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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
This news is eight hours old and it's Sunday.

So? He tweeted about it, so he's not busy. He can't make two tweets? Or a stronger worded tweet?

I don't get defended it. His tweet sucks. He's one of the few non-terrible high profile YouTube people and came at this with about as much fire as friggin TotalBiscuit.


Does Jim really have to spell it out for everyone that he dislikes racists and such?

He's been doing that for several years now.

Jims statement was fine. People are on edge because typically shitlord YTubers defend these garbage situations when they pop up. You have to really know Jims history (and calm down a bit) to see that his statement isn't damaging. There's likely zero overlap with PDP and Jim's audiences, I'm certain Jim didn't mean it that way. But don't worry about it, like I said, everyone is just on edge a bit right now, and rightfully so.


Black guy here...

I know many of you mean well, but I think we should stop perpetuating the notion that "nigger" is offensive, but "nigga" is an acceptable term of endearment.

In the black community, it is used as a term of endearment. It's also used as an insult. It's often used as an empty pronoun in reference to any person, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Basically, the word is used so liberally, that the meaning behind it is purely contextual.

But it's important that you note I said "in the black community". If you are outside of the black community, chances are that if a black person that hears you using any pronounciation of it, he/she will be offended. They may or may not make this known, but this is the reality. Also, there are many black people who find the word offensive, regardless of who says it. Finally, there are people who aren't black who feel the same way.

I just don't want anyone finding themselves in an unneccisary altercation, because the Internet told them "nigga" was a-ok.


I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum


4chan mentality. Shocking. People really should pay more attention to what their kids are watching on the internet though so they don't pick up any of these ideas from shitlords like him and jontron.
The PewDiePie trending topic on Twitter is just a ton of white guys saying 'well, we've all been there in the heat of a video-game, anything can slip out!' and 'It's 2017, how can a word offend anyone? It's just a word'. It's incredible how quick people are to defend racism. I wonder what the reaction would be like had an Indian streamer said it? Or if a black person had said 'y*d' or something similar...
Do you think he doesn't take issue with it otherwise?

Does Austin Walker or any other notably progressive writer need to preface every reactionary tweet to racism within games with "Hey guys, racism is bad. To further elaborate..."
oh my god

That's not what I took issue with. I took issue with him prioritising the image of streamers and youtubers over decrying racism not that he didn't give racism is bad 101

Like how defensive are people going to get because I didn't like a single Jim tweet

I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum
Yes, it does


I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum
Gotta have a purge every now and then

Seriously though what? Why wouldn't we have a thread about the most popular gamer dude in the world dropping the n word
Yeah. Me being critical of his first response to this means exactly that thank you so much for reading between the lines

*Construes Jim's unequivocally critical statement as meaning the only reason he's against PDP racism is money*
*Complains that other posters are misrepresenting his comment*
I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum

Gaming celebrity popular from a gaming channel streams himself gaming on a gaming platform doing something he knows damn well he shouldn't.

Whilst gaming, if I wasn't clear.
Guy lost bread with his corporate sponsor so he's going all in with deplorables. Chasing that dirty money will only invite misery and loss---he just doesn't know it yet.
The PewDiePie trending topic on Twitter is just a ton of white guys saying 'well, we've all been there in the heat of a video-game, anything can slip out!' and 'It's 2017, how can a word offend anyone? It's just a word'. It's incredible how quick people are to defend racism. I wonder what the reaction would be like had an Indian streamer said it? Or if a black person had said 'y*d' or something similar...

These are the same people who get up in arms if a black person says something negative about white people. They don't give a shit and don't think anyone else should, either.
I watched https://oddshot.tv/s/g_05U6, not a sub or like his content. his Nazi jokes did seem always seem to be in a joking context (that I saw), this does not mean they were good or not over used.(one video that I saw was enough) use of racist slang did seem brought on an 'oops' reaction from him (from the linked video context). of the little I have seen of pewds does not paint him as a blatant racist to me but I could be wrong.

