despite it's weaker story I still thought the game was great. I wish it had sold better so we could get a conclusion to Jensen's story


I know people love Prague or whatever, but there wasn't enough content in the hub world to position the game as an "open world" game rather than the structure of previous Deus Ex games (linked hubs, smaller hubs)

The voice actor for Adam was worse than ever in MD.


I got Mankind Divided during the summer sale and I'm loving it. I've spent hours upon hours in Prague, and I think it's one of the better realized game worlds. I wish it had a 24 hour day night cycle, especially since it looks considerably better at night. But I love how fully developed it is, and I love how the creators put narrative and equipment rewards in many of the far off places. One of the coolest moments in the game so far was when I randomly broke into an apartment because my mindless platforming just kind of led me there, and I slowly realized it was the (early game spoilers)
apartment of the mother who had died in the train station terror attack

Honestly, I think the game got a few bad headlines that it wasn't ever quite able to shake. Because, for me, the game has been up there with The Witcher series as far as engrossing AAA games go.

I think HR had the bigger set pieces, a more coherent plot, and more memorable environments. But I think that Mankind Divided is the better game, and I think Prague is one of my favorite gameworlds in how thoroughly it has been explored.


I'd question how much exploration someone actually did to make the claim that Prague didn't have enough content to be on par with the previous games hubs (in aggregate). It's not The Witcher or Fallout in terms of volume but it's not meant to be.
A lack of replay ability and okay-ish side quest is what mad me dislike MD. HR had so many paths to take in missions as well as a lot of choices and consequences when it came to side quest.
Nonetheless, is a good game on its own.
Mankind Divided was quite possibly 2/3ds of the best Deus Ex game, sometimes even exceeding the original.

But unfortunately it was missing its entire third act and the DLC doesn't look to have changed that. It's one of the most disappointing things I've ever played that I enjoyed all the way through.


I enjoyed it considerably but thought it ended with an intro to the sequel. Managed to get it running on medium pretty well even on my 7850 HD which was surprising. Prague was very fun, though it could benefit from another city of the same size. A shame really.

I went with mostly non-lethal takedowns but in the bossfight I literally just hid in a vent and
shotgun his face whenever he came to say hi.


I liked MD well enough. I just feel like the game could have been bigger and introduced more plot points. Have a few more areas like that aug town you go to.

Just felt too self contained for a game that spent so long in production. And where was Malik dang it.....she was eatin' my breakfast cereals!
Totally agree with all of your points.

It's such an amazing game, too bad the negative notions surrounding the ending soured the game's overall reception and killed its leg.
I've said this quite a few times, every time we have a DXMD thread haha

But the game has some of the best city design, both in terms of art and level design -- notably content density -- in any game imo.

Underappreciated OST too ... at the fault of how the game uses it, maybe. I beat the game twice back-to-back and other than maybe the title music or the TF29 theme, it was mostly pretty OK/nothing stood out. But after a year of listening to the OST at work, I think it's almost as good as DXHR -- just not utilized as well by the game for whatever reason. But I listen to it pretty regularly, weekly, since last fall.


It was a very good Game with very good side quests (branching narrative)... But boy fucked they up with the loading times! i did all the side quest but it was very tedious to sneak from a-b get into the train and sneak from c-d to take on the side quest, they basically were never in the same area you were.

one of the first games that i actively caught myself thinking: "fuck it, i'll do that shit tomorrow" which always meant the day after.

aside from that it had the best areal/map/city design to date! i just loved the stacks (thats how i imagined the ones from ready player one!) that last mission was really neat, where you had to get the keys. that last one encounter was cheating like a pig with its spawning drones.

great game.

killer soundtrack.


I loved the first one. The second was is pretty cool; but I'm not a long ways in and I'm stuck at the police station; having to find a certain person or key card or whatever.

I don't like searching for shit not knowing where to search.


I liked it. I found that controls where a little messy the first hours but then I enjoyed it. HR is way better though...
I really liked it. I didn't understand the negativity around it, especially about the story. Not that it was that great, but that people would say HR was much better, when it wasn't. HR's story wasn't all that good, if we're being honest. Maybe a little better than MD, but why should that little bit matter so much? Everything else, gameplaywise was much better. The graphics were great, the written material was better, Prague was fantastic etc...

