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Why do some women criticize sexualized character designs?

Are you fine with sexualized character designs?

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Unconfirmed Member
the other day i was at a friend's birthday party, she was projecting Supergirl on the wall, and we were all watching it. the first thing to happen when she gets to Earth is two truckers attempt to rape her, wtf? this is problem across all media. honestly i don't think games are nearly as bad as movies or tv. videogames have ratings on them, young children can't buy them, or at least it's not as easy as turning on the TV to Law and Order: SVU and seeing someone get raped and murdered. i have no problems w sexualization in games.

Agree fully on the first part - old art is pretty sexually-driven, and why shouldn't it be? Art expresses the human condition, and the human condition is mostly horny. Regarding the Supergirl thing, I do wonder if that's actually part of an agenda to present all men as potential rapists. Certainly I don't recall catwoman having such issues in the 60s batman tv series despite being hot as hell (and there's an example of a woman using her sexuality as a powerful weapon - men couldn't resist but they didn't step over the line, she was always in control). Batgirl also didn't have people trying to rape her.

Re SVU - my wife watches it and the last two episodes that were on while I got my kindle out (because I can't stand that tripe) featured kids in cages and lots of mention of 'immigration difficulties right now' in one episode and incels referring to their victims as Chad and Stacey in the other. I think we can take a guess on the political orientation of the makers of that show.


There’s a discussion to be had about this, but not on Neogaf lol

Sorry to be discouraging but not much to add that won’t get an “SJW!!” response

The irony is that on RE this thread exist as a separate entity and many users do not dare posting there for fear of getting banned. This opinion was expressed over there too as well as that the thread had run its course
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We never hear from women or feminists that men were too sexualized in a movie like 300, or in any game for that matter.... That is all...


Agree fully on the first part - old art is pretty sexually-driven, and why shouldn't it be? Art expresses the human condition, and the human condition is mostly horny. Regarding the Supergirl thing, I do wonder if that's actually part of an agenda to present all men as potential rapists.

it's not necessarily an agenda, it's the way powerful men see the world. women were legal property of men for centuries. read about how women were treated in the middle ages or in Roman times. over time it's become a lazy storytelling trope (no conflict? put a woman in danger) so it's probably 50% that 50% powerful men being evil sadistic people.

Re SVU - my wife watches it and the last two episodes that were on while I got my kindle out (because I can't stand that tripe) featured kids in cages and lots of mention of 'immigration difficulties right now' in one episode and incels referring to their victims as Chad and Stacey in the other. I think we can take a guess on the political orientation of the makers of that show.

political affiliation doesn't matter, this is a culture for everyone. re: SVU i think a lot of that is state/police worship, which is par for the course for corporate media, which prioritizes sexual violence & fear of the other in order to idolize cops. in there is some vicarious "fighting the bad guys through consumption" which is a hot commodity, thus you think the makers are politically good people, and that it is ok to watch. it doesn't matter, it's still profiting from sexual violence, it's still glorifying it even if they are the villains of the shows.


We never hear from women or feminists that men were too sexualized in a movie like 300, or in any game for that matter.... That is all...

I think its mostly a mindset thing if i see some insane looking muscle mountain wearing nothing fighting like a god in slow mo while screaming around like a lunatic i either dont care or i want to be the guy, i dont become jealous or want to censor it because of a unrealistic body image, nope i want to be the dude because its awesome lol
Another example is that i thought i would hate sylvando in DQ11 but nope he ended up being one of my favorite characters and thats with him behaving like a bad gay joke from the 90s to the point halfway in the game he has his own little pride parade.
I think its just feminists "searching for a cause" or insecurity with that being said one thing is for sure this sexualisation in media happens more to women than men.
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Its a non issue. It was a non issue back in the day with the pointy lara boobs, and it definitely isn't one now.

People nowadays seem te be so over sensitive about matters that aren't really important at all and just voice them out loud with the easiness of the social medias, foruns, etc. And I said "seem" because I don't truly believe those people are like that IRL, or at least most of them.

What I want to say is that I don't believe for one second that, lets say, 90% of the folks that argue about this topic in the sense of criticising and outright wanting to ban/censor this so called "over sexualization of women in videogames" really want that to happen at all. No, I don't think that to be the case, and especially the men. What they want is to show moral superiority, show that they have deep concerns about some topic that thought it doesnt necessarily affects them, is wrong in the public eye.

