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Cuphead |OT| 2 Cups 1 Screen


Because it forces you to pick a time that's safe to use it. You're invincible while you're doing it, so you can use it to bypass certain bad situations, but because the animation goes on so long, adding more invincibility would make it like Super II + free damage.

We tried it with some invincibility frames, but we liked forcing people to be more conscientious with when they decided to actually do it.

I agree with you.

Also Super III is fun af.


Super III is the one I couldn't fully get. Are you mean to focus solely on using the ghost or are you meant to fight together? Because I felt it was impossible to aim the regular gun and use it at the same time.

Because it forces you to pick a time that's safe to use it. You're invincible while you're doing it, so you can use it to bypass certain bad situations, but because the animation goes on so long, adding more invincibility would make it like Super II + free damage.

We tried it with some invincibility frames, but we liked forcing people to be more conscientious with when they decided to actually do it.

Does Super II + spreadshot beat it/come close when it comes to damage? That's the deciding factor in how fair it is IMO.


Super III is the one I couldn't fully get. Are you mean to focus solely on using the ghost or are you meant to fight together? Because I felt it was impossible to aim the regular gun and use it at the same time.

Does Super II + spreadshot beat it/come close when it comes to damage? That's the deciding factor in how fair it is IMO.

At first I only focused on controlling the ghost so it doesn't just fly away while not getting hit myself but after a bit I managed to get a few shots in as well. If you cast it where you want it to be and just duck and standup again repeatedly it stays on the spot nicely and you can get a few shots in.
It works best with the charge shot because you can focus more on the ghost while charging.

I don't think that II with spread comes close if you hit almost all of III while still getting a few normal shots in.


Because it forces you to pick a time that's safe to use it. You're invincible while you're doing it, so you can use it to bypass certain bad situations, but because the animation goes on so long, adding more invincibility would make it like Super II + free damage.

We tried it with some invincibility frames, but we liked forcing people to be more conscientious with when they decided to actually do it.

I think this is fair. You can totally plan out a safe time to use it, you just have to account for whats going to be coming at you prior to activating it.


I'm not sure what to tell you. It got missed because it got missed. There are billion moving parts while you're wrapping up a game, including boss health and balancing EX shots vs standard shots vs trying to make standard runs work within the 2 minute limit, vs how fast you get supers vs boss movements vs charm loadouts vs everything. It just got missed.

It's kind of like this video:
I'll test your next game free of charge.


The only thing I dislike about the super is not being able to choose whether to burn one block or go for the whole shebang. This game is the shit though. Surprised how many people on my list bought it and subsequently have only beat one boss. I feel like the difficulty was highly exaggerated but I suppose I haven’t gotten through on expert.
Gotta say this game is perfect. Such a fun game and always pleasing to the eyes. Right now I’m attempting expert and manage to beat world 1. It’s on a whole other level.


I'll test your next game free of charge.
I think they'd make you moonwalk in a bear suit while doing so. Still though, be worth it...

Why can't these guys just hand over their fucking souls deed to me without any fucking fuss. I'm a nice guy.
Oh-ho-ho... I'm on to you ,RedRum (

Something I noticed about the flower boss fight in videos in which I've seen people fight him (not the A+ walkthrough videos or whatever, I don't watch those). The thing I would specifically make an effort to do
is parry the pink seed while it's on its way down. This keeps it from turning into the "brain thing" that shoots at you and takes away precious jumping space up top. I know that sometimes you just can't do it, but whenever he transformed his head to shoot seeds in the air, I would move to the middle and focus on where the pink seed would appear and try to snag it. If I miss it? Oh well, then I try to parry his shots for a while since from what I've seen they're all pink too.

Just something I noticed. I dunno...


Is there any reason to actually go for perfect ratings? I’m super early in the game, but so far the parry opportunities seem to be shoehorned in. There’s no real point to doing them besides increasing your score.

I’d rather just ignore them when possible. Really half baked mechanic.


Is there any reason to actually go for perfect ratings? I’m super early in the game, but so far the parry opportunities seem to be shoehorned in. There’s no real point to doing them besides increasing your score.