Unpopular opinion but I doubt he is really a racist or nazi. is he funny? my thought is no.

not really sure if worth to be so worked up over.

Wow. He said "fucking n*****". What about that doesn't seem hateful to you? How can you not see that this is racism. Why the heck are you rationalizing anti-semitism as jokes?


I watched https://oddshot.tv/s/g_05U6, not a sub or like his content. his Nazi jokes did seem always seem to be in a joking context (that I saw), this does not mean they were good or not over used.(one video that I saw was enough) use of racist slang did seem brought on an 'oops' reaction from him (from the linked video context). of the little I have seen of pewds does not paint him as a blatant racist to me but I could be wrong.

Unpopular opinion but I doubt he is really a racist or nazi. is he funny? my thought is no.

not really sure if worth to be so worked up over.
You do realize that turning a blind eye to things is the first step towards garbage like the alt right forming up. "It's ok, he's not racost or anything". Meanwhile he continues to say racist and anti semitic things to his fan as ever of 50 million subs made up mainly of children and then we wonder years later why there are groups who form no reason at all have hate for other groups of people engrained into them


I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum
If this is going to "cause issues", then those issues need to be addressed. This "guuuys let's not fight and just play games!" attitude is exactly how this shit is allowed to propagate.


“What a fucking n-” Kjellberg said, while killing an opponent. “Sorry, but what the fuck. What a fucking asshole.”

Wait...Non-black people actually yell out the n-word during a heated moment?
Like why?
The context is just awful since he is basically associating black people with asshole afterward.

The only times that I can remember hearing someone using the n-word to end a sentence with are usually in movies where either a black actor is killing someone(You're dead, n-word!) or a white racist is killing a black person (You're a dead n-word!).

So yeah...and we are all pretty sure PDP isn't a badass MFer like Samual L Jackson to use the n-word casually when killing someone.
Even Eminem doesn't use the n-word, and he basically has a lifetime pass for it with the hip-hop community if he wants to use the word.
Black guy here...

I know many of you mean well, but I think we should stop perpetuating the notion that "nigger" is offensive, but "nigga" is an acceptable term of endearment.

In the black community, it is used as a term of endearment. It's also used as an insult. It's often used as an empty pronoun in reference to any person, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Basically, the word is used so liberally, that the meaning behind it is purely contextual.

But it's important that you note I said "in the black community". If you are outside of the black community, chances are that if a black person that hears you using any pronounciation of it, he/she will be offended. They may or may not make this known, but this is the reality. Also, there are many black people who find the word offensive, regardless of who says it. Finally, there are people who aren't black who feel the same way.

I just don't want anyone finding themselves in an unneccisary altercation, because the Internet told them "nigga" was a-ok.

I really don't know where this idea that saying the word but ending with an a instead of an er is somehow more acceptable. It isn't. If you are not black, don't use any version of that word, simple as that.


PDP's popularity and views seem to increase everytime he does this kinda stuff.

Pretty result of having an online culture based on toxic behavior, memes, and lulz.

The twitch channel crowd are gonna rush to his defense, and will just double down on all the dumb shit because they are so used to it that they consider it normal and acceptable behavior.

He's also too big too fail at this point. He's got such a big following, and most of them are dumb little kids who have been molded by that online culture I mentioned. He can pretty much say and do anything and they are just gonna go "lul"

Companies like Twitch and Youtube are the ones that have to start cracking down in this or nothing will change


Generally if you're starting off a post like this it's not a great idea to follow through.

I don't support racism but this is not really okay for Pewdiepie to say. I know he truly is not a racist at heart but his jokes and casual racism are a bad influence on his young and impressionable audience.
Okay? What's your point

Literally all I said was Jim's tweet was bad lol

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying when you choose to approach the situation from "this could be bad for us" instead of "this is a terrible thing he did" that that's a bad first response and gives a bad impression
His tweet was already pretty implicit with "this is a terrible thing he did."

I don't find his tweet secretly selfish or ignorant. I know Jim Sterling is not that kind of person. His actions and words for the past several years do not reflect that sort of behavior.
His tweet was already pretty implicit with "this is a terrible thing he did."