The problem is that what nowadays is considered wrong is such an subjective array of ideals that honestly, people really just want to show indignation and be a part of "the change".

If a designer wants to create a female character with big boobs, so fkn what? Let them. Its such a idiotic notion that everyone should follow a norm of what is deemed "acceptable" and whats not when in reality we should actually behave like grown ups and accept the way an artist wants to portray their creation whatever that way may be, and, more importantly, have the right to do it so. If that "portray" doesn't break the law and the content is rated accordingly for what it is then fine. You don't need to like it, or even accept it, but please don't try to build it into a huge issue when it clearly isn't.


Well in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking at this matter in a different way and without fighting and by trying to make it clear, and by considering each and every ones opinion ... lol

But really. I really feel like this is one of those things that is" how dare you feel that way about said thing".

You like big boobs in youre game. "
" You like Spanish girls "how dare you like spanish girls"
"what is wrong with black girls"

Its a matter of preference and men are being shamed for what they like. I want my Dead or Alive with jiggle. I want 2B. I want Bayonetta. I like these characters and the games they are in. Did they have to be sexualized or sexy for the game play to be good??? I doubt it. Is it a massive visual + for me as a consumer. Of course.

Now. Why women criticize this. Because now more than ever, women can be heard. A women who used to cringe at TomB Raider back then did not a have a slew of like minded women that could instantly make her fell like she is right in the way she was thinking via social media. Social media changed a lot of things.

Women comfortable with themselves or is prettier than average never meddle with these sort thing. I've never seen a cute girl /fine celeb female saying "oh my this characters are too sexy" "why does Samus got heels" . Mila Kunis played WoW. I dont remember her making statements on how the Elves are SOOOO sexy that she can't support this game any longer. ( maybe I'm wrong)

This post is long.. shit. Now I feel like I'm ranting. Hope it doesnt feel that way.


"...Now. Why women criticize this. "

It´s just a few activists, which also include some men. Women don´t even care, just like most men don´t care of sexualized super heros.


Well in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking at this matter in a different way and without fighting and by trying to make it clear, and by considering each and every ones opinion ... lol

But really. I really feel like this is one of those things that is" how dare you feel that way about said thing".

You like big boobs in youre game. "
" You like Spanish girls "how dare you like spanish girls"
"what is wrong with black girls"

Its a matter of preference and men are being shamed for what they like. I want my Dead or Alive with jiggle. I want 2B. I want Bayonetta. I like these characters and the games they are in. Did they have to be sexualized or sexy for the game play to be good??? I doubt it. Is it a massive visual + for me as a consumer. Of course.

Now. Why women criticize this. Because now more than ever, women can be heard. A women who used to cringe at TomB Raider back then did not a have a slew of like minded women that could instantly make her fell like she is right in the way she was thinking via social media. Social media changed a lot of things.

Women comfortable with themselves or is prettier than average never meddle with these sort thing. I've never seen a cute girl /fine celeb female saying "oh my this characters are too sexy" "why does Samus got heels" . Mila Kunis played WoW. I dont remember her making statements on how the Elves are SOOOO sexy that she can't support this game any longer. ( maybe I'm wrong)

This post is long.. shit. Now I feel like I'm ranting. Hope it doesnt feel that way.

So your saying only ugly women are offended by being porrtrayed as nothing more than a pair of tits


So your saying only ugly women are offended by being porrtrayed as nothing more than a pair of tits

No one in their right mind is being offended for being portrayed as nothing more than a pair of tits, because the real question is, what character in a game is portraying women as big titted bimbos? No one?
I mean, is the OG Lara Croft a portrayal of all women in the world (female gamers that is)? No, its a game character. No one should be offended by the looks of a game character, or anime character, or any character at all. Its a fictional character.

Anyway, like it has been told already, I think the majority of the so called "offended by SEX and SEXUALITY in ma vidya games" are actually men in the internet. Meaning, its not even being literally offended by anything, more like pretending to be offended on someone else's behalf. But what do I know, this crazy web world just gets getting more and more "far-fetched" by the minute.


Modern feminism in a nutshell.

Feminism was created to give opportunities to unattractive women.


Could be pretty girls too. I wont know as have yet to hear they're voice on the subject.

So at the very least you understand that the evidence you're presenting is admittedly conjecture?