I’d rather just ignore them when possible. Really half baked mechanic.

Parrying increases your super meter.
I tried, but I couldn't finish the first level.

I have the NES Classic, Forza and Mario's coming out soon so it's very likely I'll never go back to it.
I tried, but I couldn't finish the first level.

I have the NES Classic, Forza and Mario's coming out soon so it's very likely I'll never go back to it.

You're cheating yourself.

Did you want encouragement? Just keep playing. If you plan on beating games on the NES, then you can beat this game. The learning curve is fantastic.


That’s all well and good, but I was specifically asking if the stage scores actually matter since parries effect it.

You unlock stuff based on if you get certain scores such as all As or Ps (in the run and gun stages). Plus like the other poster said, parrying charges super faster and allows you to do more damage in a fight which is incredibly helpful, in and of itself.
First game I've bought on Steam in a long time.

Great game but so freaking tough. I've 100% completed Super Meat Boy and I'm on the verge of tears at times here it's so difficult.

So beautiful though.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
so what are you guys going to do after you nerf the charge shot and people realize that getting in close with the spread shot is the new best thing to do in the game

because if you nerf that so help me God

Many people are about to find out that roundabout is the one true GOAT. Wasn't a fan of charge shot, but roundabout? Oh hell yes.
The flower boss, only managed to get to the final phase a few times, didn't survive long.

He was a right bastard. I stayed between the left and middle platforms, backed up when he lunged and concentrated on avoiding the falling seeds, using spreadshot to kill the sprouts. It's worth keeping track of the airborne one which is only vulnerable when it shoots. Try to kill it before it gets a shot off. On the last stage keep an eye on the platforms, and bail if vines start to form around it. It's unfortunately a case of "easier said than done" with that fight. Stick with it dude, it'll click before long.


The girlfriend and I are playing in coop and we're stuck at the train. We've been playing on the easiest difficulty. I'm sure we'll get it eventually, though.

After she went home, I went back to play a few solo missions, and it's absolutely insane how much easier the game is with just one player. Enemies that took seemingly dozens of shots to kill go down in about half a second now, even on harder difficulties. Run-and-Gun missions are like a joke with one player. Some of them made us want to break up with each other when playing coop.

Overall, one of my favorite games of the year, so far. It's super challenging, but just rewarding enough to keep me coming back for more.
The boss with legitimate problems is Dr. Asshole and his giant robot... Foreground elements in addition to a RIDICULOUS amount of bullets on screen? I love this game. I think it is nearly perfect... but the person that decided that boss needed extra obfuscation is awful. They legitimately have a black heart.

That fight took me like 2 hours to finally get through. Anyone else think it's a crazy difficulty spike or is it just me?


I had little to no problem with the flower, but I'm having a hard time with every plane stage.

Like 10 triest for the first one, and now 2
on the next section


Finally beat the game!

Loved the final stage
Tho it felt easier fighting the devil than King Dice's final phase

Loved every bit of it.

Spread MVP.
After having enormous trouble with every other World 2 boss, I was relieved that the Dragon was both manageable and fun to fight. Probably my favorite boss so far, the cute little face it makes at the start of the fight also took the edge off dying because it always made me smile.


Because it forces you to pick a time that's safe to use it. You're invincible while you're doing it, so you can use it to bypass certain bad situations, but because the animation goes on so long, adding more invincibility would make it like Super II + free damage.

We tried it with some invincibility frames, but we liked forcing people to be more conscientious with when they decided to actually do it.

Hey I just wanted to say

This game is incredible. It's really something special. It's one of those games you're proud to have played at launch. Thanks!


That fight took me like 2 hours to finally get through. Anyone else think it's a crazy difficulty spike or is it just me?

I think he is the hardest boss in the game by a comfortable margin. He took me around two hours as well. No other boss was even close to that.

During the third form, the foreground really fucked me up a bunch of times. I know the foreground isn't exclusive to this boss, but it was the only time it ever got me hit.


