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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Wow. I did not see this coming.

Hate to break it to you but every single person on the face of this earth has used that word. Kind of a common slang.

I've never said it aloud. Singing a song, quoting a movie etc. I was raised and live in NorCal. I don't hang around anyone that says it either. I also live on earth.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The past few years have been really depressing because I used to be like "us gamers!!!" and now it's like "...us gamers :(".


If anything, the so-called "EU defense" doesn't do any favors for European global cultural awareness.

You guys are supposed to be the smart, culturally-aware ones!
Hate to break it to you but every single person on the face of this earth has used that word. Kind of a common slang.

Nope, not even once. If I refer to it, I say 'the n-word'
And I'm not American incidentally, and I've been described on these forums as being very insular, and even I know thats not an ok word to use.


What do people like about him? I watched one or two videos from him years ago and I didn't think much of him so I never bothered watching again, when he became some sort of gaming/streaming icon I had another view and nothing had changed and have not watched since (a couple of years ago).

I am not surprised to hear this at all, there seems to be some news about him being offensive every so often, and this seems to be increasing recently, it says on his Wiki page he's a comedian!
And now we have people saying that it isn't "fair" that black rappers can say it but not regular white dudes? It's almost like context matters. Also, I haven't heard the hard-r "nigger" used in rap almost ever. Jesus Christ.
Pewdiepie used the hard-r variant of the word in a state of anger. Trying to draw parallels to rap music is fucking absurd.


Pretty sure pewds lives in the UK ( just so happens to be in the city where i live) so the whole notion of the word not holding the same weight is dumb af. I've not heard it much over here but that doesnt mean people dont understand the severity of the term. This may have already been addressed throughout the thread but im only 12 pages in and trying to catch up.


I agree with what you're saying in the 2nd paragraph. I've talked about it before here on GAF (The last time it came up was when Piers Morgan was trying to make the same "How come white people can't say it" point people are misguidedly trying to make in THIS thread), so I'm just gonna quote from that convo:

It's said/spelled differently as a means to more closely replicate how the word/phrase is said out loud in speech. It's not a conscious choice that denotes a subtle difference in intent. It's literally the exact same word, it's just a matter of pronunciation based on the regional dialect you're using - although there are some people who believe the definition of the word DOES change based on its pronunciation, and that seems to have come about based on the continued misunderstanding that what's important is the vowel sound at the end of the word, and not the race and intent of the person using it. That misunderstanding is often kept afloat by white boys hungry to find a loophole that allows them to say the word they know they shouldn't be saying, pass or no pass.

Usually when the "er" is being used, it's a subtle (maybe even subconscious) means to use correct (i.e. "white") pronunciation to make the usage even more pointed, thus buying into and reinforcing (even on a small scale) the power structure that caused the word to be used, and the need for the word to be reclaimed in the first place.This feeds back into ingrained bullshit people have been taught at a young age regarding which races are allowed to speak english "correctly" without fear of social repercussion - but that doesn't change the fact the word is exactly the same regardless the pronunciation. It's a matter of who is using it, and the manner in which they're using it.

What we're talking about here is the idea that pronouncing the word correctly is considered "talking like a white person." That's why the word tends to take on a harsher tone when it's pronounced correctly, because it sounds like it did coming out of the white people in power who made sure to keep the black populace of America as uneducated as they possibly could.

The focus on the different spelling/pronunciation only really came about once hip hop albums started purposefully misspelling words (including that one) in song titles and album names as a way to make the titles stand out/be stylized. It didn't make the words new words because they were being purposefully misspelled, though.

A LOT of white kids who wanted to be down and appropriate that culture saw the fact it was spelled differently, heard the fact it was pronounced differently, as their "in" towards using that word without getting their shit wrecked for it. From there, this false distinction has been further confused and even adopted by some people as legitimate reasoning, not too different from the people who believe fag has to do with burning gay people, or that sagging your pants is an invitation to get topped.

Black people are expected to have their own, race-specific dialect regardless of what region they live in, and that expectation has been grown and fostered over a century now. That expectation is very tightly intertwined with this country's lowered regard for minorities in general. It's in and of itself an example of internalized, ingrained racism. "Black people talk like this, white people talk like this," ba-dum tisshhh.

White people would like for "nigga" to mean something different than "Nigger" because then it means it's easier for them to appropriate that culture so they can feel cool. Nobody feels cool being an outright racist, so if they can believe (and get others to believe) that the word doesn't mean the same thing simply because it has a different pronunciation, then they get to take part in the reclamation of the term without any of the discomfort that can and SHOULD go along with a white person using it.

Well said, I don't see why people can't also differentiate the fact that Pewdiepie said it with obvious negative intent.

He wasn't praising anyone, he was cursing them. Now, if the word was considered good or neutral, why would he say it in such a context?

You can tell that Ian Cheong also uses it when he's frustrated. Since he believes that it's OK to use it in such a context.
I agree with what you're saying in the 2nd paragraph. I've talked about it before here on GAF (The last time it came up was when Piers Morgan was trying to make the same "How come white people can't say it" point people are misguidedly trying to make in THIS thread), so I'm just gonna quote from that convo:

It's said/spelled differently as a means to more closely replicate how the word/phrase is said out loud in speech. It's not a conscious choice that denotes a subtle difference in intent. It's literally the exact same word, it's just a matter of pronunciation based on the regional dialect you're using - although there are some people who believe the definition of the word DOES change based on its pronunciation, and that seems to have come about based on the continued misunderstanding that what's important is the vowel sound at the end of the word, and not the race and intent of the person using it. That misunderstanding is often kept afloat by white boys hungry to find a loophole that allows them to say the word they know they shouldn't be saying, pass or no pass.