Its a matter of preference and men are being shamed for what they like. I want my Dead or Alive with jiggle. I want 2B. I want Bayonetta. I like these characters and the games they are in. Did they have to be sexualized or sexy for the game play to be good??? I doubt it. Is it a massive visual + for me as a consumer. Of course.

You still have all of these things. My problem with most of this thread (besides the circle-jerky comments) is that we're conflating a group of people that have an issue with sexualization, with a group wanting to take things away from you. I'm sure some don't like any sexualization in anything and want it removed, just as Doom and Mortal Kombat had protesters. But instead of talking about this topic with some nuance we're talking about "ugly" feminists. In your comment, you didn't say "some men aren't being shamed", or "men are being shamed by some", you said "men are being shamed for what they like". Framing matters.

You say something like "men are being shamed" and then "I want 2B" and it's easy for me to think "yeah, I'm with you!" But what you're not really pointing out is that, if we're going to lean into conjecture, the vast majority of those discussing sexualization in video games don't want to censor anything or take away your jiggle - instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs.

Because now more than ever, women can be heard. A women who used to cringe at TomB Raider back then did not a have a slew of like minded women that could instantly make her fell like she is right in the way she was thinking via social media. Social media changed a lot of things.

Her: "I don't like the design of Lara Croft"
Slew of like minded women: "Yeah I agree"
You, I guess: "They're just making you feel like you are right"


Women comfortable with themselves or is prettier than average never meddle with these sort thing. I've never seen a cute girl /fine celeb female saying "oh my this characters are too sexy" "why does Samus got heels" . Mila Kunis played WoW. I dont remember her making statements on how the Elves are SOOOO sexy that she can't support this game any longer. ( maybe I'm wrong)

Yikes again. And more conjecture. I don't know why you even mentioned Mila Kunis here when you obviously have no idea what her position is other than she used to play WoW, and you don't remember her talking about something. And even if she just straight up came out and said "I like seeing 2B's underwear" what does that prove? Not all women agree on everything. You're both using this as evidence but then also providing an easy way out if you end up being wrong and someone finds a cute girl/fine celeb who contradicts this.

There are just way too many emotional appeals in this thread IMO


"...Now. Why women criticize this. "

It´s just a few activists, which also include some men. Women don´t even care, just like most men don´t care of sexualized super heros.
It's actually way more white male liberal activists than women.
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The nicest person on this forum
I feel like there is simple solution to all of this.

If you don't like sexy character design in games then just don't play games that has sexy character design. Its that simple, I don't know why some people have this mentality that if they don't like some thing it should disappear in face of the earth. Why!!?


There seems to be sexualised content in DMC V too.
Bad example. Besides the fact that none of the females are really sexualized, you are talking about the series with some of the most rabid fujoshi I've seen.
A good example of popular media having an observable negative effect can be found right at the inception of personal computers and consoles:

I've seen this chart repeated in a number of places, but there are so many bizarre assumptions baked into the typical interpretation offered.

It can easily, for instance, be that the shift towards widespread personal computers brought along a perfectly natural trend towards autodidactic hobbyism (as it did for me, a kid in the 80s who programmed on his early Tandy machine for fun, with no one having prompted, taught, or inspired me as a role model to do so) fueling a hacker-style career path, which transformed the field in a self-directed way from its prior status as something you opt into mainly as one career route among many possibilities chosen at school.

I think it's easily forgotten in those pre-PC decades (1970s and prior) just how closely aligned being a computer operator was to the secretarial world, and that programming as a job had for a long time been much more concerned with assisting in the data processing of a business in an essentially clerical and bookkeeping role. It wasn't, as a career, a matter of mathematical invention and ingenuity except for the niche theorists. During that time, women were in these roles, but it doesn't paint a picture of women diving into code the way you might expect.

When the home PCs hit, it is simply false to assert that advertising instigated the wave of young men taking a hobby interest. These very early PCs typically came with programming guides and expected the user to dive in and start playing with it at length to make things happen, and--as observed with autistic boys finding train systems and many other common preoccupations--it was predominantly young men who made up the odd group of people who happened to obsess over these new machines enough to start writing their own programs without outside help. If anything, this sudden domination of men in the field around the time that self-direction became possible only gives an even stronger indication that indeed, given tools put on the table and leaving everything to motivation, it is men who will always overwhelmingly (though not exclusively) gravitate towards this kind of thing and master it. And there's nothing unjust about that reality.
I feel like there is simple solution to all of this.

