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North Korea missile launch thread for September 15. 2017


Lets just hope that all those millions of innocent north koreans escape this nightmare once Trump loses his patience.
Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?

Do you seriously not understand the difference between provocation and deterrence?
You cant keep firing empty shells at people just to tell them you can defend yourself

I understand why we musnt retaliate with force but its so weird seeing people act like this is nothing
It's not about North Korea protecting itself, it's about Un protecting himself and the elites. If they cared about their people, they would have fed them first.
Russia is doing military manuvers with bialorusia on West front while it's alies shooting practice shooting rockets on the east side your move eu/ USA....fucking geopolitical horssshiet that the regular people will pay for that want nothing to do with this


North Korea is one of those situations with no good solution. Leaving them alone will result in this, but economical sanctions aren't doing anything. Direct intervention would be a disaster for all of the innocents living in there, and million of people living in Seoul at the very least.


Yeah I don't understand NK's motive/goal. Carrying out nuclear tests and showing the world invading is ill advised is a great deterrent, but launching missiles over other countries is just some, "come at me bro!" Shit.

The former let's them exist, which is what I assumed they wanted to do, the latter could accidentally trigger events that end their regime. I have no idea what NK is thinking at this point.


Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?



Yeah I don't understand NK's motive/goal. Carrying out nuclear tests and showing the world invading is ill advised is a great deterrent, but launching missiles over other countries is just some, "come at me bro!" Shit.

The former let's them exist, which is what I assumed they wanted to do, the latter could accidentally trigger events that end their regime. I have no idea what NK is thinking at this point.

Internal politicking? Maybe a faction of elites need to shore up support or project themselves from a more immediate threat?
Yeah I don't understand NK's motive/goal. Carrying out nuclear tests and showing the world invading is ill advised is a great deterrent, but launching missiles over other countries is just some, "come at me bro!" Shit.

The former let's them exist, which is what I assumed they wanted to do, the latter could accidentally trigger events that end their regime. I have no idea what NK is thinking at this point.

Maybe you have to show the world that you have the means to use those nuclear weapons you just happen to have and send them beyond your territory, to lets say, Japan or overseas?
Honestly, I don't logically see how a "little" country like North Korea would want to provoke a war where they will most likely lose... because there is clearly a great disparity between the NK arsenal and the USA..


This verge article describes how the US may have a chance bringing down an ICBM..

It relies on the distance the ICBM has to fly to reach the US as well as getting lucky. Given Japan is just a stones throw away from NK I would highly doubt they would get organized to shoot it down.
Is there a reason why ballistic missiles are supposedly hard to shoot down? in my head intercepting hundreds of small rockets at a time seems like a bigger feat, and those defence systems are about >90%
A giant missile that has to travel hundreds of miles seems like it has a million more chances to get intercepted.


Is there a reason why ballistic missiles are supposedly hard to shoot down? in my head intercepting hundreds of small rockets at a time seems like a bigger feat, and those systems are about >90%
A giant missile that has to travel hundreds of miles seems like an easier target...

ICBMs are *really* fast.


Is there a reason why ballistic missiles are supposedly hard to shoot down? in my head intercepting hundreds of small rockets at a time seems like a bigger feat, and those systems are about >90%
A giant missile that has to travel hundreds of miles seems like it has a million more chances to get intercepted.
And they almost get into the upper atmosphere before they start approaching there target. Super difficult to shoot down something traveling that fast and that far.
Is there a reason why ballistic missiles are supposedly hard to shoot down? in my head intercepting hundreds of small rockets at a time seems like a bigger feat, and those defence systems are about >90%
A giant missile that has to travel hundreds of miles seems like it has a million more chances to get intercepted.

One missile can be intercepted with enough warning, but nothing is 100%. Problem is nobody will fire just one nuclear tipped ICBM in anger. It will be dozens at a single target. The likelihood of getting them all before one hits is pretty slim, if not impossible.

Short range missiles like scuds with nuclear warheads are just as dangerous if not more so for countries like South Korea. The Allies had a tough time finding them during the Iraq War because they were easily hidden in the ground clutter and constantly on the move.


Junior Member
You know what... I'm done with NK. At this point, any country has the backing of any nation to wipe it off the face of the Earth. We don't need this insane dictator playing chicken with the fate of humanity.


In my previous years of working in China, the people there have been "protective" of North Korea, believing it to be the defensive barrier between South Korea/Japan (pro US) and China.

Granted, it's only a small handful of people I work with, but the general consensus always seem to be around this idea of North Korea being a "firewall" of some sorts.


Yeah I don't understand NK's motive/goal. Carrying out nuclear tests and showing the world invading is ill advised is a great deterrent, but launching missiles over other countries is just some, "come at me bro!" Shit.

The former let's them exist, which is what I assumed they wanted to do, the latter could accidentally trigger events that end their regime. I have no idea what NK is thinking at this point.

It's most likely internal.

This makes for a great state run media nationalistic headline.