Usually when the "er" is being used, it's a subtle (maybe even subconscious) means to use correct (i.e. "white") pronunciation to make the usage even more pointed, thus buying into and reinforcing (even on a small scale) the power structure that caused the word to be used, and the need for the word to be reclaimed in the first place.This feeds back into ingrained bullshit people have been taught at a young age regarding which races are allowed to speak english "correctly" without fear of social repercussion - but that doesn't change the fact the word is exactly the same regardless the pronunciation. It's a matter of who is using it, and the manner in which they're using it.

What we're talking about here is the idea that pronouncing the word correctly is considered "talking like a white person." That's why the word tends to take on a harsher tone when it's pronounced correctly, because it sounds like it did coming out of the white people in power who made sure to keep the black populace of America as uneducated as they possibly could.

The focus on the different spelling/pronunciation only really came about once hip hop albums started purposefully misspelling words (including that one) in song titles and album names as a way to make the titles stand out/be stylized. It didn't make the words new words because they were being purposefully misspelled, though.

A LOT of white kids who wanted to be down and appropriate that culture saw the fact it was spelled differently, heard the fact it was pronounced differently, as their "in" towards using that word without getting their shit wrecked for it. From there, this false distinction has been further confused and even adopted by some people as legitimate reasoning, not too different from the people who believe fag has to do with burning gay people, or that sagging your pants is an invitation to get topped.

Black people are expected to have their own, race-specific dialect regardless of what region they live in, and that expectation has been grown and fostered over a century now. That expectation is very tightly intertwined with this country's lowered regard for minorities in general. It's in and of itself an example of internalized, ingrained racism. "Black people talk like this, white people talk like this," ba-dum tisshhh.

White people would like for "nigga" to mean something different than "Nigger" because then it means it's easier for them to appropriate that culture so they can feel cool. Nobody feels cool being an outright racist, so if they can believe (and get others to believe) that the word doesn't mean the same thing simply because it has a different pronunciation, then they get to take part in the reclamation of the term without any of the discomfort that can and SHOULD go along with a white person using it.

Man! Thank you, I was following this thread and kinda scared to ask if 50% of the white characters in Pulp Fiction are racists because they say nigga a lot. Your post really helped me understand it a bit better (edit: from Germany here btw).


After his last stunt, I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. His fans and friends hand waved that shit away which is how you end up here.

I said it last time and I'll say it again, fuck pewdiepie. Nothing but racist trash.


never left the stone age
I just saw a mod in here. Hopefully the purge will begin soon on the people defending this.

I think what you may have seen was the head honcho himself ;P. He just posted lol. Yeah all the alts are going the way of the dodo. For sure.

If anything, the so-called "EU defense" doesn't do any favors for European global cultural awareness.

You guys are supposed to be the smart, culturally-aware ones!

You don't get it, it's just that us Europeans are so much better at literally everything than North Americans. Including not ever having been racist, ever.


This is gonna be one of those graveyard threads again, isn't it? PDP threads should just be banned at this point. Guy is scum.


This really doesn't fly. American culture is pop culture, media and entertainment from the US is known worldwide. There is no excuse.
Pop culture. Sure. Kids grow up listening to American rap without understanding shit, they only really interiorize that you need to drop "nigger" and "fuck" every two words to be cool. They believe it's just slang. If they saw a black American they'd try to approach him using "nigger" thinking they're just being friendly. People use "nigger" trying to immitate what they listen to in music and watch on TV.

We don't study American history at school more than we do Chinese or Russian. Heck, most people struggle trying to remember anything at all about our own. And no swear word will ever have the same impact when it doesn't belong to your own language. More than that, most people will struggle to understand just how loaded just one word can be.

To put it another way, your average European racist isn't as knowledgeable as to go straight to "nigger" when trying to think of a racist slur in English.

These are just the facts, and I know they may be shocking, but don't shoot the messenger. It's just how it is. Not defending anything.
I've been enjoying watching these accounts be banned moments after saying some incredibly dumb shit, but it hurts at the same time knowing people are still this foolish.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Just thought i'd mention an interesting side thing that has appeared during this controversy. As well as calling it out, a few youtubers are blaming pewdiepie for the whole 'adpocalypse' that has been happening on youtube lately. Seems like other youtubers are starting to push back against their most famous video creator.

Need a lot more of this.


As a foreigner I was once wondering about the same thing. If a word is such an insult to a group of people, how can said group of people use it like nothing? But I guess this is just an American thing. When you're in America, you do as what Americans do.

If every time me and my friends go out and every time we meet up we punch each other in the arm...If I we wanna do that, then we can. If someone else comes up to me and tries punching me...He's probably getting punched in his face.


Honest question here so don't burn me at the stake.

Do we need to censor words if we're just talking about someone word using the word? If you're not using the word yourself and just use it in a context not directed at someone, does it need censoring?

How do people feel about this?
There, I said it.

PewDiePie is a piece of shit and it's time for him to leave. Hopefully this will be the last drop that bursts the bubble. Disgusting person.


Junior Member
I hope even the people who disagree about the n word being a racist slur no matter the situation or tone, I really hope this won't turn into a massive graveyard thread.
I understand where you are coming from - too many people try to argue "oh he said nigga not nigger so its fine!" but the words are different. The context matters though - someone yelling "fucking nigga!" after being killed in a game makes no sense, because nigga is a term of endearment.

The context absolutely matters, no doubt. I go into it further in this post here from another poster responding along these same lines.

Short version: Essentially, white kids trying to loophole their way into using the term in the early 90s clouded the issue enough that their attempt ended up securing some purchase, but not enough to allow them to fit it between their teeth as easily as they'd have liked, but just enough to continue confusing others as to what is and isn't off-limits.
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