If you don't like sexy character design in games then just don't play games that has sexy character design. Its that simple, I don't know why some people have this mentality that if they don't like some thing it should disappear in face of the earth. Why!!?
Because those types of people are on a power trip and love to flaunt their "moral superiority" over others.


I've seen this chart repeated in a number of places, but there are so many bizarre assumptions baked into the typical interpretation offered.

It can easily, for instance, be that the shift towards widespread personal computers brought along a perfectly natural trend towards autodidactic hobbyism (as it did for me, a kid in the 80s who programmed on his early Tandy machine for fun, with no one having prompted, taught, or inspired me as a role model to do so) fueling a hacker-style career path, which transformed the field in a self-directed way from its prior status as something you opt into mainly as one career route among many possibilities chosen at school.

I think it's easily forgotten in those pre-PC decades (1970s and prior) just how closely aligned being a computer operator was to the secretarial world, and that programming as a job had for a long time been much more concerned with assisting in the data processing of a business in an essentially clerical and bookkeeping role. It wasn't, as a career, a matter of mathematical invention and ingenuity except for the niche theorists. During that time, women were in these roles, but it doesn't paint a picture of women diving into code the way you might expect.

When the home PCs hit, it is simply false to assert that advertising instigated the wave of young men taking a hobby interest. These very early PCs typically came with programming guides and expected the user to dive in and start playing with it at length to make things happen, and--as observed with autistic boys finding train systems and many other common preoccupations--it was predominantly young men who made up the odd group of people who happened to obsess over these new machines enough to start writing their own programs without outside help. If anything, this sudden domination of men in the field around the time that self-direction became possible only gives an even stronger indication that indeed, given tools put on the table and leaving everything to motivation, it is men who will always overwhelmingly (though not exclusively) gravitate towards this kind of thing and master it. And there's nothing unjust about that reality.

From what i understand, there seems to be a perceptions of a difference between nerdy and smart, all those other fields are seen as smart fields while Computer science is seen as a nerdy field.



So at the very least you understand that the evidence you're presenting is admittedly conjecture?

You still have all of these things. My problem with most of this thread (besides the circle-jerky comments) is that we're conflating a group of people that have an issue with sexualization, with a group wanting to take things away from you. I'm sure some don't like any sexualization in anything and want it removed, just as Doom and Mortal Kombat had protesters. But instead of talking about this topic with some nuance we're talking about "ugly" feminists. In your comment, you didn't say "some men aren't being shamed", or "men are being shamed by some", you said "men are being shamed for what they like". Framing matters.

You say something like "men are being shamed" and then "I want 2B" and it's easy for me to think "yeah, I'm with you!" But what you're not really pointing out is that, if we're going to lean into conjecture, the vast majority of those discussing sexualization in video games don't want to censor anything or take away your jiggle - instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs.

Her: "I don't like the design of Lara Croft"
Slew of like minded women: "Yeah I agree"
You, I guess: "They're just making you feel like you are right"


Yikes again. And more conjecture. I don't know why you even mentioned Mila Kunis here when you obviously have no idea what her position is other than she used to play WoW, and you don't remember her talking about something. And even if she just straight up came out and said "I like seeing 2B's underwear" what does that prove? Not all women agree on everything. You're both using this as evidence but then also providing an easy way out if you end up being wrong and someone finds a cute girl/fine celeb who contradicts this.

There are just way too many emotional appeals in this thread IMO

Hope you're not upset. I saw how people were treated at the purple forum and I really don't want to get banned .

I mentioned in my post that all this sexuality in games is some what a flavor. As in flavor of ice cream. a preference in the way you like you're women. Why is it that men who enjoy these things shamed for liking these things. Why can you not have a preference. The videogame market is capitalizing on what the "majority" of men enjoy. Men is the majority of the people buying most of these core games.

"ugly feminist"
It just seem from my point of view that less attractive women are very vocal on this subject. While attractive women dont even know there is a problem. I mentioned Mila kunis and WOW because Kunis is found attractive by most men. WoW has sexualized ( less armor is better trope) for female characters in that game. But when she metioned she played the game and the fact that she was a gamer she never mentioned any thing about over sexulalition and that it was a problem with our society.
When Felicia Day came on the scene with the little show the Guild. Was there any mention of over sexualiztion in games?
Olivia Muun was on a videogame show and i did not hear anything about characters being to sexy or that fact being uncomfortable to play games. Maybe they got on boat later on in theyre career ...

conjecture: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. I had to look it up : >
All that I type was my opinion. I didnt provide any source. No thesis . I posted about what I observed. Checking social media, FB Twitter, Instagram. If you go to the main search/display i dont see any major uproard, memes or hastags about sexuality in games and how its a spit in women face. Granted these pages are catrered to what you previoulsy liked (mine social is geard at art, drawing, games).

"instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs."The dialogue has been started, and developers even listened there has been stride made to make characters non sexulized whether it was in

Steven Universe
She-Ra 2018

or games.
Chick in new Assassin Creed
Lara Croft (new)

So... yea some gamers feel .. dare i say it feel attacked. Sony new censor force. Feminist even though being a small group is being very loud about the "sexualization in games". Things are changing. Even though there are Games like Horizon Zero Dawn . An excellent game. It isnt enough for some people. As not only game industry is introduction "strong females" they have to remove the eye candy that is the entertainment for others.
From what i understand, there seems to be a perceptions of a difference between nerdy and smart, all those other fields are seen as smart fields while Computer science is seen as a nerdy field.

More precisely: Medical School, Law School, and Physical Sciences draw in quite a lot of people who have an essentially social orientation, whereas Computer Science is a field oriented rather decidedly towards things and abstract systems. One of the most enduring differences in interests and abilities between men & women is that men tend to be more often purely interested in things whereas women will tend towards roles that involve people and a social approach to ideas; closely related is the male tendency towards systematization rather than empathy. These are rather consistent findings and will undoubtedly lead more men into programming while generally making it less appealing to most women, as an activity conceived of primarily in solitude with a machine and abstract code.


Why? Maybe they don’t like it? It’s that simple.

Why they don’t like it you ask? They just don’t! It’s that simple. Just matter of preferences.

Good thing most people love it.

Personally tho, sexuality enhances our(men and women) beauty so it should be embraced, celebrated, and encouraged. That’s why fashion is a thing. More sexualized characters the better.
Who doesn't like it? Unattractive women have a problem with sexy women in media because they are unflattering in comparison and it affects their chances in the dating arena. It's very logical in fact, this bitter jealousy.


Maybe you should do a quick Google search and discover why women don't like being reduced to objects for lonely twats to wank over

I did a Google search and I discover the complete opposite of what you just stated.

A lot of women love the spotlight they get because of their looks, so more power to them.


Gold Member
My problem with most of this thread is that we're conflating a group of people that have an issue with sexualization, with a group wanting to take things away from you.
Because that's more than likely going to be the shape the solution to these issues is going to take. Or do you have a suggestion as to how we could deal with content existing that a certain group hates to the point they want to reduce its prevalence as much as possible?

The way I see it, there is no compromise to be made. Either you like or just don't mind sexualized characters, or you dislike 'em and they need to go. There is no in between and no discussion to be had. That's why these types of threads are circle jerks. The same is true for the ResetEra thread, just the opposite way. There's no discussion going on there either. The real question is: Are you complaing to them too?


There’s a discussion to be had about this, but not on Neogaf lol

Sorry to be discouraging but not much to add that won’t get an “SJW!!” response

You decided to drive by, not to offer an argument, goodness gracious, no!, but to accuse GAF of being hostile to the side that systematically refuses to offer any arguments. Think about that.

My problem with most of this thread (besides the circle-jerky comments) is that we're conflating a group of people that have an issue with sexualization, with a group wanting to take things away from you.

And the problem to be had with the side that keeps raising the issue is that they don't seem to want to meet the bare minimum requirements for a rational debate, such as defining sexualization, stating why it's [allegedly] morally reprehensible and identifying its [alleged] signs.

Because they act as though their position is self-evident and as such are excused from arguing their case, their stance should be met with civilized contempt, until, that is, they show the will to engage in rational debate.

I'm sure some don't like any sexualization in anything and want it removed, just as Doom and Mortal Kombat had protesters. But instead of talking about this topic with some nuance we're talking about "ugly" feminists. In your comment, you didn't say "some men aren't being shamed", or "men are being shamed by some", you said "men are being shamed for what they like". Framing matters.

Pardon me, but the underlying yet never proven assumption behind the concept of sexualization is that, ultimately, sex is bad, lust is bad. Those are the cornerstones of the idea, without which it becomes instantly devoid of any real content and leverage. And if lust were indeed morally reproachable, the holder of the lustful eyes, the proverbial male gamer, would be inviting reproach upon himself, wouldn't he?