I don't find his tweet secretly selfish or ignorant. I know Jim Sterling is not that kind of person. His actions and words for the past several years do not reflect that sort of behavior.
I don't think his tweet is any of those things either. I just think it's bad

Interpreting "This guy gives all of us a bad name; other Youtubers should stop defending him" as "the only reason I think shouting 'nigger' is wrong is because it cuts into my bottom line" is not misconstruing? Ooookey, "bud".
That would be misconstruing. Fortunately that's not what I thought or said


I dont support racism but .....does this need to be on this site? Maybe look to reddit? Just gonna cause issues on a Video game Forum
When there are a number of posters in this very thread who sympathize with racism, even on a board that's often considered to be fairly progressive compared to other gaming sites, yes, it's clearly a topic that needs to be brought up.


I don't support racism but this is not really okay for Pewdiepie to say. I know he truly is not a racist at heart but his jokes and casual racism are a bad influence on his young and impressionable audience.

You are not putting opposite opinions before and after the but, and that is its sole purpose. I frankly don't understand your point.


Jim's tweet is fine because:

There can't be disappointment with a youtuber that has pattern of using oppression of minorities as an asset.
There is nothing to discuss. Just like his "Kill the Jews" sign he paid some dudes in a developing country to hold up it is appalling, there is no context that justifies his action.

At some point you just need to be done with a toxic person. So the only thing to discuss is the fallout that may hurt other youtubers. If there is something I may fault him it is that he didn't address the "us vs. them" mentality that makes select big youtubers come to the defense of the indefensible when attacked by the traditional media.


oh my god

That's not what I took issue with. I took issue with him prioritising the image of streamers and youtubers over decrying racism not that he didn't give racism is bad 101

Like how defensive are people going to get because I didn't like a single Jim tweet
Anyone who knows who Jim Sterling is knows exactly where his priority is in regards to racism. It's easily paraphrased by "Hey, fuck racism."


I don't support racism but this is not really okay for Pewdiepie to say. I know he truly is not a racist at heart but his jokes and casual racism are a bad influence on his young and impressionable audience.
Is this sarcasm? If the word nigger slips so easily from your mouth and your only justifications for it are "I was angry and I didn't realize I was streaming" then you are clearly racist. Racism is more than blatant hate.


"Hey kids: Unless you're quoting Huckleberry Finn that word doesn't stand stand up in context. Stop rationalizing. Stop it.


That's good.

Reminds me of one of the lit classes in my high school. We had this wonderful security guard. Big, black guy with a black belt in judo or something. Anyway, once a year when one class would read Huckleberry Finn, kids in the class would have to read aloud with this security guard. They'd have to call him the N word. The point was for them to recognize the power of the word and how awful it feels to use it. I believe it was the security guard's idea, and he thought it was powerful.

Still, some kids in the class told me the look he gave them was like "I'll remember this kid."

I actually knew him pretty well. Heard his whole life story. He's a good man, so though kids were intimidated by him, I always knew he was more kind than they gave him credit for.


Is this sarcasm? If the word nigger slips so easily from your mouth and your only justifications for it are "I was angry and I didn't realize I was streaming" then you are clearly racist. Racism is more than blatant hate.

He is trying to prove the poster he quoted wrong, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
I know he truly is not a racist at heart

How? We only know the dude by what he uploads to the internet. For all you know he has women locked up in his basement.

I'm gonna say someone who just throws out "fucking nigger" out of anger from playing a videogame is probably racist.


Reminds me of one of the lit classes in my high school. We had this wonderful security guard. Big, black guy with a black belt in judo or something. Anyway, once a year when one class would read Huckleberry Finn, kids in the class would have to read aloud with this security guard. They'd have to call him the N word. The point was for them to recognize the power of the word and how awful it feels to use it. I believe it was the security guard's idea, and he thought it was powerful.

This is the "make the kid smoke the whole carton" of racism awareness. That's good stuff.
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