After having enormous trouble with every other World 2 boss, I was relieved that the Dragon was both manageable and fun to fight. Probably my favorite boss so far, the cute little face it makes at the start of the fight also took the edge off dying because it always made me smile.

W2 is the toughest world imo. World 3 has some tough bosses but I thought that it wasn't quite as bad as W2. And yes, matchstick was hilarious to watch his animation.


After having enormous trouble with every other World 2 boss, I was relieved that the Dragon was both manageable and fun to fight. Probably my favorite boss so far, the cute little face it makes at the start of the fight also took the edge off dying because it always made me smile.

I'm the opposite. I died a few times on the
boss but breezed through the other bosses on Isle 2 until I got to the Dragon.

I can make it to the final phase without getting hit but once I'm there I'm toast. I've died at least 20 times on that boss

Drain You

Every time I boot up this game I end up trying to blow a "hair" off my computer screen then I realize it is the game's static old timey effect.

Also on Dramatic Fanatic
is there anyway to avoid the wave that she starts doing on her third section?

Love the Queen Bee fight. The stage makes me want to eat a big bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

Reminded me of a couple of stages from Donkey Kong Country 2 I think


If Charge Shot is getting only a 10% nerf, it is questionable on how many boss fights it will even make a substantial difference. Most fights, because they have continuous health bars, sure, but on something like the
Ghost Train
the things during the 3rd segment only take 4 Charge Shots each, so 10% nerf might not even bump it up to 5 hits each.
It's kinda annoying how some bosses can be killed before you even have the chance to get three parries off. You have to intentionally delay the fight if you want a high grade.
Kudos to Cuphead, even when I die (like right at the fucking end of a boss fight, less than a millimeter away from the finish line, scream) the game is so appealing and detailed that the bosses are a joy to replay. The animation, the music, the sound effects, the backgrounds... so goddamn good. I find myself tapping my feet along to the music quite a bit. The super fast reset from dying helps so much, too.

Also, showing how far you've progressed with a boss or level is such a clever idea. It's that tantalizing look how close you were! or look how much further you got that time! It makes me so much more likely to retry, instead of taking a break or going to try another boss.

It's always a wonderful thing when an itch to keep playing a game stays with you, or digs its claws into you to the point you're ruminating on it when you should be doing other things, ie, in the middle of dinner with an epiphany of, 'oh, that's how I can dodge that attack!'
Grabbed this last night, and I know it doesn't need to be repeated, but holy hell is this game fantastic.

I'm maybe halfway through world 2 and there's already been multiple times when I've thought to myself 'this is the greatest looking game ever made.' The quality of the animation and design work is jaw dropping, but the fact that the playability and responsiveness of the control wasn't sacrificed at all in achieving this is so impressive.

There is a clarity of vision in the design of this game that is really remarkable.


But this doesn't work...

144hz works, but you have to turn on VSync in the game from what I've seen.

But there's really bad ghosting on anything over 60FPS. This is with GSYNC on. I'll try without and with ULMB.

Edit: Doesn't seem to get rid of the ghosting. I also can't feel/see a difference (other than the ghosting) between 60 and 144 other than my counter saying 144.
Just reached world 3. Genie was by far the hardest for me, rest weren't tooooo bad after getting used to their patterns. Actually managed to beat the dragon without losing health, but couldn't get a perfect because it died right before I used the super. D:
That fight took me like 2 hours to finally get through. Anyone else think it's a crazy difficulty spike or is it just me?

It was to me until I stopped looking at him and just set my eyes on Cup-plane for the rest of the phase.

Also on Dramatic Fanatic
is there anyway to avoid the wave that she starts doing on her third section?

Crack open the meteor and parry-dash with the star when you know the wave's coming.
Either that, or
just smoke bomb your way out of the crash.

I told myself I can't go for All S Everything until I beat a certain boss... Then it happened.


Four more to go!


but ever so delicious
Decided to finish the game this weekend. I found the devil to be far easier than expected.

All in all 168 deaths for 6hrs or so of game play. Really enjoyable game with a great soundtrack.

Not sure if i will try and do the levels for better scores, not that kind of gamer.
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