You say something like "men are being shamed" and then "I want 2B" and it's easy for me to think "yeah, I'm with you!" But what you're not really pointing out is that, if we're going to lean into conjecture, the vast majority of those discussing sexualization in video games don't want to censor anything or take away your jiggle - instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs.

They want to start a conversation, but can't even define their terms? Their basic thesis? Their basic argument? Present the supporting data?
Some dialogue.

Me, I'll start the discussion by denouncing the notion of representation in fiction as fraudulent. It's up to the people who bring it up constantly to establish that a fictional character is not simply a metaphor created for specific storytelling purposes but instead, lo and behold, should be read as a representative of real-life groups numbering in the billions, people all grouped together by virtue of one arbitrary characteristic. Representation is intersectionality applied to fiction and the result is no more serious, no more accurate or truthful than usual.

There are just way too many emotional appeals in this thread IMO

And one can spot them by the obstinate but conspicuous absence of rational arguments and empirical evidence.
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Go on then show us the results of your google search

Snoopy do you have the same issue with over sexualized male characters in games? Because those are just as abundant.

I think the whole issue is fucking ridiculous, if you don't like it fine don't buy it, you don't get to tell other people what they get to watch/play/read/wtv.
You do like it, great too.


But what you're not really pointing out is that, if we're going to lean into conjecture, the vast majority of those discussing sexualization in video games don't want to censor anything or take away your jiggle - instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs.

I am not so sure, as I said, all people want power. In the beginning when you don't have power it is "let's just have a little dialogue" - and the more power you get the more fun it gets



Maybe you should do a quick Google search and discover why women don't like being reduced to objects for lonely twats to wank over

In order for that to be accepted as truthful, you'd have to show:

1. Sexualization is tantamount to reducing women "to objects for lonely twats to wank over".
Please show that's the case.

2. Most women oppose sexualization.
Please show that's the case.

I can hardly wait.


Maybe you should do a quick Google search and discover why women don't like being reduced to objects for lonely twats to wank over
lonely women dont use men to rub their clit to smitterine??

It was only lonely women buying these books? The portrayal of these men was not exagetated? Dont say it was power fantasy for men. This sort of literature was clear sexualiztion. It was entertainment gear for the female readers.With that said yes there is clearly games geared for the male audience. But there are clearly games and even animation gear toward females now . ( i know its a book and a different medium then video games).

"instead they want to open a dialogue on tropes, representation, and, games starring more unconventional character types/designs."The dialogue has been started, and developers even listened there has been stride made to make characters non sexulized whether it was in

Steven Universe
She-Ra 2018

or games.
Chick in new Assassin Creed
Lara Croft (new)
Nora "

"So... yea some gamers feel .. dare i say it feel attacked. Sony new censor force. Feminist even though being a small group is being very loud about the "sexualization in games". Things are changing. Even though there are Games like Horizon Zero Dawn . An excellent game. It isnt enough for some people. As not only game industry is introduction "strong females" they have to remove the eye candy that is the entertainment for others. "

(is it taki to quote myself?)
Ps. in general do anyone know really any gamer busting a nut over bayonetta transformation? Of a Kill La kill transformation scene?
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Snoopy do you have the same issue with over sexualized male characters in games? Because those are just as abundant.

The amount of female characters being sexualized are much more than male characters though.

Which is a good thing as there are enough sexualized male characters in gaming. Female characters have a lot more ways to be made more attractive. Just ask Ulta Beauty.
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Maybe you should do a quick Google search and discover why women don't like being reduced to objects for lonely twats to wank over

I vaguely remember some stuff, i think it was 50 shades opening in the cinema and something about cucumbers ;P
Women are just as horny as men are.
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The amount of female characters being sexualized are much more than male characters though.

Which is a good thing as there are enough sexualized male characters in gaming. Female characters have a lot more ways to be made more attractive. Just ask Ulta Beauty.

Not sure that's really true, but if it is it would make complete sense considering gaming was pretty much a male only market until recently and it's still overwhelmingly men playing games.


Not sure that's really true, but if it is it would make complete sense considering gaming was pretty much a male only market until recently and it's still overwhelmingly men playing games.

As a designer, there are just so many amazing clothing designs we can make for women!

Men: nice suit I guess. Sorry guys.
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