They got some balls lol If one of them missiles malfunctioned and landed on Japanese soil HOLY SHIT WWIII

Unless it actually caused damage on the ground, I still doubt the Japanese would do anything. Spending the money and resources necessary to deploy a military to North Korea would cripple their economy in the short term.
I don't agree with this at all.
Isn't there enough war and conflict to go around already?

Considering just having the Self Defense Forces is technically violating the terms, common sense disagrees with the Article

You need increased offensive capabilites to deal with increased threats to peace. The alternative gets you Ukraine'd


Considering just having the Self Defense Forces is technically violating the terms, common sense disagrees with the Article

You need increased offensive capabilites to deal with increased threats to peace. The alternative gets you Ukraine'd

It's not all-or-nothing. Removing article nine would result in an unfettered increase in the build up of Japan's military. While the current administration would be more than happy to abolish the amendment (and they have attempted to do so already), the people have made it clear that they do not wish to return to a pro-war / pro-military society.

The argument that "Well, the SDF technically already violates this amendment so we should just arm up." is not only untenable, it's self-defeating. You would propose increased "offensive" abilities (which is interesting in itself--you said "offensive", not "defensive"), but increased offensive ability has never lead to stabilization or decreased tensions. In fact, it's the "increased offensive capabilities" of NK that is causing this very problem.

The answer is not "a bigger gun", it's how can we and the other nations of the world convince NK to abandon its current policies for ones that benefits its people and its neighbors.

Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?

You think on it and let us know what you come up with.
Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?

You really need to educate yourself a little on the matter before typing out that nonsense!
How about mass famine, murder and concentration camps for starters.





We've all made jokes—probably too many—about the totalitarian reign of Kim Jong Il in North Korea, but this the actual face of his regime. These are the most detailed images we've ever seen of the concentration camps that hold over 200,000 North Korean citizens.

The stories to come out of the camps are horrifying. Inmates regularly die from torture, and are executed by firing squad and public stoning. The ones who survive that are malnourished and diseased, but still forced into slave labor seven days a week, while subsisting on a diet of "rats, snakes, frogs, insects," and even feces, according to former prisoners.

Yet North Korea continues to deny the existence of the camps. But these new satellite images are identified by the South Korean Unification Ministry as sites of these concentration camps, including the infamous Camp 22 and Yodok, which holds as many as 50,000 prisoners, and make non-existence an increasingly difficult sell.


Gold Member
Settle the **** down NK. I'm going to Japan in two months. Can't this shit wait just a few months?


I don't like advocating war and death. But seriously, China, Russia and the US need to fucking bring down a heavy hammer on Kim before innocent people in South Korea, Japan or anyone of ours on the West coast are murdered.
Its only a matter of time before they actually do it or one of those pieces of shit fails and falls into civilian territory.
I talked to my cousin for about 2 hours tonight about this, he was stationed in South Korea 2 years ago, now he's in DC and he got me a little more spooked about this whole thing.

Hes convinced China is near being fed up with NK and something about Japans current leader declaring he will override the pacifist constitution (in 2020 if NK is still around?) if NK continues on with these tests has him on edge, but hes certain Un is legitimately ready to push the button.

With Russia using the Ukraine to sell NK missiles I'm worried Russia wants the US to stretch themselves thin to allow for Russia to flex on NATO and annex some Baltic states.

Those saying NK just wants to defend themselves remember that military officer who fell asleep in a meeting with Un so the officer was stood in front of a Anti-aircraft gun and shot as an example.
I don't like advocating war and death. But seriously, China, Russia and the US need to fucking bring down a heavy hammer on Kim before innocent people in South Korea, Japan or anyone of ours on the West coast are murdered.
Its only a matter of time before they actually do it or one of those pieces of shit fails and falls into civilian territory.
Thing is bringing down the hammer means South Korea probably gets fuuuuuuucked. I feel like both SK and Japan need to ask us to attack. They're the most at risk in every scenario, should be up to them.

And this is by no means WWIII, nobody is defending NK at this point. This is just a continuation of that Korean War we never finished.

Green Yoshi

Are you fucking kidding me?
No really, are you?
Do you have any sense of what NK is like?
Do you think only democratic countries should have the right to defend itself?

Why is it so hard for Americans to view things from a different perspective? Iraq and Libya were attacked by the USA, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil". So what do you expect them to do? I'm not defending the regime, but I understand why they are not giving up on their nuclear arsenal.


Do you think only democratic countries should have the right to defend itself?

Why is it so hard for Americans to view things from a different perspective? Iraq and Libya were attacked by the USA, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil". So what do you expect them to do? I'm not defending the regime, but I understand why they are not giving up on their nuclear arsenal.

They don't need nukes to defend themselves, they can do that just fine by holding Seoul hostage with artillery. The only reason they want them is to get a seat at the big boys table. This has nothing to do with deterrence.
Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?

I don't agree that the 'only solution is war'. That's a typical response coming from someone that has no idea what they're talking about.

However, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, and to also put in simple terms, do you realise the position NK knows it's in, and the hate it has for certain countries? It has repeatedly made threats towards the US, SK JPN etc but at the same time expresses it's 'if you can so can we' stance on becoming a nuclear power. It doesn't look good does it?

Yes, I think all countries should have the right to defend itself, but at the same time, not be a country full of famine, slavery of it's own people, hold such hate for the US and it's allies and have a fucking nutter as a leader. They could be spending all this time, money and research in something that actually benefits the country better... you know that doesn't involving mass killings of it's own people.
In my previous years of working in China, the people there have been "protective" of North Korea, believing it to be the defensive barrier between South Korea/Japan (pro US) and China.

Granted, it's only a small handful of people I work with, but the general consensus always seem to be around this idea of North Korea being a "firewall" of some sorts.

That is how the communist party also sees it.
No non western or western allied country want western military bases at its border. Especially USA ones they will probably smuggle weapons in your country and start a rebellion.
And replace the government with a pro western one.


Unconfirmed Member
Do you think only democratic countries should have the right to defend itself?

Why is it so hard for Americans to view things from a different perspective? Iraq and Libya were attacked by the USA, North Korea is part of the "Axis of Evil". So what do you expect them to do? I'm not defending the regime, but I understand why they are not giving up on their nuclear arsenal.

saying "i'm not defending them" while defending them having nuclear weapons :/ dude.
I don't know that there's any rule that says that a country has the right to defend itself. Or there is but that doesn't stop any other country from doing whatever it will also. There is only self interest. Nations will do whatever. If getting nukes and then stopping you from getting them puts my state in the strongest position, no amount of name calling and saying that's not fair is going to do anything. A country will never feel bad about interfering with another's ability to harm it.

Nukes are the big game now. But I don't think for a second that if there were ever to be developed an airtight seal against them that US would think oh no Russia and China can no longer nuke us and that's not fair it doesn't allow them to defend against our overwhelmingly powerful military force.


Escape it through famine and disease. It will be a humanitarian disaster on a epic scale

Can you argue that not doing anything is still a humanitarian disaster on an epic scale? But something no-one has the direct ramifications of except for NK itself?


Why shouldn't North Korea have the ability to defend its country?

Defend itself from who? No one is at all interested in this country. They literally have made up a bogeyman (previous war aside).

They use this bogeyman to get concessions and keep power.

Green Yoshi

saying "i'm not defending them" while defending them having nuclear weapons :/ dude.

I only explained why they have nuclear weapons. Stalin was one of the worst persons of the last century, still you can explain why he developed and tested nuclear weapons.


Unconfirmed Member
I dont understand why the PRC continue to support NK.

It brings nothing but blowback. It associates China with those fuckwits, at a tine when Xi is trying to assume regional leadership, it makes Xi look weak, because he cant reign in his boy, it leads to missile defense in SK and Japan, which weakens the PRCs security position, and it may lead to increased reliance on the US when Xi is trying to wean East Asia off the West.

Really, Xi has got no fucking cajones. Incapable of taking any realistic strategic decisions and just letting it slide. No way he, or the PRC, are mature enough for any global leadership role until they sort this mess out.


Was wondering when the 'don't worry guys, it's just another dick measuring contest' response was coming. Let's not care that large groups of people are getting alerts to shelter in place and impacting gaffers not just in Japan but in Korea

They got some balls lol If one of them missiles malfunctioned and landed on Japanese soil HOLY SHIT WWIII

Yeah no big deal Japan might get nuked but who cares right? The fuck is wrong with you?

There's a huge difference between taking the situation seriously and acting as if this is the last straw that will lead to nuclear war. NK has killed service men from other countries and we haven't entered a nuclear apocalypse. The "THIS IS IT!" weekly panic isn't productive or comforting to those at risk.

Not even Trump and his clowns have given up on every alternative outside of military action. Why don't you guys contribute to the diplomacy discussion instead of jumping straight to wondering how many people will die? Or maybe explain why you think the repeated statements from key members of his administration are lies and that they'll be sending the bombers over any minute now.
Something has to happen. This is insane

They just want attention... again. IN this case it's their retaliation against more sanctions. At some point we need to address them with talks.

They ARE on the winning end of any sort of negotiation because that's just how it is. The best deal in my opinion is to reduce sanctions and basically give them a free pass to being a horrible dictatorship with a terrible human rights record.

In any case, they also aren't dumb. They won't start a war but we've allowed them to push the envelope in being intimidating.

What's concerning is that any deal we give them, they may accept, but if they want more they can simply start shooting into the ocean again. But really what else can be done? With your allies so close to NK, it's hard to get away from them.

What may help would be for China and Russia to tell them to stop.
Russia and China would never because the country is a buffer zone. The regime is a useful idiot to them. But I have to imagine there is a point where they would lose if NK playing chicken with the world.


Diplomacy is starting to look like an impossible way to achieve the goal of getting NK to back down and give up on nukes as each day pass.

U.S should not tolerate the idea of a Nuke armed North Korea.
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