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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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i don't see where i said that it is ok to say it in germany. I said it has a different ring. Again i'm talking about "nigger" not "neger".

What different meaning does "Nigger" have here in Germany? Heck. My parents know that "Nigger" is a slur and they use the Internet for Amazon and eBay.

Neger on the other hand is the german word and also a slur nowadays. In the way PDP used it it would be "Du verdammter Neger". Its not that far off from "fucking nigger"...
Europeans reappropriated nigger? What does it mean now? Republican been trying to make it okay for decades and across the pond yalla already made it mean nothing? Impressive
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

The French as a whole are fucking moronic racist. While your at it, don't forget to tell us about Frances open discrimination against Jews.

You're a stupid son of a bitch
What's the most upsetting to me is that this was the perfect time and place for him to actually make a change. If he made a video giving examples about how people talk online making them stupid and then talk about how wrong and toxic it is, I'm willing to bet at least a million youngsters would start questioning themselves. But who am I kidding?
I'm good man. I know I'm not a racist and the only difference is literally melanin. I just think a lot people like to appear that they care rather than actually caring and that no one's perfect and people slip up. Not defending at all simply trying to understand. I never liked him and never got the appeal personally, but I don't like being shamed and lied to about the facts either.

Lied about what? You're just an obnoxious troll. There's more than enough evidence for pdp's racist ass and you keep shifting the blame. If these are your usual "slip ups" then you're not better than him.

Fuck off, learn some empathy and then come back.


He monetised the apology video naturally...

Not a fan of his. Obviously super talented but has a history of these kind of offences. Not a good guy imo
yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

So, it's okay to say the n-word out of anger, if you're trying to be funny, and around black friends.

What exactly is the dream scenario where it becomes racist?


yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

I have a bingo! Where do I turn in my card?
yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.
Why though...

But even if your friends don't care, don't assume the rest of the world don't.
That sounded like the most boilerplate apology possible. Maybe just passable if this was the first time something like this had happened, but as has been pointed out, he's been in similar situations before, so this doesn't really cut it.


Listen, he should obviously apologize, no doubt. Can anyone here honestly say they've never said anything in a moment of anger that they immediately regretted and didn't truly mean? I watched the clip. It was clear he instantly regretted it and said "I didn't mean that". If this is a common occurrence with him I take it back, but is slipping up once in the heat of the moment enough to warrant destroying someone? This is coming from a guy that worked with a bunch of outright racists who said nigger constantly until I couldn't take it anymore and told all of them never to say that around me again. This pitchfork mob mentality is getting to be a bit much.

edit - I have a bad feeling about the reaction this comment will get. Please don't try to destroy me as well. I'm just trying to have a real conversation.

I get that you're trying to have a real conversation. But there's not really any way this goes well for you. And you aren't alone. There's a lot of "yous" who seem to think its fairly common for people to get a little upset and straight up start throwing racial epithets in little situations like gaming.

Every Gaffer has used XBL. so we know these people exist, but you are going to have to hold the L, because its not as common as you thought it was.

No... rational and half decent people do NOT CASUALLY CHUCK RACIAL SLURS like that. I don't care how common XBL and Steam chat made you think it was, it isn't. Its behaviour of the lowest of the low. Sorry if you thought it was otherwise and adopted it.


Surely the word here isn't really 100% relevant?, the fact that the word was used in a negative connotation is the issue, the fact that he used the word to highlight that someone or something was bad.

If you removed the actual word he used, and replaced it with some other demographic slur, the problem is still there, they way people use these words to highlight just how bad someone is.

The fact that is wasn't used as a direct racial slur is (IMO) irrelevant, it's the fact that he feels as someone is, or does something bad, then that racial slur springs to mind is the problem.

As far as I am concerned, the sooner Youtube clean house and get rid of these people from impressionable peoples eyes, the better.


Junior Member
yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

Sure Jan said:
Sure Jan

So if you say n-word in a comedic sense its ok?

Depends on the company and context, yeah. When there's no malice involved and there's mutual respect it's not a big deal from my experience. I wouldn't say nigga to a stranger and don't make a habit of it, but once in awhile I will with a friend and I get a laugh. Context and meaning are key.


Depends on the company and context, yeah. When there's no malice involved and there's mutual respect it's not a big deal from my experience. I wouldn't say nigga to a stranger and don't make a habit of it, but once in awhile I will with a friend and I get a laugh. Context and meaning are key.

Would he shout it in a crowded street or bar?, that's a pretty good litmus test of whether what you are saying is appropriate or not.
Yeah, hard to forgive repeated offender

His recent video about the hurricanes, earthquakes and firess currently was basically full of the usual right wing climate change denier talking points.
The video was like watching a segment on Fox News.

The dude is a full on right winger. Complete with the racism, anti-science stances, anti-sjw and anti-feminism.

He knows that this part of his message attracts a large part of his young, white, male audience.
And he knows what not to say to keep them around.

He is basically the mainstreamification of the politics of gamergate.


Va te balader dans le 93 en criant ses mots et tu me diras les résultats

Je suis dans le 78 et y a pas de problème avec mes potes, après si tu vas voir des gens que tu connais pas et que tu leurs dis "Hey négro !", là ouais ça passe pas, sauf que Pewdiepie, il dit ça à personne, c'est comme quand avec mon frère métisse ou mes potes renois on s'appelle Négro entre nous, y a aucun problème, c'est pas "méchant"


What different meaning does "Nigger" have here in Germany? Heck. My parents know that "Nigger" is a slur and they use the Internet for Amazon and eBay.

Neger on the other hand is the german word and also a slur nowadays. In the way PDP used it it would be "Du verdammter Neger". Its not that far off from "fucking nigger"...