I don't know why the game cost so much to make, and it makes me sad to realize we will probably never get a sequel. People just aren't buying these games anymore. IDK what happened. Dishonored 2, MD, and, now, Prey, all failed commercially. I doubt we will see games like this for some time because of it. Such a shame because I love all of these.


I'd question how much exploration someone actually did to make the claim that Prague didn't have enough content to be on par with the previous games hubs (in aggregate). It's not The Witcher or Fallout in terms of volume but it's not meant to be.

The problem was not that I explored too little. I explored too much. Density means little when the secrets you find have no bearing on anything you do in the main plot is so anti-Deus Ex to me. Who cares? Emails? Really? That's it?

That's the problem I have with the game. Nothing I did in the game, barring the super fun (and all too easy and brief) serial killer quests made me care or feel like I had any agency in the world. You don't get more antithetical to the genre or to the franchise than that. Which is why I don't really care that it bombed.
I never understand the comparison with HR, especially in notions that HR is better than MD.

I played HR & MD back to back. I replayed HR just before MD is released. And I still think MD did many things better than HR.


Didn't they spend half the dev time creating the Dawn engine too? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I would think with a mostly eatablished engine and plot (supposedly), they could get a sequel out in a portion of the time it took MD.

I recently jumped back in for NG+. Been yearning for more. Mad at myself for missing out on the recent sale; $7.99 for the season pass. :(


HR is a poor man's imitation of DX. But the beats that it copies are so fucking good (and so rare in gaming) that it made for a much more memorable experience than MD.

I never loved HR. Arkane gets it. Eidos Montreal seems to have less of a grasp over the identity of its games. This was particularly obvious with MD which was really fraught between having to be a "Dems Ex" game and EM clearly believing it was their time to spread their wings and create something original.


The problem was not that I explored too little. I explored too much. Density means little when the secrets you find have no bearing on anything you do in the main plot is so anti-Deus Ex to me. Who cares? Emails? Really? That's it?

That's the problem I have with the game. Nothing I did in the game, barring the super fun (and all too easy and brief) serial killer quests made me care or feel like I had any agency in the world. You don't get more antithetical to the genre or to the franchise than that. Which is why I don't really care that it bombed.

I'd say the mails are much lesser in quantity here than in HR and also a lot less nonsensical (the newsroom emails in HR were kind of delightful in their over the top-ness I guess). They tell their own short little stories and flesh out the world and characters. They don't impact the main plot for the most part sure, so if that's your primary motivation for playing the game I can see why someone wouldn't care for them. I don't see how that's antithetical to the genre though.

Edit: I see your point about agency and I'll admit I did hope the game would be more reactive of the knowledge you've gathered from emails/notes.
In many ways I found MD to be the better game, there's no doubt about that.
However, I enjoyed HR more. This also happened to me with Dishonored 1-2.

It's difficult to explain, and the fact that they were five/four years between one game and the other also affected my experience; when playing MD and D2 I though that when HR and D1 were released I enjoyed the genre much more than last year.

But then, Prey came three months ago and completly blow me away. So at the end I just think both MD and D2 didn't click with me as much as their prequels, and leave it at that.


MD was one of my most anticipated games last year and I got it at launch. I would say it's a very good game. Prague is amazing and I like the city evolves as story progresses. I don't know, it's just so atmospheric. It's bleak, cold, distant, hysterical and absurd at the same time.
And i always love the dialogue system since HR. I think it's one of the most well implemented dialogue systems in any RPG game.

The biggest flaw to me is the main story line implementation, people can easily get disappointed especially after HR. There are just too many unanswered questions and a somewhat shallow feeling after the ending.


I'd argue the mails are much lesser in quantity here than in HR and also a lot less nonsensical (the newsroom emails in HR were kind of delightful in their over the top-ness I guess). They tell their own short little stories and flesh out the world and characters. They don't impact the main plot for the most part sure, so if that's your primary motivation for playing the game I can see why someone wouldn't care for them. I don't see how that's antithetical to the genre though.

Well, I'd argue that EM's email fetish is part of the problem. The newsroom and police station email stations were, as you say, comically over the top and completely unnecessary.

Where are the emails giving me killswitches to key antagonists in the game? Or hinting that the quest I'm going on in is a dead end designed to kill me? etc. etc.

I think Arkane did a great job with marrying environmental storytelling and player agency in Prey, and in Dishonored (which I don't really classify as an immersive sim - since they're not simulators and they sure as hell aren't immersive), you at least have very clear, obvious ways you can influence the plot and the world reacts in equally clear, obvious ways. Even if the plot branches in very binary A/B fashion.

I don't know if MD is incomplete and the ways your choices play out all would have happened after the ending of the game, or if EM deliberately ended the game at a point where they wouldn't have to show you the consequences of your actions reflected in the game world/story/quests/etc. For me, Deus Ex is player agency. The best beats in Human Revolution are ripped straight from Deus Ex (
they combined saving Paul and saving Jock into one!
) offer that same experience, albiet in very obvious, narrow ways.
Rucker dies
no matter what and that's the only "dialogue puzzle" in the whole game I believe. In DX, if I want no NPCs to die on my watch, dammit, no NPCs will die on my watch! AFAIK, there's only one prerequisite (
stealing the orchid
) you need to complete before the final quest in order to get the most optimal ending (which was way too easy anyways).


I thought it was a fantastic game with a wonderful sense of place, I can't fault the hub/atmosphere. It just ended abruptly. I was delighted with the game length (think it took me about 30 hours), I wouldn't have wanted it to be any longer but it would have been nice if the story built up for the last 10 hours of that 30!

The DLC is excellent if some of you haven't played it, especially A Criminal Past, though I did enjoy System Rift a lot as well.

I think the thing I didn't like most about the game was just a trivial thing that really shouldn't have bothered me, but did:

You can find the killphrase for the main enemy, and the only boss fight in the game (from memory) in a bag under a random desk in the last level lol. In DE1 the killphrases were hidden in like top secret rooms in top secret facilities etc. Not just sitting in a bag under a desk lol.


I know people love Prague or whatever, but there wasn't enough content in the hub world to position the game as an "open world" game rather than the structure of previous Deus Ex games (linked hubs, smaller hubs)

The voice actor for Adam was worse than ever in MD.
Really? I thought Toufexis did a good job with poorly written material. He had no chances to really shine in the game. They made Adam a pretty lifeless character with what they gave him.


Really? I thought Toufexis did a good job with poorly written material. He had no chances to really shine in the game. They made Adam a pretty lifeless character with what they gave him.

He sounds like someone with a normal voice who's being forced to play a dying chain smoker.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Kind of crossposting:

I think I played for an hour or so and dropped it. Really enjoyed HR, but MD was so uninspired.

For example, the first two sequences (Dubai terrorist hunt and the train station 'walk and talk') were, in terms of content, essentially the same two sequences that opened HR (Lab 'walk and talk' and Factory terrorist hunt), but switched around. Then it hit the same beat of asking you to get your cybernetics fixed by the local 'quirky' expert, and... I had to drop it. It was all the same beats in the first hour or so.

If it had been done in a clever, referential way, it might've been okay, but instead it was just... meh.

There was a complete lack of inspiration in MD. It seemed to me like it couldn't find it's own identity.


Human Revolution is one of my favorite game ever. I bought the Collector's Edition for Mankind and was super hyped for it to come out. And, even if I enjoyed it, it was a disappointment. Good game, but not on the level of HR.


Game is great, still listen to the OST as well as HR one frequently.

I love the atmosphere and exploration. I must've spent .. alot of hours just looking around Prague discovering stuff. Got the season pass a few months ago in PSN sale and finished all those up.

Sad the series is on indefinite hiatus now.


I was doing a no alarms and no kill play through and got to the snowy area where if you call the wrong person an alarm always activates no matter what you do

So fuck this game
I had that and ran into a game breaking bug right near the end which they took two weeks to patch.


I didn't know it was that time of year. I played this when it was released and enjoyed it and only this week have I just finished playing through the Season Pass content, which I also enjoyed.

I'm not keen on the Breach mode particularly - I did play through it in the base game, but have the feeling I won't play the update included as part of the Season Pass.

Season Pass for about £7 was worth it though.


Really sad to see all the users that abandoned the game in its early hours. It has a terrible start, but once you return to Prague at night that's when the game really starts firing on all cylinders IMO.
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