The Word "neger" has a history in germany. Black people were called like that years ago.
I asked black friends of mine, all of them said that "Neger" hits them more just because they've experienced people calling them that.
In italy its "negro" as it is in spain.
Depends on the company and context, yeah. When there's no malice involved and there's mutual respect it's not a big deal from my experience. I wouldn't say nigga to a stranger and don't make a habit of it, but once in awhile I will with a friend and I get a laugh. Context and meaning are key.

Is it also okay to say it if you have a streaming audience of 50+ million people with a large portion of them CHILDREN?

Is it still okay to jokingly say it then?

I wonder how long you will keep defending this shit.
Surely the word here isn't really 100% relevant?, the fact that the word was used in a negative connotation is the issue, the fact that he used the word to highlight that someone or something was bad.

If you removed the actual word he used, and replaced it with some other demographic slur, the problem is still there, they way people use these words to highlight just how bad someone is.

The fact that is wasn't used as a direct racial slur is (IMO) irrelevant, it's the fact that he feels as someone is, or does something bad, then that racial slur springs to mind is the problem.

As far as I am concerned, the sooner Youtube clean house and get rid of these people from impressionable peoples eyes, the better.

If you totally ignore gaming has a race problem and like the history of the world then sure, the word doesnt matter.
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

So basically, your rationale is it's ok to call people "racist" names, because you and/or your community does it and it's accepted. That's wrong! How can people be so ignorant?
Depends on the company and context, yeah. When there's no malice involved and there's mutual respect it's not a big deal from my experience. I wouldn't say nigga to a stranger and don't make a habit of it, but once in awhile I will with a friend and I get a laugh. Context and meaning are key.

I don't mean this in a bad way I'm genuinely curious. Since 2011 half your posts have been made in this topic here today. On a gaming forum, has no topic caught your interest at all for five years, but is being able to say the n-word so important to discuss that you've posted more now than ever?

I'm just trying to understand a pattern.
Je suis dans le 78 et y a pas de problème avec mes potes, après si tu vas voir des gens que tu connais pas et que tu leurs dis "Hey négro !", là ouais ça passe pas, sauf que Pewdiepie, il dit ça à personne, c'est comme quand avec mon frère métisse ou mes potes renois on s'appelle Négro entre nous, y a aucun problème, c'est pas "méchant"

Hey this is an english forum, not a french one. You wanna say something say it in english dude.


yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

A white man shouldn't be saying nigga, nigger, or any other variations of the word. My coworker tried calling me "nigga" after hearing me say it, and we had a huge argument over it. He told me our coworker, who is also black, said he didn't care if he said it, and I lost it. In conclusion, I have never heard him utter that word, since.

Your friends are stupid tap dancing fools, who don't speak for me and my fellow black brothers. I'm outraged, and I'm black. Fuck you and your white ass using a word you shouldn't be.


Tu te fous de moi? Je suis métisse et avec mes potes on s'appelle Négro et Babtou

Hello. I'm from Colombia. And you have it all wrong. If you live outside the US but read this whole thread you know what's the problem with racist slurs. So you just shoot in your foot because you are playing the ignorance card wrong. Second, you can't play the card of you are a métisse or mestizo or mixed and therefore you can call everybody by their race because you have two races in you. Read a book be better.

Edit: and people know French. Don't be cocky.
Depends on the company and context, yeah. When there's no malice involved and there's mutual respect it's not a big deal from my experience. I wouldn't say nigga to a stranger and don't make a habit of it, but once in awhile I will with a friend and I get a laugh. Context and meaning are key.

Diet racism is still racism.
The Word "neger" has a history in germany. Black people were called like that years ago.
I asked black friends of mine, all of them said that "Neger" hits them more just because they've experienced people calling them that.

That doesnt change the fact that most german people also know what "nigger" means, especially in a culture where so many people consume American media.
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?
Hello, I'm French and if you use these words, you're unequivocally a racist piece of shit. So let's not pretend otherwise.

Tu te fous de moi? Je suis métisse et avec mes potes on s'appelle Négro et Babtou
This doesn't mean a white person using these words casually wouldn't be a massive racist.

The French as a whole are fucking moronic racist.
And your post is super xenophobic.


Unconfirmed Member
If you can zoom out enough, you can see the narrative shifting course from "Its a word in the heat of the moment" to "he apologized, move on".
That's always the case. This asshole isn't sorry for being a racist, he's sorry that this part of him got shown on a stream. And his idiotic supporters are trying their best to bury this incident.
I get that you're trying to have a real conversation. But there's not really any way this goes well for you. And you aren't alone. There's a lot of "yous" who seem to think its fairly common for people to get a little upset and straight up start throwing racial epithets in little situations like gaming.

Every Gaffer has used XBL. so we know these people exist, but you are going to have to hold the L, because its not as common as you thought it was.

No... rational and half decent people do NOT CASUALLY CHUCK RACIAL SLURS like that. I don't care how common XBL and Steam chat made you think it was, it isn't. Its behaviour of the lowest of the low. Sorry if you thought it was otherwise and adopted it.


And honestly, this isn't just about PewDiePie for me. (Never even watched a vid of his, but his influence is a problem.)

I just love the discussion of the racism problem in online gaming, and I have to "thank" that asshole for making it a hot topic again.


Just saw the apology vid. All i have to say...


Gotta love the off the bat deflection of "I hear so many other people use this language when i play...."


Hey this is an english forum, not a french one. You wanna say something say it in english dude.

I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game
I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game

He said it to a teammate...

Its as if I am telling you, in this forum "You french frog fucker." You think that makes it okay?
yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

They must be young. And one of these days you're going to get too comfortable with the wrong person and very bad things will ensue. I'm glad you have some good friends but that isn't something that would be ok in different circumstances. I've seen this happen in front of me and i lose all respect for the black people that let this happen.
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